Tuqu : Continuous escalation The occupation arrests 33 Palestinians and settlers close a village in the West Bank

Tuqu : Continuous escalation The occupation arrests 33 Palestinians and settlers close a village in the West Bank    Gaza : Four scenarios dealing with signs of escalation between Israel, Iran and “Hezbollah” do not rule out “preemptive strikes” Palestine : The Knesset approves the preliminary reading to tighten control over Arab schools   Beirut : The military judiciary accuses 5 Hezbollah members of killing the Irish soldier from UNIFIL

The Israeli occupation army arrested 33 Palestinians, including 23 from the town of Tuqu’ in the Bethlehem governorate. The army and settlers also closed the entrance to the Palestinian village of “al-Laban al-Sharqiya” in the Nablus governorate, in the northern West Bank. 

​​​​​​The Israeli occupation army arrested 33 Palestinians on Thursday, including 23 from the town of Tuqu' in the Bethlehem governorate (south).

The Palestinian Prisoners Club stated in a statement that the occupation forces had arrested at least 33 citizens since Thursday morning.

The (non-governmental) club reported that the arrests are spread over most of the governorates. He pointed out that among the detainees were 23 from the town of Tuqu' in the Bethlehem governorate.

To date, the Israeli occupation authorities have not commented on the news of the arrest.

Arrests are usually made by raiding Palestinian homes at night, then they are transferred to temporary detention centers in settlements before being transferred to the main investigation centers or prisons, and some of them are released after hours or days of investigation.

In the Palestinian village of Al-Laban Al-Sharqiya, the Israeli occupation army and settlers closed on Thursday the entrance to the village located in the Nablus governorate, in the northern West Bank, and impeded the movement of residents.

Citizen Muhammad Owais told Anadolu Agency that a number of settlers and occupation soldiers arrived at the entrance of the village with their vehicles and obstructed the movement of people.

He pointed out that the settlers performed religious rituals and dances at the entrance to the village, under the protection of the Israeli occupation army.

Oweis indicated that the settlers usually close the entrance to perform their religious rituals, but "the main goal is to close the entrance and prevent students from reaching their schools, which are located on the main street between the cities of Nablus and Ramallah.

In the past months, the entrance to the village witnessed friction and skirmishes between activists and the occupation soldiers, which disrupted the study process.

Students of Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya Secondary School for Girls and Al-Sawiya/Al-Lubban are usually subjected to violent and continuous attacks carried out by the Israeli occupation army and settlers.

The two schools are located along a vital joint road used by settlers and Palestinians.

Data from the Israeli human rights movement "Peace Now" indicates about 666,000 settlers, 145 large settlements, and 140 random outposts (unlicensed by the occupation government) in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

Gaza : Four scenarios dealing with signs of escalation between Israel, Iran and “Hezbollah” do not rule out “preemptive strikes”

Gaza - A Palestinian research center analyzed the indicators of the current state of escalation between the Israeli occupation state on the one hand, and Iran and the Lebanese “Hezbollah” organization, on the other hand, and developed several scenarios for the future, including the hypothesis of the outbreak of fighting between those parties, or directing Preemptive strikes to break the surge of strength.

Threatening to attack
The “Oruba” Center for Research and Strategic Thinking published a strategic assessment paper on these indicators and upcoming scenarios, starting from the great escalation in the “threat and intimidating rhetoric” emanating from the occupation leaders at the political, security and military levels, which came a few days after the implementation of “Hezbollah”. A military maneuver in southern Lebanon in which he demonstrated his strength, which included simulating major operational scenarios, which included the party’s fighters capturing Israeli soldiers, carrying out an incursion into the Upper Galilee region in northern Palestine, and repelling an “Israeli invasion” of southern Lebanon.

The paper showed that the messages of the occupation leaders carried a clear “allusion” to put all options on the table in dealing with the possibility of a confrontation with “Hezbollah” or Iran or both, while “Hezbollah” did not hesitate to respond to these threats, and the same thing from the Revolutionary Guards. The Iranian, commenting on statements about the occupation's readiness to deal with the Iranian nuclear file and its progress, while the messages did not stop at threats, but rather included various and successive maneuvers, organized by the Lebanese resistance, as well as the Israeli occupation army.

The paper touched on the background of the tension, and said that the northern borders of occupied Palestine witnessed tension not witnessed since the end of the July 2006 aggression against Lebanon, noting that the negotiation process is under threat over Lebanon’s rights to natural gas and the demarcation of the maritime borders, and the firing of missiles from southern Lebanon towards the occupied Palestinian territories. “They were important points of tension.”

In its paper, the center pointed out that the “Megiddo operation” constituted an important turning point in the Israeli dealings, with what it considered a change in the “rules of engagement and confrontation,” as the occupation security services accused Hezbollah of being behind the operation.

