Lebanese media: Injuries due to a mine explosion with an Israeli vehicle on the border with Lebanon Lebanese media: Injuries due to a mine explosion with an Israeli vehicle on the border with Lebanon

Lebanese media: Injuries due to a mine explosion with an Israeli vehicle on the border with Lebanon

Lebanese media: Injuries due to a mine explosion with an Israeli vehicle on the border with Lebanon On Tuesday, Israeli and Lebanese media reported that a landmine had exploded with a military vehicle that "was conducting bulldozing operations" on the border, and the Lebanese Al-Manar channel indicated that 3 soldiers were injured as a result of the explosion.  On Tuesday, Lebanese media reported that 3 Israeli forces were injured when a landmine exploded with a military vehicle "which was conducting bulldozing operations" on the border.  The "Al-Manar" channel affiliated with the "Hezbollah" group reported "injuries among the Israeli forces at the borders of the town of Aita al-Sha'b (south), due to the explosion of a landmine in a Hummer vehicle, during a bulldozing operation in Haraj al-Raheb (a military observation post on the Lebanese-Israeli border). )".  She pointed out, "The screams of one of the soldiers were heard after his leg was amputated by a landmine explosion, while performing engineering works at the borders of the town of Aita al-Shaab, and he was transported with a (type) Merkava tank."  The Lebanese channel stated that the Israeli vehicles "withdrew and the engineering works stopped at the borders of Aita al-Shaab, after the mine exploded and there were casualties."  She pointed out that "3 wounded people fell, one of whom had his leg amputated, and they were transferred to the military monk site," explaining that "the mine that exploded behind the blue line was one of the mines previously planted by the enemy."  The Blue Line was defined by the United Nations for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon in 2000, and Beirut reserves some areas that it passes through in light of Tel Aviv's continued occupation of Lebanese lands.  In the context, the Hebrew Channel 12 announced that "an engineering tool of the Israeli army was hit by a mine as part of an activity on the Lebanese borders," without mentioning any injuries.  In turn, the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation (official) stated that "a vehicle hit an old military mine on the border with Lebanon," adding that "this is not a terrorist event."  There was no immediate comment from the Israeli or Lebanese authorities about the explosion and its consequences.       Israel The Knesset ratified a law allowing the return to 4 settlements evacuated in 2005 The Knesset approved, in the second and third readings, the "Disengagement Law", which allows settlers to return to 4 settlements in the West Bank that were evacuated in 2005. The controversial law annuls sections of the disengagement law that paved the way for the evacuation of several settlements in the West Bank.  On Tuesday, the Israeli Knesset approved, in the second and third readings, what is known as the "separation law", which allows settlers to return to 4 settlements in the West Bank that were evacuated in 2005.  The Knesset (Parliament) said in a statement, a copy of which Anadolu Agency obtained, that it voted in favor of the law 31 members and 18 opposed it (out of 120).  The controversial law annuls sections of the 2005 disengagement law that paved the way for the evacuation of the settlements of "Homesh", "Ganim", "Kadim" and "Sanor" in the northern West Bank.  The settlements were dismantled in 2005 as part of the disengagement plan from Gaza in the same year.  The law abolishes the ban on Israelis living in the area where these settlements were located in the northern West Bank.  The Knesset said in the statement: “The draft law stipulates that Articles 23 to 27, which restrict and prevent entry and stay in the areas that have been vacated, will not apply, starting from a certain date, and authorize the security forces to prevent entry to the areas that have been vacated and to expel everyone who stays in the place in violation of the law, as well as to impose specific penalties.” In this regard, the areas that were evacuated in the northern West Bank.  The explanation of the law stated: "The law of implementing the disengagement plan aims to legitimize the uprooting and deportation of approximately 10,000 people from their homes, their source of livelihood and the fabric of their lives within the framework of the disengagement plan."  And he added, "Since not even one of the objectives of the disengagement plan was achieved, and since instead of benefit, it resulted in massive damage, which is more entrenched in the mind of the injustice that befell the citizens whose eviction and uprooting were legitimized by the law."  He continued, "Therefore, the proposal of the law requires the abolition of parts of the law implementing the disengagement plan, thus erasing part of the national and moral stigma attached to the state of Israel by the disengagement plan," as he put it.  For its part, the Palestinian presidency condemned the decision of the Israeli Knesset, and called for pressure on Israel "to force it to stop its unilateral policies."  The official Palestinian News Agency, Wafa, quoted presidential spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh as saying that the Knesset's decision "is condemned and rejected, and is contrary to all resolutions of international legitimacy, especially Resolution 2334, which considers all settlements illegal in all Palestinian territories."  He added, "The Israeli government is determined to defy international law, and is working to thwart international efforts to prevent escalation and stop tension."  Abu Rudeineh called on the international community, especially the US administration, to put pressure on the Israeli government and "force it to stop its unilateral policies that violate international laws and all signed agreements."  The current Israeli government consists of parties that support settlement in the West Bank, and it has recently stepped up settlement activities.  It is noteworthy that this development comes two days after an agreement was reached in the Egyptian city of Sharm el-Sheikh, between the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli government regarding achieving calm in the Palestinian territories and refraining from escalating tensions through settlement expansion and daily incursions into the West Bank.        Because the crescent could not be seen Arab countries declare Thursday the first day of Ramadan On Tuesday, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Emirates, Kuwait, Palestine and Syria announced the start of the first day of the holy month of Ramadan for the year 1444 AH, the day after tomorrow, Thursday. And it was not possible to see the crescent in each of the aforementioned countries, so they announced that Wednesday is the completion of the month of Sha`ban, and Thursday is the first day of the month of Ramadan.  Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Emirates, Kuwait, Palestine and Syria announced on Tuesday evening that the first day of the holy month of Ramadan for the year 1444 AH will begin, the day after tomorrow, Thursday.  In Saudi Arabia, the Crescent Chamber of the Supreme Court announced that "Thursday is the beginning of the month of Ramadan after it was not possible to see its crescent, and Wednesday is the completion of the month of Sha'ban (30 days)," according to a statement by the royal court, which was reported by the official news agency, "SPA".   For its part, the Crescent Sighting Committee at the Qatari Ministry of Endowments announced in a statement that tomorrow, Wednesday, is the completion of the month of Sha’ban 1444 AH, and Thursday is the first of the month of Ramadan, after the crescent could not be seen.  And the Emirates News Agency reported that tomorrow is the completion of the month of Sha`ban, and Thursday is the first day of the month of Ramadan in the country, after the crescent could not be seen.  In turn, the Mufti of Jerusalem and the Palestinian lands, Muhammad Hussein, announced in a statement broadcast by the official Palestine TV: "It was not possible to see the crescent of the month of Ramadan in the Palestinian territories on Tuesday evening."   He pointed out that Wednesday is the completion of the month of Sha'ban and Thursday is the first day of the month of Ramadan.  And the Sharia Vision Authority in Kuwait also announced that it was not possible to see the crescent of Ramadan on Tuesday evening, so that Thursday would be the first day of the holy month, according to the local newspaper, Al-Qabas.  Likewise, Egypt, Sudan, and the Sunni Endowment in Iraq announced Thursday, the first day of the month of Ramadan, with the crescent unable to be seen.  In the context, the Syrian Regime News Agency (SANA) quoted the Jurisprudential Council in the Ministry of Endowments, that Thursday is the first day of Ramadan, after the crescent could not be seen.  On Tuesday evening, most Arab and Islamic countries will witness the sighting of the crescent of the month of Ramadan.

