Ukraine receives more arms shipments, and Russia is pushing its largest military pieces to the sea Ukraine receives more arms shipments, and Russia is pushing its largest military pieces to the sea

Ukraine receives more arms shipments, and Russia is pushing its largest military pieces to the sea

مع اقتراب الموعد المتوقع لاندلاع الحرب.. أوكرانيا تتسلم مزيدا من شحنات السلاح وروسيا تدفع بكبرى قطعها العسكرية إلى البحر  تسلمت أوكرانيا خلال الساعات الماضية عددا من شحنات الأسلحة من عدة دول حليفة، وذلك مع تسارع مؤشرات الحرب وسط قلق بالغ في الأوساط الغربية من غزو روسي لأوكرانيا في أي لحظة.  فقد تسلمت أوكرانيا من ليتوانيا شحنة من صواريخ ستينغر الأميركية المضادة للطائرات، في حين سترسل إستونيا صواريخ جافلين المضادة للدروع، وسترسل لاتفيا أيضا صواريخ ستينغر المضادة للطائرات.  وكانت دول البلطيق الثلاث إستونيا ولاتفيا وليتوانيا، قد أعلنت في وقت سابق أنها ستزود أوكرانيا بأنظمة الصواريخ المضادة للدبابات والطائرات، والمعدات اللازمة لتعزيز القدرات العسكرية الدفاعية لأوكرانيا في حال تعرضت لهجوم روسي.  كما تخطط جمهورية التشيك للتبرع لأوكرانيا بقطعة مدفعية 152 ملم مع 4 آلاف قذيفة 152 ملم.   وفي غضون ذلك، أعلنت السفارة الأميركية في كييف وصول طائرتين من المساعدات العسكرية إلى كييف، في إطار الدعم الأميركي لتعزيز دفاعات أوكرانيا.  وتعتبر صواريخ "ستينغر" المضادة للأهداف الجوية على علو منخفض، من أحدث الصواريخ الأميركية الصنع المضادة للطائرات والمروحيات والمسيرات.  وهو صاروخ خفيف، من طراز أرض جو، يُحمل على الكتف، يمتلك القدرة على ضرب الهدف الجوي في أي جزء منه.  وسلمت الولايات المتحدة في وقت سابق زوارق للبحرية الأوكرانية مزودة بأنظمة صواريخ "ستينغر".   وكانت واشنطن قد زودت المجاهدين الأفغان في القرن الماضي بهذا النوع من الصواريخ وتمكنوا من تدمير نحو 270 طائرة ومروحية روسية بصواريخ "ستينغر".  ومنذ العام 2014 قدمت واشنطن أكثر من 2.5 مليار دولار من المساعدات العسكرية لأوكرانيا، كما أرسلت 8 شحنات جوية جديدة، من أسلحة بقيمة 200 مليون دولار إلى كييف، شملت صواريخ جافلين المضادة للدبابات وذخائر فتاكة وعربات همفي وأنظمة الرادار.  كما وعدت مجموعة من أعضاء مجلس الشيوخ الأميركي من الحزبين الشهر الماضي بمزيد من الإمدادات تشمل صواريخ ستينغر المضادة للطائرات والأسلحة الصغيرة والقوارب.   أما بريطانيا فزودت أوكرانيا بألفي صاروخ مضاد للدبابات قصير المدى من نوع إنلاو (NLAW)، وأرسلت متخصصين بريطانيين لتقديم التدريب، إلى جانب عربات مدرعة من طراز ساكسون.  نشر المعلومات بهدف تجنب الحرب وقال مستشار الأمن القومي الأميركي إن كشف واشنطن معلومات استخباراتية بشأن الغزو المحتمل هدفه تفادي الحرب وليس إشعالها.  وشدد سوليفان في مقابلة مع شبكة سى إن إن (CNN) الإخبارية الأميركية على استعداد الولايات المتحدة والحلفاء للرد بشكل موحد وحاسم في حال وقوع هذا الغزو.  وأشار إلى أن العالم يجب أن يكون مستعدا لرؤية روسيا تختلق ذريعة للهجوم على أوكرانيا.   وقد أعلنت الولايات المتحدة سحب جميع الموظفين الأميركيين من بعثة منظمة الأمن والتعاون الأوروبية في مدينة دونيتسك، حيث تراقب البعثة وقف إطلاق النار بين القوات الأوكرانية والانفصاليين الموالين لروسيا.  كما بدأت أستراليا وكندا إخلاء سفارتيهما في العاصمة الأوكرانية.  وقد نقل الموظفون إلى مكاتب مؤقتة بمدينة لفيف (LVIV) غربي أوكرانيا على الحدود مع بولندا.  الانفصاليون: الوضع بدونباس ساخن للغاية وقال زعيم الانفصاليين في دونيتسك، إن أوكرانيا تحشد قواتها وتحرك معداتها، مما يتطلب التأهب الكامل من جانب الانفصاليين، ووصف الوضع في دونباس بأنه ساخن للغاية وأنه وصل إلى مرحلة الغليان.   كما عبرت روسيا عن قلقها من قرار بعض الدول سحب موظفيها من بعثة مراقبي منظمة الأمن والتعاون الأوروبية العاملة في إقليم دونباس.  وقالت الخارجية الروسية إن واشنطن تتخذ بعثة مراقبي منظمة الأمن والتعاون أداة استفزاز.  واعتبرت الخارجية الروسية أن أنشطة بعثة المراقبين مطلوبة اليوم أكثر من أي وقت، في ظل ما وصفته بالتصعيد المفتعل.  ودعت موسكو رئاسة منظمة الأمن والتعاون في أوروبا إلى اتخاذ موقف حازم، لمنع محاولة استغلال بعثة المراقبين لأهداف استفزازية، وفق تعبيرها.  