Erdogan's personal doctor reveals the secret of the president's recovery from Corona without problems, What is it? Erdogan's personal doctor reveals the secret of the president's recovery from Corona without problems, What is it?

Erdogan's personal doctor reveals the secret of the president's recovery from Corona without problems, What is it?

حة طبيب أردوغان الشخصي يكشف سر تعافي الرئيس من كورونا دون مشاكل.. ما هو؟ أردوغان لم يتلق برنامجا غذائيا خاصا خلال فترة إصابته بكورونا، بل طلب منه أن يكثر من تناول السوائل فقط  بعد تعافي الرئيس التركي رجب طيب أردوغان، ماذا قال طبيبه عن الأمر الذي ساهم بشكل كبير في هذا التعافي؟ وما طبيعة البرنامج الغذائي الذي اتبعه أردوغان خلال تلك الفترة؟ الإجابات في هذا التقرير، مع تفاصيل عن سلالة أوميكرون الجديدة  وكان سركان طوبال أوغلو، طبيب الرئيس أردوغان، أعلن يوم الخميس، أن نتائج مسحات كورونا التي أجريت للرئيس خلال اليومين الأخيرين ظهرت "سلبية".    وتعافى أردوغان من إصابته بكوفيد-19 بعد 5 أيام على ثبوت إصابته بفيروس كورونا.   وقال طوبال أوغلو، في تصريح للأناضول، إن أعراض كورونا على الرئيس انتهت تماما خلال الأيام الثلاثة الأخيرة.  ولفت إلى أن تلقي أردوغان لقاح كورونا ساهم بشكل كبير في تخطيه فترة إصابته بشكل مريح، ودون مشاكل.  وتابع "نعتقد أن اللقاح فعال للغاية بالتأكيد، منذ بداية الوباء كان موقف رئيسنا من التطعيم واضحا جدا، حيث كان من أوائل الذين تلقوا اللقاح في البلاد، كما تلقى الجرعة التذكيرية (المعززة) أيضا".  هل تلقى أردوغان برنامجا غذائيا خاصا؟ الجواب لا، إذ أشار الطبيب إلى أن أردوغان لم يتلق برنامجا غذائيا خاصا خلال فترة إصابته بكورونا، بل طلب منه أن يكثر من تناول السوائل فقط.   وكان أردوغان تلقى الجرعة الثالثة من اللقاح المضاد لكوفيد في يونيو/حزيران الماضي. ووفقا لما نقلت وكالة الصحافة الفرنسية عن طوبال أوغلو فإن هذا التطعيم أتاح للرئيس تجاوز هذه المحنة بدون مشاكل.  وكان أردوغان قد تلقى جرعتين من لقاح سينوفاك الصيني وجرعة ثالثة من لقاح فايزر-بيونتك الأميركي الألماني، وفقا لما ذكرت وكالة الأنباء الألمانية.  وبحسب الإحصاءات الرسمية فقد تلقى 52.5 مليون شخص في تركيا الجرعة الثانية من اللقاح، وتلقى أكثر من 25 مليونا جرعتهم الثالثة.   "بي إيه 2" سريع الانتشار عن أوميكرون تحت عنوان "نأسف لإبلاغكم أننا نناقش الآن المتحورات الفرعية. بي إيه2 متحور سريع الانتشار عن أوميكرون.. إليكم ما نعرفه" وفق ما كتب عمير عرفان في موقع "فوكس" VOX الأميركي.   ظهرت سلالة فرعية جديدة لمتحور أوميكرون أطلق عليها اسم "بي إيه 2  يبدو أنها تنتشر بسرعة أكبر من أي سلالة أخرى لفيروس كوفيد-19.  ويقول الكاتب إن النبأ السار الوقت الحالي أن اللقاحات لا تزال توفر حماية ضد هذا المتحور الفرعي. ولكن نظرا لأنه سريع العدوى، يسابق العلماء الوقت لمعرفة الضرر الذي يمكن أن يسببه.  وكان متحور أوميكرون الأصلي -الذي يسميه العلماء "بي إيه 1" (BA1) أو "بي 1.1. 529" (B.1.1.529) حتى وقت قريب- أكثر المتحورات انتشارا، وتسبب في تسجيل ارتفاعات كبيرة في عدد حالات الإصابة الجديدة بالعديد من البلدان. لكننا نعلم حاليا أن السلالة الفرعية المتحورة منه "بي إيه 2" يمكن أن تنتشر بشكل أسرع، وقد تصبح قريبا النسخة السائدة من الفيروس.   ووفقا لمنظمة الصحة العالمية، رصد هذا المتحور الفرعي بالفعل في 69 دولة على الأقل بما في ذلك الولايات المتحدة.  وحسب ما أفادت به ماريا فان كيركوف رئيسة الفريق التقني لمكافحة كوفيد-19 بالمنظمة، خلال مؤتمر صحفي عقد الثلاثاء، فإن "بي إيه 2 أكثر قدرة على الانتشار مقارنة بـ بي إيه1، لذلك نتوقع ارتفاع عدد حالات الإصابة به حول العالم".   يحتوي هذا المتحور الفرعي على حوالي 20 طفرة تميزه عن المتحور الأصلي. لكن المزعج أنه لا يحتوي على طفرة تميز أوميكرون عن المتحورات الأخرى في اختبارات تفاعل بوليميراز المتسلسل، لذلك من الصعب التمييز بينه وبين متحور دلتا مثلا. هذا هو السبب أن بعض الباحثين وصفوه بـ "أوميكرون  الخفي".   ويمكن أن تكشف اختبارات فيروس كوفيد-19 الروتينية متى أصيب الشخص بمتحور أوميكرون الفرعي.  ويقول غريغوري بولاند أستاذ الطب والأمراض المعدية في "مايو كلينيك": لا تعرف ما الذي تبحث عنه، سواء كان "بي إيه.1" أو "بي إيه.2" أو متحورا مختلفا تماما.  ونتيجة لذلك، يتطلب تحديد عدوى "بي إيه 2" عادة تسلسلا جينيا أكثر شمولا، وفي أجزاء من العالم حيث يكون هذا الإجراء أقل شيوعا، فقد ينتشر المتحور الفرعي دون أن يكتشفه أحد.  ومن غير المستغرب أن يستمر فيروس كوفيد-19 في التطور، فكلما زاد عدد المصابين زادت فرص تحوره. ومع وصول عدوى أوميكرون إلى ذروتها في العديد من البلدان، قد لا يؤدي المتحور الفرعي إلى ارتفاعات كبيرة جديدة في عدد الإصابات. ولكن تشير بعض التقديرات إلى أن قدرته على الانتقال أكثر بنحو 1.5 مرة من أوميكرون، مما يمكن أن يؤدي إلى إبطاء تراجع عدد الحالات.   