The pain of Kanpur's leather traders - "Government is harassing instead of encouraging"

कानपुर के चमड़ा व्यापारियों का दर्द- "प्रोत्साहन के बजाय सरकार कर रही प्रताड़ित" कानपुर के कारोबारियों का आरोप- अब केवल 25 प्रतिशत उद्योग बचा है  नोटबंदी, जीएसटी और कोरोना की मार झेल रहे उत्तर प्रदेश (Uttar Pradesh) में कानपुर के चमड़ा उद्योग को प्रशासन से मदद मिलने के बजाय कड़े रुख का सामना करना पड़ा. चमड़ा व्यापारियों का आरोप है कि अब केवल 25 प्रतिशत उद्योग बचा है. चमड़ा कारखाना के मालिक मोहम्मद अर्शी ने द क्विंट से बात करते हुए बताया कि हमारा उद्योग बहुत पुराना है, जो सर्वाइव कर रहा है, उसको प्रोत्साहन मिलने के बजाय प्रताड़ित किया जा रहा है.  उद्योग की क्षमता को आदेश जारी करते हुए 50 प्रतिशत कर दिया गया है, कहा गया कि आप प्रोडक्शन मेन्युफैक्चरिंग सिर्फ 50 फीसदी ही कर सकते हैं. जहां पर लोग रोजगार के लिए दर-दर ठोकरें खा रहे हैं, इतनी बुरी स्थिति है. किसी और इंडस्ट्री में काम नहीं था. इस दौरान हमारा उद्योग चलने की कोशिश कर रहा था, तो इसको आधा कर दिया गया, हमने उसमें भी सर्वाइव करने की कोशिश की. मोहम्मद अर्शी, चमड़ा कारखाना मालिक  उन्होंने आगे बताया कि कुछ दिनों बात फिर आदेश आया कि आपके इन्फ्रास्ट्रक्चर (प्रोडक्शन मशीनरी) को भी 50 फीसदी डिस्मेंटल कर दिया गया है. डिपार्टमेंट द्वारा ये नोटिस जारी किया गया और हमारी इंडस्ट्री को बंद कर दिया गया. बोर्ड ने जो गाइडलाइन दी, कि इतनी मशीनें आप तोड़कर हटाइए, इसके बाद सर्वे किया जाएगा. कहा गया कि जब ये मशीनें हटा दी जाएंगी तब इंड्स्ट्री को चलाने का आदेश किया जाएगा.  मजबूरी में हमने अपने इन्फ्रास्ट्रक्चर को अपने हाथों से तोड़ दिया, तोड़ने के बाद आदेश किया गया और फिर हमने उसको फिर से शुरू किया. इसको 6 महीने ही हुए थे कि नई गाइडलाइन जारी कर दी गई कि आप अपने उद्योग को महीने में सिर्फ 15 दिन के लिए चला सकते हैं.  कहा जा रहा है कि गंगा में प्रदूषण रोकने की कवायद में NGT और प्रदूषण कट्रोल बोर्ड ने कानपुर चमड़ा व्यवसाय पर नकेल कसी.  इस पर चमड़ा कारखाना मालिक कौशलेन्द्र दीक्षित ने कहा कि जो भी इस तरह की बयानबाजी कर रहा है, वो निराधार है. गंगा नदी में उद्योग का पानी नहीं जा रहा है. जो लोग ये कह रहे हैं, उनसे हमारी अपील है कि वो यहां पर आएं और चलकर बताएं कि कहां से पानी जा रहा है.  हमारे काम को बदनाम करने के लिए जो भी इस तरह की बातें कर रहे हैं वो बिल्कुल बेकार की बात कर रहे हैं, ये बहुत गलत बात है. कौशलेन्द्र दीक्षित, चमड़ा कारखाना मालिक धरातल पर नहीं उतर पाई वन डिस्ट्रिक्ट वन प्रोडक्ट स्कीम कानपुर के चमड़ा कारोबारियों का आरोप है कि अधिकारियों की उदासीनता के कारण धरातल पर वन डिस्ट्रिक्ट वन प्रोडक्ट स्कीम नहीं उतर पाई है.  चमड़ा कारखाना मालिक नय्यर जमाल ने कहा कि सरकार जो भी स्कीम घोषित करती है, अच्छी नीयत से करती है लेकिन स्कीम के तहत किसी की अकाउंटिबिलिटी नहीं तय की गई. जिले के जो अधिकारी हैं उनको ये जिम्मेदारी देना चाहिए था कि आप इंड्स्ट्री को 10 फीसदी बढ़ाकर दिखाइए. हमारी जानकारी में है कि जो भी फंड आया था, वो वापस चला गया.  चपड़ा उद्योग पर मंडरा रहा खतरा रोजगार से जूझ रहे देश में चमड़ा उद्योग पर मंडरा रहे खतरे से कामगार निराश हैं.वमजदूर मोहम्मद अबरार ने द क्विंट से बात करते हुए बताया कि एक महीने में सिर्फ दस दिन काम मिलता है, जिससे 5-6 रूपए कमा लेते हैं. इससे पहले महीने में हम 10-12 हजार रूपए कमा लेते थे.  चमड़ा कारखाना मालिक कौशलेन्द्र दीक्षित ने कहा कि आगे जो भी सरकार बने उससे हमारी यही गुजारिश है कि कारोबार को पर्णतः पहले की तरह किया जाए और हमें काम करने दिया जाए, जिससे यहां के गरीब मजदूरों का पेट भर सके और जो लोग कारखाने लगाए हुए हैं उनका पेट भरे. सरकार से हमारी गुजारिश है कि काम करने की छूट दी जाए, जिससे जो लोग लोन लेकर अपना कारोबार चला रहे हैं, उन्हें बैंक को वापस लोन चुकाने का मौका मिल सके.   