Shaanxi's "iron cage girl" police set up an investigation team, the Ministry of Public Security will "strike down" Shaanxi's "iron cage girl" police set up an investigation team, the Ministry of Public Security will "strike down"

Shaanxi's "iron cage girl" police set up an investigation team, the Ministry of Public Security will "strike down"

Shaanxi's "iron cage girl" police set up an investigation team, the Ministry of Public Security will "strike down" on the abduction of women and children  After an "iron cage girl" in Jiaxian County, Shaanxi Province was exposed by netizens, the Yulin City Public Security Bureau announced on Monday that a joint investigation team led by the Public Security Bureau had been established to investigate. At present, the man involved in the case, Li Mou, has been detained. In addition, the Ministry of Public Security of China will launch a special campaign from now until the end of the year to crack down on the crime of trafficking in women and children.  Following the "chain girl" in Fengxian, Jiangsu, another "iron cage girl" was exposed in Jiaxian, Shaanxi. According to China CCTV News, the Yulin City Public Security Bureau reported on the evening of the 1st that the tragic experience of the "iron cage girls" in Jiaxian County, Shaanxi Province was comparable to that of the "iron chain girls" in Feng County, Jiangsu Province. the joint investigation team.  Tracking the event of a mother of eight Jimu News website reported that the account "I am Li Qifeng" has been live-streaming the family life of a resident of Jiaxian County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. In the live broadcast, Li said that his wife Xiaoyu was a woman of unknown origin he picked up, and the two started living together in 2009. Xiaoyu tried to escape many times, but Li used special means to stop it. Li also claimed that in order to prevent Xiaoyu from escaping, he built a large iron cage on the tricycle and locked Xiaoyu in the cage when he went out.  Civilians demand that the Shaanxi government set up an investigation team to withdraw the investigation Zhang Jianping, a commentator on current affairs in Yixing, Jiangsu Province, said in an interview with Radio Free Asia Asia on Tuesday (3rd) that there are still many mysteries in the "Chain Girl" case, and now there is an "iron cage" that is comparable to the "Chain Girl" situation. Female", he hoped that Yulin officials would truthfully disclose the results of the investigation:  "Yulin police have organized a joint investigation team again. My biggest hope is that this time the investigation team will not show the very absurd situation of the Jiangsu investigation team. If these dark things are covered up, it will not help social progress. I look forward to the Yulin police. Make an objective and impartial investigation."  Some netizens posted on the WeChat public account "When will the Qinghai college student who is suspected of missing in the iron cage in Jiaxian County, Shaanxi Province be rescued? " article, detailing the experience of the "iron cage girl". The article said that a Qinghai university student named Wang Guohong disappeared in 2009 and was found in Yulin, Shaanxi in 2020, but has not been rescued so far. The article wrote that in early 2020, news came from the Internet. A girl suspected of Wang Guohong was found at Li Limin's house in Yuantuanmaogou Village, Jinmingsi Town, Jiaxian County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. Wang Guohong's online name is Xiaoyu, and she has been abused to the point of insane. And Li Limin is unemployed, and is now an internet celebrity anchor with nearly 100,000 fans on the Kuaishou platform. Li Mou once told himself in the live broadcast that Xiaoyu gave birth to a son and a daughter for him. After the daughter was born, he sold it to a neighboring village for 30,000 yuan. Li also showed the hukou he entrusted to Xiaoyushang. The date of birth recorded in the hukou book was May 5, 1975, and the time of registration was May 2019.  Huang Ping, a commentator on current affairs in Xi'an, was angry at the above-mentioned social phenomenon. He told this station that the "Iron Cage Girl" case was just the tip of the iceberg, and many unknown tragedies were still happening:  "Only you can't imagine it. Without them, it can't be done. The common people are aware of many problems. More and more people don't believe in the government. Most people dare not speak out because of fear. They also dare not tell the truth. The government can only wait for the incident to form public opinion, and he has no choice but to investigate these matters, the people are nothing to them."  The government only cares about anyone who poses a threat to the regime In response to media inquiries on Monday, the Yulin Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department said it was aware of the matter and was investigating. The city's Women's Federation also said it had stepped in.  In addition, the Ministry of Public Security of China has decided to launch a special campaign against the crime of trafficking in women and children from March 1 to December 31. Surging news reports that the national public security organs' special action against the crime of abduction and trafficking in women and children was held on March 2. The mobilization and deployment teleconference was held on March 2. The national public security organs were deployed to thoroughly implement the central government's decision-making and deployment on anti-trafficking work, and demanded to organize and carry out the crackdown on the crime of abduction and trafficking of women and children quickly. Special action to effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of women and children.  In this regard, commentator Huang Ping said that for the government, the main task is to ensure the security of the regime, and everything else is secondary:  "What they pay attention to and care about is any person or thing that poses a threat to the regime, so these decisions issued by the Ministry of Public Security are all to appease the public's grievances. If they really wanted to do these things, they would have done it long ago, and won't wait until The pictures are streamed to the Internet to do things.”  The Ministry of Public Security requires that a group of clues should be collected in a concentrated manner, especially women and children with unknown origins, such as vagrants, mentally retarded, mentally ill, deaf-mute and disabled. It is necessary to comprehensively sort out and investigate the clues of violations of the rights and interests of women and children, focusing on the investigation of suspected abducted persons. For suspected abducted persons and those seeking relatives, DNA and other information should be collected as soon as possible, and information analysis should be strengthened to provide strong support for special operations.  Reporter: Qiao Long Editor in charge: Wen Xiaoping Jiayuan Web editor: Ruizhe

After an "iron cage girl" in Jiaxian County, Shaanxi Province was exposed by netizens, the Yulin City Public Security Bureau announced on Monday that a joint investigation team led by the Public Security Bureau had been established to investigate. At present, the man involved in the case, Li Mou, has been detained. In addition, the Ministry of Public Security of China will launch a special campaign from now until the end of the year to crack down on the crime of trafficking in women and children.

