"Gulf Health" launches an awareness campaign about job burnout, which was included by the "World Health Organization" within the "International Classification of Diseases" "Gulf Health" launches an awareness campaign about job burnout, which was included by the "World Health Organization" within the "International Classification of Diseases"

"Gulf Health" launches an awareness campaign about job burnout, which was included by the "World Health Organization" within the "International Classification of Diseases"

"Gulf Health" launches an awareness campaign about job burnout, which was included by the "World Health Organization" within the "International Classification of Diseases"  The Gulf Health Council warned of job burnout, which is a syndrome that occurs as a result of chronic stress in the workplace It is not managed or handled properly and its signs appear in the form of fatigue, feeling negative about work and a decrease Occupational competence, while the World Health Organization classified burnout as an occupational phenomenon in 2019 and included it among International Classification of Diseases.  The council determined through an informational infographic that it published through its official accounts on social media as part of the awareness campaign for the week Al Khaleeji for Occupational Health and Safety Risk factors for job burnout, most notably exposure to severe pressure and inability to balance Between work and personal life, as well as working long hours.  He explained the signs of burnout syndrome, which appears in the form of physical and emotional exhaustion and a feeling of fatigue most of the time A feeling of negativity towards work, a decrease in professional competence, a loss of interest in usual activities, as well as a feeling of isolation and avoidance of interaction with others Work colleagues or with people in daily life, quick to anger, irritability, criticism, and exaggeration in reactions And changing sleeping habits, as a result of suffering from insomnia or sleeping for long hours, as well as frequent forgetfulness and inability on focus.  The countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council designated a Gulf day calling for adherence to regulations and guidelines to protect against risks such as: accidents, and occupational diseases that may occur in the workplace, with a focus on providing approaches to accident prevention in the workplace Work, on occupational safety and health management and encourage individuals to maintain their safety and health through focus To improve the work environment, provide possible means of preventing diseases and injuries, and promote the importance of occupational safety and health management And taking measures to ensure the provision of a decent, healthy and safe work environment for all, which contributes to raising the standard of work productivity of individuals and raising the level of safety and health in various workplaces, in an effort to raise awareness of possible occupational and environmental risks and how to prevention.‬  In turn, the Ministry of Health stressed its keenness on the importance of taking preventive measures in cooperation with companies and local authorities to support the goals Promoting the health of workers by adopting a healthy workplace project, as the project focuses on caring for the environment The natural environment in the workplace, the psychological and social work environment, and the organization's participation in society, as the initiative of the Places Project Healthy work within the health-promoting sites program.       Saudi Arabia evacuates the first group of Iranians from Sudan to Jeddah  Jeddah - Agencies: Yesterday, 65 Iranians arrived among about 1,900 people who were evacuated from Sudan, which is witnessing Battles two weeks ago, on board a Saudi ship to the city of Jeddah, and they are the first group of Iranians transferred by the Kingdom Since the evacuations began. ‬  Riyadh has organized several evacuations from Sudan, which have so far included about five thousand people, both Saudis and citizens From more than 96 nationalities, according to the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ‬  Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani announced, in a press statement yesterday, that the Iranian Foreign Ministry was able to Transferring its nationals from the capital, Khartoum, to Port Sudan, and then to Jeddah, after the “necessary coordination” with the help of Saudi Arabia.  Kanani appreciated the "influential cooperation" of Saudi Arabia and the Sudanese government in evacuating Iranian citizens from Sudan.  Iranian diplomat Hassan Zarnarkar Abarqoi, who was receiving the Iranians at the King Faisal Naval Base, said Jeddah, told Agence France-Presse that the group of 65 Iranians is the "first" to be conducted. evacuated from Sudan. ‬  For his part, Iranian Mehrdad Malekzadeh (28 years old), who was among the arrivals from Sudan, said, "Frankly, we never imagined that we would come to Saudi Arabia when we would be evacuated because of our nationality." The young man, who lives since his childhood in Khartoum, where his family used to run a lubricating oil company, added, “ Fortunately, they really helped us out, put their differences aside and worked together, they saved lives.”  