وقد يعزى بطء انحسار موجة أوميكرون إلى تخفيف البلدان القيود المفروضة لمكافحة انتشار الوباء مثل السماح باستئناف التجمعات ورفع قيود ارتداء أقنعة الوجه، بيد أن هذه الإجراءات قد تزيد الوضع سوءا.  تشغيل الفيدي تتحور فيروسات مثل فيروس كوفيد-19 طوال الوقت أثناء تكاثرها. وعندما يكتسب الفيروس ما يكفي من الطفرات المتميزة، يصبح متحورا. ولكن إذا لم تكن التغييرات جذرية، فقد يتم وصف الفيروس المتحور بأنه فرعي، مثل "بي إيه 2".  وشهدت الدانمارك انتشارا سريعا للمتحور الفرعي لتشكل نصف إجمالي حالات الإصابة بكوفيد-19 بحلول نهاية يناير/كانون الثاني، على الرغم من أن أكثر من 80% من السكان أكملوا الجرعات الأولى من التطعيم بينما تلقى أكثر من 60% منهم الجرعة المعززة.   وقد بلغت ذروة الإصابات في هذا البلد حوالي 45 ألف حالة جديدة في 27 يناير/ كانون الثاني.  كما يقول الباحث فريدريك بليسنر لينغس، من جامعة كوبنهاغن، إن أوميكرون غذى موجة كوفيد-19 الأخيرة جزئيا لأنه قادر على تفادي بعض دفاعات جهاز المناعة.  تشغيل الفيديو مدة الفيديو 02 minutes 17 seconds 02:17 اللقاحات فعالة في الحد من انتشار عدوى "بي إيه 2" لا تزال اللقاحات فعالة في الحد من انتشار عدوى "بي إيه 2" وتخفض من معدلات الإصابة بأمراض خطيرة. وقد تبين أن هذا المتحور الفرعي انتشر على نطاق واسع بين صفوف الذين لم يتلقوا تطعيما ضد كوفيد-19.   لقد شهدت العديد من البلدان بالفعل زيادة حادة للغاية في عدد حالات الإصابة بمتحور أوميكرون، تلاها انخفاض حاد مماثل. لكن معدل حالات الإصابة بالمتحور الفرعي يمكن أن يطيل أمد موجة أوميكرون في بعض البلدان.  إذا كنت مصابا بمتحور أوميكرون الأصلي فهل ستصاب بالفرعي؟ لا يزال العلماء يحاولون تحديد أسباب سرعة انتشار المتحور الفرعي لأوميكرون. فالعديد من طفرات "بي إيه 2" موجودة في أجزاء من الفيروس التي يستهدفها الجهاز المناعي عادة، لذلك تسمح التحورات التي تخفي تلك الأجزاء للعامل الممرض بتفادي دفاعات الجهاز المناعي.  ومع ذلك، ليس من الواضح ما إذا كان هذا المتحور الفرعي مختلفا بما يكفي ليسبب العدوى مرة أخرى للذين أصيبوا بأوميكرون. بعبارة أخرى، إذا كنت مصابا بمتحور أوميكرون الأصلي، فلن يعرف العلماء ما إذا كنت ستصاب بالمتحور الفرعي.  وليس من السهل الإجابة عن هذه الأسئلة، ويرجع ذلك جزئيا إلى أن العلماء لا يستطيعون التنبؤ بالتغيرات التي تطرأ على الفيروس بمجرد دراسة التغييرات في الشفرة الجينية أو البنية الفيزيائية للفيروس.    ألغاز مهمة حول أوميكرون الخفي لا بد من حلها في متحورات مثل دلتا وأوميكرون، تتفاعل الطفرات معا مما يؤدي إلى زيادة قابليتها للانتقال بما يتجاوز ما يمكن أن تسببه أي طفرة واحدة، وذلك حسب ما أوضحه بولاند. وتمثل المتحورات أكثر من مجرد مجموعة طفرات، وعلى العلماء دراستها في العالم الحقيقي لفهم آلية عملها لوقف انتقال العدوى وعلاجها.  وهناك لغز آخر مطروح وهو مصدر المتحور الفرعي الذي ربما يكون موجودا منذ بداية ظهور أوميكرون، أو ربما يكون قد تفرع عنه بعد وقت قصير من بدء انتشاره على نطاق واسع.  ولا يملك أوميكرون نفسه سلفا مباشرا معروفا، فهو مثلا ليس سليلا مباشرا للمتحور دلتا أو بيتا، ويظهر جينومه أنه يأتي من فرع بعيد جدا لعائلة فيروس سارس-كوف-2.  ظهور المتحور الفرعي لأوميكرون تذكير بحاجتنا لتعزيز يقظتنا يفترض بعض العلماء أن أوميكرون ومتحوراته الفرعية ربما كان لها مضيف حيواني قبل انتقالها إلى البشر. ويعتقد البعض الآخر أن الأدلة تشير إلى نوع نادر من التحور يعرف باسم إعادة التركيب، حيث يصاب الفرد بنسختين من الفيروس في نفس الوقت مما يؤدي إلى إنتاج متحور مختلف تماما.   وقد يكون أيضا نتيجة إصابة شخص جسمه غير قادر على محاربة الفيروس بسرعة، مما يمنح الفيروس وقتا أطول من المعتاد للتكاثر والتحور وتعزيز مقاومته لجهاز المناعة.  عموما، يمكن أن يساعد اكتشاف كيفية استمرار ظهور المتحورات في منع ظهور متحورات جديدة، أو على الأقل مساعدة العلماء في معرفة مكان البحث حتى يكونوا على استعداد. ويعد ظهور المتحور الفرعي لأوميكرون تذكيرا آخر بحاجتنا إلى تعزيز يقظتنا ضد كوفيد-19، حتى عند تراجع حالات الإصابة.  Erdogan's personal doctor reveals the secret of the president's recovery from Corona without problems, What is it? Erdogan did not receive a special food program during the period of his infection with Corona, but rather asked him to drink more fluids only  After the recovery of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, what did his doctor say about the matter that contributed greatly to this recovery? What is the nature of the food program that Erdogan followed during that period? The answers are in this report, with details of the new BA 2 Omicron strain.  