Canada to appoint representative to fight Islamophobia, welcomed by PAK

بايدن يقول إن إدارته تحاول اكتشاف سبب الهجرة إلى الولايات المتحدة  واشنطن- “القدس العربي”: قال الرئيس الأمريكي جو بايدن إن إدارته ملتزمة بحل أزمة الحدود من خلال “اكتشاف” سبب مغادرة الآلاف من المهاجرين أوطانهم إلى الولايات المتحدة في المقام الأول. وأضاف بايدن خلال اجتماع في البيت الأبيض مع نائبته كامالا هاريس ومجموعة من الحكام الإداريين “نحن نعمل كثيراً مع الدول المجاورة، هناك الكثير لنفعله”. وقال بايدن إن أحد الأمور الأساسية التي يتعين علينا القيام بها إضافة إلى القيام ببعض التغييرات، هي اكتشاف سبب مغادرة الناس لمكان ما، وأضاف ساخراً ” ليس الأمر كما لو شخصاً ما كان يجلس في بيته ويقرر فجأة بيع كل ما لديه من أجل منح الأموال لمهرب يأخذه إلى الحدود، ليجد نفسه في الصحراء في بلد لا تريده، ولا يتحدث بلغتها”.  وأشار بايدن إلى وجود عصابات تستفيد من التحركات القانونية عبر الحدود، ولكنه أكد أنه يجب البحث عن سبب مغادرة الناس في المقام الأول. ولم تتحدث هاريس، التي طلب منها بايدن في مارس الماضي التعامل مع أزمة الحدود، عن جهودها المتعلقة بالهجرة خلال الاجتماع. وطرحت إدارة بايدن استراتيجية لمعالجة “الأسباب الجذرية” للهجرة من السلفادور وغواتيمالا وهندوراس. وتنقسم الأسباب الجذرية إلى خمس ركائز هي معالجة انعدام الأمن الاقتصادي وعدم المساواة ومحاربة الفساد وتعزيز الحكم الديمقراطي والنهوض بسيادة القانون وتعزيز احترام حقوق الإنسان وحقوق العمال وحرية الصحافة ومكافحة ومنع العنف والجرائم.   Biden says his administration is trying to figure out the reason for immigrating to the United States  Washington : US President Joe Biden said his administration is committed to resolving the border crisis by “discovering” why thousands of immigrants left their homes for the United States in the first place.  "We do a lot of work with neighboring countries, there's a lot to do," Biden said during a meeting at the White House with Vice President Kamala Harris and a group of administrators.  Biden said that one of the main things that we have to do, in addition to making some changes, is to find out why people are leaving somewhere. to the border, to find himself in the desert in a country that does not want him, and does not speak its language.” Biden noted the existence of gangs that profit from legal cross-border movements, but stressed that the reason for people leaving in the first place must be sought.  Harris, who was asked by Biden in March to deal with the border crisis, did not speak about her immigration efforts during the meeting. The Biden administration has put forward a strategy to address the "root causes" of immigration from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. The root causes are divided into five pillars: tackling economic insecurity and inequality, fighting corruption, strengthening democratic governance, advancing the rule of law, promoting respect for human rights, labor rights and freedom of the press, and combating and preventing violence and crime.

Biden says his administration is trying to figure out the reason for immigrating to the United States

Washington : US President Joe Biden said his administration is committed to resolving the border crisis by “discovering” why thousands of immigrants left their homes for the United States in the first place.

"We do a lot of work with neighboring countries, there's a lot to do," Biden said during a meeting at the White House with Vice President Kamala Harris and a group of administrators.

Biden said that one of the main things that we have to do, in addition to making some changes, is to find out why people are leaving somewhere. to the border, to find himself in the desert in a country that does not want him, and does not speak its language.”

Biden noted the existence of gangs that profit from legal cross-border movements, but stressed that the reason for people leaving in the first place must be sought.

Harris, who was asked by Biden in March to deal with the border crisis, did not speak about her immigration efforts during the meeting.

The Biden administration has put forward a strategy to address the "root causes" of immigration from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

The root causes are divided into five pillars: tackling economic insecurity and inequality, fighting corruption, strengthening democratic governance, advancing the rule of law, promoting respect for human rights, labor rights and freedom of the press, and combating and preventing violence and crime.

