The Israeli President announces that he will continue to visit the UAE despite the Houthi bombing The Israeli President announces that he will continue to visit the UAE despite the Houthi bombing

The Israeli President announces that he will continue to visit the UAE despite the Houthi bombing

الرئيس الإسرائيلي يعلن استمراره بزيارة الإمارات رغم القصف الحوثي عقب الهجوم الحوثي على الإمارات قال مكتب الرئيس الإسرائيلي إنه "سيواصل زيارته للإمارات حسب المقرر"، وإنه "لا يعد في خطر بعد صاروخ الحوثيين".  أعلن الرئيس الإسرائيلي يتسحاق هرتسوغ الليلة الماضية استمراره بزيارته إلى الإمارات رغم إطلاق الحوثيين صاروخاً باليستياً تجاه أبو ظبي.  وحسب موقع واي نت العبري فإن الشخصيات التي ترافق هرتسوغ أكدت أنهم لم يسمعوا أي انفجارات وأنهم لم يشعروا بأي شيء في الفندق، كما لم يطلب منهم النزول إلى الملاجئ أو أماكن محمية.  وعقب الهجوم الحوثي قال مكتب الرئيس الإسرائيلي إنه "سيواصل زيارته للإمارات حسب المقرر"، وإنه "لا يعد في خطر بعد صاروخ الحوثيين".  وليل الاثنين أعلنت الإمارات تدمير صاروخ باليستي أطلقته جماعة "الحوثي" اليمنية تجاه أراضيها من دون خسائر.  جاء ذلك حسب بيان لوزارة الدفاع الإماراتية نقلته وكالة الأنباء الرسمية للبلاد (وام) من دون تعليق حوثي فوري على الأمر.  وأفادت "وام" بأن "وزارة الدفاع تعلن اعتراض وتدمير صاروخ باليستي أطلقته جماعة الحوثي الإرهابية تجاه الإمارات".  ولم ينجم عن الهجوم "أي خسائر"، حسب المصدر ذاته.  وأوضحت "وام" أن "بقايا الصاروخ الباليستي سقط خارج المناطق المأهولة بالسكان".  وأكدت أن "القوات الجوية وقيادة التحالف العربي نجحتا بتدمير موقع ومنصة الإطلاق في اليمن"، من دون تفاصيل أكثر.  وكان رئيس الاحتلال الإسرائيلي يتسحاق هرتسوغ وصل برفقة زوجته ميخال الأحد إلى الإمارات في زيارة رسمية تستمر يومين.  وكان في استقبال هرتسوغ في مطار أبو ظبي وزير الخارجية الإماراتي عبد الله بن زايد. وأعقب ذلك عقد اجتماع بين هرتسوغ وولي عهد أبو ظبي محمد بن زايد.  ومؤخراً بدأت جماعة "الحوثي" شن هجمات على مصالح ومواقع إماراتية بدأتها في 3 يناير/كانون الثاني الجاري، باعتراض سفينة شحن إماراتية قبالة محافظة الحديدة غربي اليمن، ثم هجوماً بمسيَّرات وصواريخ باليستية على أبو ظبي في 17 من الشهر ذاته.  والاثنين الماضي أعلنت وزارة الدفاع الإماراتية في بيان اعتراض صاروخين باليستيين أطلقهما الحوثيون تجاه أراضيها، مشيرة في الوقت ذاته إلى قصف مقاتلاتها الجوية لمنصة صواريخ في محافظة الجوب اليمنية أطلق منها الصاروخان.    The Israeli President announces that he will continue to visit the UAE despite the Houthi bombing  Following the Houthi attack on the UAE, the Israeli president's office said that he "will continue his visit to the UAE as scheduled," and that he "is no longer in danger after the Houthi missile."  Last night, Israeli President Isaac Herzog announced that he would continue his visit to the UAE despite the Houthis' launch of a ballistic missile at Abu Dhabi.  According to the Hebrew Ynet website, the personalities accompanying Herzog confirmed that they did not hear any explosions and that they did not feel anything in the hotel, nor were they asked to go to shelters or protected places.  Following the Houthi attack, the Israeli president's office said that he "will continue his visit to the UAE as scheduled," and that he "is no longer in danger after the Houthi missile."  On Monday night, the UAE announced the destruction of a ballistic missile launched by the Yemeni "Houthi" group towards its territory without losses.  This came according to a statement by the UAE Ministry of Defense carried by the country's official news agency (WAM), without an immediate Houthi comment on the matter.  "The Ministry of Defense announces the interception and destruction of a ballistic missile launched by the Houthi terrorist group towards the UAE," WAM reported.  The attack did not result in "any losses," according to the same source. "The remnants of the ballistic missile fell outside the populated areas," WAM said.  And she confirmed that "the air force and the leadership of the Arab coalition succeeded in destroying the site and launch pad in Yemen," without further details.  On Sunday , Israeli President Isaac Herzog, accompanied by his wife Michal, arrived in the UAE for a two-day official visit.  And Herzog was received at Abu Dhabi airport by the UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed. This was followed by a meeting between Herzog and the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed bin Zayed.  Recently, the "Al-Houthi" group began launching attacks on Emirati interests and sites, which it began on January 3, by intercepting an Emirati cargo ship off the Hodeidah Governorate in western Yemen, then an attack with drones and ballistic missiles on Abu Dhabi on the 17th of the same month.  And last Monday, the UAE Ministry of Defense announced, in a statement, the interception of two ballistic missiles launched by the Houthis towards its territory, noting at the same time that its air fighters bombed a missile platform in the Yemeni governorate of Al-Joub, from which the two missiles were launched.