On Tuesday, Israeli and Lebanese media reported that a landmine had exploded with a military vehicle that "was conducting bulldozing operations" on the border, and the Lebanese Al-Manar channel indicated that 3 soldiers were injured as a result of the explosion.

On Tuesday, Lebanese media reported that 3 Israeli forces were injured when a landmine exploded with a military vehicle "which was conducting bulldozing operations" on the border.

The "Al-Manar" channel affiliated with the "Hezbollah" group reported "injuries among the Israeli forces at the borders of the town of Aita al-Sha'b (south), due to the explosion of a landmine in a Hummer vehicle, during a bulldozing operation in Haraj al-Raheb (a military observation post on the Lebanese-Israeli border). )".

She pointed out, "The screams of one of the soldiers were heard after his leg was amputated by a landmine explosion, while performing engineering works at the borders of the town of Aita al-Shaab, and he was transported with a (type) Merkava tank."

The Lebanese channel stated that the Israeli vehicles "withdrew and the engineering works stopped at the borders of Aita al-Shaab, after the mine exploded and there were casualties."

She pointed out that "3 wounded people fell, one of whom had his leg amputated, and they were transferred to the military monk site," explaining that "the mine that exploded behind the blue line was one of the mines previously planted by the enemy."

The Blue Line was defined by the United Nations for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon in 2000, and Beirut reserves some areas that it passes through in light of Tel Aviv's continued occupation of Lebanese lands.

In the context, the Hebrew Channel 12 announced that "an engineering tool of the Israeli army was hit by a mine as part of an activity on the Lebanese borders," without mentioning any injuries.

In turn, the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation (official) stated that "a vehicle hit an old military mine on the border with Lebanon," adding that "this is not a terrorist event."

There was no immediate comment from the Israeli or Lebanese authorities about the explosion and its consequences.

Israel The Knesset ratified a law allowing the return to 4 settlements evacuated in 2005
The Knesset approved, in the second and third readings, the "Disengagement Law", which allows settlers to return to 4 settlements in the West Bank that were evacuated in 2005. The controversial law annuls sections of the disengagement law that paved the way for the evacuation of several settlements in the West Bank.

On Tuesday, the Israeli Knesset approved, in the second and third readings, what is known as the "separation law", which allows settlers to return to 4 settlements in the West Bank that were evacuated in 2005.