وفي تطور آخر، أفاد مراسل الجزيرة بأن السفن الحربية الروسية بدأت المرحلة النشطة من مناوراتها في البحر الأسود عبر الدفع بأكبر قطعها الحربية.  وعبرت الغواصة كيلو (Kilo) التي تعتبر من أخطر الغواصات غير النووية في العالم، مضيق الدردنيل، للانضمام إلى أكثر من 30 قطعة بحرية روسية، تشمل مدمرات وفرقاطات وكاسحات ألغام وسفنَ إنزال، لتنفيذ تدريبات واسعة النطاق للبحرية الروسية.  وستقوم السفن والطائرات الحربية والقوات الساحلية التابعة للأسطول الروسي، خلال التدريبات بتنفيذ عمليات رماية مدفعية وصاروخية على أهداف بحرية وساحلية وجوية.  تدريبات عسكرية روسية وبيلاروسية أما على مقربة من الحدود البيلاروسية الأوكرانية، فقد أجرت قوات روسية وبيلاروسية تدريبات عسكرية مشتركة في ميدانَيْ "بريست" و"غوميل"، في إطار المناورات الجارية بين البلدين والتي تحمل عنوان "عزيمة الاتحاد".   وذكرت مراسلة الجزيرة أن التدريبات التي تستمر حتى الـ20 من الشهر الجاري تحاكي خوض معارك ضد هجوم لعدو وهمي، وتشارك فيها وحدات من القوات الخاصة وقوات الإنزال.  كما تشارك في المناورات -ولأول مرة- وحداتٌ من القوات الروسية التابعة للمنطقة العسكرية الشرقية.  ومع استمرار مؤشرات الحرب، يقول مسؤولون عسكريون إن أوكرانيا عززت قواتها المسلحة بشكل كبير بمساعدة حلفائها، وسلحت جيشها بشكل خاص بأسلحة أميركية وبريطانية مضادة للدبابات وطائرات مسيرة تركية.   وتقول الولايات المتحدة وحلفاؤها إن روسيا يمكن أن تغزو أوكرانيا في أي لحظة، وتنفي روسيا، التي حشدت أكثر من 100 ألف جندي قرب حدود أوكرانيا، أنها وضعت خططا لذلك.      With the expected date of the outbreak of war approaching, Ukraine receives more arms shipments, and Russia is pushing its largest military pieces to the sea  Over the past hours, Ukraine has received a number of arms shipments from several allied countries, with signs of war accelerating amid deep concern in Western circles about a Russian invasion of Ukraine at any moment.  Ukraine has received from Lithuania a shipment of US Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, while Estonia will send Javelin anti-armor missiles, and Latvia will also send Stinger anti-aircraft missiles.  The three Baltic states, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, had announced earlier that they would provide Ukraine with anti-tank and anti-aircraft missile systems, and equipment necessary to enhance Ukraine's military defense capabilities in the event of a Russian attack.  The Czech Republic also plans to donate to Ukraine 152 mm artillery pieces with 4 thousand 152 mm shells. Meanwhile, the US embassy in Kiev announced the arrival of two planes of military aid to Kiev, as part of US support to strengthen Ukraine's defenses.  The "Stinger" anti-aircraft missiles at low altitude are among the latest American-made anti-aircraft, anti-helicopter and anti-drone missiles.  It is a light, shoulder-mounted surface-to-air missile that has the ability to strike an air target in any part of it.  Earlier, the United States delivered boats to the Ukrainian Navy equipped with "Stinger" missile systems. Washington had provided the Afghan mujahideen in the last century with this type of missile and they were able to destroy about 270 Russian planes and helicopters with "Stinger" missiles.  Since 2014, Washington has provided more than $2.5 billion in military aid to Ukraine, and has sent 8 new air shipments of weapons worth $200 million to Kiev, including Javelin anti-tank missiles, lethal munitions, Humvees and radar systems.  And a bipartisan group of US senators last month promised more supplies, including Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, small arms and boats. As for Britain, it provided Ukraine with 2,000 NLAW short-range anti-tank missiles, and sent British specialists to provide training, along with Saxon armored vehicles.  