Moderna begins clinical trials of a vaccine for the mutant Omicron

موديرنا تبدأ إجراء تجارب سريرية على لقاح خاص بالمتحورة أوميكرون منذ ساعة واحدة  واشنطن:  أعلنت شركة الأدوية الأمريكية موديرنا، الأربعاء، أنها ستباشر إجراء تجارب سريرية على جرعة لقاح معززة مصممة خصيصا لمكافحة المتحورة أوميكرون.  وسيشارك في التجارب 600 شخص بالغ تلقى نصفهم جرعتين من لقاح موديرنا المضاد لكوفيد منذ ستة أشهر على الأقل، في حين تلقى النصف الآخر جرعتين بالإضافة إلى جرعة معززة سبق وأن نالت موديرنا ترخيصا بها، وفق بيان للشركة.  وتهدف موديرنا من خلال هذه التجارب الى تقييم الجرعة المعززة الخاصة بأوميكرون لاعطائها كجرعة ثالثة أو رابعة.  كما كشفت الشركة أيضا في بيانها عن نتائج فعالية الجرعة التي سبق الترخيص لها ضد أوميكرون.  وقالت إنه بعد مرور ستة أشهر على إعطاء الجرعة المعززة، انخفض مستوى الأجسام المضادة ستة أضعاف مقارنة بذروتها بعد 29 يوما من إعطائها، لكنها بقيت قابلة للاكتشاف عند جميع المشاركين في التجارب.  وتم التوصل الى هذه النتائج من خلال دراسة عينات دم 20 شخصا تلقوا جرعة معززة بمقدار 50 ميكروغراما، أي نصف كمية الجرعتين الأوليين.  وقال ستيفان بانسيل الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة موديرنا في البيان “نشعر بالاطمئنان لاستمرار وجود الأجسام المضادة ضد أوميكرون بعد ستة أشهر من الجرعة المعززة الحالية”.  وأضاف “مع ذلك، نظرا للتهديد طويل الأمد الذي أظهره هروب أوميكرون من الجهاز المناعي، فإننا نعمل على تطوير لقاح معزز خاص بأوميكرون، ويسرنا الشروع بهذا الجزء من المرحلة الثانية من دراستنا”.  ويأتي بيان موديرنا بعد يوم من إعلان شركتي فايزر وبيونتيك المنافستين أنهما بدأتا تجارب سريرية خاصة بالمتحورة أوميكرون.  وبدأت دول عدة بينها الولايات المتحدة تلاحظ انخفاضا في الإصابات المرتبطة بموجة التفشي التي تسببت بها أوميكرون، لكن أعداد الإصابات في جميع أنحاء العالم لا تزال آخذة في الارتفاع.  (أ ف ب)     Moderna begins clinical trials of a vaccine for the mutant Omicron  Washington: The American pharmaceutical company Moderna announced, on Wednesday, that it will begin clinical trials of a booster vaccine dose designed specifically to combat the mutant Omicron.  600 adults will participate in the trials, half of whom received two doses of the Moderna anti-Covid vaccine at least six months ago, while the other half received two doses in addition to a booster dose for which Moderna had previously obtained a license, according to a company statement.  Through these trials, Moderna aims to evaluate the Omicron booster dose for administration as a third or fourth dose.  The company also disclosed in its statement the effectiveness results of the previously licensed dose against Omicron.  She said that after six months of giving the booster dose, the level of antibodies decreased six times compared to its peak after 29 days of administration, but it remained detectable in all participants in the experiments.  These results were reached by studying blood samples from 20 people who received a booster dose of 50 micrograms, which is half the amount of the first two doses.  "We are reassured by the continued presence of antibodies against Omicron six months after the current booster dose," Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel said in the statement.  "However, given the long-term threat presented by omicron escaping from the immune system, we are developing an omicron-specific booster vaccine, and are pleased to embark on this part of our phase 2 study."  Moderna's statement comes a day after rivals Pfizer and Biontech announced that they had begun clinical trials of the Omicron mutant.  Several countries, including the United States, began noticing a decrease in injuries related to the outbreak caused by Omicron, but the numbers of injuries around the world are still rising.(AFP)

Moderna begins clinical trials of a vaccine for the mutant Omicron

Washington: The American pharmaceutical company Moderna announced, on Wednesday, that it will begin clinical trials of a booster vaccine dose designed specifically to combat the mutant Omicron.

600 adults will participate in the trials, half of whom received two doses of the Moderna anti-Covid vaccine at least six months ago, while the other half received two doses in addition to a booster dose for which Moderna had previously obtained a license, according to a company statement.

Through these trials, Moderna aims to evaluate the Omicron booster dose for administration as a third or fourth dose.

The company also disclosed in its statement the effectiveness results of the previously licensed dose against Omicron.

She said that after six months of giving the booster dose, the level of antibodies decreased six times compared to its peak after 29 days of administration, but it remained detectable in all participants in the experiments.

These results were reached by studying blood samples from 20 people who received a booster dose of 50 micrograms, which is half the amount of the first two doses.

"We are reassured by the continued presence of antibodies against Omicron six months after the current booster dose," Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel said in the statement.

"However, given the long-term threat presented by omicron escaping from the immune system, we are developing an omicron-specific booster vaccine, and are pleased to embark on this part of our phase 2 study."

Moderna's statement comes a day after rivals Pfizer and Biontech announced that they had begun clinical trials of the Omicron mutant.

Several countries, including the United States, began noticing a decrease in injuries related to the outbreak caused by Omicron, but the numbers of injuries around the world are still rising.(AFP)

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