In Yining, the violence to seize farmland and gardens from local residents continues In Yining, the violence to seize farmland and gardens from local residents continues

In Yining, the violence to seize farmland and gardens from local residents continues

In Yining, the violence to seize farmland and gardens from local residents continues  It was revealed that the China Gaotong Horticulture Company occupied 5,000 acres of land in Karayagach Village, Yining County, and earned 40 million yuan in 2020. The company paid only 300 yuan of the income of 8,000 yuan per month to local residents, and pocketed the remaining 7,700 yuan. Local residents could only own 3.75 percent of the profits.  In an op-ed last month by Zulhayat Ismail, vice chancellor of Kashgar University, and widely copied in the Chinese press, entitled "Who has the right to speak about the human rights situation in Xinjiang," Uyghur residents were effectively dispossessed of their land after a land transfer system was implemented. It was specifically explained that the foundation was established for reference. In this explanation, it was noted that the transfer of land from hand to hand is done according to the will of the local residents.  According to one of our listeners, Yining County's Gautong Horticulture Company agreed with the Karayagach village government to take over 5,000,000 square meters of land owned by a village of 1,000 families and turn it into a garden. A village security director in Karayagach village who received our call confirmed that 5,000 acres of land belonging to the project has been transferred to Gautong.  In response to our listeners, it is alleged that the village government has implemented measures to deceive and intimidate residents in order to transfer these lands to the Gautong company. The Director of Security, the village government made a series of introductions about Gautong Company and revealed that he had visited the villagers at the horticulture field he built in Kash village and worked with them ideologically.  In our response, it was stated that the residents were not convinced by these campaigns, but the village government ignored the residents' complaints and leased the plot of land to the Gautong company at a lower than normal market price. The security director also revealed that the residents can usually earn at least 1,000 yuan to Moses. This 5,000 acres of land has been leased for 300 yuan per year.  In Zulhayat Ismail's review above, after the land passed from hand to hand, the people of all ethnicities exercised their independence, promoted production and shared the fruits of production. But according to an announcement on "China News Network" last year, the orchard in Karayagach village sold a total of 40 million yuan worth of fruit in 2020 to the Chinese cities of Zhengzhou, Shanghai and Dachang. That is, 8,000,000 yuan per month of income remained.  The director of public security said that he did not know how much profit Gaotong was making from the garden, and revealed that the company had increased the contract by 30 yuan per year and paid 330 yuan to residents in 2020. This means that 1.5 million yuan of the 40 million yuan earned from the 5,000-acre garden, or 3.75 percent of the revenue, went to local residents, while 96.5 percent went to Chinese companies.  The response we have also said that some residents who are dissatisfied with this imbalance have not received any compensation from the park's revenue, even though they have filed a complaint with the state and autonomous regions.  A village policeman who received our phone call from the village, while praising the country's land management policy, revealed that some people do not know the value of "goodness" and complain. He also confirmed that the 5,000-acre garden was transferred to the Gautong Company not by the will of local residents, but only by the decision of the village government and the villagers' committee.  In Zulhayat Ismail's review, such confiscation of land was presented as evidence to refute international criticism of forced labor.     McCarthy will meet with Tsai Ing-wen in the US? Taiwan official: no comment  The British "Financial Times" reported on the 6th that a number of people familiar with the matter said that out of consideration for Taiwan's security, President Tsai Ing-wen and the Speaker of the US House of Representatives McCarthy agreed to meet in the United States. Reuters also quoted sources as saying that Tsai Ing-wen was invited to give a speech at the Reagan Presidential Library while passing through California during her planned visit to Central America, and McCarthy is likely to meet with her in the United States. In this regard, Kolas Yotaka, Taiwan's presidential spokesman, said on the 7th that he has no comment on the content of the report, and that if the president has any visits, he will explain it to the outside world as usual. Taiwanese Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxie said in the Legislative Yuan on the 7th that head of state diplomacy is an important part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' work, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will seriously consider arranging the president's visit. However, it is not suitable to explain to the outside world before there is a definite plan.

It was revealed that the China Gaotong Horticulture Company occupied 5,000 acres of land in Karayagach Village, Yining County, and earned 40 million yuan in 2020. The company paid only 300 yuan of the income of 8,000 yuan per month to local residents, and pocketed the remaining 7,700 yuan. Local residents could only own 3.75 percent of the profits.

In an op-ed last month by Zulhayat Ismail, vice chancellor of Kashgar University, and widely copied in the Chinese press, entitled "Who has the right to speak about the human rights situation in Xinjiang," Uyghur residents were effectively dispossessed of their land after a land transfer system was implemented. It was specifically explained that the foundation was established for reference. In this explanation, it was noted that the transfer of land from hand to hand is done according to the will of the local residents.

According to one of our listeners, Yining County's Gautong Horticulture Company agreed with the Karayagach village government to take over 5,000,000 square meters of land owned by a village of 1,000 families and turn it into a garden. A village security director in Karayagach village who received our call confirmed that 5,000 acres of land belonging to the project has been transferred to Gautong.

In response to our listeners, it is alleged that the village government has implemented measures to deceive and intimidate residents in order to transfer these lands to the Gautong company. The Director of Security, the village government made a series of introductions about Gautong Company and revealed that he had visited the villagers at the horticulture field he built in Kash village and worked with them ideologically.