And Serkan Topaloğlu, President Erdogan's doctor, announced on Thursday that the results of Corona smears conducted for the president during the last two days appeared "negative."  Erdogan recovered from being infected with Covid-19, 5 days after he was diagnosed with the Corona virus. Topaloğlu said, in a statement to Anadolu Agency , that the president's symptoms of corona had completely ended during the last three days.  He pointed out that Erdogan's reception of the Corona vaccine contributed greatly to his comfortably and without problems, passing his period of infection.  He continued, "We believe that the vaccine is certainly very effective, since the beginning of the epidemic, our president's position on vaccination has been very clear, as he was one of the first to receive the vaccine in the country, and he also received the reminder (booster) dose as well."  Did Erdogan receive a special food program? The answer is no, as the doctor indicated that Erdogan did not receive a special food program during the period of his infection with Corona, but rather asked him to drink more fluids only.  Erdogan had received the third dose of the anti-Covid vaccine last June. According to the French press agency, Topaloğlu, this vaccination allowed the president to overcome this ordeal without problems.  Erdogan had received two doses of the Chinese Sinovac vaccine and a third dose of the German-American Pfizer-Biontech vaccine, according to the German news agency.  According to official statistics, 52.5 million people in Turkey received the second dose of the vaccine, and more than 25 million people received their third dose.  PA2 is more rapidly spreading than Omicron Under the title "We regret to inform you that we are now discussing sub-mutants. PA2 is a rapidly spreading mutant of Omicron.. Here is what we know," according to what Umair Irfan wrote in the American " VOX " website .  A new sub-strain of the Omicron mutant has emerged called PA2 that appears to be spreading more rapidly than any other strain of COVID-19.  The writer says that the good news for the time being that vaccines still provide protection against this sub-mutant. But because it's so contagious, scientists are racing to see what damage it can cause.  The original Omicron mutant - which scientists call BA1 or B1.1.529 (B.1.1.529) until recently - was the most prevalent mutant, and caused significant increases in the number of new cases of many diseases. the countries. But we currently know that the mutated sub-strain of it "PA2" can spread faster, and may soon become the dominant version of the virus.  According to the World Health Organization, this sub-mutant has already been detected in at least 69 countries, including the United States.  "BA2 is more spreadable than BA1, so we expect the number of cases to increase around the world," said Maria Van Kerkhove, head of the WHO's COVID-19 technical team, during a press conference on Tuesday.  Invisible omicron This sub-mutant contains about 20 mutations that distinguish it from the original mutant. Troublesome, however, is that it does not contain a mutation that distinguishes omicron from other mutants in PCR tests, so it is difficult to distinguish it from, say, a delta mutant. This is why some researchers have called it the "hidden omicron".  Routine COVID-19 tests can detect when a person has been infected with a sub-omicron. "You don't know what to look for, whether it's PA1 or PA2 or a completely different mutation," says Gregory Poland, professor of medicine and infectious diseases at the Mayo Clinic.  As a result, identification of PA2 infection usually requires more extensive genetic sequencing, and in parts of the world where this procedure is less common, the sub-mutant may spread undetected.  Unsurprisingly, the Covid-19 virus continues to evolve, as the more people infected, the greater the chances of it mutating. With omicron infection peaking in many countries, the sub-mutant may not lead to new significant increases in the number of infections. But some estimates suggest its transmissibility is about 1.5 times that of an omicron, which could slow the decline in the number of cases.  