Moscow expects dialogue with Pakistan to continue under the new government Moscow expects dialogue with Pakistan to continue under the new government

Moscow expects dialogue with Pakistan to continue under the new government

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin expects the dialogue between Russia and Pakistan to continue under the country's new government.

This came in response to a question from an RT reporter about messages exchanged, according to Pakistani sources, between Russian President Vladimir Putin and the new Pakistani Prime Minister, Shahbaz Sharif, in which the two sides expressed their desire to enhance cooperation between the two countries.
Moscow expects dialogue with Pakistan to continue under the new government  Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin expects the dialogue between Russia and Pakistan to continue under the country's new government.  This came in response to a question from an RT reporter about messages exchanged, according to Pakistani sources, between Russian President Vladimir Putin and the new Pakistani Prime Minister, Shahbaz Sharif, in which the two sides expressed their desire to enhance cooperation between the two countries.  In response to the question, Peskov said: "We do not always publish diplomatic correspondence, but we recognize the fact that Russia is having a development dialogue with Islamabad, and that is in fact the way the contact was conducted, and we expect to continue the dialogue."  Source: RT

In response to the question, Peskov said: "We do not always publish diplomatic correspondence, but we recognize the fact that Russia is having a development dialogue with Islamabad, and that is in fact the way the contact was conducted, and we expect to continue the dialogue."

Source: RT

The President of Moldova holds a Security Council session against the backdrop of the tense situation in Transnistria

Today, Tuesday, Moldovan President Maya Sandu will hold a session of the Supreme Security Council, against the backdrop of the tense situation in the Republic of Pridnestrovje (Transnistria), which has unilaterally declared its independence from Moldova.

A statement issued by the press office of the Moldovan presidency said: "Today Sandu is holding a meeting of the Supreme Security Council on the background of the incidents in the region of Transnistria."

The Ministry of the Interior of the self-proclaimed Republic of Pridnestrovia (Transnistria), in eastern Moldova, announced earlier today that two explosions targeted the antennas of a radio center in one of the villages of the region. The ministry said that the two explosions led to the disruption of two of the most powerful antennas of the Radio Center, which re-broadcasts Russian radio programmes, without anyone hurting.

On Monday evening, unidentified persons fired several shots from an anti-tank grenade launcher at the Ministry of State Security building. There were no injuries, and windows on the upper floors of the building were smashed.

Source: TASS

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