Nutrients that help burn fat and lose weight Nutrients that help burn fat and lose weight

Nutrients that help burn fat and lose weight

Nutrients that help burn fat and lose weight  Dr. Alexandra Razrinova, a Russian nutritionist, announced that natural substances that speed up the metabolism and help burn fat (thermogenes) are many in nature.  She says, "These substances raise body temperature, speed up the metabolism, have an effect on burning fat, and activate the central nervous system. These substances are present in many foodstuffs."  And she adds: hot peppers contain capsaicin, black pepper contains piperine, and citrus peel contains synephrine, and caffeine and epigallocatechin are also attributed to thermogenics. And green tea contains its blend. Ginger, cinnamon, cumin, mustard, garlic, dill (fennel), parsley, basil, rosemary, honey and flaxseed are among the thermogenics.  The expert recommends that people who suffer from problems in the digestive system take these substances with caution, because their intensity affects and irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach.  And she says: "Since we know the effect of heat-generating substances, we should use them in moderation, especially if the person intends to go out of the house in cold weather. Because they activate the sweating process. As for people who suffer from inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, they can drink a drink of ginger, honey and lemon, Which helps to increase sweating and thus speed up the high body temperature drop.  According to her, all whole substances have a thermogenic effect, because some energy is released during digestion and thermoregulation is maintained. So we can attribute to thermogenics: fish, meat, eggs, whole grains, nuts, some vegetables and fruits.   Source: newspaper "Izvestia"      An ophthalmologist shows how to identify cataracts early  Dr. Dmitry Dementyev, ophthalmologist, explained the main danger of cataracts and how to recognize it.  And the specialist points out in a television program that cataracts are one of the most common eye diseases associated with aging of the lens. Because with age, the lens wears out and loses its transparency and decreases its flexibility. It can take a coin clouding the lens from 4 to 15 years.  According to him, the symptoms of cataracts are attributed to:-  The appearance of spots, circles and dots in front of the eyes.  Image duplication.  Intolerance to bright light.  - Poor vision in the dark.  It is impossible to predict and even prevent cataracts. Therefore, it is better not to ignore these symptoms and wait for their "maturity" to undergo surgery.  "You can go blind," he says. "But blindness from cataracts is treatable."  He adds: The operation usually takes 10-15 minutes, during which the patient does not feel any pain.   Source: Vesti. ru    Detection of four unknown signs of a common condition affecting women!  Pelvic pain, heavy periods, and pain during sex are common symptoms of endometriosis.  However, the symptoms of the condition, which affects one in 10 women of childbearing age in the UK and the US, can vary greatly.  It can range from pelvic problems to fatigue and difficulties conceiving. Here, MailOnline reveals four of the lesser-known signs of the Endometriosis Awareness Month case.  The debilitating condition, which affects 176 million women worldwide, causes endometrial-like tissue to grow in other places, such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes, causing inflammation and pain.  "It can be difficult to diagnose endometriosis because symptoms can vary greatly. Some women have severe symptoms. Their symptoms may be similar to other conditions including period pain," explained Beena Mehta, a pharmacist at Boots.  Bowel problems  Although it is a condition that affects the uterus and is commonly associated with menstrual pain, it can also cause bowel problems.  For this reason, endometriosis is often misdiagnosed as IBS due to the digestive problems caused by the condition such as abdominal pain, bloating, and constipation.  The symptoms are caused by endometrial tissue sticking to the intestines and causing inflammation, which can lead to symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhea, according to nutritionist Dr. Caitlin Hall.  She adds that in severe cases, endometrial tissue can cause a blockage in the intestines, leading to constipation, nausea and even vomiting.  Pharmacist Mehta warns that endometriosis can cause, in some cases, blood in the urine or stool during the menstrual cycle.  "While there is no cure, there are treatments that can help relieve symptoms, including pain relief medications and hormone medications," she said.  Tired  Feeling tired is also a symptom of endometriosis.  According to Dr. Erim Teezer Ates, the chronic pain and inflammation associated with the condition can contribute to this fatigue.  She explained that for many women these symptoms resolve, and others struggle to identify the warning signs.  Physical exhaustion can be a debilitating symptom of the condition that affects a woman's daily life, stress levels and sleep.  The cause of fatigue is believed to be the body's effort to eliminate the condition, according to the Endometriosis Foundation of America.  Experts say fatigue is caused by the body's attempt to combat inflammatory toxins caused by disease.  Urination pain  Just like how endometriosis tissue grows in the intestines, it can also grow around the bladder, causing irritation. This is why it can cause pain when urinating.  Endometriosis of the bladder can be superficial -- when tissue is found on the outside of the bladder -- or deeper -- when tissue is found within the lining or wall of the bladder.  Its symptoms include bladder irritation, the need to urinate more often, pain when the bladder is full, occasional blood in the urine, and sometimes pain in the kidney area, according to the Endometriosis Center UK.  However, women with endometriosis who experience pain when urinating may not have uterine-like tissue on their bladder, as can be caused by a urinary tract infection - which is more common in women with endometriosis.  Jenny Saft, CEO and co-founder of fertility platform Apryl, said: “Some women with endometriosis will experience recurring bouts of thrush, as well as other gastrointestinal infections such as UTIs. This may be a result of immune imbalance: many people seem to People with endometriosis have reduced immunity against other conditions - and thrush is more common in people with weakened immune systems."  However, she adds, it is not yet known whether reduced immune function contributes to endometriosis, or occurs as a result of endometriosis.  Pregnancy problems  Many women with endometriosis struggle to conceive, but the cause is still not understood.  Because of a lack of research, the links between fertility problems and the condition are not fully known. But doctors believe the cause may be due to the condition, which deforms the genitals.  This can lead to women needing surgery or IVF to get pregnant.  But Saft says it's a misconception that people with endometriosis will never be able to conceive naturally.  However, she admits that it can be more difficult among women with endometriosis.  "If you have received a diagnosis and are still hoping to start a family, don't feel discouraged. It is estimated that 60 to 70% of women with endometriosis can conceive naturally," she said.  Source: Daily Mail

