The Ukrainian crisis the West deploys 3,000 soldiers, and Washington is considering sending gas to Europe The Ukrainian crisis the West deploys 3,000 soldiers, and Washington is considering sending gas to Europe

The Ukrainian crisis the West deploys 3,000 soldiers, and Washington is considering sending gas to Europe

الأزمة الأوكرانية.. الغرب ينشر 3 آلاف جندي وواشنطن تبحث إرسال الغاز إلى أوروبا  أعلنت وزارة الدفاع الأميركية (البنتاغون) أن الرئيس جو بايدن قرر نشر نحو ألفي جندي أميركي إضافي في أوروبا، فيما أفاد موقع بلومبيرغ بأن الإدارة الأميركية بحثت مع كبار مستوردي الغاز في آسيا لإقناعهم بإرساله إلى أوروبا في حال نشب نزاع مسلح في أوكرانيا.  وأوضح البنتاغون أنه سينشر ألفي جندي أميركي في أوروبا خلال الأيام المقبلة، كما سيعاد نشر ألف جندي من ألمانيا إلى رومانيا، مؤكدا أن نشر هذه القوات يأتي للردع، وأنه يبعث برسالة مفادها أن واشنطن مستعدة لصدّ أي عدوان.  اقرأ أيضا كما قال المتحدث باسم الخارجية الأميركية نيد برايس إن القوات الأميركية التي أعلن عن إرسالها إلى أوروبا لن تقاتل في أوكرانيا بل هدفها ضمان الدفاع القوي عن أراضي حلف شمال الأطلسي (الناتو).  وأوضح برايس أن هذه التحركات ليست دائمة وإنما تأتي استجابة للبيئة الأمنية الحالية. وأضاف أن الإجراءات التي أعلن عنها في البنتاغون رادعة ودفاعية.  أما فيما يتعلق بالاتصالات مع روسيا فقد أشار إلى أن الروس يعدون ردا مكتوبا على ما قدمته واشنطن. وتوقع أن ينقل الرد بالتفصيل موقفهم والطريق الذي يبدو لهم قابلا للتطبيق.  وأوضح أن الولايات المتحدة والناتو لم يقدما لروسيا خارطة طريق محددة بل مقترحات لمزيد من الانخراط الدبلوماسي.  تحذير روسي في المقابل، حذر مجلس الدوما الروسي من خطوة نشر قوات أميركية في أوروبا الشرقية، وقال إنها خطوة غير بنّاءة، قد تدفع موسكو للرد.  من جهة ثانية، أكد وزير الخارجية الأوكراني دميترو كوليبا أن الدبلوماسية تتواصل لدرء أي هجوم روسي.  يأتي هذا في وقت أظهرت فيه صورٌ تعزيزَ روسيا لقواتها قرب حدودها، وفي بيلاروسيا.  من جهة أخرى، أفادت وكالة رويترز نقلا عن الإليزيه بأن الرئيسين الفرنسي إيمانويل ماكرون والأميركي جو بايدن اتفقا على ضرورة مواصلة الحوار من أجل تنفيذ اتفاقيات مينسك.  كما قال البيت الأبيض إن بايدن وماكرون بحثا في اتصال هاتفي استمرار الحشد العسكري الروسي على الحدود مع أوكرانيا، وأضاف أن بايدن وماكرون أكدا دعمهما لسيادة أوكرانيا ووحدة أراضيها.  واستعرض الرئيسان تنسيق بلديهما المستمر في المجال الدبلوماسي والاستعداد لفرض تكاليف اقتصادية سريعة وشديدة على روسيا في حال غزوها أوكرانيا.  وقال البيت الأبيض إن بايدن وماكرون اتفقا على إبقاء اتصال وثيق بين فريقيهما ومع حلفاء الناتو والاتحاد الأوروبي بشأن المقاربة المنسقة والشاملة لإدارة ملف أوكرانيا.  وفي السياق ذاته، حذر وزير الخارجية الفرنسي جان إيف لودريان من خطورة الوضع في أوكرانيا.  وأوضح لودريان في رده على سؤال حول تبعات أي تدخل روسي في أوكرانيا، أن روسيا ستتعرض لعقوبات مشددة في حال إقدامها على المساس بسيادة أوكرانيا.  اتصال روسي بريطاني في المقابل، قال الكرملين إن الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين ورئيس الوزراء البريطاني بوريس جونسون أجريا اتصالا هاتفيا تبادلا خلاله بشكل مفصل وجهات النظر في سياق الأزمة في أوكرانيا، ومسألة الضمانات الأمنية القانونية التي تطالب بها روسيا.  وأوضح الكرملين أن بوتين لفت انتباه جونسون إلى ما سماه التخريب الذي قامت به كييف لاتفاقيات مينسك.  وتحدث بوتين عن عدم استعداد الناتو للاستجابة بشكل مناسب للهواجس الروسية، وقال إن الغرب يختبئ وراء ما يسمى بسياسة "الباب المفتوح" للناتو والتي تتعارض مع المبدأ الأساسي لعدم تجزئة الأمن.  من جهة أخرى، نقل موقع بلومبيرغ (Bloomberg) عن مصادر مطلعة قولها إن الإدارة الأميركية تواصلت مع عدد من أكبر مستوردي الغاز في آسيا لإقناعهم بإرساله إلى أوروبا في حال نشب نزاع مسلح في أوكرانيا.  وأوضح الموقع أن بايدن تحدث إلى مسؤولين في اليابان وكوريا الجنوبية والهند وكذلك الصين التي كان الاتصال مع مسؤوليها محدودا حسب الموقع.  وتحاول واشنطن تفادي أزمة غاز في أوروبا إذا غزت روسيا أوكرانيا وردت الدول الأوروبية بفرض عقوبات عليها.  وتتخوف الدول الأوروبية التي يشكل الغاز الروسي 40% من احتياجاتها من أن تقلص موسكو الإمدادات ردا على أي عقوبات محتملة.    The Ukrainian crisis the West deploys 3,000 soldiers, and Washington is considering sending gas to Europe  The Pentagon announced that President Joe Biden has decided to deploy about 2,000 additional US troops to Europe, while Bloomberg reported that the US administration has discussed with major importers of gas in Asia to persuade them to send it to Europe in the event of an armed conflict in Ukraine.  The Pentagon indicated that it will deploy 2,000 US soldiers to Europe in the coming days, and 1,000 soldiers will be redeployed from Germany to Romania, stressing that the deployment of these forces comes as a deterrent, and that it sends a message that Washington is ready to repel any aggression.  US State Department spokesman Ned Price also said that the US forces announced to be sent to Europe will not fight in Ukraine, but their goal is to ensure the strong defense of the territory of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).  Price explained that these moves are not permanent, but rather come in response to the current security environment. He added that the measures announced at the Pentagon were deterrent and defensive.  As for contacts with Russia, he indicated that the Russians are preparing a written response to what Washington has provided. He expected the response to convey in detail their position and the path that seemed to them to be applicable.  He explained that the United States and NATO did not present Russia with a specific road map, but rather proposals for further diplomatic engagement.  Russian warning On the other hand, the Russian State Duma warned against the move to deploy US forces in Eastern Europe, and said it was a counterproductive step that might prompt Moscow to respond.  On the other hand, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba confirmed that diplomacy is continuing to ward off any Russian attack.  This comes at a time when pictures showed Russia's reinforcement of its forces near its borders, and in Belarus. On the other hand, Reuters news agency reported, quoting the Elysee, that French President Emmanuel Macron and American Joe Biden agreed on the need to continue dialogue in order to implement the Minsk agreements.  The White House also said that Biden and Macron discussed in a telephone conversation the continuation of the Russian military build-up on the border with Ukraine, adding that Biden and Macron affirmed their support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.  The two presidents reviewed their countries' continuous coordination in the diplomatic field and their willingness to impose rapid and severe economic costs on Russia in the event of its invasion of Ukraine.  The White House said Biden and Macron agreed to maintain close contact between their teams and with NATO allies and the European Union on a coordinated and comprehensive approach to managing Ukraine.  In the same context, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian warned of the dangerous situation in Ukraine. In response to a question about the consequences of any Russian intervention in Ukraine, Le Drian said that Russia would be subject to severe sanctions if it violated Ukraine's sovereignty.  Russian british contact On the other hand, the Kremlin said that Russian President Vladimir Putin and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had a telephone conversation, during which they exchanged in detail their views in the context of the crisis in Ukraine, and the issue of legal security guarantees demanded by Russia.  The Kremlin explained that Putin drew Johnson's attention to what he called Kiev's sabotage of the Minsk agreements. Putin spoke of NATO's unwillingness to respond appropriately to Russia's concerns, and said that the West was hiding behind the so-called "open door" policy of NATO, which contradicts the basic principle of indivisibility of security.  On the other hand, Bloomberg quoted informed sources as saying that the US administration had contacted a number of the largest importers of gas in Asia to persuade them to send it to Europe in the event of an armed conflict in Ukraine.  The website indicated that Biden spoke to officials in Japan, South Korea, India, as well as China, whose officials had limited contact with them, according to the website.  Washington is trying to avoid a gas crisis in Europe if Russia invades Ukraine and European countries respond by imposing sanctions on it.  European countries, whose needs are 40% of Russian gas, fear that Moscow will reduce supplies in response to any possible sanctions.

