Who suffers from migraines the most?

Who suffers from migraines the most?

According to Dr. Nikolai Shamalov, director of the Institute of Cerebrovascular Diseases and Stroke, 15 percent of the population suffers from migraines.

In an interview with the newspaper "Izvestia", the doctor points out that the majority of middle-aged people who suffer from migraines are women.

According to him, migraine is the most common type of headache.

He says: “On average, about 14-15 percent of the population suffers from migraines. To treat them, a wide range of medications are used, in addition to the instructions and recommendations that are given to the patient after the disease is diagnosed.”

The doctor indicates that the main factor in the development of migraines is inflammation of the walls of blood vessels in the dura mater area.

He says: “This inflammation can be caused by certain factors. For example, for some it is caused by red wine, for others by chocolate, some smoked and salty products, etc..”

As a general rule, according to him, patients know this and avoid eating these foods and situations that can trigger a migraine attack.

The doctor advises not to ignore migraines, but rather consult a specialist to receive appropriate treatment.

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