Zarnarkar Abarqoi thanked Riyadh for its cooperation, considering it “an indication of the consular cooperation between the two countries, as well as the cooperation Humanity ».  This Saudi move towards Iran comes after Tehran and Riyadh, mediated by Beijing, reached an agreement on the tenth Last month, he ended seven years of diplomatic estrangement, and the two sides announced the resumption of bilateral diplomatic relations in a statement Tripartite issued by Beijing after the conclusion of four-day talks hosted by China from 6 to 10 last March.  And the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced yesterday the arrival of 20 Saudi citizens to the city of Jeddah, in addition to 1,866 people from More than 65 nationalities. ‬  The battles broke out in Sudan on April 15 between the army led by Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan and the Rapid Support Forces Led by Lieutenant General Muhammad Hamdan Dagalo, known as Hamidti. ‬  As black smoke rose over Khartoum, a UN envoy offered a glimmer of hope, saying the army Al-Sudani and the Rapid Support Forces are now more open to negotiations, although no date has been set for them. So far, neither side has shown any sign of backing down.  Volker Peretz, the UN Secretary-General's special representative to Sudan, told Reuters he sensed a change in attitudes The two sides recently and they are more open to negotiations.  "The word negotiations or talks did not appear in their speeches during the first week or so," he added ».  Peretz said that the two sides nominated their representatives for the talks, which I proposed to hold either in Jeddah or in Juba. South Sudan, but went on to say that there is a practical question about whether they can go there To actually sit together.  He added that the task that cannot be delayed is to develop a mechanism to monitor the cease-fire.  Peretz indicated that he told the UN Security Council that both sides believed they could win Conflict But he added that attitudes change.  Peretz stated that in light of the two parties' statements saying that the other side must "surrender or die." They also say, "Well, we accept, some form of talks."  "They both acknowledged that this war could not continue," he added.  Former Sudanese Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok said at a conference in Nairobi that the war must stop He warned of its repercussions, not only in Sudan, but in the region.  "This is a very large and complex country," he said. "I think it (the war) will be a nightmare for the world."  "This is not a war between an army and a small rebellion," he added. They are almost like two well-trained and well-armed armies.”  Despite the early morning bombardment, residents of Khartoum and neighboring cities said the intensity of the fighting decreased yesterday compared to the past few days.  However, Al-Arabiya / Al-Hadath correspondent reported renewed violent clashes at the Halfaya Bridge, which connects Khartoum North Omdurman, in addition to the outbreak of fires in the industrial zone in Bahri.  He also confirmed that the planes flew over Omdurman, pointing out that heavy sounds of anti-aircraft missiles and explosions were heard in the east of the city.  He also said that these clashes are the most violent since the start of the clashes in Al-Fatihab, south of Omdurman.  The fighting left at least 512 people dead and more than 4,000 injured, according to official figures But the toll is likely to be much higher, and it has put the healthcare system under enormous pressure to cope With an increasing number of victims. Many are now facing severe shortages of water, food, medicine and fuel, as well as power and internet cuts.           Tehran will dismiss 4,000 workers in the petrochemical industry after they went on strike  Tehran - Agencies: State media reported that 4,000 workers in the Iranian petrochemical industry are on strike to protest low wages and working conditions in a major energy-producing region in the south of the country Separate and replace them. ‬  On Friday, the official Iranian news agency, IRNA, quoted the CEO of the Pars (Fars) economic energy region, Sakhout Asadi said that “a number of seasonal workers have gone on strike” in the petrochemical industry in this region. “Excusing problematic working conditions.” ‬  He added that after the expiration of the "legal deadline... four thousand of them will be replaced by new workers," from without adding more details. ‬  The workers in the oil and gas sector in Iran, have called for higher wages and better housing and transportation. ‬  Pars Economic Energy Zone is located in the southeast of the southern province of Bushehr, and aims to extract oil and gas resources From the huge South Pars field in the Gulf waters. ‬  This is the world's largest known gas reserve, which