इस्लामोफोबिया से लड़ने के लिए प्रतिनिधि नियुक्त करेगा कनाडा, PAK ने किया स्वागत प्रधानमंत्री जस्टिन ट्रूडो ने ट्वीट कर कहा कि इस्लामोफोबिया स्वीकार नहीं किया जाएगा.  कनाडा (Canada) सरकार ने रविवार, 30 जनवरी को अपनी नस्लवाद विरोधी योजना के तहत देश में इस्लामोफोबिया (Islamophobia) से निपटने के लिए एक विशेष प्रतिनिधि नियुक्त करने की घोषणा की. प्रधानमंत्री जस्टिन ट्रूडो ने ट्वीट कर कहा कि "इस्लामोफोबिया स्वीकार नहीं किया जाएगा. हमें इस नफरत को खत्म करने और मुस्लिम कनाडाई लोगों के लिए अपने समुदायों को सुरक्षित बनाने की जरूरत है. इसकी मदद के लिए, हम इस्लामोफोबिया से निपटने के लिए एक विशेष प्रतिनिधि नियुक्त करने का इरादा रखते हैं."  यह फैसला तब आया जब कनाडा ने 29 जनवरी को क्यूबेक सिटी मस्जिद हमले और इस्लामोफोबिया के खिलाफ कार्रवाई के राष्ट्रीय स्मरण दिवस को याद किया. अपने बयान में सरकार ने इस्लामोफोबिया और नफरत से भरी हिंसा की निंदा करने और उससे निपटने के लिए अपने वायदे की भी पुष्टि की.  पाक पीएम इमरान खान ने किया फैसले का स्वागत पाकिस्तान के पीएम इमरान खान ने इस फैसले का स्वागत किया और ट्वीट कर लिखा- ' मैं प्रधानमंत्री जस्टिन ट्रूडो की इस्लामोफोबिया की कड़ी निंदा और इस समकालीन संकट से निपटने के लिए एक विशेष प्रतिनिधि नियुक्त करने की उनकी योजना का स्वागत करता हूं. आइए इस खतरे को खत्म करने के लिए हाथ मिलाएं.  आपको बता दें, 2017 में 29 जनवरी को शाम की नमाज के दौरान एक मस्जिद में 27 वर्षीय एक व्यक्ति द्वारा की गई गोलीबारी में छह नमाजियों की मौत हो गई थी और पांच अन्य गंभीर रूप से घायल हो गए थे.      Canada to appoint representative to fight Islamophobia, welcomed by PAK  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted that Islamophobia will not be accepted.  The Canadian government on Sunday, January 30 announced the appointment of a special representative to tackle Islamophobia in the country as part of its anti-racism plan. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted that "Islamophobia will not be accepted. We need to end this hatred and make our communities safer for Muslim Canadians." intend to appoint."  The decision came as Canada remembered the Quebec City mosque attack on January 29 and National Day of Remembrance of Action Against Islamophobia. In its statement, the government also reaffirmed its promise to condemn and deal with Islamophobia and hate-filled violence.  Pakistan PM Imran Khan welcomed the decision and tweeted, "I welcome Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's strong condemnation of Islamophobia and his plan to appoint a special representative to deal with this contemporary crisis." Let us join hands to end this menace.  In 2017, six worshipers were killed and five others were seriously injured when a 27-year-old man opened fire at a mosque during evening prayers on January 29.

Canada to appoint representative to fight Islamophobia, welcomed by PAK

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted that Islamophobia will not be accepted.

The Canadian government on Sunday, January 30 announced the appointment of a special representative to tackle Islamophobia in the country as part of its anti-racism plan. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted that "Islamophobia will not be accepted. We need to end this hatred and make our communities safer for Muslim Canadians." intend to appoint."

The decision came as Canada remembered the Quebec City mosque attack on January 29 and National Day of Remembrance of Action Against Islamophobia. In its statement, the government also reaffirmed its promise to condemn and deal with Islamophobia and hate-filled violence.

Pakistan PM Imran Khan welcomed the decision and tweeted, "I welcome Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's strong condemnation of Islamophobia and his plan to appoint a special representative to deal with this contemporary crisis." Let us join hands to end this menace.

In 2017, six worshipers were killed and five others were seriously injured when a 27-year-old man opened fire at a mosque during evening prayers on January 29.

