Thousands of dollmania held a joint prayer for the victims of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy Thousands of dollmania held a joint prayer for the victims of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy

Thousands of dollmania held a joint prayer for the victims of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy

Thousands of dollmania held a joint prayer for the victims of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy  Surabaya (ANTARA) - Thousands of Persebaya supporters known as Bonekmania held a joint prayer for hundreds of victims of the Kanjuruhan tragedy at the Heroes Monument, Surabaya City, East Java, Monday night.  "Please sincere friends (brothers) to pray to our brothers in Kanjuruhan, Malang. May Allah SWT accept their deeds of worship. We get rid of rivalry, we are here in the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Greetings, one guts," said Husein Gozali from Bonekmania who is familiar greeted Cak Cong when giving a speech.  This joint prayer was attended by the Head of Surabaya Police, Kombes Pol. Ahmad Yusep Gunawan, Chairman of the Surabaya DPRD Adi Sutarwijono, Persebaya Management Representative Nanang, representatives of Persebaya players Alwi and others.  They also lit candles as condolences and concerns over the Kanjuruhan tragedy after Arema FC's match against Persebaya, Saturday night last week.  On behalf of Persebaya, Nanang prayed for the victims of the tragedy in Kanjuruhan and thanked the Surabaya Police Chief for leading the escort of the Persebaya players in a safe condition.  "We, from Persebaya management, invite the puppets that the rivalry is 90 minutes, the rest are brothers," he said.  The chairman of the Surabaya DPRD, Adi Sutarwijono, invites all parties to pray for the deceased victims of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy to get a noble place with God Almighty.  "Hopefully the injured will also be given a speedy recovery. We agree, nothing exceeds human life, even though it's a match. Hopefully this will be the last," he said.  Chaos occurred after Arema FC's match against Persebaya Surabaya which ended 2-3 for Persebaya at the Kanjuruhan Stadium, Malang Regency, East Java, Saturday, October 1.  The defeat caused a number of supporters to go down and enter the field. The riots escalated as a number of flares were thrown including other objects.  The security guard then tried to prevent it by making a diversion so that the fans were not on the field to chase the players. In the process, officers fired tear gas.  Tear gas was released because the disgruntled Singo Edan supporters who took to the field were too anarchic and endangered the safety of players and officials.   Social Minister Risma declares Kanjuruhan tragedy a social disaster  Social Minister Tri Rismaharini stated that the tragedy at Kanjuruhan Stadium, Malang, East Java, which killed 174 fans of the Arema FC soccer club, Saturday (1/10), was a social disaster.  "This includes social disasters, the Ministry of Social Affairs also handles conflicts such as in Papua, and in some places, we also handle them," said Social Minister Risma in a statement received in Jakarta, Monday.  Social Minister Risma said that in handling the Kanjuruhan tragedy, the Ministry of Social Affairs provided compensation of Rp. 15 million per victim.  "If there are two victims in one family, we also give two. If there are three, yes, we give three, the standard is like that. We give this, then, we give basic necessities," said the former Surabaya Mayor.   Social Minister Risma stadium provides compensation to 125 heirs recorded by the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) in Malang City and Regency, East Java, which data will move according to developments in the field.  On the same occasion, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy said that this compensation was a form of concern and empathy from the government for the calamity experienced by the victims' families.  "Personally, I share my deepest condolences. Hopefully, all of you are given patience and sincerity," he said in Lowokwaru District, Malang City.  In addition to compensation for the heirs, the Ministry of Social Affairs has also moved to help evacuate victims at the stadium during a riot, Saturday (1/10), through Peace Pioneers (Pordam) and Disaster Preparedness Officers (Tagana), followed by data collection on the heirs of the deceased.  Through the Technical Implementation Units (UPT) belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs throughout Indonesia, to this day they have also provided Psychosocial Support Services for the families of those who died. In addition, support for the families of the victims of minor and serious injuries, both in the hospital and at the funeral home, was also provided.  The Ministry of Social Affairs through PKH HR also lists heirs who have components of pregnant women, early childhood, school children, the elderly and with disabilities to be included in the DTKS as a database for social assistance recipients.*

Surabaya (ANTARA) - Thousands of Persebaya supporters known as Bonekmania held a joint prayer for hundreds of victims of the Kanjuruhan tragedy at the Heroes Monument, Surabaya City, East Java, Monday night.