The slow receding of the Omicron wave may be attributed to countries easing restrictions imposed to combat the spread of the epidemic, such as allowing the resumption of gatherings and lifting restrictions on wearing face masks, but these measures may make the situation worse.  The 'Omicron invisible' strain is spreading rapidly Viruses like COVID-19 mutate all the time as they multiply. When the virus acquires enough distinct mutations, it becomes mutated. But if the changes are not drastic, the mutated virus may be described as a subtype, such as PA2.  Denmark experienced a rapid spread of the sub-mutant to account for half of all COVID-19 cases by the end of January, although more than 80% of the population had completed the first doses of vaccination while more than 60% had received the booster dose.  The peak of infections in this country was about 45,000 new cases on January 27. As researcher Fredrik Plesner Lings, from the University of Copenhagen, says, Omicron fueled the recent wave of Covid-19 in part because it is able to evade some of the immune system's defenses.  Vaccines are effective in reducing the spread of PA2 infection. Vaccines remain effective in reducing the spread of PA2 infection and lowering rates of serious disease. It was found that this sub-mutant spread widely among those who had not received a vaccination against Covid-19.  Several countries have already seen a very sharp increase in the number of omicron cases, followed by a similar sharp decline. But the incidence of the sub-mutant can prolong the omicron wave in some countries.  If you are infected with the original omicron mutant, will you get the sub? Scientists are still trying to determine the reasons for the rapid spread of the omicron sub-mutant. Many PA2 mutations are in the parts of the virus that the immune system normally targets, so mutations that hide those parts allow the pathogen to evade the immune system's defenses.  However, it is not clear whether this sub-mutant is different enough to cause reinfection in those infected with omicron. In other words, if you are infected with the original omicron mutant, scientists will not know if you will develop the sub-mutant.  These questions are not easy to answer, in part because scientists cannot predict changes in the virus just by studying changes in the virus's genetic code or physical structure.  Important mysteries about the hidden Omicron that must be solved In mutants like delta and omicron, the mutations interact together, increasing their transmissibility beyond what any single mutation can cause, Poland says. Mutants represent more than just a group of mutations, and scientists must study them in the real world to understand how they work to stop and treat infection.  Another mystery is the source of the sub-mutant, which may have existed since the beginning of the Omicron, or may have branched off from it shortly after it began to spread widely.  Omicron itself does not have a known direct ancestor, for example it is not a direct descendant of the delta or beta mutant, and its genome appears to come from a very distant branch of the SARS-CoV-2 virus family.  The emergence of the omicron sub-mutant is a reminder of our need to enhance our vigilance Some scientists hypothesize that Omicron and its sub-mutants may have had an animal host before being transmitted to humans. Others believe the evidence points to a rare type of mutation known as recombination, in which an individual is infected with two copies of the virus at the same time, resulting in the production of an entirely different mutation.  It may also be the result of a person having an infection whose body is unable to fight the virus quickly, giving the virus longer than usual time to multiply and mutate and enhance its resistance to the immune system.  Overall, figuring out how mutations persist can help prevent new ones from emerging, or at least help scientists know where to look so they're ready. The emergence of the omicron submutant is another reminder of the need to strengthen our vigilance against COVID-19, even when cases are declining.