Dissemination of information in order to avoid war The US National Security Adviser said that Washington's disclosure of intelligence about a possible invasion was aimed at avoiding war, not igniting it.  In an interview with CNN, Sullivan stressed the readiness of the United States and its allies to respond unified and decisively in the event of this invasion.  He noted that the world should be prepared to see Russia create a pretext to attack Ukraine. The United States announced the withdrawal of all American personnel from the mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in Donetsk, where the mission is monitoring the ceasefire between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian separatists.  Australia and Canada have also begun evacuating their embassies in the Ukrainian capital. The staff were moved to temporary offices in the city of Lviv, in western Ukraine, on the border with Poland.  Separatists: The situation without Bass is very hot The leader of the separatists in Donetsk said that Ukraine is mobilizing its forces and moving its equipment, which requires full preparedness on the part of the separatists, and described the situation in Donbass as very hot and that it has reached a boiling point.  Russia also expressed concern over the decision of some countries to withdraw their staff from the OSCE observer mission operating in the Donbass region.  The Russian Foreign Ministry said that Washington is using the OSCE observer mission as a tool of provocation. The Russian Foreign Ministry considered that the activities of the observer mission are required today more than at any time, in light of what it described as an artificial escalation.  Moscow called on the presidency of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe to take a firm position, to prevent the attempt to exploit the observer mission for provocative purposes, as it put it.  Russian exercises in the Black Sea In another development, AJ news correspondent reported that the Russian warships began the active phase of their maneuvers in the Black Sea by pushing their largest warships.  The Kilo submarine, which is considered one of the most dangerous non-nuclear submarines in the world, crossed the Dardanelles Strait to join more than 30 Russian naval units, including destroyers, frigates, minesweepers and landing ships, to carry out large-scale exercises for the Russian Navy.  During the exercises, the ships, warplanes and coastal forces of the Russian fleet will carry out artillery and missile shooting operations at sea, coastal and air targets.  Russian and Belarusian military exercises In the vicinity of the Belarusian-Ukrainian border, Russian and Belarusian forces conducted joint military exercises in the fields of "Brest" and "Gomel", as part of the ongoing maneuvers between the two countries, titled "Union Resilience".  AJ news correspondent stated that the exercises, which will continue until the 20th of this month, simulate fighting battles against an attack by an imaginary enemy, in which units of special forces and landing forces participate.  Also participating in the maneuvers - for the first time - are units of the Russian forces of the Eastern Military District.  With the continuation of signs of war, military officials say that Ukraine has significantly strengthened its armed forces with the help of its allies, and armed its army in particular with American and British anti-tank weapons and Turkish drones.  The United States and its allies say Russia could invade Ukraine at any moment, and Russia, which has massed more than 100,000 troops near Ukraine's border, denies having plans to do so.

