“Physical examination of Chinese drivers for vehicles going back and forth between Dandong and Shinuiju Resumption of exchange imminent?” “Physical examination of Chinese drivers for vehicles going back and forth between Dandong and Shinuiju Resumption of exchange imminent?”

“Physical examination of Chinese drivers for vehicles going back and forth between Dandong and Shinuiju Resumption of exchange imminent?”

“Physical examination of Chinese drivers for vehicles going back and forth between Dandong and Shinuiju… Resumption of exchange imminent?”  Anchor : Amid reports that the Chinese ambassador to North Korea will be taking up the post after two years, there is a prospect that people-to-people exchanges and trade between the two countries, which have soared since the beginning of this year, will further expand, along with the close relationship between North Korea and China . Reporter Kim So-young reports .    It is known that a physical examination was recently conducted for a Chinese driver of a small vehicle traveling between Dandong, China and Sinuiju, North Korea.  A North Korean trader in Dandong told Radio Free Asia (RFA) on the 23rd that there was a health checkup, including a corona checkup, for taxi-type minivan drivers traveling between North Korea and China .  The trader said that vehicles going to and from the North Korea-China border must be operated with a permit and a pass.   However, he predicted that there is a high possibility that those who were sent to China as trade expatriates or overseas workers through the vehicle and who have been stranded for more than three years due to corona will be taken to North Korea first .  On the other hand, Japan's NHK reported that the new Chinese ambassador to North Korea, Wang Yajun, who was tentatively appointed in February 2021 but was stranded due to corona , took office on the 27th .  Citing sources, the broadcast said that Ambassador Wang left for Sinuiju, North Korea, from Dandong, Liaoning Province, China on the same day. The observation that North Korea, which has closed its borders for three years to prevent corona, is allowing foreigners to enter is an unprecedented resumption of people-to-people exchanges between North Korea and China, as well as full-fledged trade resumption .  Troy Stangaron, senior director of the Korea Economic Institute (KEI) in Washington, told Free Asia Broadcasting (RFA) that, given North Korea's efforts to strengthen relations with China and Russia during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is likely that Chinese officials entered North Korea first . I said I'm not surprised .  Based on statistics released by China's General Administration of Customs, Director General Stan Garon said that in January of this year, North Korea-China trade volume returned to the level of January 2020 , just before the corona . evaluated the situation .  He added that this increase in trade shows North Korea's confidence in expanding trade with China despite the corona situation.  STANGARONE : We're seeing a normalization in terms of imports from China, even without the trucking . In a limited sense, North Korea has overcome the coronavirus situation since the beginning of the year , and I wouldn't be surprised if they are comfortable with expanding trade going forward, especially given the ( imported goods ) shortage .  Director Stan Garon said that it would be okay to resume trucking immediately if North Korea did the quarantine properly, but that it was still in the test phase, and predicted that full-scale trade resumption would begin according to the strategic decision of the Kim Jong-un regime in the future .  Director Stan Garon : For now, the North Korean regime will reopen trade based on a political decision, either 1) increasing imports into China to address an internal crisis in a desperate situation, or 2) deepening ties with China to expand trade .  Earlier last month, Japan's Nikkei Asia reported, citing Chinese sources, that North Korea and China had agreed to resume some shipments, and that truck traffic between Rason in North Korea and Hunchun in China had partially resumed .  Meanwhile, in North Korea, in 2021, the United Kingdom, Brazil , and Germany temporarily closed North Korean missions and withdrew staff , and all UN agency staff have also withdrawn .   Currently , some employees are known to remain in North Korea only from the embassies of eight countries, including China and Russia, Syria , Cuba , Vietnam ( Vietnam ), Laos , Egypt , and Mongolia .      US foreign affairs adviser Derrick Chulat's visit to Southeast Asia  The U.S. Department of State said that the opening of a special office by ASEAN's rotating chairman, Indonesia, is an important development for Myanmar's politics.  Mr. Chollet said this in a private interview by RFA on the way back from the visit to the ASEAN member countries, Thailand and Indonesia, by US State Department Special Adviser Derek Chollet.  He also said that the United States will provide the necessary assistance to the pro-democracy opposition groups to start administrative operations in the 50 percent of Myanmar that is currently outside the control of the military council. Derrick Choulet was interviewed by RFA's friend Ko Ye Khao Myint Maung.  RFA: What special things did you see during your visit to Southeast Asia last week?  Derrick Choulet:  Yes. I visited Bangkok and Jakarta. It was a very important and timely visit. In Indonesia, as the chairman of ASEAN this year, I had the opportunity to discuss the issues that will be dealt with for Myanmar.  Within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, a special office has been opened to provide guidance and direction to ASEAN for the Burmese issue. To lead this special office, both in Indonesia and It is proposed to appoint a senior diplomat who is well-known in the United States. I had the opportunity to talk with him and Foreign Minister Masudi about Myanmar affairs. All of them are seriously thinking about how to come up with a solution to the Myanmar crisis this year.  Next, Thailand is for both the United States and the United States. It is an important partner country for Myanmar. During this trip, to provide humanitarian assistance to the refugees who crossed the border from Myanmar to Thailand. In cooperation with ASEAN, we will put pressure on the military council. They discussed the issues of continuing to encourage pro-democracy opposition groups.  RFA: Why do you think it is important for Indonesia to open a special office for Myanmar affairs?  Derrick Chowch -  It's important. It will be possible to coordinate the actions of all top officials related to Myanmar. In Brunei and Cambodia, which previously served as ASEAN chairpersons, the foreign minister acted as ASEAN's special envoy, so they had to deal with Myanmar issues as well as other ASEAN issues in a uniform manner. Because of this special office, ASEAN's top levels will be able to pay close attention to the situation in Myanmar and cooperate. They are important partners for the United States.  In order to continue to implement common agreements regarding Myanmar affairs, We will continue to provide assistance through the ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance Center (AHA Center). next year's ASEAN summits; At the ministerial level meetings, plans will be made to make important decisions regarding Myanmar affairs.  "Fifty percent of Burma's territory is already outside the control of the Military Council."  RFA - What is the status of the US aid programs for Burma in the Burma Act?  Derrick Chaulet:  We are working every day to implement the provisions of the Burma Act. We are one of the countries that provide the most humanitarian aid to Myanmar. We are trying to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Myanmar through the American Embassy in Yangon. In addition, efforts are being made to provide non-weapon aid to pro-democracy opposition groups.  Now, about fifty percent of Burma's territory is outside the control of the military council. In order to manage these areas, the administration, To provide technical assistance for sections such as management and budgeting. This assistance has received unanimous support from both parties in the US Congress. The contents of the Burma Act will also be regularly reported to the parliament and will continue to be implemented.  RFA: You said that Russia is destabilizing the entire Southeast Asian region because it is supporting and selling weapons to the Burmese military. Let me know what the United States is doing to counter this support.  Derrick Choulet:  We have already told all our partner countries that this arms sale by Russia is unacceptable. The Burmese military is also making it more and more difficult to get resources to fuel the wars they are fighting.  Just last Friday, Myanmar announced new sanctions against businesses and individuals that buy and import weapons needed to carry out airstrikes by the Myanmar military. In addition, we believe that the rest of the world should block Russia's arms exports and sales by all possible means.  As we are also focusing on the war in Ukraine, if we can prevent the export of weapons that are pushing Russia to continue the war in Ukraine, it will help Myanmar and the stability of the world.  "The crisis in Myanmar is not seen as a competition between China and the United States."  RFA - In addition to Russia, the Burmese military also has some encouragement and support from China. A former U.S. ambassador to Myanmar concluded that Chinese government leaders view the Myanmar crisis as a competition between China and the United States' strategic strength, which is why China continues to support the Myanmar military. As an American government official, what kind of message do you want to convey to the Chinese leadership?  Derrick Choulet:  We do not view the Myanmar crisis as a competition between China and the United States. I see the Myanmar issue as a separate issue that is worrying. In the past two years, Myanmar has turned into a very serious humanitarian crisis because the Myanmar military cannot accept the results of the elections that were voted in accordance with the will of the people.  We are also presenting our concerns about Myanmar to China. I would also like to engage with China's newly appointed ambassador to Myanmar and discuss whether it is possible to find a mutually acceptable solution. I believe that both China and the United States may have the same goals in Myanmar affairs. We want to see stability and peace in Myanmar. Myanmar's crimes, Weapons We will prevent it from becoming a country that manufactures and exports drugs and human trafficking. I believe China will do the same.  Q. . Those who are fighting against tyranny on the ground. What would you like to say to the Burmese people who are struggling every day to survive?  Answer. . We understand how difficult the situation in Myanmar will be. Every day, the people of Myanmar are fighting to survive. Lives are being sacrificed for the country. As the United States, we are working together with partner countries every day to improve the situation of the people of Burma. I don't want to pretend that there is a one-size-fits-all way to make this happen. What we are doing is humanitarian aid. It will help the pro-democracy opposition become stronger. putting pressure on Burmese military leaders; Isolating them, stopping them in their tracks; I will try to stop the wars. From there, Myanmar will be encouraged to return to the path of democracy. There are outstanding and talented people in Myanmar. Although there are many opportunities I understand that you are facing such situations. Understanding this, Burma's democracy, They are trying to get back on the path of growth and prosperity.       Comparison of elections in two neighboring countries  Myanmar's neighbor Thailand is planning to hold an election on May 14th, and Myanmar is preparing to hold a new election after the military criticized the 2020 election and a coup d'état. There are criticisms that the upcoming elections in Thailand and Myanmar will be based on the needs of the current ruling party.  U Aung Thu Nyein, a political researcher in Thailand, said that Thailand's electoral system is a little more modern than Myanmar's.  "Thailand's elections are more modern. In them, the political parties can nominate those who can be the prime minister for the election within the party. This system also works in America. But one thing is that according to the constitution enacted in 2017, the 250 representatives of the Senate are not elected. They are selected from various classes of the public.  Sai Tun Aung Lwin, an ethnic conflict researcher, said that if you look back at the situation in Thailand and Myanmar, there are similarities and differences.  "If you look back at Thailand and Myanmar, there are similar issues and there are also differences. Thailand has more coups than Myanmar. But on the other hand, there is no such thing as the failure of the administration or the failure of the economy. In Thailand, the motives of the coup d'état are different from time to time. After 1990, Thailand was successful until it reached a level of democratic transition. Especially during the days of Choi Lippi and Thaksin."   According to U Aung Thu Nyein, the thing that people don't like about Thailand's election law is that it is not the people who are elected by the people but the poor.  "In some small cases, they have small advantages, but generally speaking, how to choose the Prime Minister, the 500 members of the House of Representatives and the 250 non-elected members must choose the Prime Minister. That's why I need to be able to become the prime minister."  Sai Tun Aung Lwin said that the same thing in Thailand and Myanmar is the destruction of the party that is at the top.  "There are some types of rejection after targeting. But there are signs that these parties may come back and change their names. The Future Forward Party is actually made up of young people with a strong liberal mindset. I got public support in a short time. Targeting that and putting pressure on it, blocking election access. I found something like this. This is a bit similar to Myanmar. Not directly. Compared to Myanmar, there is no military conflict or anything. My friends and MPs, if there is a coup, we will resume business. I do it to come back in next time.”  Sai Tun Aung Lwin said. He said that in the case of a coup d'état for the sake of consecutive elections, holding a repeat election without seeking political agreement will not get the desired answer.  For example, after a coup d'état and immediate elections, Somalia has become a failed country after 26 years.