The Ukrainian crisis the West deploys 3,000 soldiers, and Washington is considering sending gas to Europe

The Pentagon announced that President Joe Biden has decided to deploy about 2,000 additional US troops to Europe, while Bloomberg reported that the US administration has discussed with major importers of gas in Asia to persuade them to send it to Europe in the event of an armed conflict in Ukraine.

The Pentagon indicated that it will deploy 2,000 US soldiers to Europe in the coming days, and 1,000 soldiers will be redeployed from Germany to Romania, stressing that the deployment of these forces comes as a deterrent, and that it sends a message that Washington is ready to repel any aggression.

US State Department spokesman Ned Price also said that the US forces announced to be sent to Europe will not fight in Ukraine, but their goal is to ensure the strong defense of the territory of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Price explained that these moves are not permanent, but rather come in response to the current security environment. He added that the measures announced at the Pentagon were deterrent and defensive.

As for contacts with Russia, he indicated that the Russians are preparing a written response to what Washington has provided. He expected the response to convey in detail their position and the path that seemed to them to be applicable.

He explained that the United States and NATO did not present Russia with a specific road map, but rather proposals for further diplomatic engagement.

Russian warning
On the other hand, the Russian State Duma warned against the move to deploy US forces in Eastern Europe, and said it was a counterproductive step that might prompt Moscow to respond.

On the other hand, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba confirmed that diplomacy is continuing to ward off any Russian attack.

This comes at a time when pictures showed Russia's reinforcement of its forces near its borders, and in Belarus.
On the other hand, Reuters news agency reported, quoting the Elysee, that French President Emmanuel Macron and American Joe Biden agreed on the need to continue dialogue in order to implement the Minsk agreements.