With the expected date of the outbreak of war approaching, Ukraine receives more arms shipments, and Russia is pushing its largest military pieces to the sea

Over the past hours, Ukraine has received a number of arms shipments from several allied countries, with signs of war accelerating amid deep concern in Western circles about a Russian invasion of Ukraine at any moment.

Ukraine has received from Lithuania a shipment of US Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, while Estonia will send Javelin anti-armor missiles, and Latvia will also send Stinger anti-aircraft missiles.

The three Baltic states, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, had announced earlier that they would provide Ukraine with anti-tank and anti-aircraft missile systems, and equipment necessary to enhance Ukraine's military defense capabilities in the event of a Russian attack.

The Czech Republic also plans to donate to Ukraine 152 mm artillery pieces with 4 thousand 152 mm shells.
Meanwhile, the US embassy in Kiev announced the arrival of two planes of military aid to Kiev, as part of US support to strengthen Ukraine's defenses.

The "Stinger" anti-aircraft missiles at low altitude are among the latest American-made anti-aircraft, anti-helicopter and anti-drone missiles.

It is a light, shoulder-mounted surface-to-air missile that has the ability to strike an air target in any part of it.

Earlier, the United States delivered boats to the Ukrainian Navy equipped with "Stinger" missile systems.
Washington had provided the Afghan mujahideen in the last century with this type of missile and they were able to destroy about 270 Russian planes and helicopters with "Stinger" missiles.

Since 2014, Washington has provided more than $2.5 billion in military aid to Ukraine, and has sent 8 new air shipments of weapons worth $200 million to Kiev, including Javelin anti-tank missiles, lethal munitions, Humvees and radar systems.

And a bipartisan group of US senators last month promised more supplies, including Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, small arms and boats.
As for Britain, it provided Ukraine with 2,000 NLAW short-range anti-tank missiles, and sent British specialists to provide training, along with Saxon armored vehicles.

Dissemination of information in order to avoid war
The US National Security Adviser said that Washington's disclosure of intelligence about a possible invasion was aimed at avoiding war, not igniting it.

In an interview with CNN, Sullivan stressed the readiness of the United States and its allies to respond unified and decisively in the event of this invasion.

He noted that the world should be prepared to see Russia create a pretext to attack Ukraine.
The United States announced the withdrawal of all American personnel from the mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in Donetsk, where the mission is monitoring the ceasefire between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian separatists.

Australia and Canada have also begun evacuating their embassies in the Ukrainian capital.
The staff were moved to temporary offices in the city of Lviv, in western Ukraine, on the border with Poland.

Separatists: The situation without Bass is very hot
The leader of the separatists in Donetsk said that Ukraine is mobilizing its forces and moving its equipment, which requires full preparedness on the part of the separatists, and described the situation in Donbass as very hot and that it has reached a boiling point.

Russia also expressed concern over the decision of some countries to withdraw their staff from the OSCE observer mission operating in the Donbass region.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that Washington is using the OSCE observer mission as a tool of provocation.
The Russian Foreign Ministry considered that the activities of the observer mission are required today more than at any time, in light of what it described as an artificial escalation.

Moscow called on the presidency of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe to take a firm position, to prevent the attempt to exploit the observer mission for provocative purposes, as it put it.

Russian exercises in the Black Sea
In another development, AJ news correspondent reported that the Russian warships began the active phase of their maneuvers in the Black Sea by pushing their largest warships.

The Kilo submarine, which is considered one of the most dangerous non-nuclear submarines in the world, crossed the Dardanelles Strait to join more than 30 Russian naval units, including destroyers, frigates, minesweepers and landing ships, to carry out large-scale exercises for the Russian Navy.

