Myanmar and Sri Lanka radar stations and India Myanmar and Sri Lanka radar stations and India

Myanmar and Sri Lanka radar stations and India

Myanmar and Sri Lanka radar stations and India  A review article in the Diplomat News reports that China is doing construction work on Burma's Cocoa Island so that China can use it for military purposes if necessary.  The power rivalry between China and the United States is on the rise, along with their respective allies, and the two navies are in close proximity at strategic locations in the Indian Ocean.  This situation puts a lot of pressure on the small countries in the respective region, and the big countries are closely monitoring everything that these small countries do. In small countries, general knowledge about security, Lack of technology and effective communication strategies.  As a result, these small countries are playing a game between regional and global powerhouses.  Diplomat reports that India's security establishment and news media's response to China's efforts to establish and operate radar stations in Myanmar and Sri Lanka are good examples.  During January 2023, Maxar Technologies, a technology company that works closely with the US government, has released satellite images of new construction in Myanmar's Koko Island. Chatham House, an international monitoring group based in London, also reported on Kokoko Island. In China's surveillance of the Indian Navy, India is always concerned that Myanmar will be used.  Similarly, the Indian newspaper The Hindu reported that all the construction work in the satellite image is being done entirely by China, and that the Chinese military will be used when necessary.  Meanwhile, Indian newspapers have reported, citing intelligence sources, that China is planning to build a radar station in southern Sri Lanka. From that radar station, the movements of the Indian Navy can be tracked and monitored. This includes strategic areas in the south of the country, including the location of two nuclear power plants. In addition, the Chinese radar station can detect the activities of the US military on the British-owned Diego Garcia island, according to the news.  In recent decades, China's involvement in Sri Lanka and Myanmar has been increasing. Since the 1980s, Relations between the Myanmar military coup d'état and the Chinese government have warmed, and Myanmar has become China's proxy state. There are two main reasons for this, one is that China sold a lot of weapons to the Burmese military government. The other line is the Chinese military bases that used to be in Myanmar. News media about China He said it was also because of academic literature and books. But Australia Griffith University; Department of Asian Affairs Professor Andrew Selth says that there is no evidence of Chinese military bases in Myanmar. Many observers are concerned about what happened in Myanmar and Sri Lanka. There is a heavy focus on new messages. But that information was obtained from unconfirmed sources and is speculation. Rumors, It's just making up stories. I don't want to talk about it, so I just accepted them without sufficient verification. This Diplomat reports that it is being used again in other places.        Myanmar's political scene with military council elections  The Electoral Commission of the Military Council is giving permission to political parties to apply for re-registration, and from April 20 to 25, there are five political parties that have been allowed to register, including the Strong Development Party.  Since the election was held according to the military council, if the USDP made up of former military leaders wins, how will the situation in Myanmar become?  If the USDP wins, they will announce that they have come under civilian government. The crimes committed by the military throughout the period of the coup under the guise that it is no longer a military coup...  On April 20, the Yangon-based Burma People's Democratic Party, after the Election Commission allowed the registration of the Strong Development Party, which is also a powerful party and a party backed by the military, Ethnic Unity Party The Karen State-based Falon-Swar Democratic Party and Kachin State-based New Democratic Party (Kachin) parties were allowed to register.  "When choosing to vote, the people who protect the country with their bones and blood, We have to support the kind of organizations that are organized with those people."  This is Brigadier General in the army. U Khin Ri, the current chairman of the Strong Development Party, who used to serve as the chief of police, said this at a meeting with USDP members on February 10 of this year in Rangthin Township.  Political analysts believe that the coup military council is preparing to hold elections as a political outlet and hand over power to the USDP. If the USDP party comes to power at the discretion of the Military Council, what kind of changes might the Myanmar political scene experience?  "If the USDP wins, we will announce that we have come under civilian government. During the whole period of the military coup, the crimes committed by the military were covered up and the military restored democracy. During the days of the NLD, the military did not want to seize power because of vote fraud, but it was looking for a political outlet. In fact, right now, all the groups led by Min Aung Hlaing are closing their political exit. For their safety, I will only install a government that will protect the interests of the military.”  This is what the former political prisoner said.  Among the 90 political parties that registered and competed in the 2020 election, strong development, People's Party More than 50 parties, including the Rakhine National Party, submitted their registrations to the Military Council Election Commission.  National League for Democracy, NLD Shan Ethnic League for Democracy SNLD, More than 40 parties, such as the Rakhine Democratic League ALD party, did not re-register.  U Pe Than, a former member of the Rakhine National Party, who did not support the election of the current military council, pointed out that in the military council election, other political parties except the USDP will only fill the house.  "Even if the upcoming election takes place, they may do so without any fairness and by forming a sham government. There is no chance for other parties anyway. It's just filling the house. USDP, as you know, is a group made up of military officers. Their mindset is only encouraging military dictatorship, Democracy and federalism are inevitable. I have to put it in my mouth because it's inevitable, but it's not an organization that likes them very much. If they come to power, democracy, There is a feeling that the federal government will take a little bit of time and do it even if it is inevitable."  U Bobo Oo, vice-chairman of the NLD Party's Sanchaung Township Party, also noted that if the USDP wins, the political situation that will occur will not be the exit of Burma's politics, but the exit of the military leader, General Min Aung Hlaing.  "Finding a way out of Myanmar politics is impossible. It has been made clear to the international community that it will only be the exit of a terrorist war leader. We have already seen in their statements that they accept our point of view.”  U Sai Laik, general secretary of the Shan National League for Democracy SNLD party, said that a group, The current state of the country has become effective from the situation where only one race took power, so I urge you to let go of taking power by force.  "We see that the problem of our country starts from the lack of collective leadership. A group or a group of people. From the situation where the country's power was taken by force, it has continued until today's coup d'état for the third time. Without learning from that, we cannot create an environment where everyone can participate. If we can't legally bring about a government led by the people themselves, then this will be a joke. As an organization that has taken power at present and as a party organization that will work together in the future, we should look out for the country's benefit and then give up taking power by hand."  The international community, including the United States, who want Myanmar to achieve democracy, have expressed their disapproval of the military council elections.       North Korea orders institutions and people's units to install 'anti-theft monitoring equipment' The North Korean authorities have issued an order to install surveillance equipment (CCTV) to prevent theft in major institutions, enterprises , and  People's Units as livelihood crimes continue to occur due to economic difficulties . Reporter Lee Myung-cheol reports inside North Korea news .  A resident source in North Hamgyong Province said on the  26th , “ The Ministry of Social Security ordered the installation of  CCTVs to prevent theft ( thief ) on the 20th , regarding the recent theft incidents targeting institutions ,  enterprises , and  homes .” “ Equipment installation is a nationwide project starting in  May , and it is supposed to be installed first by major institutions ,  enterprises and people's counter-security offices in stages , ” he told Radio Free Asia .     The source said, “The reason for the sudden installation of anti-theft equipment by the Ministry of Social Security is to prevent theft by installing a basic equipment system such as a monitor that can monitor the overall situation in the guard room where security guards are working at all times. “ In addition, it seems to be intended to calm the flood of civil complaints from organizations and residents related to accidents by installing anti-theft equipment , ” he said .      Even in the case of Chungjin, it is known that as the economic difficulties worsened as the barley hill was approached, major material thefts were occurring one after another, targeting institutions and households .  Specifically, the source said, “ In  early March,  6 tires , 120kg  of gasoline and  100kg of diesel were stored in the warehouse at the Chungjin Bus Office, and in  early April ,  5 computers at the husband’s management office were stolen. We have reached the circumstances and are conducting an investigation, but we are still unable to find the whereabouts of the perpetrators . ”   The source said, “So far, the City Safety Department has set up night patrol areas with mobile strike forces and patrol teams ( organizations made up of veterans ) and conducted daily patrol activities , but there is a limit to preventing crimes, including theft . ” Since the area where the activities were concentrated was designated as the basic patrol area, we did not pay attention to institutions , enterprises and private homes  . ”   The source said, “The range of theft incidents is getting bigger and the stolen items were small in the past, but recently they are increasing in large quantities . ” I am also nervous, ” he said .   In this regard, a resident source in Yanggang Province  said on the 26th  , “ The theft of private houses is also increasing, which is adding to the anxiety . ” In  50 cases, only less than  10% of stolen money or goods were recovered and returned to their owners, and residents are openly expressing opinions about the incompetence of the Ministry of Social Security . ”    The source said, “In the past, the head of the people’s unit households carried out night patrols as a self-security project for self-defense for the people’s unit under the direction of the Ministry of Social Security, but it was not enough to prevent theft,” the source said . He pointed out that the target of the crime of theft was mainly private houses as the residents who neglected the inminban and suffered from living difficulties paid little attention to the security business . ”  The source said, “ As it became mandatory to install monitoring equipment to prevent theft in the people’s unit guard room, the city post office is gradually installing it by district . ” The battery panel is supposed to ensure the power needed to operate the monitoring equipment, ” he added .   So far, people's units have had guard rooms, but they were only formally built, and the management was not properly maintained. In addition, when the monitoring equipment was installed, there was a burden that the people's unit's staff had to take turns staying in the guard room. .  