The White House also said that Biden and Macron discussed in a telephone conversation the continuation of the Russian military build-up on the border with Ukraine, adding that Biden and Macron affirmed their support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The two presidents reviewed their countries' continuous coordination in the diplomatic field and their willingness to impose rapid and severe economic costs on Russia in the event of its invasion of Ukraine.

The White House said Biden and Macron agreed to maintain close contact between their teams and with NATO allies and the European Union on a coordinated and comprehensive approach to managing Ukraine.

In the same context, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian warned of the dangerous situation in Ukraine.
In response to a question about the consequences of any Russian intervention in Ukraine, Le Drian said that Russia would be subject to severe sanctions if it violated Ukraine's sovereignty.

Russian british contact
On the other hand, the Kremlin said that Russian President Vladimir Putin and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had a telephone conversation, during which they exchanged in detail their views in the context of the crisis in Ukraine, and the issue of legal security guarantees demanded by Russia.

The Kremlin explained that Putin drew Johnson's attention to what he called Kiev's sabotage of the Minsk agreements.
Putin spoke of NATO's unwillingness to respond appropriately to Russia's concerns, and said that the West was hiding behind the so-called "open door" policy of NATO, which contradicts the basic principle of indivisibility of security.

On the other hand, Bloomberg quoted informed sources as saying that the US administration had contacted a number of the largest importers of gas in Asia to persuade them to send it to Europe in the event of an armed conflict in Ukraine.

The website indicated that Biden spoke to officials in Japan, South Korea, India, as well as China, whose officials had limited contact with them, according to the website.

Washington is trying to avoid a gas crisis in Europe if Russia invades Ukraine and European countries respond by imposing sanctions on it.

European countries, whose needs are 40% of Russian gas, fear that Moscow will reduce supplies in response to any possible sanctions.