During the exercises, the ships, warplanes and coastal forces of the Russian fleet will carry out artillery and missile shooting operations at sea, coastal and air targets.

Russian and Belarusian military exercises
In the vicinity of the Belarusian-Ukrainian border, Russian and Belarusian forces conducted joint military exercises in the fields of "Brest" and "Gomel", as part of the ongoing maneuvers between the two countries, titled "Union Resilience".

AJ news correspondent stated that the exercises, which will continue until the 20th of this month, simulate fighting battles against an attack by an imaginary enemy, in which units of special forces and landing forces participate.

Also participating in the maneuvers - for the first time - are units of the Russian forces of the Eastern Military District.

With the continuation of signs of war, military officials say that Ukraine has significantly strengthened its armed forces with the help of its allies, and armed its army in particular with American and British anti-tank weapons and Turkish drones.

The United States and its allies say Russia could invade Ukraine at any moment, and Russia, which has massed more than 100,000 troops near Ukraine's border, denies having plans to do so.

"لا تلوموا روسيا واملؤوا خزاناتكم".. لماذا تفاقمت أزمة الطاقة في أوروبا؟ "لا تلوموا روسيا واملؤوا خزاناتكم".. لماذا تفاقمت أزمة الطاقة في أوروبا؟ ما كادت أوروبا تخرج من أزمة طاقة عالمية خانقة، حتى نشب النزاع الأوكراني الذي يهدد بشكل مباشر وارداتها من الغاز الروسي. فيما يرى مسؤولون داخل الاتحاد أن ما يجعل الأمن الطاقي الأوروبي هشاً أمور أخرى لا تقتصر على تنافس الغرب وموسكو. "نورد ستريم 2" مشروع أنابيب لنقل الغاز الروسي إلى ألمانيا عبر بحر البلطيق. (Others)  تشهد الأزمة الطاقة الأوروبية تفاقماً منقطع النظير، يزيد طينها بلَّة التوتر المتصاعد بين الغرب وروسيا على حدود القارة الشرقية. فيما جذور هذه الأزمة عالمية، تعود إلى خريف السنة الماضية، حيث أطلق كبار مصنعي العالم تنافساً شرساً حول من يحقق الإقلاع الاقتصادي أولاً، بعد أكثر من سنتين من الركود جراء الجائحة الوبائية.  خلال الأسابيع الأخيرة، والصراع يحتدم حول أوكرنيا، تتوارد التقارير حول ارتفاع جديد لفاتورة الطاقة الأوروبية. حيث يعتمد الأمن الطاقي الأوروبي، بنسبة كبيرة، على واردات الغاز. يفتح التوتر بين موسكو والغرب الباب أمام احتمالات حدوث انقظاعات في الإمدادات واضطرابها، إذا ما فكرت روسيا أن تسحب زناد الغاز كسلاح في الصراع.  بالمقابل، يرى مسؤولون أوروبيون أن اللَّوم الأوروبي يجب أن لا يقع دائماً على روسيا، بما أن الشق الكبير من أزمة الطاقة راجع إلى ضعف الاحتياطيات الاستراتيجية لدول الاتحاد، مع تلكؤ حكوماته في بناء خزانات كافية لتأمين هذا الاحتياطي.  أزمة وحرب ووباء  منذ خريف العام الماضي، وأوروبا تشهد أزمة طاقة خانقة. ذلك للتنافس العالمي الذي انطلق وقتها حول التزود بالغاز، من أجل تحقيق إقلاع اقتصادي بعد قرابة سنتين من ركود سببته الجائحة الوبائية. وقتها، حققت أسعار الغاز ارتفاعاً صاروخياً، بلغت نسبته في القارة العجوز حوالي 500%.  فيما أجبرت تداعيات هذا النقص الحاد لمخزون الغاز في أوروبا، مقابل ارتفاع أسعاره بارتفاع الطلب عليه في السوق العالمية، أجبر بعض منتجي الأسمدة في أوروبا على خفض الإنتاج. ويتوقع أن يستمر ذلك الارتفاع الأمر الذي يهدد بزيادة التكاليف على المزارعين وربما زيادة تضخم أسعار الغذاء العالمي، مع قدوم شتاء صعب.  وما كادت أوروبا تخرج من هذه التداعيات، حتى نشب التوتر بينها وبين روسيا التي تعتمد عليها بشكل كبير في تحصيل إمداداتها من هذه المادة الحيوية. حيث "تعتمد ست دول أعضاء بشكل كامل على الغاز الروسي في تلبية حاجياتها من هذه المادة، ومنها ثلاث دول تعتمد عليه في أكثر من ربع حاجياتها من الطاقة" حسب المفوضية الأوروبية. فيما تصدر روسيا ما يقدر بنحو 230 مليون متر مكعب من الغاز إلى أوروبا كل يوم، ويمر حوالي ثلثها غرباً عبر أوكرانيا.  