Japan completes fourth wave of Fukushima treated water discharges

Japan completes fourth wave of Fukushima treated water discharges

Tokyo  - The fourth wave of releases of treated radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the sea ended on Sunday, the power plant operator said.

It was also stated that the next round of releases of treated radioactive water would likely begin next month.

Joint venture Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings (TEPCO) released about 7,800 tonnes of treated water as planned in the latest batch, which began in late February.

Abnormal levels of tritium have not been detected in surrounding waters since the first discharge in late August 2023.

The water has passed through a sophisticated fluid processing system, which is capable of removing most radionuclides except tritium.

TEPCO released about 31,200 tons of treated water in four waves of discharges in the current fiscal year through March.

Although TEPCO has detected low levels of tritium in samples collected near outlets to the sea, the levels are well below the World Health Organization's limit of 10,000 becquerels for drinking water.


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