ماكرون يدعم المدارس المسيحية بالشرق الأوسط ويغلق المؤسسات الإسلامية بفرنسا أعلن الرئيس الفرنسي مضاعفة تمويلات المدارس المسيحية في الشرق الأوسط، في خطوة وصفها بـ"الالتزام العلماني" لفرنسا، تتبعها على صعيد آخر محاربة نظيرتها الإسلامية في بلاده واضطهاد مسلميها.  في خطوة فريدة، تأتي قبيل أسابيع قليلة من الانتخابات الرئاسية الفرنسية، قرَّر رئيس البلاد مضاعفة دعمها المرصود للمدارس المسيحية في الشرق الأوسط. معللاً ذلك بكونه "التزاماً علمانياً تاريخياً" للجمهورية، في خطاب يشابه بشكل كبير ما يقوله عادة منافسوه في اليمين المتطرف.  بالمقابل، لا يزال إيمانويل ماكرون وحكومته يقودون حرباً ضد المدارس الإسلامية بفرنسا، مضطهدين مسلميها ويصوروهم خطراً محدقاً بالبلاد، ما فتح الباب أمام صعود خطاب الكراهية ضد تلك الجالية التي تمثل رقماً مهماً من سكان البلاد.  ماكرون يدعم المدارس المسيحية بالشرق الأوسط  خلال لقائه نشطاء في الدفاع عن الأقليّات المسيحية في الشرق الأوسط الثلاثاء، أعلن الرئيس الفرنسي إيمانويل ماكرون مضاعفته المبالغ المالية المرصودة لمساعدة المدارس المسيحية هناك، وذلك خلال في مواجهة مخاطر النزاعات والهجمات الجهادية.  وبموجب هذا القرار ستضاعف مساهمة الدولة الفرنسية في صندوق دعم مدارس الشرق لتبلغ أربعة ملايين. في خطوة عللها الرئيس قائلاً: "إن دعم مسيحيّي الشرق التزام علماني لفرنسا ومهمّة تاريخية، كما يشكّل استجابة لضرورة عدم التخلّي عن النضال من أجل الثقافة والتعليم والحوار في هذه المنطقة المضطربة".  وأعلن ماكرون كذلك بأنّ فرنسا ستجدّد إسهامها البالغ 30 مليون دولار في التحالف الدولي لحماية التراث في مناطق النزاع. هذا التحالف في العام 2017 بالاشتراك مع الإمارات التي تتولّى دعم 150 موقعاً ثقافياً، تتراوح أوضاعهم بين المدمّر والمهدّد من جراء النزاعات في سوريا والعراق وأفغانستان أو انفجار مرفأ بيروت في العام 2020.  فيما أُنشئ صندوق دعم مدارس الشرق في كانون الثاني/يناير 2020، ودعم في العام 2021 ما مجموعه 174 مدرسة بينها 129 في لبنان، و16 في مصر، و7 في إسرائيل، و13 في الأراضي الفلسطينية و3 في الأردن.  وحسب إحصاءات الفاتيكان تراجع عدد مسيحيّي الشرق الأوسط إلى نحو 15 مليوناً، وأصبحوا اليوم يشكّلون ما نسبته أربعة في المئة فقط من إجمالي سكان المنطقة، بعدما كانوا يشكّلون 20 في المئة قبل الحرب العالمية الأولى.  لعبة ماكرون الخطيرة!  مقابل هذا، لايزال إيمانويل ماكرون وحكومته يلاحقون مسلمي البلاد ويشنون حملة تضييق على مؤسساتهم. ذلك منذ أن ألقى رئيس الجمهورية خطابه الذي يدعوا لمحاربة ما أسماه "الانعزالية الإسلامية" جاعلاً من مسلمي البلاد الخطر المحدق بالجمهورية، كما بعد سن حكومته قانوناً خاصاً لذلك.  قانون بموجبه أصبحت التهم جاهزة لإغلاق مساجد ومدارس البلاد التي تتبع الديانة الإسلامية. ففي سنة 2021 أغلقت تلك الحكومة 21 مسجداً بالبلاد، وحلت عدداً كبيراً من المدارس والجمعيات والمؤسسات التابعة لمسلميها، كما خلقت شقاقاً سياسياً بين ممثلي الشأن الديني للجاليات الإسلامية هناك.  فيما يدل هذا على التحول الراديكالي في خطاب الرئيس، الذي كان يعارض في حملته الانتخابية السابقة اليمين الداعي إلى اضطهاد مسلمي فرنسا، على ازدواجية معاييره واستغلاله السياسي للقضايا، وبالخصوص تزامن ذلك مع قرب الانتخابات الرئاسية في البلاد. إذ استغرب عدد من المثقفين والصحفيين الفرنسيين توجه الرئيس لسن قانون حول المسلمين، في وقت تعيش فيه البلاد أزمات متتالية.  أحد هؤلاء المثقفين كان ألان غريش، الصحفي الفرنسي المخضرم ورئيس تحرير موقع "أوريون 21"، الذي علق على الأمر وقتها قائلاً: "هي دوافع انتخابية تدفع إلى البحث عن حصد أصوات في اليمين، ومن ثمة التحضير لمقابلة محتملة مع مارين لوبان في الدور الثاني من الانتخابات القادمة، والتي سترغم اليسار بالمقابل على منحه أصواتهم لأنهم لا يريدون لوبان رئيسة للجمهورية، وبالتالي يضمن حظوظه في ولاية ثانية (...) لكنها لعبة خطيرة!".  لعبة خطيرة هي ما يؤكدها كذلك رئيس حزب "الاتحاد الديمقراطي لمسلمي فرنسا"، المرشح الرئاسي نجيب أرزقي، في حديث سابق له لـ TRT عربي، قائلاً: "هي الاستراتيجية نفسها تتكرر، الحكومة تفشل في إيجاد حلول للانشغالات اليومية للفرنسيين، وبدل الاعتراف بفشلها ذاك، تتجه إلى خلق مشكل مزيف لإلهاء الشعب عن حقيقة ذلك الفشل".    Macron supports Christian schools in the Middle East and closes Islamic institutions in France  The French president announced the doubling of funding for Christian schools in the Middle East, in a move he described as France's "secular commitment", followed on the other hand by the fight against its Islamic counterpart in his country and the persecution of its Muslims.  In a unique move, coming a few weeks before the French presidential elections, the country's president has decided to double its support for Christian schools in the Middle East. He justified this as a "historic secular commitment" of the republic, in a discourse that closely resembles what his rivals on the far right usually say.  On the other hand, Emmanuel Macron and his government are still leading a war against Islamic schools in France, persecuting its Muslims and portraying them as a threat to the country, which opened the door to the rise of hate speech against that community that represents an important number of the country's population.  Macron supports Christian schools in the Middle East During his meeting with activists in defense of Christian minorities in the Middle East on Tuesday, French President Emmanuel Macron announced that he would double the funds allocated to help Christian schools there, while facing the dangers of jihadist conflicts and attacks.  Under this decision, the French state's contribution to the East Schools Support Fund will be doubled, to reach four million. In a move that the president justified, he said: "Supporting the Christians of the East is a secular commitment of France and a historical mission, as well as a response to the need not to abandon the struggle for culture, education and dialogue in this troubled region."  Macron also announced that France would renew its $30 million contribution to the International Alliance for the Protection of Heritage in Conflict Zones. This alliance in 2017, in partnership with the UAE, which supports 150 cultural sites, whose conditions range from devastated and threatened by the conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan or the explosion of the Port of Beirut in the year 2020.  While the East Schools Support Fund was established in January 2020, a total of 174 schools were supported in 2021, including 129 in Lebanon, 16 in Egypt, 7 in Israel, 13 in the Palestinian territories and 3 in Jordan.  According to Vatican statistics, the number of Christians in the Middle East has decreased to about 15 million, and today they constitute only four percent of the region's total population, after they made up 20 percent before the First World War.  Macron's dangerous game! In return, Emmanuel Macron and his government are still persecuting the country's Muslims and cracking down on their institutions. That is since the President of the Republic delivered his speech calling for combating what he called "Islamic isolationism", making the country's Muslims the danger to the Republic, just as his government enacted a special law for that.  A law according to which the charges are ready to close mosques and schools in countries that follow the Islamic religion. In the year 2021, that government closed 21 mosques in the country, and dissolved a large number of schools, associations and institutions affiliated with its Muslims, and created a political rift between representatives of the religious affairs of the Muslim communities there.  This indicates the radical shift in the speech of the president , who in his previous election campaign was opposing the right calling for the persecution of Muslims in France, on his double standards and his political exploitation of issues, especially in conjunction with the approaching presidential elections in the country. A number of French intellectuals and journalists were surprised by the president's tendency to enact a law on Muslims, at a time when the country is experiencing successive crises.  One of these intellectuals was Alain Grech, a veteran French journalist and editor-in-chief of the "Orion 21" website, who commented at the time: "These are electoral motives that push the search for votes on the right, and then the preparations for a possible interview with Marine Le Pen in the second round of the presidential election. The upcoming elections, which will, in turn, force the left to give him their votes because they do not want Le Pen as president of the republic, and thus guarantee his chances for a second term (...) but it is a dangerous game!”  A dangerous game is also confirmed by the head of the Democratic Union of Muslims in France, presidential candidate Najib Arezki, in a previous interview with TRT Arabic, saying: "The same strategy is repeated, the government fails to find solutions to the daily preoccupations of the French, and instead of recognizing its failure, It tends to create a fake problem to distract the people from the reality of that failure.”