هذا ورفعت ألمانيا من قيمة واردات الغاز الروسي لتقدر اليوم بنحو 55% من إجمالي واردات الغاز الذي يمثل 26.7% من إجمالي الطاقة المستهلكة في ألمانيا، كما يساهم في تدفئة منزل من كل اثنين. هذا وتعول برلين على مضاعفة إمدادات الغاز الطبيعي الزهيدة التي تصل إليها من روسيا عبر خط أنابيب "نورد ستريم 2" الذي يصل بين البلدين عبر بحر البلطيق.  تعويل قد يصبح في مهب الريح، خصوصاً بعد تهديد الرئيس الأمريكي جو بايدن بإجهاض مشروع خط الغاز الروسي الأوروبي الجديد. وقال بايدن بأنه: "إذا غزت روسيا مرة أخرى فلن يكون هناك نورد ستريم 2 سننهي ذلك!". فيما سيضاعف "نورد ستريم 2" حجم تصدير الغاز المباشر من روسيا إلى ألمانيا إلى 110 مليارات متر مكعب سنوياً.  هذا وتحدثت تقارير متخصصة في اقتصاد الطاقة، عن أن التوتر بين أوروبا وروسيا سيفاقم من أزمة الطاقة الأوروبية، كما سيزيد فاتورة الطاقة بالنسبة للأسر بما يقدر بـ 54% خلال الشهور القادمة.  "لا تلوموا روسيا واملؤوا خزاناتكم!"  بالمقابل، يعد مسؤولو الطاقة بالاتحاد الأوروبي أن أكبر تهديد لأمن الطاقة للاتحاد ليست روسيا أو الأزمة العالمية، بل عدم اعتماد القارة توفير احتياطي استراتيجي من الغاز. في هذا الصدد، قال المدير التنفيذي للشركة الإيطالية العملاق في نقل الغاز SNAM، ماركو ألفيرا، بأنه "على الأوروبيين أن يتوقفوا عن لوم روسيا في أزمة الغاز، والبدء في شراء الغاز الرخيص كل صيف لتجنب التنافس عليه مع آسيا كل شتاء".  وأضاف ألفيرا في حديثه لموقع Politico بأنه على أوروبا "بناء خزانات يمكنها أن تسع 40 مليون متر مكعب التي يلزم توفيرها كاحتياطي استراتيجي للقارة. هذه الخزانات يمكن ملؤها في الصيف حين ينخفض سعر الغاز لعدم السقوط في المنافسة عليه في الشتاء". وأوضح المتحدث بأن جزء من البنية التحتية موجود لكن المشكلة في الاقتصاد الأوروبي، حيث يرفض الموزعون التخزين مخافة انخفاض الأسعار بسبب ظهور أحد متحورات كورونا.  بالمقابل يسلط ألفيرا الضوء على مشكلة أخرى، هي انخفاض الإنتاج المحلي للغاز الذي بلغ 15% "مع توقف الاعتماد على حقول بحر الشمال بعد البريكست وإغلاق هولندا حقولها". وأمام هذا تعاني الدول الأوروبية في تأمين حاجياتها من هذه المادة لرفضها توفير بنية تحتية لتخزين احتياطي استراتيجي دون الرضوخ لتقلبات السوق العالمية.    “Don't blame Russia and fill your tanks.” Why has the energy crisis in Europe worsened?  As soon as Europe emerged from a stifling global energy crisis, until the outbreak of the Ukrainian conflict, which directly threatens its imports of Russian gas. While officials within the Union believe that what makes European energy security fragile are other matters that are not limited to the competition of the West and Moscow.  The European energy crisis is witnessing an unprecedented exacerbation, exacerbated by the escalating tension between the West and Russia on the borders of the Eastern continent. While the roots of this crisis are global, dating back to the fall of last year, when the world's major manufacturers launched a fierce competition over who would achieve economic take-off first, after more than two years of stagnation due to the epidemic pandemic.  In recent weeks, as the conflict rages over Ukraine, reports have come in of a new rise in the European energy bill. European energy security depends, to a large extent, on gas imports. The tension between Moscow and the West opens the door to the possibility of supply disruptions and disruptions, if Russia considers pulling the trigger for gas as a weapon in the conflict.  On the other hand, European officials believe that the European blame should not always fall on Russia, since the major part of the energy crisis is due to the weakness of the strategic reserves of the European Union, with its governments reluctance to build sufficient reservoirs to secure this reserve.  