Iran shares with Qatar. There are about 40 thousand people working there. ‬  In October, the authorities arrested people during a labor gathering protesting non-payment of wages in Asalouyeh, located In Bushehr province, overlooking the Gulf, where the South Pars oil and gas field is located. ‬  Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said yesterday that some of the workers' protests were beneficial to the country. ‬  In 2022, Iran witnessed waves of strikes carried out by teachers and bus drivers who denounced low salaries and high prices. the living. ‬  Khamenei said during a meeting with the workers, “Some of these protests were to help the regime and the government, and to inform the regime. And in some cases, when the responsible bodies, such as the judiciary, got involved, they found that the workers were right ». ‬  "Fortunately, the workers did not allow people with bad intentions to misuse the protests and gatherings," he added. ‬  Since 2018, the Iranian economy has been subjected to sanctions imposed by the United States and high inflation, as well as a decrease in A record in the value of the national currency, the riyal, against the dollar, after Washington withdrew from a historic nuclear agreement with Tehran .        Erdogan: We have made achievements in the past 21 years, and we will not allow going back  Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan affirmed that the AKP governments have achieved, "with the support of our people, great achievements in democracy and development, and we will continue our march and will not allow the country to go backwards."  Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, on Saturday, that the governments led by the Justice and Development Party have made great achievements in the past twenty-one years, "and we will not allow the country to be turned back."  This came in a speech by Erdogan delivered during a mass gathering in the city of Izmir.  He added, "With the support of our people, we have achieved great achievements in democracy and development, and we will continue our path."  In his speech, the Turkish President praised the wonderful popular participation in the Technofest Festival of Space and Aviation Technology held in Istanbul.  Erdogan added, "Today we were accompanied by 360,000 people in Yesilkoy, Istanbul. It was a wonderful participation."  He continued, "The youth know very well who will walk with, where and how."  On Thursday, the activities of the seventh edition of the Technofest Festival, which is the largest of its kind in the world, kicked off on the grounds of Ataturk Airport under the supervision of the "Turkish Technology Team Endowment" and in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Technology, and it will continue until May 1.  Technofist is an important way in Turkey to discover the talents of the participating youth to showcase their technological innovations such as missiles and robots, with the support of government institutions.          A new demonstration against the project to reform the judicial system in Israel  On Saturday evening, Tel Aviv witnessed a new demonstration in protest against the project to reform the judicial system, which is supported by the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as its critics consider it anti-democratic.  On Saturday evening, Tel Aviv witnessed a new demonstration protesting the project to reform the judicial system, which is supported by the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in what its critics consider contrary to the foundations of democracy, days before the Knesset resumed its work.  The demonstrators carried Israeli flags and banners, including one that read: "History is looking at you."  Israelis have been demonstrating weekly for four months against the judicial reform that Benjamin Netanyahu's government wants to implement, which critics consider anti-democratic.  The Knesset is due to resume work on Monday after a recess. Supporters and opponents of the reforms sought to increase pressure on politicians.  The coalition government, which includes parties from the right, the far-right, and ultra-Orthodox formations, asserts that the reforms aim to correct an imbalance between the judiciary and elected members of parliament, while its critics say it endangers Israeli democracy.  The architect of the reform project, Justice Minister Yariv Levin, spoke in front of thousands of demonstrators supporting the reforms in Jerusalem on Thursday.  The ultra-Orthodox Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich took part in the pro-reform demonstration, vowing that the government would "not abandon" it.  On March 27, Netanyahu announced the "suspension" of the legislative process to give "an opportunity for dialogue" after the expansion of the protest movement and the start of a general strike.  Negotiations between the parties under the auspices of President Isaac Herzog began this month to reach a settlement. But the opposition still doubts Netanyahu's intentions, and no settlement has been reached.