Dr. Alexandra Razrinova, a Russian nutritionist, announced that natural substances that speed up the metabolism and help burn fat (thermogenes) are many in nature.

She says, "These substances raise body temperature, speed up the metabolism, have an effect on burning fat, and activate the central nervous system. These substances are present in many foodstuffs."

And she adds: hot peppers contain capsaicin, black pepper contains piperine, and citrus peel contains synephrine, and caffeine and epigallocatechin are also attributed to thermogenics. And green tea contains its blend. Ginger, cinnamon, cumin, mustard, garlic, dill (fennel), parsley, basil, rosemary, honey and flaxseed are among the thermogenics.

The expert recommends that people who suffer from problems in the digestive system take these substances with caution, because their intensity affects and irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach.

And she says: "Since we know the effect of heat-generating substances, we should use them in moderation, especially if the person intends to go out of the house in cold weather. Because they activate the sweating process. As for people who suffer from inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, they can drink a drink of ginger, honey and lemon, Which helps to increase sweating and thus speed up the high body temperature drop.

According to her, all whole substances have a thermogenic effect, because some energy is released during digestion and thermoregulation is maintained. So we can attribute to thermogenics: fish, meat, eggs, whole grains, nuts, some vegetables and fruits.   Source: newspaper "Izvestia"

An ophthalmologist shows how to identify cataracts early

Dr. Dmitry Dementyev, ophthalmologist, explained the main danger of cataracts and how to recognize it.

And the specialist points out in a television program that cataracts are one of the most common eye diseases associated with aging of the lens. Because with age, the lens wears out and loses its transparency and decreases its flexibility. It can take a coin clouding the lens from 4 to 15 years.

According to him, the symptoms of cataracts are attributed to:-

The appearance of spots, circles and dots in front of the eyes.

Image duplication.

Intolerance to bright light.

- Poor vision in the dark.