Crisis, war and epidemic Since the fall of last year, Europe has been experiencing a stifling energy crisis. This is due to the global competition that was launched at the time about the supply of gas, in order to achieve an economic take-off after nearly two years of stagnation caused by the epidemic pandemic. At that time, gas prices skyrocketed, reaching about 500% in the old continent.  While the repercussions of this severe shortage of gas stocks in Europe, in contrast to the rise in its prices, forced the increase in demand for it in the global market, forcing some fertilizer producers in Europe to reduce production. This rise is expected to continue, threatening to increase costs for farmers and possibly increase global food price inflation, with the onset of a difficult winter.  As soon as Europe emerged from these repercussions, tension erupted between it and Russia, which relies heavily on it to obtain its supplies of this vital material. As "six member states depend completely on Russian gas to meet their needs of this article, including three countries that depend on it for more than a quarter of their energy needs," according to the European Commission. Russia exports an estimated 230 million cubic meters of gas to Europe every day, about a third of which passes westward through Ukraine.  Germany has raised the value of Russian gas imports to be estimated today at 55% of the total gas imports, which represents 26.7% of the total energy consumed in Germany. It also contributes to heating every two homes. Berlin is counting on doubling the cheap natural gas supplies it receives from Russia via the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that connects the two countries via the Baltic Sea.  Reliance may become in vain, especially after US President Joe Biden threatened to abort the new Russian-European gas pipeline project. Biden said, "If Russia invades again, there will be no Nord Stream 2 and we will finish it!" Nord Stream 2 will double the volume of direct gas exports from Russia to Germany to 110 billion cubic meters annually.  According to reports specialized in the energy economy, the tension between Europe and Russia will exacerbate the European energy crisis, and will increase the energy bill for families by an estimated 54% in the coming months.  "Don't blame Russia, fill your tanks!" On the other hand, European Union energy officials consider that the biggest threat to the energy security of the Union is not Russia or the global crisis, but rather the continent's failure to provide strategic gas reserves. In this regard, the CEO of the Italian gas giant SNAM, Marco Alvera, said that "the Europeans should stop blaming Russia for the gas crisis, and start buying cheap gas every summer to avoid competing for it with Asia every winter."  Speaking to Politico , Alvira added that Europe should "build reservoirs that can accommodate 40 million cubic meters that need to be provided as a strategic reserve for the continent. These reservoirs can be filled in the summer when the price of gas decreases to avoid competition for it in the winter." The spokesman explained that part of the infrastructure is present, but the problem is in the European economy, as distributors refuse to store for fear of low prices due to the appearance of one of the Corona mutant.  On the other hand, Elvira sheds light on another problem, which is the drop in domestic gas production, which amounted to 15%, "with the discontinuation of dependence on the North Sea fields after Brexit and the closure of the Netherlands' fields." In the face of this, European countries suffer in securing their needs of this material due to their refusal to provide an infrastructure for storing strategic reserves without succumbing to the fluctuations of the global market.