The Gulf Health Council warned of job burnout, which is a syndrome that occurs as a result of chronic stress in the workplace It is not managed or handled properly and its signs appear in the form of fatigue, feeling negative about work and a decrease Occupational competence, while the World Health Organization classified burnout as an occupational phenomenon in 2019 and included it among International Classification of Diseases.

The council determined through an informational infographic that it published through its official accounts on social media as part of the awareness campaign for the week Al Khaleeji for Occupational Health and Safety Risk factors for job burnout, most notably exposure to severe pressure and inability to balance Between work and personal life, as well as working long hours.

He explained the signs of burnout syndrome, which appears in the form of physical and emotional exhaustion and a feeling of fatigue most of the time A feeling of negativity towards work, a decrease in professional competence, a loss of interest in usual activities, as well as a feeling of isolation and avoidance of interaction with others Work colleagues or with people in daily life, quick to anger, irritability, criticism, and exaggeration in reactions And changing sleeping habits, as a result of suffering from insomnia or sleeping for long hours, as well as frequent forgetfulness and inability on focus.

The countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council designated a Gulf day calling for adherence to regulations and guidelines to protect against risks such as: accidents, and occupational diseases that may occur in the workplace, with a focus on providing approaches to accident prevention in the workplace Work, on occupational safety and health management and encourage individuals to maintain their safety and health through focus To improve the work environment, provide possible means of preventing diseases and injuries, and promote the importance of occupational safety and health management And taking measures to ensure the provision of a decent, healthy and safe work environment for all, which contributes to raising the standard of work productivity of individuals and raising the level of safety and health in various workplaces, in an effort to raise awareness of possible occupational and environmental risks and how to prevention.‬

In turn, the Ministry of Health stressed its keenness on the importance of taking preventive measures in cooperation with companies and local authorities to support the goals Promoting the health of workers by adopting a healthy workplace project, as the project focuses on caring for the environment The natural environment in the workplace, the psychological and social work environment, and the organization's participation in society, as the initiative of the Places Project Healthy work within the health-promoting sites program.

Saudi Arabia evacuates the first group of Iranians from Sudan to Jeddah

Jeddah - Agencies: Yesterday, 65 Iranians arrived among about 1,900 people who were evacuated from Sudan, which is witnessing Battles two weeks ago, on board a Saudi ship to the city of Jeddah, and they are the first group of Iranians transferred by the Kingdom Since the evacuations began. ‬

Riyadh has organized several evacuations from Sudan, which have so far included about five thousand people, both Saudis and citizens From more than 96 nationalities, according to the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ‬

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani announced, in a press statement yesterday, that the Iranian Foreign Ministry was able to Transferring its nationals from the capital, Khartoum, to Port Sudan, and then to Jeddah, after the “necessary coordination” with the help of Saudi Arabia.

Kanani appreciated the "influential cooperation" of Saudi Arabia and the Sudanese government in evacuating Iranian citizens from Sudan.

Iranian diplomat Hassan Zarnarkar Abarqoi, who was receiving the Iranians at the King Faisal Naval Base, said Jeddah, told Agence France-Presse that the group of 65 Iranians is the "first" to be conducted. evacuated from Sudan. ‬

For his part, Iranian Mehrdad Malekzadeh (28 years old), who was among the arrivals from Sudan, said, "Frankly, we never imagined that we would come to Saudi Arabia when we would be evacuated because of our nationality." The young man, who lives since his childhood in Khartoum, where his family used to run a lubricating oil company, added, “ Fortunately, they really helped us out, put their differences aside and worked together, they saved lives.”

Zarnarkar Abarqoi thanked Riyadh for its cooperation, considering it “an indication of the consular cooperation between the two countries, as well as the cooperation Humanity ».

This Saudi move towards Iran comes after Tehran and Riyadh, mediated by Beijing, reached an agreement on the tenth Last month, he ended seven years of diplomatic estrangement, and the two sides announced the resumption of bilateral diplomatic relations in a statement Tripartite issued by Beijing after the conclusion of four-day talks hosted by China from 6 to 10 last March.

And the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced yesterday the arrival of 20 Saudi citizens to the city of Jeddah, in addition to 1,866 people from More than 65 nationalities. ‬

The battles broke out in Sudan on April 15 between the army led by Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan and the Rapid Support Forces Led by Lieutenant General Muhammad Hamdan Dagalo, known as Hamidti. ‬

As black smoke rose over Khartoum, a UN envoy offered a glimmer of hope, saying the army Al-Sudani and the Rapid Support Forces are now more open to negotiations, although no date has been set for them. So far, neither side has shown any sign of backing down.

Volker Peretz, the UN Secretary-General's special representative to Sudan, told Reuters he sensed a change in attitudes The two sides recently and they are more open to negotiations.

"The word negotiations or talks did not appear in their speeches during the first week or so," he added ».

Peretz said that the two sides nominated their representatives for the talks, which I proposed to hold either in Jeddah or in Juba. South Sudan, but went on to say that there is a practical question about whether they can go there To actually sit together.

He added that the task that cannot be delayed is to develop a mechanism to monitor the cease-fire.

Peretz indicated that he told the UN Security Council that both sides believed they could win Conflict But he added that attitudes change.

Peretz stated that in light of the two parties' statements saying that the other side must "surrender or die." They also say, "Well, we accept, some form of talks."

"They both acknowledged that this war could not continue," he added.