Macron supports Christian schools in the Middle East and closes Islamic institutions in France

The French president announced the doubling of funding for Christian schools in the Middle East, in a move he described as France's "secular commitment", followed on the other hand by the fight against its Islamic counterpart in his country and the persecution of its Muslims.

In a unique move, coming a few weeks before the French presidential elections, the country's president has decided to double its support for Christian schools in the Middle East. He justified this as a "historic secular commitment" of the republic, in a discourse that closely resembles what his rivals on the far right usually say.

On the other hand, Emmanuel Macron and his government are still leading a war against Islamic schools in France, persecuting its Muslims and portraying them as a threat to the country, which opened the door to the rise of hate speech against that community that represents an important number of the country's population.

Macron supports Christian schools in the Middle East
During his meeting with activists in defense of Christian minorities in the Middle East on Tuesday, French President Emmanuel Macron announced that he would double the funds allocated to help Christian schools there, while facing the dangers of jihadist conflicts and attacks.

Under this decision, the French state's contribution to the East Schools Support Fund will be doubled, to reach four million. In a move that the president justified, he said: "Supporting the Christians of the East is a secular commitment of France and a historical mission, as well as a response to the need not to abandon the struggle for culture, education and dialogue in this troubled region."

Macron also announced that France would renew its $30 million contribution to the International Alliance for the Protection of Heritage in Conflict Zones. This alliance in 2017, in partnership with the UAE, which supports 150 cultural sites, whose conditions range from devastated and threatened by the conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan or the explosion of the Port of Beirut in the year 2020.

While the East Schools Support Fund was established in January 2020, a total of 174 schools were supported in 2021, including 129 in Lebanon, 16 in Egypt, 7 in Israel, 13 in the Palestinian territories and 3 in Jordan.

According to Vatican statistics, the number of Christians in the Middle East has decreased to about 15 million, and today they constitute only four percent of the region's total population, after they made up 20 percent before the First World War.

Macron's dangerous game!
In return, Emmanuel Macron and his government are still persecuting the country's Muslims and cracking down on their institutions. That is since the President of the Republic delivered his speech calling for combating what he called "Islamic isolationism", making the country's Muslims the danger to the Republic, just as his government enacted a special law for that.

A law according to which the charges are ready to close mosques and schools in countries that follow the Islamic religion. In the year 2021, that government closed 21 mosques in the country, and dissolved a large number of schools, associations and institutions affiliated with its Muslims, and created a political rift between representatives of the religious affairs of the Muslim communities there.

This indicates the radical shift in the speech of the president , who in his previous election campaign was opposing the right calling for the persecution of Muslims in France, on his double standards and his political exploitation of issues, especially in conjunction with the approaching presidential elections in the country. A number of French intellectuals and journalists were surprised by the president's tendency to enact a law on Muslims, at a time when the country is experiencing successive crises.

One of these intellectuals was Alain Grech, a veteran French journalist and editor-in-chief of the "Orion 21" website, who commented at the time: "These are electoral motives that push the search for votes on the right, and then the preparations for a possible interview with Marine Le Pen in the second round of the presidential election. The upcoming elections, which will, in turn, force the left to give him their votes because they do not want Le Pen as president of the republic, and thus guarantee his chances for a second term but it is a dangerous game!”

A dangerous game is also confirmed by the head of the Democratic Union of Muslims in France, presidential candidate Najib Arezki, in a previous interview with TRT Arabic, saying: "The same strategy is repeated, the government fails to find solutions to the daily preoccupations of the French, and instead of recognizing its failure, It tends to create a fake problem to distract the people from the reality of that failure.”