Anchor : Amid reports that the Chinese ambassador to North Korea will be taking up the post after two years, there is a prospect that people-to-people exchanges and trade between the two countries, which have soared since the beginning of this year, will further expand, along with the close relationship between North Korea and China . Reporter Kim So-young reports .  

It is known that a physical examination was recently conducted for a Chinese driver of a small vehicle traveling between Dandong, China and Sinuiju, North Korea.

A North Korean trader in Dandong told Radio Free Asia (RFA) on the 23rd that there was a health checkup, including a corona checkup, for taxi-type minivan drivers traveling between North Korea and China .

The trader said that vehicles going to and from the North Korea-China border must be operated with a permit and a pass. 

However, he predicted that there is a high possibility that those who were sent to China as trade expatriates or overseas workers through the vehicle and who have been stranded for more than three years due to corona will be taken to North Korea first .

On the other hand, Japan's NHK reported that the new Chinese ambassador to North Korea, Wang Yajun, who was tentatively appointed in February 2021 but was stranded due to corona , took office on the 27th .

Citing sources, the broadcast said that Ambassador Wang left for Sinuiju, North Korea, from Dandong, Liaoning Province, China on the same day.
The observation that North Korea, which has closed its borders for three years to prevent corona, is allowing foreigners to enter is an unprecedented resumption of people-to-people exchanges between North Korea and China, as well as full-fledged trade resumption .

Troy Stangaron, senior director of the Korea Economic Institute (KEI) in Washington, told Free Asia Broadcasting (RFA) that, given North Korea's efforts to strengthen relations with China and Russia during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is likely that Chinese officials entered North Korea first . I said I'm not surprised .

Based on statistics released by China's General Administration of Customs, Director General Stan Garon said that in January of this year, North Korea-China trade volume returned to the level of January 2020 , just before the corona . evaluated the situation .

He added that this increase in trade shows North Korea's confidence in expanding trade with China despite the corona situation.