And the “Megiddo operation” was the infiltration of a person from southern Lebanon into the Megiddo region, and the occupying power said that he wanted to carry out a major operation.

The paper referred to the new equations and the progress in what it described as “the audacity of resistance,” which was represented in two levels. The first level was the launch by “Hezbollah” of the “battle between counter-wars” equation, in which it proved its equation in confronting the “battle between wars” policy implemented by the occupation. To target the process of developing the party and its capabilities. As for the second level, it is represented in the expansion of the resistance activity of the Palestinian resistance factions in Lebanon, and the reactivation of the Palestinian military response options from the Lebanese territories.

Military maneuvers
The paper drew attention to the maneuvers of “Hezbollah”, which bore the name “We will pass”, and it was organized in an unusual way. on the Gaza Strip.

According to the research center, this maneuver carried a large number of warning messages and implicit expressions of the party's display of its capabilities and future plans in any confrontation with the occupation, and clearly hinted that the party possesses accurate missiles that it will use in any future battle with the occupation.

The paper stated that the occupation leaders “did not quietly pass on Hezbollah’s maneuvers, but rather a storm of statements erupted from various levels threatening Hezbollah, Lebanon, Iran and even Gaza,” stating that Israel “is capable of carrying out a broad aggression targeting its enemies.”

This was followed, according to the sequence of events, by the occupation army announcing the start of carrying out a large-scale military maneuver on the northern borders of occupied Palestine, which will last for about two weeks, simulating multi-front fighting in the air, sea, and land, through the “spectrum” and cyberspace, and dealing with several arenas of Simultaneous fighting, to test the occupation army's readiness for a long-term and intense battle.

On the other hand, the paper showed that the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, did not hesitate to respond to the Israeli threats, especially the statements of the head of the intelligence of the occupation army, stressing that “Israel should be afraid, and not make mistakes even in assessments, because any A mistake that will lead to a big war.”

The paper also touched on what an Iranian official said, that any military attack on nuclear facilities “will be met with a broad and unprecedented response,” stressing that uranium enrichment is taking place at the 60% threshold, and that Israel’s words are mere incitement and propaganda, stressing Tehran’s continued development of its military capabilities. in all fields.

And the Chief of Staff of the occupation army, General Herzi Halevi, said that “negative developments” may prompt an acceleration of the attack on Iranian nuclear facilities, while Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said that Israel is “preparing for a difficult test.”

In the framework of the hot messages, Iranian state television broadcast footage of a missile launch, which was described as an upgrade of the “Khorramshahr 4” missile, which is capable of carrying a warhead weighing 1,500 kilograms and has a range of 2,000 kilometers, and it was called “Khyber”.

The paper dealt with scenarios for the development of the scene, the accelerating heating up in the region, and the prevailing opinion in Israel regarding the decline in the “deterrence” capabilities of the occupation, which allowed its opponents to become more emboldened (referring to the resistance factions and Iran), and the Israeli security community’s assessment that their internal crisis encouraged the resistance forces in The region needs more offensive initiative and investment in the moment of exposure, which requires taking aggressive measures that carry in their essence “defensive-deterrent” objectives, in which Israel surprises its opponents with qualitative strikes that are guaranteed success, with which it restores its deterrence capabilities, and re-establishes rules of engagement commensurate with its security needs.

expected scenarios
According to the center, all of this opens the door to a set of scenarios, the first of which is a simultaneous military strike against Iran and its allied factions in the region.

As for the second scenario, it is represented by the presence of accurate intelligence information with the occupation about the intention of “Hezbollah” and the resistance forces in the axis to carry out a major attack on the occupying state in the coming period, which is supported by the speech of the Chief of Staff of the occupation army and its intelligence chief, and what may require the implementation of the occupation “a preemptive strike.” Targets the attackers' offensive abilities.

According to the paper, the third scenario includes striking the leadership and capabilities of the Palestinian resistance present in Lebanon, especially the activists in the West Bank files and activating the resistance from southern Lebanon. As for the fourth scenario, it talked about “achieving deterrence” with threats to Iran and “Hezbollah.” As the occupation increases the pace of its threats, its field movements, and its talk of its willingness to strike - even if unilaterally - on Iran and its allies in the region.

In its conclusion, the paper stated that each of the proposed scenarios “carries strengths and weaknesses, and several factors are required to achieve one of them. However, the main constant is that Israel is convinced at all levels that the image of deterrence has been shattered in an unprecedented manner, and that its internal crisis and changes in the region and the world It provided a historic moment for its opponents to change the rules of engagement and launch new equations in the ongoing confrontation with it.”

The report stated that this requires serious action and actual steps to restore what Israel has lost in recent years, which intensified in the current year with the intensification of the internal crisis of the occupying state, and the success of the resistance in directing several strikes and moving several arenas that were until recently “neutral” and outside the equation of engagement.