The Israeli President announces that he will continue to visit the UAE despite the Houthi bombing

Following the Houthi attack on the UAE, the Israeli president's office said that he "will continue his visit to the UAE as scheduled," and that he "is no longer in danger after the Houthi missile."

Last night, Israeli President Isaac Herzog announced that he would continue his visit to the UAE despite the Houthis' launch of a ballistic missile at Abu Dhabi.

According to the Hebrew Ynet website, the personalities accompanying Herzog confirmed that they did not hear any explosions and that they did not feel anything in the hotel, nor were they asked to go to shelters or protected places.

Following the Houthi attack, the Israeli president's office said that he "will continue his visit to the UAE as scheduled," and that he "is no longer in danger after the Houthi missile."

On Monday night, the UAE announced the destruction of a ballistic missile launched by the Yemeni "Houthi" group towards its territory without losses.

This came according to a statement by the UAE Ministry of Defense carried by the country's official news agency (WAM), without an immediate Houthi comment on the matter.

"The Ministry of Defense announces the interception and destruction of a ballistic missile launched by the Houthi terrorist group towards the UAE," WAM reported.

The attack did not result in "any losses," according to the same source.
"The remnants of the ballistic missile fell outside the populated areas," WAM said.

And she confirmed that "the air force and the leadership of the Arab coalition succeeded in destroying the site and launch pad in Yemen," without further details.

On Sunday , Israeli President Isaac Herzog, accompanied by his wife Michal, arrived in the UAE for a two-day official visit.

And Herzog was received at Abu Dhabi airport by the UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed. This was followed by a meeting between Herzog and the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed bin Zayed.

Recently, the "Al-Houthi" group began launching attacks on Emirati interests and sites, which it began on January 3, by intercepting an Emirati cargo ship off the Hodeidah Governorate in western Yemen, then an attack with drones and ballistic missiles on Abu Dhabi on the 17th of the same month.

And last Monday, the UAE Ministry of Defense announced, in a statement, the interception of two ballistic missiles launched by the Houthis towards its territory, noting at the same time that its air fighters bombed a missile platform in the Yemeni governorate of Al-Joub, from which the two missiles were launched.

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