Erdogan's personal doctor reveals the secret of the president's recovery from Corona without problems, What is it?

Erdogan did not receive a special food program during the period of his infection with Corona, but rather asked him to drink more fluids only

After the recovery of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, what did his doctor say about the matter that contributed greatly to this recovery? What is the nature of the food program that Erdogan followed during that period? The answers are in this report, with details of the new BA 2 Omicron strain.

And Serkan Topaloğlu, President Erdogan's doctor, announced on Thursday that the results of Corona smears conducted for the president during the last two days appeared "negative."

Erdogan recovered from being infected with Covid-19, 5 days after he was diagnosed with the Corona virus.
Topaloğlu said, in a statement to Anadolu Agency , that the president's symptoms of corona had completely ended during the last three days.

He pointed out that Erdogan's reception of the Corona vaccine contributed greatly to his comfortably and without problems, passing his period of infection.

He continued, "We believe that the vaccine is certainly very effective, since the beginning of the epidemic, our president's position on vaccination has been very clear, as he was one of the first to receive the vaccine in the country, and he also received the reminder (booster) dose as well."

Did Erdogan receive a special food program?
The answer is no, as the doctor indicated that Erdogan did not receive a special food program during the period of his infection with Corona, but rather asked him to drink more fluids only.

Erdogan had received the third dose of the anti-Covid vaccine last June. According to the French press agency, Topaloğlu, this vaccination allowed the president to overcome this ordeal without problems.

Erdogan had received two doses of the Chinese Sinovac vaccine and a third dose of the German-American Pfizer-Biontech vaccine, according to the German news agency.

According to official statistics, 52.5 million people in Turkey received the second dose of the vaccine, and more than 25 million people received their third dose.

PA2 is more rapidly spreading than Omicron
Under the title "We regret to inform you that we are now discussing sub-mutants. PA2 is a rapidly spreading mutant of Omicron.. Here is what we know," according to what Umair Irfan wrote in the American " VOX " website .

A new sub-strain of the Omicron mutant has emerged called PA2 that appears to be spreading more rapidly than any other strain of COVID-19.

The writer says that the good news for the time being that vaccines still provide protection against this sub-mutant. But because it's so contagious, scientists are racing to see what damage it can cause.

The original Omicron mutant - which scientists call BA1 or B1.1.529 (B.1.1.529) until recently - was the most prevalent mutant, and caused significant increases in the number of new cases of many diseases. the countries. But we currently know that the mutated sub-strain of it "PA2" can spread faster, and may soon become the dominant version of the virus.

According to the World Health Organization, this sub-mutant has already been detected in at least 69 countries, including the United States.