أعادتهم اليونان حفاة عراة.. العثور على جثث 12 مهاجراً بأدرنة توُفّوا تجمداً صرّح وزير الداخلية التركي سليمان صويلو بأنّه من بين 22 مهاجراً أجبرتهم القوات اليونانية على خلع أحذيتهم وتجريدهم من ملابسهم، لقي 12 مهاجراً حتفهم بعد أن تجمّدوا بفعل البرد.  أفاد وزير الداخلية التركي سليمان صويلو الأربعاء، بأنّ 12 مهاجراً لقوا حتفهم بمنطقة "إبسالا" الحدودية بعد أن تجمّدوا من البرد جرّاء ممارسات قوات حرس الحدود اليونانية.  وقال صويلو في تغريدة على موقع تويتر، إنّه "من بين 22 مهاجراً أجبرتهم القوات اليونانية على خلع أحذيتهم وتجريدهم ملابسهم، تجمّد 12 مهاجراً".  وتابع الوزير التركي: "الاتحاد الأوروبي عاجز وضعيف وغير إنساني".   وأردف: "قوات الحدود اليونانية قاتلة للأبرياء، ومتعاطفة مع تنظيم كولن الإرهابي".  ودعا صويلو في ختام تغريدته للمهاجرين الضحايا المتوفّين بالرحمة.  وقالت ولاية أدرنة في بيان، إنه عُثر على جثث 9 مهاجرين توُفُّوا بسبب البرد في قرية باشا كوي، دفعتهم اليونان نحوها.  وأضافت أن السلطات أنقذت مهاجراً واحداً كان على وشك التجمد من البرد، وأسعفته بمستشفى كيشان الحكومي بالولاية.  وأردفت بأن السلطات تواصل تمشيط المنطقة بحثاً عن مهاجرين آخرين قد يحتاجون إلى مساعدة طبية عاجلة.  وأشارت الولاية إلى فتح السلطات القضائية تحقيقاً في الحادثة.  وتُشكّل اليونان أحد الطرق الرئيسية المؤدية إلى الاتحاد الأوروبي بالنسبة إلى اللاجئين والمهاجرين الذين يسعون للفرار من الحرب وشظف العيش في الشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا وآسيا.  وترتكب القوات الحدودية وخفر السواحل اليوناني ممارسات وجرائم شنعاء بحق المهاجرين غير النظاميين، وتتعمّد تعريض حياتهم لخطر الموت غير آبهة بأيّ معايير إنسانية ولا بالقوانين الدولية.   Greece brought them back, barefoot. The bodies of 12 migrants were found in Edirne, who had died of freezing.  Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said that of the 22 migrants forced by Greek forces to take off their shoes and strip their clothes, 12 died after freezing in the cold.  Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said Wednesday that 12 migrants died in the Ipsala border area after they froze in the cold due to the practices of the Greek border guards.  Soylu said in a tweet on Twitter that "of the 22 migrants who were forced by the Greek forces to take off their shoes and strip their clothes, 12 migrants froze."  The Turkish minister continued: "The European Union is helpless, weak and inhuman."  And he added: "The Greek border forces are a killer of innocents, and sympathetic to the Gulen terrorist organization."  At the end of his tweet, Soylu called for mercy to the deceased victims of migrants.  The Edirne state said in a statement that the bodies of 9 migrants who died due to cold were found in the village of Pashakoy, pushed by Greece towards it.  She added that the authorities rescued one immigrant who was about to freeze from the cold, and treated him at Kishan Governmental Hospital in the state.  She added that the authorities continue to comb the area for other migrants who may need urgent medical assistance.  The state indicated that the judicial authorities had opened an investigation into the incident.  Greece is one of the main routes to the European Union for refugees and migrants seeking to escape war and the hardships of living in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.  The border forces and the Greek coast guard commit heinous practices and crimes against irregular migrants, deliberately exposing their lives to the risk of death, regardless of any humanitarian standards or international laws.

Greece brought them back, barefoot. The bodies of 12 migrants were found in Edirne, who had died of freezing.

Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said that of the 22 migrants forced by Greek forces to take off their shoes and strip their clothes, 12 died after freezing in the cold.

Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said Wednesday that 12 migrants died in the Ipsala border area after they froze in the cold due to the practices of the Greek border guards.

Soylu said in a tweet on Twitter that "of the 22 migrants who were forced by the Greek forces to take off their shoes and strip their clothes, 12 migrants froze."

The Turkish minister continued: "The European Union is helpless, weak and inhuman."

And he added: "The Greek border forces are a killer of innocents, and sympathetic to the Gulen terrorist organization."

At the end of his tweet, Soylu called for mercy to the deceased victims of migrants.

The Edirne state said in a statement that the bodies of 9 migrants who died due to cold were found in the village of Pashakoy, pushed by Greece towards it.

She added that the authorities rescued one immigrant who was about to freeze from the cold, and treated him at Kishan Governmental Hospital in the state.

She added that the authorities continue to comb the area for other migrants who may need urgent medical assistance.

The state indicated that the judicial authorities had opened an investigation into the incident.

Greece is one of the main routes to the European Union for refugees and migrants seeking to escape war and the hardships of living in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

The border forces and the Greek coast guard commit heinous practices and crimes against irregular migrants, deliberately exposing their lives to the risk of death, regardless of any humanitarian standards or international laws.

