Foods that improve mood

Foods that improve mood

A person's health condition, as well as his mood, is linked to the diet he follows. There are foods that cause anxiety and others that increase the production of the happiness hormone.

Dr. Mikhail Ginzburg, a Russian nutrition expert, points out in an interview with the newspaper: Vechernaya Moskva that food products that increase the production of the happiness hormone actually exist, and they are:

Sweets - All types of sweets improve a person's mood, as thanks to them the body obtains three components necessary to improve mood - sugar, fat and salt.

Fruits - Fruits help improve mood, because they have an anti-inflammatory effect. It also has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels, improves a person's general condition and, consequently, his mood.

Nuts and dried fruits - According to him, nuts contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which help in controlling anxiety. Dried fruits contain a large amount of flavonoids.

Cocoa and spices - these products stimulate the production of dopamine - the hormone of happiness. So all of them can really improve your mood.

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