The pain of Kanpur's leather traders - "Government is harassing instead of encouraging" Kanpur's traders allege - now only 25 percent of the industry is left   In Uttar Pradesh , which is facing the brunt of demonetisation, GST and Corona, the leather industry of Kanpur had to face a tough stand instead of getting help from the administration. Leather traders allege that now only 25 percent of the industry is left. The owner of the leather factory, Mohammad Arshi, while talking to The Quint said that our industry is very old, the one who is surviving is being harassed instead of being encouraged.   The capacity of the industry has been increased to 50 percent by issuing orders, it was said that you can do production manufacturing only 50 percent. Where people are stumbling from door to door for employment, the situation is such. There was no work in any other industry. During this time our industry was trying to survive, so it was halved...we tried to survive in that too. Mohammad Arshi, leather factory owner He further told that after a few days the order came again that your infrastructure (production machinery) has also been dismantled 50 percent. This notice was issued by the department and our industry was closed. The guideline given by the board, that you break and remove so many machines... after this the survey will be done. It was said that when these machines are removed, then orders will be given to run the industry.  Under compulsion, we broke our infrastructure with our own hands, after breaking it was ordered and then we started it again. It was only 6 months that a new guideline was issued that you can run your industry for only 15 days in a month. Mohammad Arshi, leather factory owner  He said that our capacity was reduced from 100 percent to 25 percent.  It is being said that NGT and Pollution Control Board cracked down on Kanpur leather business in an exercise to stop pollution in Ganga.  On this, leather factory owner Kaushalendra Dixit said that whoever is making such statements is baseless. Industry water is not going into the Ganges river. Our appeal to those who are saying this is that they should come here and tell them from where the water is going.  Whoever is talking like this to defame our work, they are talking absolutely useless, this is a very wrong thing. Kaushalendra Dixit, leather factory owner One District One Product Scheme could not get off the ground The leather traders of Kanpur allege that the One District One Product Scheme has not been able to land on the ground due to the apathy of the officials.  Leather factory owner Nayyar Jamal said that whatever scheme the government announces, it does it with good intention, but no one's accountability was fixed under the scheme. The officers of the district should have been given the responsibility to show the industry by increasing it by 10 percent. It is to our knowledge that whatever funds came, it went back.  The threat looming over the garment industry Workers are disappointed with the threat looming over the leather industry in the employment-strapped country. Talking to The Quint, a laborer Mohammad Abrar told that only ten days of work are available in a month, which earns 5-6 rupees. Earlier in the month we used to earn 10-12 thousand rupees.  Now I work in three places because we cannot get work at one place, if we get work for ten days in a month, what will we be able to do? Mohammad Abrar, Laborer  Leather factory owner Kaushalendra Dixit said that whatever government is formed next, it is our request that business should be done completely as before and we should be allowed to work, so that the poor laborers here can be fed and those who are setting up factories. Fill their stomach. Our request to the government is to give permission to work, so that those who are running their business by taking loans, they can get an opportunity to repay the loan back to the bank.