“Don't blame Russia and fill your tanks.” Why has the energy crisis in Europe worsened?

As soon as Europe emerged from a stifling global energy crisis, until the outbreak of the Ukrainian conflict, which directly threatens its imports of Russian gas. While officials within the Union believe that what makes European energy security fragile are other matters that are not limited to the competition of the West and Moscow.

The European energy crisis is witnessing an unprecedented exacerbation, exacerbated by the escalating tension between the West and Russia on the borders of the Eastern continent. While the roots of this crisis are global, dating back to the fall of last year, when the world's major manufacturers launched a fierce competition over who would achieve economic take-off first, after more than two years of stagnation due to the epidemic pandemic.

In recent weeks, as the conflict rages over Ukraine, reports have come in of a new rise in the European energy bill. European energy security depends, to a large extent, on gas imports. The tension between Moscow and the West opens the door to the possibility of supply disruptions and disruptions, if Russia considers pulling the trigger for gas as a weapon in the conflict.

On the other hand, European officials believe that the European blame should not always fall on Russia, since the major part of the energy crisis is due to the weakness of the strategic reserves of the European Union, with its governments reluctance to build sufficient reservoirs to secure this reserve.

Crisis, war and epidemic
Since the fall of last year, Europe has been experiencing a stifling energy crisis. This is due to the global competition that was launched at the time about the supply of gas, in order to achieve an economic take-off after nearly two years of stagnation caused by the epidemic pandemic. At that time, gas prices skyrocketed, reaching about 500% in the old continent.

While the repercussions of this severe shortage of gas stocks in Europe, in contrast to the rise in its prices, forced the increase in demand for it in the global market, forcing some fertilizer producers in Europe to reduce production. This rise is expected to continue, threatening to increase costs for farmers and possibly increase global food price inflation, with the onset of a difficult winter.

As soon as Europe emerged from these repercussions, tension erupted between it and Russia, which relies heavily on it to obtain its supplies of this vital material. As "six member states depend completely on Russian gas to meet their needs of this article, including three countries that depend on it for more than a quarter of their energy needs," according to the European Commission. Russia exports an estimated 230 million cubic meters of gas to Europe every day, about a third of which passes westward through Ukraine.

Germany has raised the value of Russian gas imports to be estimated today at 55% of the total gas imports, which represents 26.7% of the total energy consumed in Germany. It also contributes to heating every two homes. Berlin is counting on doubling the cheap natural gas supplies it receives from Russia via the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that connects the two countries via the Baltic Sea.

Reliance may become in vain, especially after US President Joe Biden threatened to abort the new Russian-European gas pipeline project. Biden said, "If Russia invades again, there will be no Nord Stream 2 and we will finish it!" Nord Stream 2 will double the volume of direct gas exports from Russia to Germany to 110 billion cubic meters annually.

According to reports specialized in the energy economy, the tension between Europe and Russia will exacerbate the European energy crisis, and will increase the energy bill for families by an estimated 54% in the coming months.

"Don't blame Russia, fill your tanks!"
On the other hand, European Union energy officials consider that the biggest threat to the energy security of the Union is not Russia or the global crisis, but rather the continent's failure to provide strategic gas reserves. In this regard, the CEO of the Italian gas giant SNAM, Marco Alvera, said that "the Europeans should stop blaming Russia for the gas crisis, and start buying cheap gas every summer to avoid competing for it with Asia every winter."

Speaking to Politico , Alvira added that Europe should "build reservoirs that can accommodate 40 million cubic meters that need to be provided as a strategic reserve for the continent. These reservoirs can be filled in the summer when the price of gas decreases to avoid competition for it in the winter." The spokesman explained that part of the infrastructure is present, but the problem is in the European economy, as distributors refuse to store for fear of low prices due to the appearance of one of the Corona mutant.

On the other hand, Elvira sheds light on another problem, which is the drop in domestic gas production, which amounted to 15%, "with the discontinuation of dependence on the North Sea fields after Brexit and the closure of the Netherlands' fields." In the face of this, European countries suffer in securing their needs of this material due to their refusal to provide an infrastructure for storing strategic reserves without succumbing to the fluctuations of the global market.

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