The paper suggested both the fourth and third scenarios, respectively, as they are “closer to ascertaining what is behind the escalating heating in the region,” and stated that Israel is not ready to wage a multi-front battle that includes a strike on Iran, given the changes in the region, and the difficulty of the occupation deciding the possibility of the success of its strike. And that the United States does not wish to resort to the military option are all reasons that prevent the first scenario from becoming a realistic scenario.

According to the analysis in the paper, the occupation is aware that a battle with “Hezbollah” will not be a picnic, and that its price will be great, as the situation does not indicate that “Hezbollah” would prefer to open a direct clash with the occupation, as long as the occupation is committed to with “rules of engagement.” Rather, it would be preferable to continue developing new rules in which the direct action of the Palestinian forces and factions active in Lebanon would be with the cover, approval, and support of the party, to expand the equations of engagement with the occupation across the northern front, and to strengthen support for expanding resistance activity in the occupied West Bank, which enhances the possibility For the occupation to resort to striking the leadership of the Palestinian resistance in Lebanon, and its attempt to avoid a broad response from “Hezbollah” to the strike, by escalating threats and preparations to raise the cost of aggression in the event that the party enters into confrontation.

Palestine : The Knesset approves the preliminary reading to tighten control over Arab schools

The Israeli Knesset approved a new draft law that tightens security control over the educational process in the Arab community and occupied East Jerusalem, and enhances the influence of the Shin Bet internal security service over the educational process.

Yesterday, Wednesday, the Israeli Knesset approved, in its preliminary reading, a bill to tighten security control over teachers in the Arab community, and educational curricula in Arab schools in the occupied city of Jerusalem.

The Israeli Knesset approved the preliminary reading of the draft law presented by Knesset Member of the Likud Party, Amit Halevy.

The bill is to be passed to the Education, Culture and Sports Committee for further study, and it must be voted on in three readings before it becomes law.

According to a statement issued by the Knesset, the draft law provides for "restricting the employment of an education employee related to" anti-Israel activities", in addition to the requirement "to grant a work permit in the absence of a security background, and to suspend the permit if an indictment is submitted against the employee for anti-Israel or if The Director General of the Ministry of Education is satisfied that the employee expressed solidarity with a hostile organization or carried out a hostile act, and the permit is revoked if the employee is convicted of a violation that is a hostile act.

Observers believe that the new project expands the authority and influence of the "Shin Bet" on the educational process in the Arab community.

The new draft law accuses the Palestinian educational curricula in schools in East Jerusalem of "incitement" and of including subjects that "delegitimize and dehumanize the Jewish people and the State of Israel."

In the same context, the Association for Civil Rights stated that the ultimate goal of the draft law is to "subjugate and control the Arab and Palestinian education system... and instill suspicious and racist generalization towards Palestinian society."

Palestinian officials say that successive Israeli governments, especially the current right-wing government, are pressing for the implementation of Israeli educational curricula in occupied Jerusalem schools.

The Palestinians adhere to East Jerusalem as the capital of their aspired state, based on international legitimacy resolutions that do not recognize Israel's occupation of the city in 1967, nor its annexation of it in 1981.

Beirut : The military judiciary accuses 5 Hezbollah members of killing the Irish soldier from UNIFIL

Beirut - Months after the killing of Irish soldier Sean Rooney (23 years old) and the wounding of three other colleagues on December 14, 2022, and two months before the possible extension of UNIFIL forces in southern Lebanon, the military judiciary was accused in a move Five Hezbollah members, one of whom was arrested for premeditated murder, were audacious in attacking the Irish battalion's patrol while it was passing through the Al-Aqibiya area in southern Lebanon, according to a judicial source told Agence France-Presse.

The indictment was issued by the first military investigation judge, Fadi Sawan, who was the judicial investigator in the Beirut port bombing crime and was forced to step down. A monitor was seized in the vicinity of the attack site, and it “clearly showed that the attacked patrol was surrounded from all sides, and attacked by armed men, and some of them were heard saying: “We are from Hezbollah,” and they were calling to each other via wireless devices.

The 30-page decision concluded that the aforementioned persons were charged with “intentionally killing.” All were referred to the military court for trial. Sawan handed over a copy of the indictment to UNIFIL.

The investigating judge confirmed that “the actions of each of the arrested Muhammad Ayyad and four fugitives from justice apply to the fifth paragraph of Article 549 of the Lebanese Penal Code, which stipulates that” if a crime is committed against an official employee during the exercise of his position, during the exercise of it, or because of it, he shall be punished. death penalty.”

At the beginning of the year, the Lebanese judiciary had charged seven people with the crimes of “threatening to open fire with an unlicensed weapon, destroying the military vehicle and intimidating its members.”

Hezbollah hastened to offer condolences to UNIFIL, calling for it not to be involved in the "unintended" incident. He then handed over the main shooter as part of his cooperation with the investigation conducted by the Army's Intelligence Directorate.

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