Kim Joo-hee ( pseudonym )  , a former Inminban head ( bankbook )  defector who defected from North Korea in 2015 , said in a phone call with Free Asia Broadcasting regarding North Korea's own security system, that North Korea does not have a fixed number of members working for the Inminban security system, and that each household rotates at a fixed time. They testified that there is a system in which they stand on duty at the guard post .  He added that until now, during the week, women were more involved in supporting the house than men, but if the monitoring equipment is installed this time, the burden of the burden on the livelihood activities of housewives ( housewives ) , who have to stand on duty, will also play a role .  Meanwhile, on the 7th , Radio Free Asia reported that the North Korean authorities are installing surveillance equipment (CCTV) in factories and enterprises and monitoring workers' work sites .         “Significantly strengthened security checks when entering North Korea and Pyongyang” It is known that North Korea has recently significantly strengthened body searches and luggage searches of residents entering and exiting Pyongyang . They will be checked with a metal detector and your luggage will be sifted through . Reporter Ahn Chang-gyu reports inside North Korean news .  It is known that North Korean authorities have strengthened body and luggage searches of residents entering and leaving Pyongyang by train and overland . In addition to the strict inspection of certificates, metal detectors are also used to inspect baggage, and residents are wondering what is going on .  A resident of Musan County, North Hamgyong Province said on  the 25th ,  “ These  days , people going to Pyongyang have been heavily censored on their bodies and luggage .  The source said,  “ This is what a relative who went on a business trip to Pyongyang a few days ago said. ”  “ In the  three days to Pyongyang, the train safety officers inspected the certificate  seven times, but when the train entered the border of Pyongyang, they inspected the certificate again  twice in a row. and checked each person's luggage on one side with a metal detector . ”  The source said ,  “ The entry of ordinary citizens to Pyongyang has been strictly controlled for a long time, ” and recently, “ Getting a travel permit to Pyongyang itself is as difficult as  ' picking stars in the sky . ' ”   The source said ,  “ Previously, while going to Pyongyang, train safety officers frequently inspected certificates and sometimes checked luggage, ” and  “ However, it is very unusual to meticulously inspect all luggage one by one with metal detectors like now . ”  The source said ,  “ The Workers’ Party recognizes the enforcement and control of access to Pyongyang as an important project related to the defense of the  leader . ” he emphasized .  Ordinary people in North Korea have to go through complicated procedures to go to Pyongyang for personal business . First of all, with the approval of the manager of the factory and party to which you belong, you must fill out the  ' Application for Issuance of a Travel Permit ' stating whether you have any relatives in Pyongyang, why you are going, where you will be staying, how many days you will  be staying  , etc.   The application is submitted to the county People 's Committee,  2nd copy, after it has been passed ( approved and signed ) by the MSS officer in charge and the MPS officer in charge . The contents of the application are reported to the central government through the provincial government, and the final approval for access to Pyongyang City is given by the Ministry of Social Security . When a resident is permitted to enter Pyongyang, an approval number ( password ) is issued. Based on this approval number, the  2nd Division of the People's Committee issues a travel permit to Pyongyang and sends  it to the  2nd Division of the city or county .  This process sometimes takes  15 to 30 days or more, but not all residents who apply for access to Pyongyang City receive an approval number .  Department 2 , which issues travel documents, is a department of the Ministry of Security .  In this regard, a resident source in South Pyongan Province also said on the same day,  “ Residents who have been to Pyongyang these days say that the inspection of certificates and luggage has been strengthened  beyond compare . ” There are a lot of them, ” he said .  A source said,  “ In celebration of the Day of the Sun (  Kim Il-sung’s birthday on April 15 ) , Pyongyang has started to enforce stricter controls on people entering and leaving the city, ” and that  “ even though it has been 10 days since the Day of the Sun, the intensity of inspection and crackdown is still being maintained . ”  The source said ,  “ Previously, only suspicious luggage was selected and inspected at Guard Post No. 10 (the inspection post at the entrance to Pyongyang), but now all luggage is inspected with a metal detector, and if there is even the slightest noise, all items inside are taken out and inspected  one by one . ” said .  The source added ,  “ Residents are complaining that it takes too long for the car to depart until the certificates and luggage inspection are finished, ” adding,  “ Some residents are wondering what happened in Pyongyang . ”  On the other hand, it has been pointed out that the North Korean authorities have greatly strengthened the personal protection of Kim Jong-un, the secretary general . If you look at the photos of Kim Jong-un's visit to the National Space Development Agency reported by the North Korean state media on the 19th , it is said that as many as nine bodyguards appear .    Previously, on the 15th , an explosives throwing incident aimed at Prime Minister Fumio Kishida also occurred in Japan . Some speculate that there is a possibility that the North Korean authorities may have been stimulated by the terrorist incident against the leader of another country to strengthen Kim Jong-un's personal protection and strengthen the search for residents entering and leaving Pyongyang .