STANGARONE : We're seeing a normalization in terms of imports from China, even without the trucking . In a limited sense, North Korea has overcome the coronavirus situation since the beginning of the year , and I wouldn't be surprised if they are comfortable with expanding trade going forward, especially given the ( imported goods ) shortage .

Director Stan Garon said that it would be okay to resume trucking immediately if North Korea did the quarantine properly, but that it was still in the test phase, and predicted that full-scale trade resumption would begin according to the strategic decision of the Kim Jong-un regime in the future .

Director Stan Garon : For now, the North Korean regime will reopen trade based on a political decision, either 1) increasing imports into China to address an internal crisis in a desperate situation, or 2) deepening ties with China to expand trade .

Earlier last month, Japan's Nikkei Asia reported, citing Chinese sources, that North Korea and China had agreed to resume some shipments, and that truck traffic between Rason in North Korea and Hunchun in China had partially resumed .

Meanwhile, in North Korea, in 2021, the United Kingdom, Brazil , and Germany temporarily closed North Korean missions and withdrew staff , and all UN agency staff have also withdrawn . 

Currently , some employees are known to remain in North Korea only from the embassies of eight countries, including China and Russia, Syria , Cuba , Vietnam ( Vietnam ), Laos , Egypt , and Mongolia 

US foreign affairs adviser Derrick Chulat's visit to Southeast Asia

The U.S. Department of State said that the opening of a special office by ASEAN's rotating chairman, Indonesia, is an important development for Myanmar's politics.

Mr. Chollet said this in a private interview by RFA on the way back from the visit to the ASEAN member countries, Thailand and Indonesia, by US State Department Special Adviser Derek Chollet.

He also said that the United States will provide the necessary assistance to the pro-democracy opposition groups to start administrative operations in the 50 percent of Myanmar that is currently outside the control of the military council. Derrick Choulet was interviewed by RFA's friend Ko Ye Khao Myint Maung.

RFA: What special things did you see during your visit to Southeast Asia last week?

Derrick Choulet:  Yes. I visited Bangkok and Jakarta. It was a very important and timely visit. In Indonesia, as the chairman of ASEAN this year, I had the opportunity to discuss the issues that will be dealt with for Myanmar.

Within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, a special office has been opened to provide guidance and direction to ASEAN for the Burmese issue. To lead this special office, both in Indonesia and It is proposed to appoint a senior diplomat who is well-known in the United States. I had the opportunity to talk with him and Foreign Minister Masudi about Myanmar affairs. All of them are seriously thinking about how to come up with a solution to the Myanmar crisis this year.

Next, Thailand is for both the United States and the United States. It is an important partner country for Myanmar. During this trip, to provide humanitarian assistance to the refugees who crossed the border from Myanmar to Thailand. In cooperation with ASEAN, we will put pressure on the military council. They discussed the issues of continuing to encourage pro-democracy opposition groups.

RFA: Why do you think it is important for Indonesia to open a special office for Myanmar affairs?

Derrick Chowch -  It's important. It will be possible to coordinate the actions of all top officials related to Myanmar. In Brunei and Cambodia, which previously served as ASEAN chairpersons, the foreign minister acted as ASEAN's special envoy, so they had to deal with Myanmar issues as well as other ASEAN issues in a uniform manner. Because of this special office, ASEAN's top levels will be able to pay close attention to the situation in Myanmar and cooperate. They are important partners for the United States.

In order to continue to implement common agreements regarding Myanmar affairs, We will continue to provide assistance through the ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance Center (AHA Center). next year's ASEAN summits; At the ministerial level meetings, plans will be made to make important decisions regarding Myanmar affairs.

"Fifty percent of Burma's territory is already outside the control of the Military Council."

RFA - What is the status of the US aid programs for Burma in the Burma Act?

Derrick Chaulet:  We are working every day to implement the provisions of the Burma Act. We are one of the countries that provide the most humanitarian aid to Myanmar. We are trying to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Myanmar through the American Embassy in Yangon. In addition, efforts are being made to provide non-weapon aid to pro-democracy opposition groups.

Now, about fifty percent of Burma's territory is outside the control of the military council. In order to manage these areas, the administration, To provide technical assistance for sections such as management and budgeting. This assistance has received unanimous support from both parties in the US Congress. The contents of the Burma Act will also be regularly reported to the parliament and will continue to be implemented.

RFA: You said that Russia is destabilizing the entire Southeast Asian region because it is supporting and selling weapons to the Burmese military. Let me know what the United States is doing to counter this support.

Derrick Choulet:  We have already told all our partner countries that this arms sale by Russia is unacceptable. The Burmese military is also making it more and more difficult to get resources to fuel the wars they are fighting.

