The President ordered the TNI-Polri to take care of the downstreaming of natural resources The President ordered the TNI-Polri to take care of the downstreaming of natural resources

The President ordered the TNI-Polri to take care of the downstreaming of natural resources

The President ordered the TNI-Polri to take care of the downstreaming of natural resources  "The task of the TNI and Polri is to ensure that the name industrialization, downstreaming goes well in the field, there are no disturbances," Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ordered the TNI and Polri to maintain the continuity of the downstream and industrialization of natural resources in the country.  "The task of the TNI and Polri is to ensure that the name industrialization, downstreaming goes well in the field, there are no disturbances," President Jokowi told reporters after attending the 2023 TNI and Polri Leadership Meeting (Rapim) in Jakarta, Wednesday.  The President said that in the TNI Rapim he also emphasized the importance of downstreaming Indonesia's natural resources to generate added value to the economy.  "The theme chosen by the TNI and Polri is related to productivity, with economic transformation. I convey more about the importance of downstream," the President said regarding his direction in the meeting.  The President also ordered the apparatus to take firm action against illegal mining and exports because they could disrupt the downstream and industrialization processes. Illegal export of natural resources can also reduce state revenues.  "Illegal exports, for example tin, are still running, bauxite is still available, coal is still available, so state revenue is greatly reduced," he said.  Jokowi hopes that the TNI, Polri and other relevant officials can move swiftly against illegal mining and exports, without the need to wait for an explanation from him.  "So the duties of the TNI, Polri, if at sea are the Water Police, the Maritime Security Agency, the Navy, for example, and I think I already understand what is being done, I don't need to explain," said President Jokowi.

"The task of the TNI and Polri is to ensure that the name industrialization, downstreaming goes well in the field, there are no disturbances,"
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ordered the TNI and Polri to maintain the continuity of the downstream and industrialization of natural resources in the country.

"The task of the TNI and Polri is to ensure that the name industrialization, downstreaming goes well in the field, there are no disturbances," President Jokowi told reporters after attending the 2023 TNI and Polri Leadership Meeting (Rapim) in Jakarta, Wednesday.

The President said that in the TNI Rapim he also emphasized the importance of downstreaming Indonesia's natural resources to generate added value to the economy.

"The theme chosen by the TNI and Polri is related to productivity, with economic transformation. I convey more about the importance of downstream," the President said regarding his direction in the meeting.

The President also ordered the apparatus to take firm action against illegal mining and exports because they could disrupt the downstream and industrialization processes. Illegal export of natural resources can also reduce state revenues.

"Illegal exports, for example tin, are still running, bauxite is still available, coal is still available, so state revenue is greatly reduced," he said.

Jokowi hopes that the TNI, Polri and other relevant officials can move swiftly against illegal mining and exports, without the need to wait for an explanation from him.

"So the duties of the TNI, Polri, if at sea are the Water Police, the Maritime Security Agency, the Navy, for example, and I think I already understand what is being done, I don't need to explain," said President Jokowi.


  1. It underscores the critical role of maintaining stability for successful industrialization.

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