Former Sudanese Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok said at a conference in Nairobi that the war must stop He warned of its repercussions, not only in Sudan, but in the region.

"This is a very large and complex country," he said. "I think it (the war) will be a nightmare for the world."

"This is not a war between an army and a small rebellion," he added. They are almost like two well-trained and well-armed armies.”

Despite the early morning bombardment, residents of Khartoum and neighboring cities said the intensity of the fighting decreased yesterday compared to the past few days.

However, Al-Arabiya / Al-Hadath correspondent reported renewed violent clashes at the Halfaya Bridge, which connects Khartoum North Omdurman, in addition to the outbreak of fires in the industrial zone in Bahri.

He also confirmed that the planes flew over Omdurman, pointing out that heavy sounds of anti-aircraft missiles and explosions were heard in the east of the city.

He also said that these clashes are the most violent since the start of the clashes in Al-Fatihab, south of Omdurman.

The fighting left at least 512 people dead and more than 4,000 injured, according to official figures But the toll is likely to be much higher, and it has put the healthcare system under enormous pressure to cope With an increasing number of victims. Many are now facing severe shortages of water, food, medicine and fuel, as well as power and internet cuts.

Tehran will dismiss 4,000 workers in the petrochemical industry after they went on strike

Tehran - Agencies: State media reported that 4,000 workers in the Iranian petrochemical industry are on strike to protest low wages and working conditions in a major energy-producing region in the south of the country Separate and replace them. ‬

On Friday, the official Iranian news agency, IRNA, quoted the CEO of the Pars (Fars) economic energy region, Sakhout Asadi said that “a number of seasonal workers have gone on strike” in the petrochemical industry in this region. “Excusing problematic working conditions.” ‬

He added that after the expiration of the "legal deadline... four thousand of them will be replaced by new workers," from without adding more details. ‬

The workers in the oil and gas sector in Iran, have called for higher wages and better housing and transportation. ‬

Pars Economic Energy Zone is located in the southeast of the southern province of Bushehr, and aims to extract oil and gas resources From the huge South Pars field in the Gulf waters. ‬

This is the world's largest known gas reserve, which Iran shares with Qatar. There are about 40 thousand people working there. ‬

In October, the authorities arrested people during a labor gathering protesting non-payment of wages in Asalouyeh, located In Bushehr province, overlooking the Gulf, where the South Pars oil and gas field is located. ‬

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said yesterday that some of the workers' protests were beneficial to the country. ‬

In 2022, Iran witnessed waves of strikes carried out by teachers and bus drivers who denounced low salaries and high prices. the living. ‬

Khamenei said during a meeting with the workers, “Some of these protests were to help the regime and the government, and to inform the regime. And in some cases, when the responsible bodies, such as the judiciary, got involved, they found that the workers were right ». ‬

"Fortunately, the workers did not allow people with bad intentions to misuse the protests and gatherings," he added. ‬

Since 2018, the Iranian economy has been subjected to sanctions imposed by the United States and high inflation, as well as a decrease in A record in the value of the national currency, the riyal, against the dollar, after Washington withdrew from a historic nuclear agreement with Tehran .