In our response, it was stated that the residents were not convinced by these campaigns, but the village government ignored the residents' complaints and leased the plot of land to the Gautong company at a lower than normal market price. The security director also revealed that the residents can usually earn at least 1,000 yuan to Moses. This 5,000 acres of land has been leased for 300 yuan per year.

In Zulhayat Ismail's review above, after the land passed from hand to hand, the people of all ethnicities exercised their independence, promoted production and shared the fruits of production. But according to an announcement on "China News Network" last year, the orchard in Karayagach village sold a total of 40 million yuan worth of fruit in 2020 to the Chinese cities of Zhengzhou, Shanghai and Dachang. That is, 8,000,000 yuan per month of income remained.

The director of public security said that he did not know how much profit Gaotong was making from the garden, and revealed that the company had increased the contract by 30 yuan per year and paid 330 yuan to residents in 2020. This means that 1.5 million yuan of the 40 million yuan earned from the 5,000-acre garden, or 3.75 percent of the revenue, went to local residents, while 96.5 percent went to Chinese companies.

The response we have also said that some residents who are dissatisfied with this imbalance have not received any compensation from the park's revenue, even though they have filed a complaint with the state and autonomous regions.

A village policeman who received our phone call from the village, while praising the country's land management policy, revealed that some people do not know the value of "goodness" and complain. He also confirmed that the 5,000-acre garden was transferred to the Gautong Company not by the will of local residents, but only by the decision of the village government and the villagers' committee.

In Zulhayat Ismail's review, such confiscation of land was presented as evidence to refute international criticism of forced labor.

The Saudi prince inaugurated a ten million dollar 'tech house' in Islamabad

Saudi Prince Fahd bin Mansoor Al Saud while inaugurating the Islamabad project on Monday said that 'we will create more than 1,000 job opportunities in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and around the world.'

Saudi Prince Fahd Bin Mansoor Al Saud has said while inaugurating the $10 million Saudi Pakistan Tech House in Islamabad on Monday, "We will create more than 1,000 job opportunities."

Prince Fahad bin Mansoor Al Saud, the patron of the project, said at a ceremony held in Islamabad, "It is an honor for me to announce the launch of the Saudi Pakistan Tech House."

Saudi Prince Fahd Bin Mansoor Al Saud said that "its headquarters will be in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, and its first branch will be in Lahore."

He said that 'we plan to build a Saudi Arabian tech house in every region from the east to the west under Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030.'

"I reiterate that we will create more than 1,000 jobs in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and around the world."

The Saudi prince further said that 'we are hopeful to start three hundred projects worth at least ten million dollars in the next five years.'

"I believe that with Pakistan's large IT infrastructure, talent and startups, the private sectors of both countries can become a game changer in the IT sector for Pakistan and Saudi Arabia through mutual partnership."

He says, 'I look forward to working with Pakistani entrepreneurs and Saudi partners in the tech ecosystem, which will further strengthen the relationship between the two countries.'

Saudi Ambassador Nawaf Al-Maliki also participated in the ceremony in Islamabad, who said that the organization of the Technology House will start a new era of digital transformation. Saudi Arabia has built a strong and secure digital network.

Shaza Fatima, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Youth Affairs, participating in the ceremony, said in a conversation with Independent Urdu that 70 percent of Pakistan's population is under 30 years of age. Loans of up to 15, 25 and 75 lakhs have been issued for the youth.

Shaza Fatima says that we have to give IT opportunities to the youth in today's world. The IT Ministry is working on this issue and IT camps will be organized in universities.

Dr. Mohammad Manshad, the head of an information technology company in Pakistan, while talking to Independent Urdu, said that 'Pakistan has not done so much work on IT before.'

According to him, 'Saudi Arabia has started this project in which there is software development, to work on it by making its own IT cloud.'

What is Saudi Pakistan Tech House?

Prince Fahad bin Mansoor Al Saud is the co-founder of ILSA Interactive, which was first established in 2009 by Pakistani businessman Salman Nasir. Its offices are in Riyadh and Lahore.

Saudi Pakistan Tech House aims to establish partnerships with Information Technology (IT) companies and enterprises.

The project was first announced by Saudi Prince Fahd bin Mansour during Futurefest in January 2023.

McCarthy will meet with Tsai Ing-wen in the US? Taiwan official: no comment

The British "Financial Times" reported on the 6th that a number of people familiar with the matter said that out of consideration for Taiwan's security, President Tsai Ing-wen and the Speaker of the US House of Representatives McCarthy agreed to meet in the United States.

Reuters also quoted sources as saying that Tsai Ing-wen was invited to give a speech at the Reagan Presidential Library while passing through California during her planned visit to Central America, and McCarthy is likely to meet with her in the United States.

In this regard, Kolas Yotaka, Taiwan's presidential spokesman, said on the 7th that he has no comment on the content of the report, and that if the president has any visits, he will explain it to the outside world as usual.

Taiwanese Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxie said in the Legislative Yuan on the 7th that head of state diplomacy is an important part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' work, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will seriously consider arranging the president's visit. However, it is not suitable to explain to the outside world before there is a definite plan.

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