The pain of Kanpur's leather traders - "Government is harassing instead of encouraging"

Kanpur's traders allege - now only 25 percent of the industry is left
In Uttar Pradesh , which is facing the brunt of demonetisation, GST and Corona, the leather industry of Kanpur had to face a tough stand instead of getting help from the administration. Leather traders allege that now only 25 percent of the industry is left. The owner of the leather factory, Mohammad Arshi, while talking to The Quint said that our industry is very old, the one who is surviving is being harassed instead of being encouraged.

The capacity of the industry has been increased to 50 percent by issuing orders, it was said that you can do production manufacturing only 50 percent. Where people are stumbling from door to door for employment, the situation is such. There was no work in any other industry. During this time our industry was trying to survive, so it was halved. we tried to survive in that too.
Mohammad Arshi, leather factory owner

He further told that after a few days the order came again that your infrastructure (production machinery) has also been dismantled 50 percent. This notice was issued by the department and our industry was closed. The guideline given by the board, that you break and remove so many machines... after this the survey will be done. It was said that when these machines are removed, then orders will be given to run the industry.

Under compulsion, we broke our infrastructure with our own hands, after breaking it was ordered and then we started it again. It was only 6 months that a new guideline was issued that you can run your industry for only 15 days in a month.
Mohammad Arshi, leather factory owner

He said that our capacity was reduced from 100 percent to 25 percent.

It is being said that NGT and Pollution Control Board cracked down on Kanpur leather business in an exercise to stop pollution in Ganga.

On this, leather factory owner Kaushalendra Dixit said that whoever is making such statements is baseless. Industry water is not going into the Ganges river. Our appeal to those who are saying this is that they should come here and tell them from where the water is going.

Whoever is talking like this to defame our work, they are talking absolutely useless, this is a very wrong thing.
Kaushalendra Dixit, leather factory owner

One District One Product Scheme could not get off the ground
The leather traders of Kanpur allege that the One District One Product Scheme has not been able to land on the ground due to the apathy of the officials.

Leather factory owner Nayyar Jamal said that whatever scheme the government announces, it does it with good intention, but no one's accountability was fixed under the scheme. The officers of the district should have been given the responsibility to show the industry by increasing it by 10 percent. It is to our knowledge that whatever funds came, it went back.

The threat looming over the garment industry
Workers are disappointed with the threat looming over the leather industry in the employment-strapped country. Talking to The Quint, a laborer Mohammad Abrar told that only ten days of work are available in a month, which earns 5-6 rupees. Earlier in the month we used to earn 10-12 thousand rupees.

Now I work in three places because we cannot get work at one place, if we get work for ten days in a month, what will we be able to do?
Mohammad Abrar, Laborer

Leather factory owner Kaushalendra Dixit said that whatever government is formed next, it is our request that business should be done completely as before and we should be allowed to work, so that the poor laborers here can be fed and those who are setting up factories. Fill their stomach. Our request to the government is to give permission to work, so that those who are running their business by taking loans, they can get an opportunity to repay the loan back to the bank.

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