"BA2 is more spreadable than BA1, so we expect the number of cases to increase around the world," said Maria Van Kerkhove, head of the WHO's COVID-19 technical team, during a press conference on Tuesday.

Invisible omicron
This sub-mutant contains about 20 mutations that distinguish it from the original mutant. Troublesome, however, is that it does not contain a mutation that distinguishes omicron from other mutants in PCR tests, so it is difficult to distinguish it from, say, a delta mutant. This is why some researchers have called it the "hidden omicron".

Routine COVID-19 tests can detect when a person has been infected with a sub-omicron.
"You don't know what to look for, whether it's PA1 or PA2 or a completely different mutation," says Gregory Poland, professor of medicine and infectious diseases at the Mayo Clinic.

As a result, identification of PA2 infection usually requires more extensive genetic sequencing, and in parts of the world where this procedure is less common, the sub-mutant may spread undetected.

Unsurprisingly, the Covid-19 virus continues to evolve, as the more people infected, the greater the chances of it mutating. With omicron infection peaking in many countries, the sub-mutant may not lead to new significant increases in the number of infections. But some estimates suggest its transmissibility is about 1.5 times that of an omicron, which could slow the decline in the number of cases.

The slow receding of the Omicron wave may be attributed to countries easing restrictions imposed to combat the spread of the epidemic, such as allowing the resumption of gatherings and lifting restrictions on wearing face masks, but these measures may make the situation worse.

The 'Omicron invisible' strain is spreading rapidly
Viruses like COVID-19 mutate all the time as they multiply. When the virus acquires enough distinct mutations, it becomes mutated. But if the changes are not drastic, the mutated virus may be described as a subtype, such as PA2.

Denmark experienced a rapid spread of the sub-mutant to account for half of all COVID-19 cases by the end of January, although more than 80% of the population had completed the first doses of vaccination while more than 60% had received the booster dose.

The peak of infections in this country was about 45,000 new cases on January 27.
As researcher Fredrik Plesner Lings, from the University of Copenhagen, says, Omicron fueled the recent wave of Covid-19 in part because it is able to evade some of the immune system's defenses.

Vaccines are effective in reducing the spread of PA2 infection.
Vaccines remain effective in reducing the spread of PA2 infection and lowering rates of serious disease. It was found that this sub-mutant spread widely among those who had not received a vaccination against Covid-19.

Several countries have already seen a very sharp increase in the number of omicron cases, followed by a similar sharp decline. But the incidence of the sub-mutant can prolong the omicron wave in some countries.

If you are infected with the original omicron mutant, will you get the sub?
Scientists are still trying to determine the reasons for the rapid spread of the omicron sub-mutant. Many PA2 mutations are in the parts of the virus that the immune system normally targets, so mutations that hide those parts allow the pathogen to evade the immune system's defenses.

However, it is not clear whether this sub-mutant is different enough to cause reinfection in those infected with omicron. In other words, if you are infected with the original omicron mutant, scientists will not know if you will develop the sub-mutant.

These questions are not easy to answer, in part because scientists cannot predict changes in the virus just by studying changes in the virus's genetic code or physical structure.

Important mysteries about the hidden Omicron that must be solved
In mutants like delta and omicron, the mutations interact together, increasing their transmissibility beyond what any single mutation can cause, Poland says. Mutants represent more than just a group of mutations, and scientists must study them in the real world to understand how they work to stop and treat infection.

Another mystery is the source of the sub-mutant, which may have existed since the beginning of the Omicron, or may have branched off from it shortly after it began to spread widely.

Omicron itself does not have a known direct ancestor, for example it is not a direct descendant of the delta or beta mutant, and its genome appears to come from a very distant branch of the SARS-CoV-2 virus family.

The emergence of the omicron sub-mutant is a reminder of our need to enhance our vigilance
Some scientists hypothesize that Omicron and its sub-mutants may have had an animal host before being transmitted to humans. Others believe the evidence points to a rare type of mutation known as recombination, in which an individual is infected with two copies of the virus at the same time, resulting in the production of an entirely different mutation.

It may also be the result of a person having an infection whose body is unable to fight the virus quickly, giving the virus longer than usual time to multiply and mutate and enhance its resistance to the immune system.

Overall, figuring out how mutations persist can help prevent new ones from emerging, or at least help scientists know where to look so they're ready. The emergence of the omicron submutant is another reminder of the need to strengthen our vigilance against COVID-19, even when cases are declining.

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