Following the "chain girl" in Fengxian, Jiangsu, another "iron cage girl" was exposed in Jiaxian, Shaanxi. According to China CCTV News, the Yulin City Public Security Bureau reported on the evening of the 1st that the tragic experience of the "iron cage girls" in Jiaxian County, Shaanxi Province was comparable to that of the "iron chain girls" in Feng County, Jiangsu Province. the joint investigation team.

Tracking the event of a mother of eight
Jimu News website reported that the account "I am Li Qifeng" has been live-streaming the family life of a resident of Jiaxian County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. In the live broadcast, Li said that his wife Xiaoyu was a woman of unknown origin he picked up, and the two started living together in 2009. Xiaoyu tried to escape many times, but Li used special means to stop it. Li also claimed that in order to prevent Xiaoyu from escaping, he built a large iron cage on the tricycle and locked Xiaoyu in the cage when he went out.

Civilians demand that the Shaanxi government set up an investigation team to withdraw the investigation
Zhang Jianping, a commentator on current affairs in Yixing, Jiangsu Province, said in an interview with Radio Free Asia Asia on Tuesday (3rd) that there are still many mysteries in the "Chain Girl" case, and now there is an "iron cage" that is comparable to the "Chain Girl" situation. Female", he hoped that Yulin officials would truthfully disclose the results of the investigation:

"Yulin police have organized a joint investigation team again. My biggest hope is that this time the investigation team will not show the very absurd situation of the Jiangsu investigation team. If these dark things are covered up, it will not help social progress. I look forward to the Yulin police. Make an objective and impartial investigation."

Some netizens posted on the WeChat public account "When will the Qinghai college student who is suspected of missing in the iron cage in Jiaxian County, Shaanxi Province be rescued? " article, detailing the experience of the "iron cage girl". The article said that a Qinghai university student named Wang Guohong disappeared in 2009 and was found in Yulin, Shaanxi in 2020, but has not been rescued so far. The article wrote that in early 2020, news came from the Internet. A girl suspected of Wang Guohong was found at Li Limin's house in Yuantuanmaogou Village, Jinmingsi Town, Jiaxian County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. Wang Guohong's online name is Xiaoyu, and she has been abused to the point of insane. And Li Limin is unemployed, and is now an internet celebrity anchor with nearly 100,000 fans on the Kuaishou platform. Li Mou once told himself in the live broadcast that Xiaoyu gave birth to a son and a daughter for him. After the daughter was born, he sold it to a neighboring village for 30,000 yuan. Li also showed the hukou he entrusted to Xiaoyushang. The date of birth recorded in the hukou book was May 5, 1975, and the time of registration was May 2019.

Huang Ping, a commentator on current affairs in Xi'an, was angry at the above-mentioned social phenomenon. He told this station that the "Iron Cage Girl" case was just the tip of the iceberg, and many unknown tragedies were still happening:

"Only you can't imagine it. Without them, it can't be done. The common people are aware of many problems. More and more people don't believe in the government. Most people dare not speak out because of fear. They also dare not tell the truth. The government can only wait for the incident to form public opinion, and he has no choice but to investigate these matters, the people are nothing to them."

The government only cares about anyone who poses a threat to the regime
In response to media inquiries on Monday, the Yulin Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department said it was aware of the matter and was investigating. The city's Women's Federation also said it had stepped in.

In addition, the Ministry of Public Security of China has decided to launch a special campaign against the crime of trafficking in women and children from March 1 to December 31. Surging news reports that the national public security organs' special action against the crime of abduction and trafficking in women and children was held on March 2. The mobilization and deployment teleconference was held on March 2. The national public security organs were deployed to thoroughly implement the central government's decision-making and deployment on anti-trafficking work, and demanded to organize and carry out the crackdown on the crime of abduction and trafficking of women and children quickly. Special action to effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of women and children.

In this regard, commentator Huang Ping said that for the government, the main task is to ensure the security of the regime, and everything else is secondary:

"What they pay attention to and care about is any person or thing that poses a threat to the regime, so these decisions issued by the Ministry of Public Security are all to appease the public's grievances. If they really wanted to do these things, they would have done it long ago, and won't wait until The pictures are streamed to the Internet to do things.”

The Ministry of Public Security requires that a group of clues should be collected in a concentrated manner, especially women and children with unknown origins, such as vagrants, mentally retarded, mentally ill, deaf-mute and disabled. It is necessary to comprehensively sort out and investigate the clues of violations of the rights and interests of women and children, focusing on the investigation of suspected abducted persons. For suspected abducted persons and those seeking relatives, DNA and other information should be collected as soon as possible, and information analysis should be strengthened to provide strong support for special operations.

Reporter: Qiao Long Editor in charge: Wen Xiaoping Jiayuan Web editor: Ruizhe

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