Libya : “The National Gathering of Libyan Parties” condemns the arrest of the head of the reconciliation team affiliated with Saif al-Islam Gaddafi Libya : “The National Gathering of Libyan Parties” condemns the arrest of the head of the reconciliation team affiliated with Saif al-Islam Gaddafi

Libya : “The National Gathering of Libyan Parties” condemns the arrest of the head of the reconciliation team affiliated with Saif al-Islam Gaddafi

Libya : “The National Gathering of Libyan Parties” condemns the arrest of the head of the reconciliation team affiliated with Saif al-Islam Gaddafi

The National Gathering of Libyan Parties condemned in a statement on Saturday the arrest of Ali Bousbiha Al-Hasnawi, head of the reconciliation team of presidential candidate Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi.

The statement stated that Ali Busbiha Al-Hasnawi was arrested on the grounds of his support for the statement of the components of Zintan in support of holding presidential and parliamentary elections and not excluding Saif Al-Islam in the elections.

The gathering stated that Bousbiha is one of the symbols of national reconciliation and is a true national asset in these difficult and sensitive circumstances that Libya is going through, stressing that insulting him constitutes a stain of shame on those who insulted him.

The group appealed to the security authorities who detained Bousbiha to intervene urgently to release him and apologize to him for violating the sanctity of his home and arresting him among his children and grandchildren.

The General Secretariat of the Assembly stressed that it will remain in permanent session and in constant contact with all relevant parties to follow up on these shameful practices until Bousbiha is released.

In his statement, he called on the security authorities and all their agencies not to take any measures that would cause more social tension and threaten the state of civil and social peace.

For his part, the head of the National Human Rights Committee, Ahmed Hamza, condemned the arrest of Sheikh Ali Busbiha Al-Hasnawi, head of the reconciliation team of the presidential candidate Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi, and said, “We must stand strong in the face of the forces of injustice and tyranny that seek to turn the people into a flock of sheep on the farms of oppressive tyrants.” ".

The Libyan "Jamahiriya" channel said that Ali Busbiha Al-Hasnawi, head of the reconciliation team affiliated with Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi, was arrested for supporting the statement of the components of Zintan calling for the formation of a single government, holding elections, and not excluding Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi.

The channel reported that Zakaria Ali Abu Sabiha, son of Hajj Ali Abu Sabiha, was also arrested, hours after his father was arrested.

It was reported that Zakaria Ali Abu Sabiha was arrested when he went to the headquarters of the Internal Security Service in Sabha to inquire about the reason for his father’s arrest and to try to release him.

It is worth noting that the social, military and security forces in the city of Zintan, western Libya, announced during a solemn military parade their support for Saif al-Islam Gaddafi’s candidacy for the presidential elections .


  1. Subarna das(chirtadas)21 April 2024 at 14:04


  2. Subarna(chirtadas)21 April 2024 at 14:38


  3. The arrest of Ali Bousbiha Al-Hasnawi is a troubling sign of escalating tensions in Libya. It's critical for the authorities to respect the principles of justice and human rights. The call for his immediate release and a return to civil discourse is imperative.

  4. The statement stated that Ali Busbiha Al-Hasnawi was arrested on the grounds of

  5. The group appealed to the security

  6. The arrest of Ali Bousbiha Al-Hasnawi, a prominent figure in national reconciliation, is deeply concerning. It underscores the fragile state of Libya's political landscape and threatens efforts toward peaceful dialogue and democratic elections. The National Gathering of Libyan Parties' condemnation reflects the broader concern about civil and social peace. Arbitrary arrests like this undermine the rule of law and exacerbate social tensions. It’s crucial for Libyan authorities to release Al-Hasnawi and his son and ensure that all voices are allowed to participate in the democratic process without fear of retribution.

  7. Informative

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