أزمة أوكرانيا.. أمريكا تلقت رداً مكتوباً من روسيا وتدرس نشر قوات شرق أوروبا تجري الولايات المتحدة مناقشات نشطة مع حلفاء في شرق أوروبا بشأن نشر محتمل لقوات أمريكية على الجانب الشرقي لحلف شمال الأطلسي، فيما قالت خارجيتها إنها تلقت تعقيباً مكتوباً من روسيا بعد أن قدمت واشنطن ردوداً مكتوبة أيضاً على مطالب موسكو بشأن أوكرانيا.  قالت وزارة الدفاع الأمريكية (البنتاغون) الاثنين إنها تجري مناقشات نشطة مع حلفاء في شرق أوروبا بشأن نشر محتمل لقوات أمريكية على الجانب الشرقي لحلف شمال الأطلسي، وذلك في الوقت الذي تتحرك فيه واشنطن لطمأنة حلفاء قلقين بالحلف في مواجهة حشد عسكري روسي بالقرب من أوكرانيا.  وأفاد البنتاغون بأن أي قرارات بشأن تحركات لقوات جديدة ستكون بمعزل عن القوات البالغ قوامها نحو 8500 جندي في الولايات المتحدة التي وضعت في حالة تأهب الأسبوع الماضي من أجل تعزيز محتمل لقوة الرد السريع التابعة لحلف شمال الأطلسي، وهو ما يتماشى مع تصريحات الرئيس جو بايدن الجمعة بشأن عمليات نشر محتملة على المدى القريب في شرق أوروبا.  وقال المتحدث باسم البنتاغون جون كيربي إن القوات التي كان يشير إليها بايدن الجمعة من الممكن إعادة نشرها من داخل أوروبا.  وأضاف كيربي: "نؤدي عملاً دقيقاً لتوفير خيارات للقائد الأعلى إذا قرر ذلك... وبتشاور وثيق مع الحلفاء الفعليين".  وعلى صعيد منفصل وضع الجيش الأمريكي الأسبوع الماضي نحو 8500 جندي داخل الولايات المتحدة في حالة تأهب ليكونوا مستعدين لنشرهم في أوروبا، وهو ما يهدف إلى حد كبير إلى تعبئة صفوف قوة الرد السريع التابعة لحلف شمال الأطلسي إذا استدعاهم التحالف للخدمة.  من جهة أخرى قال متحدث باسم وزارة الخارجية الأمريكية الاثنين إن الولايات المتحدة تلقت تعقيباً مكتوباً من روسيا بعد أن قدمت واشنطن ردوداً مكتوبة الأسبوع الماضي على مطالب موسكو فيما يتعلق بمواجهتهما بشأن أوكرانيا.  وقال المتحدث: "يمكننا أن نؤكد أننا تلقينا تعقيباً مكتوباً من روسيا. لن يكون مجدياً التفاوض علناً، لذلك سنترك الأمر لروسيا إذا كانوا يريدون مناقشة ردهم".  وأضاف المتحدث: "لا نزال ملتزمين تماماً الحوار للتعامل مع هذه القضايا وسنواصل التشاور من كثب مع حلفائنا وشركائنا، بما في ذلك أوكرانيا".  وتنفي روسيا التخطيط لغزو، ولكن بعد أن تسببت موسكو في أزمة حالياً من خلال تطويق أوكرانيا بقوات من الشمال والشرق والجنوب، تتذرع موسكو الآن برد الفعل الغربي باعتباره دليلاً يدعم روايتها عن أن روسيا هي هدف العدوان وليست المثير له.  وتطالب روسيا التي استولت على شبه جزيرة القرم من أوكرانيا في 2014 وتدعم متمردين يقاتلون القوات الحكومية في شرق أوكرانيا، بضمانات أمنية شاملة منها تعهد حلف شمال الأطلسي بعدم السماح بانضمام أوكرانيا أبداً.  وقال متحدث باسم الخارجية الأمريكية إن من المتوقع أن يتحدث وزير الخارجية الروسي سيرجي لافروف هاتفياً مع وزير الخارجية الأمريكي أنتوني بلينكن الثلاثاء.  وشدد بايدن على أهمية الجهود الدبلوماسية الرامية إلى تجنب الصراع، وقال لصحفيين في المكتب البيضاوي: "نواصل الانخراط بلا توقف في الدبلوماسية وتهدئة التوتر".      The Ukraine crisis America received a written response from Russia and is studying the deployment of forces in Eastern Europe  The United States is in active discussions with allies in Eastern Europe about a possible deployment of US forces to the eastern side of NATO, while its State Department said it received written feedback from Russia after Washington provided written responses to Moscow's demands on Ukraine.  The Pentagon said on Monday it was in active discussions with eastern European allies about a possible deployment of US forces to the eastern flank of NATO, as Washington moved to reassure wary allies in the face of a Russian military build-up near Ukraine.  The Pentagon said any decisions about new troop movements would be independent of the roughly 8,500-strong US forces that were put on alert last week for a possible reinforcement of the NATO Rapid Reaction Force, in line with President Joe Biden's comments Friday about Possible near-term deployments to Eastern Europe.  Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said the forces that Biden was referring to on Friday could be redeployed from within Europe. "We do a meticulous job of providing options to the commander-in-chief if he decides to do so...and in close consultation with de facto allies," Kirby added.  Separately, the US military last week put about 8,500 troops inside the United States on alert to be ready for deployment to Europe, largely aimed at mobilizing the ranks of the NATO Rapid Reaction Force if the coalition called them up.  On the other hand, a US State Department spokesman said on Monday that the United States had received written feedback from Russia after Washington submitted written responses last week to Moscow's demands regarding their confrontation over Ukraine.  "We can confirm that we have received written feedback from Russia. It would not be worth negotiating publicly, so we will leave it to Russia if they want to discuss their response," the spokesman said.  "We remain fully committed to dialogue to address these issues and will continue to consult closely with our allies and partners, including Ukraine," the spokesperson added.  Russia denies planning an invasion, but now that Moscow has caused a crisis by encircling Ukraine with forces from the north, east and south, Moscow is now invoking the Western reaction as evidence to support its narrative that Russia is the target rather than the provocateur of aggression.  Russia, which seized Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 and supports rebels fighting government forces in eastern Ukraine, has demanded comprehensive security guarantees, including a NATO pledge never to allow Ukraine to join.  A US State Department spokesman said that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is expected to speak by phone with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on Tuesday.  Biden stressed the importance of diplomatic efforts to avoid conflict, telling reporters in the Oval Office: "We continue to engage nonstop in diplomacy and de-escalation."

