Despite the repression and arrests, demonstrations in support of Gaza continue in universities around the world Despite the repression and arrests, demonstrations in support of Gaza continue in universities around the world

Despite the repression and arrests, demonstrations in support of Gaza continue in universities around the world

Despite the repression and arrests, demonstrations in support of Gaza continue in universities around the world

Pro-Gaza demonstrations continue in many universities around the world, which began at Columbia University, despite the repression and arrests. The protests demand that Israel stop its attacks on Gaza and call for a boycott of companies that supply weapons to Tel Aviv.

The pro-Gaza Strip demonstrations, sparked by Columbia University in the United States, are escalating and have spread to many universities around the world, despite the repression and arrest of protesters by the police.

Many universities in different countries, from the United States of America to Australia, and from France to Egypt, witnessed demonstrations of solidarity with the residents of the Gaza Strip against the genocide committed against them by the Israeli occupation.

The student demonstrators insist on supporting calls for a ceasefire in Gaza and demanding that their universities boycott companies that supply weapons to Israel.

The Speaker of the US House of Representatives incites against students

Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, visited Columbia University, which was the spark of university protests in the country.

Johnson accused the pro-Palestine demonstrations on campus of being “hateful and anti-Semitic,” and called on university president Nemat Minouche Shafik to resign if she was unable to end the demonstrations.

Johnson said President Joe Biden should use his authority to activate the National Guard if protests on campus are not controlled.

While pro-Palestine students boycotted Johnson's speech, Jewish students at Columbia University also denied his statements, saying that the pro-Palestinian protests did not pose a threat and were not considered anti-Semitic.

Repression and arrests of students

At the University of Texas, security forces used excessive force against students who organized a pro-Palestine demonstration.

At the University of Southern California, one of the leading universities in the United States of America, the police did not allow students to set up tents in certain areas of the campus, and arrested a group of students who continued the demonstrations.

Meanwhile, hundreds of students at the University of Sydney, Australia, set up tents on the campus and protested against the continuing Israeli attacks against the residents of Gaza.

The war on the Gaza Strip left more than 112,000 martyrs and wounded, most of them children and women, and massive destruction and famine that claimed the lives of children and the elderly, according to Palestinian and UN data.

Israel continues the war despite the issuance of an immediate ceasefire resolution by the Security Council, and despite its appearance before the International Court of Justice on charges of committing “genocide.”


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