"Please sincere friends (brothers) to pray to our brothers in Kanjuruhan, Malang. May Allah SWT accept their deeds of worship. We get rid of rivalry, we are here in the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Greetings, one guts," said Husein Gozali from Bonekmania who is familiar greeted Cak Cong when giving a speech.

This joint prayer was attended by the Head of Surabaya Police, Kombes Pol. Ahmad Yusep Gunawan, Chairman of the Surabaya DPRD Adi Sutarwijono, Persebaya Management Representative Nanang, representatives of Persebaya players Alwi and others.

They also lit candles as condolences and concerns over the Kanjuruhan tragedy after Arema FC's match against Persebaya, Saturday night last week.

On behalf of Persebaya, Nanang prayed for the victims of the tragedy in Kanjuruhan and thanked the Surabaya Police Chief for leading the escort of the Persebaya players in a safe condition.

"We, from Persebaya management, invite the puppets that the rivalry is 90 minutes, the rest are brothers," he said.

The chairman of the Surabaya DPRD, Adi Sutarwijono, invites all parties to pray for the deceased victims of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy to get a noble place with God Almighty.

"Hopefully the injured will also be given a speedy recovery. We agree, nothing exceeds human life, even though it's a match. Hopefully this will be the last," he said.

Chaos occurred after Arema FC's match against Persebaya Surabaya which ended 2-3 for Persebaya at the Kanjuruhan Stadium, Malang Regency, East Java, Saturday, October 1.

The defeat caused a number of supporters to go down and enter the field. The riots escalated as a number of flares were thrown including other objects.

The security guard then tried to prevent it by making a diversion so that the fans were not on the field to chase the players. In the process, officers fired tear gas.

Tear gas was released because the disgruntled Singo Edan supporters who took to the field were too anarchic and endangered the safety of players and officials.

Social Minister Risma declares Kanjuruhan tragedy a social disaster

Social Minister Tri Rismaharini stated that the tragedy at Kanjuruhan Stadium, Malang, East Java, which killed 174 fans of the Arema FC soccer club, Saturday (1/10), was a social disaster.

"This includes social disasters, the Ministry of Social Affairs also handles conflicts such as in Papua, and in some places, we also handle them," said Social Minister Risma in a statement received in Jakarta, Monday.

Social Minister Risma said that in handling the Kanjuruhan tragedy, the Ministry of Social Affairs provided compensation of Rp. 15 million per victim.

"If there are two victims in one family, we also give two. If there are three, yes, we give three, the standard is like that. We give this, then, we give basic necessities," said the former Surabaya Mayor.

Social Minister Risma stadium provides compensation to 125 heirs recorded by the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) in Malang City and Regency, East Java, which data will move according to developments in the field.

On the same occasion, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy said that this compensation was a form of concern and empathy from the government for the calamity experienced by the victims' families.

"Personally, I share my deepest condolences. Hopefully, all of you are given patience and sincerity," he said in Lowokwaru District, Malang City.

In addition to compensation for the heirs, the Ministry of Social Affairs has also moved to help evacuate victims at the stadium during a riot, Saturday (1/10), through Peace Pioneers (Pordam) and Disaster Preparedness Officers (Tagana), followed by data collection on the heirs of the deceased.

Through the Technical Implementation Units (UPT) belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs throughout Indonesia, to this day they have also provided Psychosocial Support Services for the families of those who died. In addition, support for the families of the victims of minor and serious injuries, both in the hospital and at the funeral home, was also provided.

The Ministry of Social Affairs through PKH HR also lists heirs who have components of pregnant women, early childhood, school children, the elderly and with disabilities to be included in the DTKS as a database for social assistance recipients.*


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