Just last Friday, Myanmar announced new sanctions against businesses and individuals that buy and import weapons needed to carry out airstrikes by the Myanmar military. In addition, we believe that the rest of the world should block Russia's arms exports and sales by all possible means.

As we are also focusing on the war in Ukraine, if we can prevent the export of weapons that are pushing Russia to continue the war in Ukraine, it will help Myanmar and the stability of the world.

"The crisis in Myanmar is not seen as a competition between China and the United States."

RFA - In addition to Russia, the Burmese military also has some encouragement and support from China. A former U.S. ambassador to Myanmar concluded that Chinese government leaders view the Myanmar crisis as a competition between China and the United States' strategic strength, which is why China continues to support the Myanmar military. As an American government official, what kind of message do you want to convey to the Chinese leadership?

Derrick Choulet:  We do not view the Myanmar crisis as a competition between China and the United States. I see the Myanmar issue as a separate issue that is worrying. In the past two years, Myanmar has turned into a very serious humanitarian crisis because the Myanmar military cannot accept the results of the elections that were voted in accordance with the will of the people.

We are also presenting our concerns about Myanmar to China. I would also like to engage with China's newly appointed ambassador to Myanmar and discuss whether it is possible to find a mutually acceptable solution. I believe that both China and the United States may have the same goals in Myanmar affairs. We want to see stability and peace in Myanmar. Myanmar's crimes, Weapons We will prevent it from becoming a country that manufactures and exports drugs and human trafficking. I believe China will do the same.

Q. . Those who are fighting against tyranny on the ground. What would you like to say to the Burmese people who are struggling every day to survive?

Answer. . We understand how difficult the situation in Myanmar will be. Every day, the people of Myanmar are fighting to survive. Lives are being sacrificed for the country. As the United States, we are working together with partner countries every day to improve the situation of the people of Burma. I don't want to pretend that there is a one-size-fits-all way to make this happen. What we are doing is humanitarian aid. It will help the pro-democracy opposition become stronger. putting pressure on Burmese military leaders; Isolating them, stopping them in their tracks; I will try to stop the wars. From there, Myanmar will be encouraged to return to the path of democracy. There are outstanding and talented people in Myanmar. Although there are many opportunities I understand that you are facing such situations. Understanding this, Burma's democracy, They are trying to get back on the path of growth and prosperity.

Comparison of elections in two neighboring countries

Myanmar's neighbor Thailand is planning to hold an election on May 14th, and Myanmar is preparing to hold a new election after the military criticized the 2020 election and a coup d'état. There are criticisms that the upcoming elections in Thailand and Myanmar will be based on the needs of the current ruling party.

U Aung Thu Nyein, a political researcher in Thailand, said that Thailand's electoral system is a little more modern than Myanmar's.

"Thailand's elections are more modern. In them, the political parties can nominate those who can be the prime minister for the election within the party. This system also works in America. But one thing is that according to the constitution enacted in 2017, the 250 representatives of the Senate are not elected. They are selected from various classes of the public.

Sai Tun Aung Lwin, an ethnic conflict researcher, said that if you look back at the situation in Thailand and Myanmar, there are similarities and differences.

"If you look back at Thailand and Myanmar, there are similar issues and there are also differences. Thailand has more coups than Myanmar. But on the other hand, there is no such thing as the failure of the administration or the failure of the economy. In Thailand, the motives of the coup d'état are different from time to time. After 1990, Thailand was successful until it reached a level of democratic transition. Especially during the days of Choi Lippi and Thaksin."

According to U Aung Thu Nyein, the thing that people don't like about Thailand's election law is that it is not the people who are elected by the people but the poor.

"In some small cases, they have small advantages, but generally speaking, how to choose the Prime Minister, the 500 members of the House of Representatives and the 250 non-elected members must choose the Prime Minister. That's why I need to be able to become the prime minister."

Sai Tun Aung Lwin said that the same thing in Thailand and Myanmar is the destruction of the party that is at the top.

"There are some types of rejection after targeting. But there are signs that these parties may come back and change their names. The Future Forward Party is actually made up of young people with a strong liberal mindset. I got public support in a short time. Targeting that and putting pressure on it, blocking election access. I found something like this. This is a bit similar to Myanmar. Not directly. Compared to Myanmar, there is no military conflict or anything. My friends and MPs, if there is a coup, we will resume business. I do it to come back in next time.”

Sai Tun Aung Lwin said. He said that in the case of a coup d'état for the sake of consecutive elections, holding a repeat election without seeking political agreement will not get the desired answer.

For example, after a coup d'état and immediate elections, Somalia has become a failed country after 26 years.


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