A review article in the Diplomat News reports that China is doing construction work on Burma's Cocoa Island so that China can use it for military purposes if necessary.

The power rivalry between China and the United States is on the rise, along with their respective allies, and the two navies are in close proximity at strategic locations in the Indian Ocean.

This situation puts a lot of pressure on the small countries in the respective region, and the big countries are closely monitoring everything that these small countries do. In small countries, general knowledge about security, Lack of technology and effective communication strategies.

As a result, these small countries are playing a game between regional and global powerhouses.

Diplomat reports that India's security establishment and news media's response to China's efforts to establish and operate radar stations in Myanmar and Sri Lanka are good examples.

During January 2023, Maxar Technologies, a technology company that works closely with the US government, has released satellite images of new construction in Myanmar's Koko Island. Chatham House, an international monitoring group based in London, also reported on Kokoko Island. In China's surveillance of the Indian Navy, India is always concerned that Myanmar will be used.

Similarly, the Indian newspaper The Hindu reported that all the construction work in the satellite image is being done entirely by China, and that the Chinese military will be used when necessary.

Meanwhile, Indian newspapers have reported, citing intelligence sources, that China is planning to build a radar station in southern Sri Lanka. From that radar station, the movements of the Indian Navy can be tracked and monitored. This includes strategic areas in the south of the country, including the location of two nuclear power plants. In addition, the Chinese radar station can detect the activities of the US military on the British-owned Diego Garcia island, according to the news.

In recent decades, China's involvement in Sri Lanka and Myanmar has been increasing. Since the 1980s, Relations between the Myanmar military coup d'état and the Chinese government have warmed, and Myanmar has become China's proxy state. There are two main reasons for this, one is that China sold a lot of weapons to the Burmese military government. The other line is the Chinese military bases that used to be in Myanmar. News media about China He said it was also because of academic literature and books. But Australia Griffith University; Department of Asian Affairs Professor Andrew Selth says that there is no evidence of Chinese military bases in Myanmar.
Many observers are concerned about what happened in Myanmar and Sri Lanka. There is a heavy focus on new messages. But that information was obtained from unconfirmed sources and is speculation. Rumors, It's just making up stories. I don't want to talk about it, so I just accepted them without sufficient verification. This Diplomat reports that it is being used again in other places.