The Knesset (Parliament) said in a statement, a copy of which Anadolu Agency obtained, that it voted in favor of the law 31 members and 18 opposed it (out of 120).

The controversial law annuls sections of the 2005 disengagement law that paved the way for the evacuation of the settlements of "Homesh", "Ganim", "Kadim" and "Sanor" in the northern West Bank.

The settlements were dismantled in 2005 as part of the disengagement plan from Gaza in the same year.

The law abolishes the ban on Israelis living in the area where these settlements were located in the northern West Bank.

The Knesset said in the statement: “The draft law stipulates that Articles 23 to 27, which restrict and prevent entry and stay in the areas that have been vacated, will not apply, starting from a certain date, and authorize the security forces to prevent entry to the areas that have been vacated and to expel everyone who stays in the place in violation of the law, as well as to impose specific penalties.” In this regard, the areas that were evacuated in the northern West Bank.

The explanation of the law stated: "The law of implementing the disengagement plan aims to legitimize the uprooting and deportation of approximately 10,000 people from their homes, their source of livelihood and the fabric of their lives within the framework of the disengagement plan."

And he added, "Since not even one of the objectives of the disengagement plan was achieved, and since instead of benefit, it resulted in massive damage, which is more entrenched in the mind of the injustice that befell the citizens whose eviction and uprooting were legitimized by the law."

He continued, "Therefore, the proposal of the law requires the abolition of parts of the law implementing the disengagement plan, thus erasing part of the national and moral stigma attached to the state of Israel by the disengagement plan," as he put it.

For its part, the Palestinian presidency condemned the decision of the Israeli Knesset, and called for pressure on Israel "to force it to stop its unilateral policies."

The official Palestinian News Agency, Wafa, quoted presidential spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh as saying that the Knesset's decision "is condemned and rejected, and is contrary to all resolutions of international legitimacy, especially Resolution 2334, which considers all settlements illegal in all Palestinian territories."

He added, "The Israeli government is determined to defy international law, and is working to thwart international efforts to prevent escalation and stop tension."

Abu Rudeineh called on the international community, especially the US administration, to put pressure on the Israeli government and "force it to stop its unilateral policies that violate international laws and all signed agreements."

The current Israeli government consists of parties that support settlement in the West Bank, and it has recently stepped up settlement activities.

It is noteworthy that this development comes two days after an agreement was reached in the Egyptian city of Sharm el-Sheikh, between the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli government regarding achieving calm in the Palestinian territories and refraining from escalating tensions through settlement expansion and daily incursions into the West Bank.

Because the crescent could not be seen Arab countries declare Thursday the first day of Ramadan
On Tuesday, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Emirates, Kuwait, Palestine and Syria announced the start of the first day of the holy month of Ramadan for the year 1444 AH, the day after tomorrow, Thursday. And it was not possible to see the crescent in each of the aforementioned countries, so they announced that Wednesday is the completion of the month of Sha`ban, and Thursday is the first day of the month of Ramadan.

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Emirates, Kuwait, Palestine and Syria announced on Tuesday evening that the first day of the holy month of Ramadan for the year 1444 AH will begin, the day after tomorrow, Thursday.

In Saudi Arabia, the Crescent Chamber of the Supreme Court announced that "Thursday is the beginning of the month of Ramadan after it was not possible to see its crescent, and Wednesday is the completion of the month of Sha'ban (30 days)," according to a statement by the royal court, which was reported by the official news agency, "SPA".

For its part, the Crescent Sighting Committee at the Qatari Ministry of Endowments announced in a statement that tomorrow, Wednesday, is the completion of the month of Sha’ban 1444 AH, and Thursday is the first of the month of Ramadan, after the crescent could not be seen.

And the Emirates News Agency reported that tomorrow is the completion of the month of Sha`ban, and Thursday is the first day of the month of Ramadan in the country, after the crescent could not be seen.

In turn, the Mufti of Jerusalem and the Palestinian lands, Muhammad Hussein, announced in a statement broadcast by the official Palestine TV: "It was not possible to see the crescent of the month of Ramadan in the Palestinian territories on Tuesday evening."

He pointed out that Wednesday is the completion of the month of Sha'ban and Thursday is the first day of the month of Ramadan.

And the Sharia Vision Authority in Kuwait also announced that it was not possible to see the crescent of Ramadan on Tuesday evening, so that Thursday would be the first day of the holy month, according to the local newspaper, Al-Qabas.

Likewise, Egypt, Sudan, and the Sunni Endowment in Iraq announced Thursday, the first day of the month of Ramadan, with the crescent unable to be seen.

In the context, the Syrian Regime News Agency (SANA) quoted the Jurisprudential Council in the Ministry of Endowments, that Thursday is the first day of Ramadan, after the crescent could not be seen.

On Tuesday evening, most Arab and Islamic countries will witness the sighting of the crescent of the month of Ramadan.

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