انتهاكات واسعة وسوء معاملة.. فضيحة تهز دور رعاية المسنين في فرنسا بعد فتحها عدة تحقيقات إدارية ومالية في شركة "أوربي" المالكة لدور المسنين، كشفت الجهات الرسمية الفرنسية، انتهاكات جسيمة والعديد من الخروقات وسوء المعاملة التي يتعرض لها المسنون، ما فجر جدلاً محموماً في الوسائط الإعلامية وتنديداً حقوقياً واسعاً.  مع اقتراب موعد إجراء الانتخابات الرئاسية في فرنسا، بدأت الأضواء تسلط على الكثير من الملفات والقضايا التي لطالما كانت في طي التعتيم والكتمان. وكان آخر هذه القضايا، إثارة التجاوزات والخروقات التي ارتكبتها طيلة سنوات دور رعاية المسنين التابعة مجموعة "أوربي"، وذلك دون التعرض للمحاسبة أو العقاب.  وتعهدت في هذا الإطار الجهات الرسمية، بفتح تحقيق في الأمر وتتبع القضية والكشف عن كافة المخالفات، والتي تعد من أهمها سوء معاملة المسنين الذي وصف بالعنف "المسكوت عنه".  وفي هذا الإطار قالت وزيرة الدولة المكلفة بسياسة المسنين، بريجيت بورجينون، في تصريح إعلامي لمحطة "فرانس انتر" الإذاعية قائلة : "سنقوم باستجواب المجموعة بأكملها". وتعهدت بأنها ستقوم "بالضرب بقوة"، حسب تعبيرها.  وأما على الجهة المقابلة، فقد أصرت المجموعة على نفي الادعاءات الموجهة إليها، باعتبارها مجرد "أكاذيب متحيزة"، على حد تعبيرها، وأقالت في الأثناء مديرها التنفيذي.  دور رعاية المسنين.. انتهاكات جسيمة  أكدت العديد من التقارير الاستقصائية، أن مجموعة "أوربي" لدور رعاية المسنيين في فرنسا، قد قدمت على مر السنين، مصلحتها الربحية على رفاهية المسنين ورعايتهم.  حيث وظفت الدور عدداً صغيراً من الموظفين والعاملين لديها، الذين لم يكن بإمكانهم توفير الرعاية والاهتمام الكافي للمسنين الذين هم تحت رعايتها.  وكشفت العديد من الشهادات أن الكثير منهم كان يضطر إلى الانتظار كثيراً، حتى يتوفر من يهتم به من العاملين، في الوقت الذي يعد فيه أغلبهم عاجزاً عن القيام بأي شيء وحده.  كما ادعت في السياق ذاته، العديد من التقارير، أن هذه الأماكن كانت تفتقر أيضاً إلى النظافة ويمكن أن تشتم روائح كريهة منذ الدخول إلى ممرات بعضها. وتنتشر الفضلات في أرجائها.  وأفاد تحقيق سلط الضوء بدوره في 400 صفحة على التجاوزات التي تقع في دور رعاية المسنين، تحت عنوان "Les Fossoyeurs " ، بأن أغلب المقيمين في هذه الدور يشكون أيضاً من الطعام المحدود والسيئ، كما أنه في العادة يعاني أغلبهم من الزهايمر أو أمراض مختلفة، تجعل بعضهم يكونون عنيفين وعدوانيين، فأصبحوا بالتالي عرضة لسوء معاملة الممرضين وعمال الرعاية، الذين كان عددهم أقل بكثير من التعامل مع هذه الضغوطات.  ولم يضطر ذلك كله بالرغم من سوئه، مجموعة "أوربي" إلى الزيادة في عدد طاقمها لتوفير الرعاية الللازمة، حيث إنها غلبت الربح والمصلحة المادية على مصلحة المسنين.  لقد كان الوضع مأساوياً ومؤسفاً، كما وصفه مسؤولون وحقوقيون، وكان يستدعي تحركاً سريعاً لوضع حد لهذه الانتهاكات الخطيرة التي تقع في حق فئة هشة من المجتمع الفرنسي.  أوربي تصر على الإنكار  بمجرد صدور تحقيق "Les Fossoyeurs" الذي فجر جدلاً إعلامياً ساخناً ودفع السلطات الرسمية إلى فتح تحقيق في الأمر، أعلن مجلس إدارة "أوربي" إقالة مديره التنفيذي إيف لو ماسن، الذي سرعان ما بدأ ببيع أسهم، تحسباً لأصداء وتداعيات الفضيحة، وعين مكانه فيليب شارييه مديراً تنفيذياً لـ"أوربي".  وبمجرد استلامه المنصب الجديد، جرى استدعاء شارييه، من قبل الوزيرة المنتدبة للحكم الذاتي للمسنين، بريجيت بورغينيون، لحضور جلسة استماع يوم الثلاثاء 1 فبراير/شباط الجاري. وأعربت الوزيرة عن أسفها وغضبها من كواليس الجلسة قائلة " أوربي لا تزال تواصل الإنكار، حتى إن المدير الجديد لديه تفسيرات لكل شيء، ولديه دليل على كل شيء". وأكدت بورغينيون أن الأجهزة الرسمية ستواصل التحقيق في القضية.  وعلى ضوء تزامن هذه القضية، مع اقتراب موعد الانتخابات الرئاسية، فقد أصبح هذا الملف بدوره موضوع تنافس بين العديد من التيارات والمرشحين، الذين أبدوا عزمهم على محاسبة المتورطين في ممارسة سوء معاملة المسنين أو التعتيم عليه.  كما شددت المنظمات الحقوقية، والعديد من الوسائط الإعلامية، على ضرورة محاسبة "أوربي" فيما ترتكبه من خروقات في حق فئة ضعيفة من المجتمع، لا تملك في الواقع من يدافع عنها أو يهتم بأمرها.    Extensive violations and abuse A scandal rocks nursing homes in France  After opening several administrative and financial investigations into the Orbe company that owns homes for the elderly, the French official authorities revealed grave violations and many violations and mistreatment of the elderly, which sparked a heated debate in the media and widespread human rights condemnation.  With the approaching date of the presidential elections in France, the spotlight began to shed light on many files and issues that have always been kept in obscurity and secrecy. The last of these cases was provoking the abuses and violations committed by the Orbi group for the elderly over the years, without being held accountable or punished.  In this context, the official authorities pledged to open an investigation into the matter, follow up the case, and reveal all violations, the most important of which is the mistreatment of the elderly, which was described as "silent" violence.  In this context, the Minister of State in charge of elderly policy, Brigitte Bourguignon, said in a statement to the radio station "France Inter", saying: "We will question the entire group." She vowed that she would "hit hard," as she put it.  On the other hand, the group insisted on denying the allegations against it, as mere "biased lies", as it put it, and in the meantime fired its CEO.  Elderly care homes grave violations Numerous investigative reports have confirmed that, over the years, the "Europe" group of nursing homes in France has placed its profit interest over the welfare and care of the elderly.  The home employed a small number of staff and workers, who were unable to provide adequate care and attention to the elderly under its care.  Numerous testimonies revealed that many of them had to wait a long time, until there was a staff to take care of them, at a time when most of them were unable to do anything on their own.  In the same context, many reports claimed that these places also lacked hygiene and could smell unpleasant odors since entering the corridors of some of them. The droppings are scattered throughout.  An investigation that, in turn, shed light on the abuses that occur in nursing homes, under the title "Les Fossoyeurs", in turn, in 400 pages, stated that most residents in these homes also complain about limited and bad food, and that most of them usually suffer from Alzheimer's or various diseases, which makes Some of them are violent and aggressive, and thus become vulnerable to the abuse of nurses and care workers, who were far too few in number to deal with these stressors.  All this, despite its badness, did not force the "Urbi" group to increase the number of its staff to provide the necessary care, as it overcame the profit and material interest over the interest of the elderly.  The situation was tragic and unfortunate, as described by officials and human rights defenders, and it called for quick action to put an end to these serious violations against a fragile group of French society.  Orbi insists on denial As soon as the "Les Fossoyeurs" investigation was published, which sparked a heated media controversy and prompted the official authorities to open an investigation into the matter, the Board of Directors of "Europe" announced the dismissal of its CEO, Yves Le Massin, who quickly began selling shares, in anticipation of the repercussions and repercussions of the scandal, and appointed Philippe Charrier in his place. Executive Director of "Europe".  As soon as he assumed the new position, Charrier was summoned by Brigitte Bourguignon, Minister Delegate for the Autonomy of the Elderly, to a hearing on Tuesday, 1 February. The minister expressed her regret and anger behind the scenes of the session, saying, "Urbe continues to deny, even the new director has explanations for everything, and he has proof of everything." Bourguignon confirmed that the official bodies will continue to investigate the case.  In light of the coincidence of this issue, with the presidential elections approaching, this file, in turn, has become the subject of competition between many currents and candidates, who have expressed their determination to hold accountable those involved in the mistreatment of the elderly or to cover it up.  Human rights organizations and many media outlets also stressed the need to hold Orbi accountable for the violations it committed against a weak group of society that, in fact, has no one to defend it or care about it.

