A nutrient that promotes brain and eye health

A nutrient that promotes brain and eye health

The quality of food is one of the most important factors affecting the health of the body, and some foods have a distinct effect in improving the function of the brain, eyes, and nervous system.

On the subject, Russian doctor and immunologist Andrey Brodius said: “There are simple and accessible food products that give us invaluable health benefits, for example, sunflower seeds, which some doctors call brain food. Everyone needs some of the components found in these seeds, such as vitamin B1. This vitamin is essential for the mechanism of communication between nerve cells, and with its help acetylcholine is produced, which allows each cell to communicate with other cells.”

For her part, Russian doctor Yelena Malysheva said: “Sunflower seeds are excellent food for the brain and nerve cells, and they contain vitamin E, which has great benefits for eye health.”

Russian ophthalmologist Mikhail Konovalov said: “The eye contains two important elements for vision: the lens and the cornea. A deficiency of vitamin E in the body negatively affects them. With age, the lens of the eye becomes more opaque due to a deficiency of this vitamin in the body. Some medical studies have proven that sunflower seeds are beneficial for eye health because they contain this vitamin.”

Russian nutrition expert Marina Makesha had also previously indicated that sunflower seeds are an important source of vitamin E. They also contain selenium, which has antioxidant properties and slows down the aging process by protecting cells from damage and promoting collagen production.

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