"Gulf Health" launches an awareness campaign about job burnout, which was included by the "World Health Organization" within the "International Classification of Diseases"  The Gulf Health Council warned of job burnout, which is a syndrome that occurs as a result of chronic stress in the workplace It is not managed or handled properly and its signs appear in the form of fatigue, feeling negative about work and a decrease Occupational competence, while the World Health Organization classified burnout as an occupational phenomenon in 2019 and included it among International Classification of Diseases.  The council determined through an informational infographic that it published through its official accounts on social media as part of the awareness campaign for the week Al Khaleeji for Occupational Health and Safety Risk factors for job burnout, most notably exposure to severe pressure and inability to balance Between work and personal life, as well as working long hours.  He explained the signs of burnout syndrome, which appears in the form of physical and emotional exhaustion and a feeling of fatigue most of the time A feeling of negativity towards work, a decrease in professional competence, a loss of interest in usual activities, as well as a feeling of isolation and avoidance of interaction with others Work colleagues or with people in daily life, quick to anger, irritability, criticism, and exaggeration in reactions And changing sleeping habits, as a result of suffering from insomnia or sleeping for long hours, as well as frequent forgetfulness and inability on focus.  The countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council designated a Gulf day calling for adherence to regulations and guidelines to protect against risks such as: accidents, and occupational diseases that may occur in the workplace, with a focus on providing approaches to accident prevention in the workplace Work, on occupational safety and health management and encourage individuals to maintain their safety and health through focus To improve the work environment, provide possible means of preventing diseases and injuries, and promote the importance of occupational safety and health management And taking measures to ensure the provision of a decent, healthy and safe work environment for all, which contributes to raising the standard of work productivity of individuals and raising the level of safety and health in various workplaces, in an effort to raise awareness of possible occupational and environmental risks and how to prevention.‬  In turn, the Ministry of Health stressed its keenness on the importance of taking preventive measures in cooperation with companies and local authorities to support the goals Promoting the health of workers by adopting a healthy workplace project, as the project focuses on caring for the environment The natural environment in the workplace, the psychological and social work environment, and the organization's participation in society, as the initiative of the Places Project Healthy work within the health-promoting sites program.       Saudi Arabia evacuates the first group of Iranians from Sudan to Jeddah  Jeddah - Agencies: Yesterday, 65 Iranians arrived among about 1,900 people who were evacuated from Sudan, which is witnessing Battles two weeks ago, on board a Saudi ship to the city of Jeddah, and they are the first group of Iranians transferred by the Kingdom Since the evacuations began. ‬  Riyadh has organized several evacuations from Sudan, which have so far included about five thousand people, both Saudis and citizens From more than 96 nationalities, according to the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ‬  Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani announced, in a press statement yesterday, that the Iranian Foreign Ministry was able to Transferring its nationals from the capital, Khartoum, to Port Sudan, and then to Jeddah, after the “necessary coordination” with the help of Saudi Arabia.  Kanani appreciated the "influential cooperation" of Saudi Arabia and the Sudanese government in evacuating Iranian citizens from Sudan.  Iranian diplomat Hassan Zarnarkar Abarqoi, who was receiving the Iranians at the King Faisal Naval Base, said Jeddah, told Agence France-Presse that the group of 65 Iranians is the "first" to be conducted. evacuated from Sudan. ‬  For his part, Iranian Mehrdad Malekzadeh (28 years old), who was among the arrivals from Sudan, said, "Frankly, we never imagined that we would come to Saudi Arabia when we would be evacuated because of our nationality." The young man, who lives since his childhood in Khartoum, where his family used to run a lubricating oil company, added, “ Fortunately, they really helped us out, put their differences aside and worked together, they saved lives.”  Zarnarkar Abarqoi thanked Riyadh for its cooperation, considering it “an indication of the consular cooperation between the two countries, as well as the cooperation Humanity ».  This Saudi move towards Iran comes after Tehran and Riyadh, mediated by Beijing, reached an agreement on the tenth Last month, he ended seven years of diplomatic estrangement, and the two sides announced the resumption of bilateral diplomatic relations in a statement Tripartite issued by Beijing after the conclusion of four-day talks hosted by China from 6 to 10 last March.  And the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced yesterday the arrival of 20 Saudi citizens to the city of Jeddah, in addition to 1,866 people from More than 65 nationalities. ‬  The battles broke out in Sudan on April 15 between the army led by Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan and the Rapid Support Forces Led by Lieutenant General Muhammad Hamdan Dagalo, known as Hamidti. ‬  As black smoke rose over Khartoum, a UN envoy offered a glimmer of hope, saying the army Al-Sudani and the Rapid Support Forces are now more open to negotiations, although no date has been set for them. So far, neither side has shown any sign of backing down.  Volker Peretz, the UN Secretary-General's special representative to Sudan, told Reuters he sensed a change in attitudes The two sides recently and they are more open to negotiations.  "The word negotiations or talks did not appear in their speeches during the first week or so," he added ».  Peretz said that the two sides nominated their representatives for the talks, which I proposed to hold either in Jeddah or in Juba. South Sudan, but went on to say that there is a practical question about whether they can go there To actually sit together.  He added that the task that cannot be delayed is to develop a mechanism to monitor the cease-fire.  Peretz indicated that he told the UN Security Council that both sides believed they could win Conflict But he added that attitudes change.  Peretz stated that in light of the two parties' statements saying that the other side must "surrender or die." They also say, "Well, we accept, some form of talks."  "They both acknowledged that this war could not continue," he added.  Former Sudanese Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok said at a conference in Nairobi that the war must stop He warned of its repercussions, not only in Sudan, but in the region.  "This is a very large and complex country," he said. "I think it (the war) will be a nightmare for the world."  "This is not a war between an army and a small rebellion," he added. They are almost like two well-trained and well-armed armies.”  Despite the early morning bombardment, residents of Khartoum and neighboring cities said the intensity of the fighting decreased yesterday compared to the past few days.  However, Al-Arabiya / Al-Hadath correspondent reported renewed violent clashes at the Halfaya Bridge, which connects Khartoum North Omdurman, in addition to the outbreak of fires in the industrial zone in Bahri.  He also confirmed that the planes flew over Omdurman, pointing out that heavy sounds of anti-aircraft missiles and explosions were heard in the east of the city.  He also said that these clashes are the most violent since the start of the clashes in Al-Fatihab, south of Omdurman.  The fighting left at least 512 people dead and more than 4,000 injured, according to official figures But the toll is likely to be much higher, and it has put the healthcare system under enormous pressure to cope With an increasing number of victims. Many are now facing severe shortages of water, food, medicine and fuel, as well as power and internet cuts.           Tehran will dismiss 4,000 workers in the petrochemical industry after they went on strike  Tehran - Agencies: State media reported that 4,000 workers in the Iranian petrochemical industry are on strike to protest low wages and working conditions in a major energy-producing region in the south of the country Separate and replace them. ‬  On Friday, the official Iranian news agency, IRNA, quoted the CEO of the Pars (Fars) economic energy region, Sakhout Asadi said that “a number of seasonal workers have gone on strike” in the petrochemical industry in this region. “Excusing problematic working conditions.” ‬  He added that after the expiration of the "legal deadline... four thousand of them will be replaced by new workers," from without adding more details. ‬  The workers in the oil and gas sector in Iran, have called for higher wages and better housing and transportation. ‬  Pars Economic Energy Zone is located in the southeast of the southern province of Bushehr, and aims to extract oil and gas resources From the huge South Pars field in the Gulf waters. ‬  This is the world's largest known gas reserve, which Iran shares with Qatar. There are about 40 thousand people working there. ‬  In October, the authorities arrested people during a labor gathering protesting non-payment of wages in Asalouyeh, located In Bushehr province, overlooking the Gulf, where the South Pars oil and gas field is located. ‬  Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said yesterday that some of the workers' protests were beneficial to the country. ‬  In 2022, Iran witnessed waves of strikes carried out by teachers and bus drivers who denounced low salaries and high prices. the living. ‬  Khamenei said during a meeting with the workers, “Some of these protests were to help the regime and the government, and to inform the regime. And in some cases, when the responsible bodies, such as the judiciary, got involved, they found that the workers were right ». ‬  "Fortunately, the workers did not allow people with bad intentions to misuse the protests and gatherings," he added. ‬  Since 2018, the Iranian economy has been subjected to sanctions imposed by the United States and high inflation, as well as a decrease in A record in the value of the national currency, the riyal, against the dollar, after Washington withdrew from a historic nuclear agreement with Tehran .        Erdogan: We have made achievements in the past 21 years, and we will not allow going back  Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan affirmed that the AKP governments have achieved, "with the support of our people, great achievements in democracy and development, and we will continue our march and will not allow the country to go backwards."  Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, on Saturday, that the governments led by the Justice and Development Party have made great achievements in the past twenty-one years, "and we will not allow the country to be turned back."  This came in a speech by Erdogan delivered during a mass gathering in the city of Izmir.  He added, "With the support of our people, we have achieved great achievements in democracy and development, and we will continue our path."  In his speech, the Turkish President praised the wonderful popular participation in the Technofest Festival of Space and Aviation Technology held in Istanbul.  Erdogan added, "Today we were accompanied by 360,000 people in Yesilkoy, Istanbul. It was a wonderful participation."  He continued, "The youth know very well who will walk with, where and how."  On Thursday, the activities of the seventh edition of the Technofest Festival, which is the largest of its kind in the world, kicked off on the grounds of Ataturk Airport under the supervision of the "Turkish Technology Team Endowment" and in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Technology, and it will continue until May 1.  Technofist is an important way in Turkey to discover the talents of the participating youth to showcase their technological innovations such as missiles and robots, with the support of government institutions.          A new demonstration against the project to reform the judicial system in Israel  On Saturday evening, Tel Aviv witnessed a new demonstration in protest against the project to reform the judicial system, which is supported by the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as its critics consider it anti-democratic.  On Saturday evening, Tel Aviv witnessed a new demonstration protesting the project to reform the judicial system, which is supported by the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in what its critics consider contrary to the foundations of democracy, days before the Knesset resumed its work.  The demonstrators carried Israeli flags and banners, including one that read: "History is looking at you."  Israelis have been demonstrating weekly for four months against the judicial reform that Benjamin Netanyahu's government wants to implement, which critics consider anti-democratic.  The Knesset is due to resume work on Monday after a recess. Supporters and opponents of the reforms sought to increase pressure on politicians.  The coalition government, which includes parties from the right, the far-right, and ultra-Orthodox formations, asserts that the reforms aim to correct an imbalance between the judiciary and elected members of parliament, while its critics say it endangers Israeli democracy.  The architect of the reform project, Justice Minister Yariv Levin, spoke in front of thousands of demonstrators supporting the reforms in Jerusalem on Thursday.  The ultra-Orthodox Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich took part in the pro-reform demonstration, vowing that the government would "not abandon" it.  On March 27, Netanyahu announced the "suspension" of the legislative process to give "an opportunity for dialogue" after the expansion of the protest movement and the start of a general strike.  Negotiations between the parties under the auspices of President Isaac Herzog began this month to reach a settlement. But the opposition still doubts Netanyahu's intentions, and no settlement has been reached.