Extensive violations and abuse A scandal rocks nursing homes in France

After opening several administrative and financial investigations into the Orbe company that owns homes for the elderly, the French official authorities revealed grave violations and many violations and mistreatment of the elderly, which sparked a heated debate in the media and widespread human rights condemnation.

With the approaching date of the presidential elections in France, the spotlight began to shed light on many files and issues that have always been kept in obscurity and secrecy. The last of these cases was provoking the abuses and violations committed by the Orbi group for the elderly over the years, without being held accountable or punished.

In this context, the official authorities pledged to open an investigation into the matter, follow up the case, and reveal all violations, the most important of which is the mistreatment of the elderly, which was described as "silent" violence.

In this context, the Minister of State in charge of elderly policy, Brigitte Bourguignon, said in a statement to the radio station "France Inter", saying: "We will question the entire group." She vowed that she would "hit hard," as she put it.

On the other hand, the group insisted on denying the allegations against it, as mere "biased lies", as it put it, and in the meantime fired its CEO.

Elderly care homes grave violations
Numerous investigative reports have confirmed that, over the years, the "Europe" group of nursing homes in France has placed its profit interest over the welfare and care of the elderly.

The home employed a small number of staff and workers, who were unable to provide adequate care and attention to the elderly under its care.

Numerous testimonies revealed that many of them had to wait a long time, until there was a staff to take care of them, at a time when most of them were unable to do anything on their own.

In the same context, many reports claimed that these places also lacked hygiene and could smell unpleasant odors since entering the corridors of some of them. The droppings are scattered throughout.

An investigation that, in turn, shed light on the abuses that occur in nursing homes, under the title "Les Fossoyeurs", in turn, in 400 pages, stated that most residents in these homes also complain about limited and bad food, and that most of them usually suffer from Alzheimer's or various diseases, which makes Some of them are violent and aggressive, and thus become vulnerable to the abuse of nurses and care workers, who were far too few in number to deal with these stressors.

All this, despite its badness, did not force the "Urbi" group to increase the number of its staff to provide the necessary care, as it overcame the profit and material interest over the interest of the elderly.

The situation was tragic and unfortunate, as described by officials and human rights defenders, and it called for quick action to put an end to these serious violations against a fragile group of French society.

Orbi insists on denial
As soon as the "Les Fossoyeurs" investigation was published, which sparked a heated media controversy and prompted the official authorities to open an investigation into the matter, the Board of Directors of "Europe" announced the dismissal of its CEO, Yves Le Massin, who quickly began selling shares, in anticipation of the repercussions and repercussions of the scandal, and appointed Philippe Charrier in his place. Executive Director of "Europe".

As soon as he assumed the new position, Charrier was summoned by Brigitte Bourguignon, Minister Delegate for the Autonomy of the Elderly, to a hearing on Tuesday, 1 February. The minister expressed her regret and anger behind the scenes of the session, saying, "Urbe continues to deny, even the new director has explanations for everything, and he has proof of everything." Bourguignon confirmed that the official bodies will continue to investigate the case.

In light of the coincidence of this issue, with the presidential elections approaching, this file, in turn, has become the subject of competition between many currents and candidates, who have expressed their determination to hold accountable those involved in the mistreatment of the elderly or to cover it up.

Human rights organizations and many media outlets also stressed the need to hold Orbi accountable for the violations it committed against a weak group of society that, in fact, has no one to defend it or care about it.

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