It is impossible to predict and even prevent cataracts. Therefore, it is better not to ignore these symptoms and wait for their "maturity" to undergo surgery.

"You can go blind," he says. "But blindness from cataracts is treatable."

He adds: The operation usually takes 10-15 minutes, during which the patient does not feel any pain.   Source: Vesti. ru

Detection of four unknown signs of a common condition affecting women!

Pelvic pain, heavy periods, and pain during sex are common symptoms of endometriosis.

However, the symptoms of the condition, which affects one in 10 women of childbearing age in the UK and the US, can vary greatly.

It can range from pelvic problems to fatigue and difficulties conceiving. Here, MailOnline reveals four of the lesser-known signs of the Endometriosis Awareness Month case.

The debilitating condition, which affects 176 million women worldwide, causes endometrial-like tissue to grow in other places, such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes, causing inflammation and pain.

"It can be difficult to diagnose endometriosis because symptoms can vary greatly. Some women have severe symptoms. Their symptoms may be similar to other conditions including period pain," explained Beena Mehta, a pharmacist at Boots.

Bowel problems

Although it is a condition that affects the uterus and is commonly associated with menstrual pain, it can also cause bowel problems.

For this reason, endometriosis is often misdiagnosed as IBS due to the digestive problems caused by the condition such as abdominal pain, bloating, and constipation.

The symptoms are caused by endometrial tissue sticking to the intestines and causing inflammation, which can lead to symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhea, according to nutritionist Dr. Caitlin Hall.

She adds that in severe cases, endometrial tissue can cause a blockage in the intestines, leading to constipation, nausea and even vomiting.

Pharmacist Mehta warns that endometriosis can cause, in some cases, blood in the urine or stool during the menstrual cycle.

"While there is no cure, there are treatments that can help relieve symptoms, including pain relief medications and hormone medications," she said.


Feeling tired is also a symptom of endometriosis.

According to Dr. Erim Teezer Ates, the chronic pain and inflammation associated with the condition can contribute to this fatigue.

She explained that for many women these symptoms resolve, and others struggle to identify the warning signs.

Physical exhaustion can be a debilitating symptom of the condition that affects a woman's daily life, stress levels and sleep.

The cause of fatigue is believed to be the body's effort to eliminate the condition, according to the Endometriosis Foundation of America.

Experts say fatigue is caused by the body's attempt to combat inflammatory toxins caused by disease.

Urination pain

Just like how endometriosis tissue grows in the intestines, it can also grow around the bladder, causing irritation. This is why it can cause pain when urinating.

Endometriosis of the bladder can be superficial -- when tissue is found on the outside of the bladder -- or deeper -- when tissue is found within the lining or wall of the bladder.

Its symptoms include bladder irritation, the need to urinate more often, pain when the bladder is full, occasional blood in the urine, and sometimes pain in the kidney area, according to the Endometriosis Center UK.

However, women with endometriosis who experience pain when urinating may not have uterine-like tissue on their bladder, as can be caused by a urinary tract infection - which is more common in women with endometriosis.

Jenny Saft, CEO and co-founder of fertility platform Apryl, said: “Some women with endometriosis will experience recurring bouts of thrush, as well as other gastrointestinal infections such as UTIs. This may be a result of immune imbalance: many people seem to People with endometriosis have reduced immunity against other conditions - and thrush is more common in people with weakened immune systems."

However, she adds, it is not yet known whether reduced immune function contributes to endometriosis, or occurs as a result of endometriosis.

Pregnancy problems

Many women with endometriosis struggle to conceive, but the cause is still not understood.

Because of a lack of research, the links between fertility problems and the condition are not fully known. But doctors believe the cause may be due to the condition, which deforms the genitals.

This can lead to women needing surgery or IVF to get pregnant.

But Saft says it's a misconception that people with endometriosis will never be able to conceive naturally.

However, she admits that it can be more difficult among women with endometriosis.

"If you have received a diagnosis and are still hoping to start a family, don't feel discouraged. It is estimated that 60 to 70% of women with endometriosis can conceive naturally," she said.  Source: Daily Mail

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