A doctor reveals unclear symptoms of thyroid disease

A doctor reveals unclear symptoms of thyroid disease

According to Dr. Maria Khodyakova, endocrinologist, residents of large cities often feel increased fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, decreased concentration, anxiety and insomnia.

The doctor points out that such signs can be observed not only due to the bustling rhythm of life, but also due to a disturbance in thyroid hormones.

She says: “Problems in the reproductive system, such as weak sexual ability, low libido, irregular menstrual cycle, intestinal disorders such as constipation or diarrhea, dry skin, and hair loss, can also be caused by improper functioning of hormones.”

According to her, if a person follows a correct diet and sleeps at least 7 hours a night and has a system for rest and work, and yet the symptoms mentioned above worry him, he should consult a doctor.

She says: “In order to determine whether the cause is actually a problem with the thyroid gland, or whether it is caused by lifestyle, it is necessary to pass a thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) screening test.”

Three disturbing symptoms of blood clotting

Lower leg pain, swelling, and bluing can indicate deep vein thrombosis, which can lead to death.

Dr. Alexei Khokhrev, a specialist in internal medicine and general medicine, says: “If the leg begins to clearly increase in size, accompanied by pain and its bluing is noted, you should first of all, of course, think about deep vein thrombosis. As a rule, these signs are observed on only one leg. "If a blood clot reaches the lungs from the lower extremity, it can cause death in just one second."

The doctor recommends that you consult a doctor immediately when you notice these symptoms. Because the cause can only be diagnosed using ultrasound of the deep veins in the lower extremities.

He says: "A blood clot can occur in a person who has been in the hospital for a long time and does not move. Or in a patient who is bedridden and cannot get up. A long flight can also lead to blood clotting."


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