Erdogan: We have made achievements in the past 21 years, and we will not allow going back

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan affirmed that the AKP governments have achieved, "with the support of our people, great achievements in democracy and development, and we will continue our march and will not allow the country to go backwards."

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, on Saturday, that the governments led by the Justice and Development Party have made great achievements in the past twenty-one years, "and we will not allow the country to be turned back."

This came in a speech by Erdogan delivered during a mass gathering in the city of Izmir.

He added, "With the support of our people, we have achieved great achievements in democracy and development, and we will continue our path."

In his speech, the Turkish President praised the wonderful popular participation in the Technofest Festival of Space and Aviation Technology held in Istanbul.

Erdogan added, "Today we were accompanied by 360,000 people in Yesilkoy, Istanbul. It was a wonderful participation."

He continued, "The youth know very well who will walk with, where and how."

On Thursday, the activities of the seventh edition of the Technofest Festival, which is the largest of its kind in the world, kicked off on the grounds of Ataturk Airport under the supervision of the "Turkish Technology Team Endowment" and in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Technology, and it will continue until May 1.

Technofist is an important way in Turkey to discover the talents of the participating youth to showcase their technological innovations such as missiles and robots, with the support of government institutions.

A new demonstration against the project to reform the judicial system in Israel

On Saturday evening, Tel Aviv witnessed a new demonstration in protest against the project to reform the judicial system, which is supported by the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as its critics consider it anti-democratic.

On Saturday evening, Tel Aviv witnessed a new demonstration protesting the project to reform the judicial system, which is supported by the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in what its critics consider contrary to the foundations of democracy, days before the Knesset resumed its work.

The demonstrators carried Israeli flags and banners, including one that read: "History is looking at you."

Israelis have been demonstrating weekly for four months against the judicial reform that Benjamin Netanyahu's government wants to implement, which critics consider anti-democratic.

The Knesset is due to resume work on Monday after a recess. Supporters and opponents of the reforms sought to increase pressure on politicians.

The coalition government, which includes parties from the right, the far-right, and ultra-Orthodox formations, asserts that the reforms aim to correct an imbalance between the judiciary and elected members of parliament, while its critics say it endangers Israeli democracy.

The architect of the reform project, Justice Minister Yariv Levin, spoke in front of thousands of demonstrators supporting the reforms in Jerusalem on Thursday.

The ultra-Orthodox Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich took part in the pro-reform demonstration, vowing that the government would "not abandon" it.

On March 27, Netanyahu announced the "suspension" of the legislative process to give "an opportunity for dialogue" after the expansion of the protest movement and the start of a general strike.

Negotiations between the parties under the auspices of President Isaac Herzog began this month to reach a settlement. But the opposition still doubts Netanyahu's intentions, and no settlement has been reached.

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