The Ukraine crisis America received a written response from Russia and is studying the deployment of forces in Eastern Europe

The United States is in active discussions with allies in Eastern Europe about a possible deployment of US forces to the eastern side of NATO, while its State Department said it received written feedback from Russia after Washington provided written responses to Moscow's demands on Ukraine.

The Pentagon said on Monday it was in active discussions with eastern European allies about a possible deployment of US forces to the eastern flank of NATO, as Washington moved to reassure wary allies in the face of a Russian military build-up near Ukraine.

The Pentagon said any decisions about new troop movements would be independent of the roughly 8,500-strong US forces that were put on alert last week for a possible reinforcement of the NATO Rapid Reaction Force, in line with President Joe Biden's comments Friday about Possible near-term deployments to Eastern Europe.

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said the forces that Biden was referring to on Friday could be redeployed from within Europe.

"We do a meticulous job of providing options to the commander-in-chief if he decides to do so...and in close consultation with de facto allies," Kirby added.

Separately, the US military last week put about 8,500 troops inside the United States on alert to be ready for deployment to Europe, largely aimed at mobilizing the ranks of the NATO Rapid Reaction Force if the coalition called them up.

On the other hand, a US State Department spokesman said on Monday that the United States had received written feedback from Russia after Washington submitted written responses last week to Moscow's demands regarding their confrontation over Ukraine.

"We can confirm that we have received written feedback from Russia. It would not be worth negotiating publicly, so we will leave it to Russia if they want to discuss their response," the spokesman said.

"We remain fully committed to dialogue to address these issues and will continue to consult closely with our allies and partners, including Ukraine," the spokesperson added.

Russia denies planning an invasion, but now that Moscow has caused a crisis by encircling Ukraine with forces from the north, east and south, Moscow is now invoking the Western reaction as evidence to support its narrative that Russia is the target rather than the provocateur of aggression.

Russia, which seized Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 and supports rebels fighting government forces in eastern Ukraine, has demanded comprehensive security guarantees, including a NATO pledge never to allow Ukraine to join.

A US State Department spokesman said that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is expected to speak by phone with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on Tuesday.

Biden stressed the importance of diplomatic efforts to avoid conflict, telling reporters in the Oval Office: "We continue to engage nonstop in diplomacy and de-escalation."

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