Myanmar's political scene with military council elections

The Electoral Commission of the Military Council is giving permission to political parties to apply for re-registration, and from April 20 to 25, there are five political parties that have been allowed to register, including the Strong Development Party.

Since the election was held according to the military council, if the USDP made up of former military leaders wins, how will the situation in Myanmar become?

If the USDP wins, they will announce that they have come under civilian government. The crimes committed by the military throughout the period of the coup under the guise that it is no longer a military coup...

On April 20, the Yangon-based Burma People's Democratic Party, after the Election Commission allowed the registration of the Strong Development Party, which is also a powerful party and a party backed by the military, Ethnic Unity Party The Karen State-based Falon-Swar Democratic Party and Kachin State-based New Democratic Party (Kachin) parties were allowed to register.

"When choosing to vote, the people who protect the country with their bones and blood, We have to support the kind of organizations that are organized with those people."

This is Brigadier General in the army. U Khin Ri, the current chairman of the Strong Development Party, who used to serve as the chief of police, said this at a meeting with USDP members on February 10 of this year in Rangthin Township.

Political analysts believe that the coup military council is preparing to hold elections as a political outlet and hand over power to the USDP. If the USDP party comes to power at the discretion of the Military Council, what kind of changes might the Myanmar political scene experience?

"If the USDP wins, we will announce that we have come under civilian government. During the whole period of the military coup, the crimes committed by the military were covered up and the military restored democracy. During the days of the NLD, the military did not want to seize power because of vote fraud, but it was looking for a political outlet. In fact, right now, all the groups led by Min Aung Hlaing are closing their political exit. For their safety, I will only install a government that will protect the interests of the military.”

This is what the former political prisoner said.

Among the 90 political parties that registered and competed in the 2020 election, strong development, People's Party More than 50 parties, including the Rakhine National Party, submitted their registrations to the Military Council Election Commission.

National League for Democracy, NLD Shan Ethnic League for Democracy SNLD, More than 40 parties, such as the Rakhine Democratic League ALD party, did not re-register.

U Pe Than, a former member of the Rakhine National Party, who did not support the election of the current military council, pointed out that in the military council election, other political parties except the USDP will only fill the house.

"Even if the upcoming election takes place, they may do so without any fairness and by forming a sham government. There is no chance for other parties anyway. It's just filling the house. USDP, as you know, is a group made up of military officers. Their mindset is only encouraging military dictatorship, Democracy and federalism are inevitable. I have to put it in my mouth because it's inevitable, but it's not an organization that likes them very much. If they come to power, democracy, There is a feeling that the federal government will take a little bit of time and do it even if it is inevitable."

U Bobo Oo, vice-chairman of the NLD Party's Sanchaung Township Party, also noted that if the USDP wins, the political situation that will occur will not be the exit of Burma's politics, but the exit of the military leader, General Min Aung Hlaing.

"Finding a way out of Myanmar politics is impossible. It has been made clear to the international community that it will only be the exit of a terrorist war leader. We have already seen in their statements that they accept our point of view.”

U Sai Laik, general secretary of the Shan National League for Democracy SNLD party, said that a group, The current state of the country has become effective from the situation where only one race took power, so I urge you to let go of taking power by force.

"We see that the problem of our country starts from the lack of collective leadership. A group or a group of people. From the situation where the country's power was taken by force, it has continued until today's coup d'état for the third time. Without learning from that, we cannot create an environment where everyone can participate. If we can't legally bring about a government led by the people themselves, then this will be a joke. As an organization that has taken power at present and as a party organization that will work together in the future, we should look out for the country's benefit and then give up taking power by hand."

The international community, including the United States, who want Myanmar to achieve democracy, have expressed their disapproval of the military council elections.

Myanmar and Sri Lanka radar stations and India  A review article in the Diplomat News reports that China is doing construction work on Burma's Cocoa Island so that China can use it for military purposes if necessary.  The power rivalry between China and the United States is on the rise, along with their respective allies, and the two navies are in close proximity at strategic locations in the Indian Ocean.  This situation puts a lot of pressure on the small countries in the respective region, and the big countries are closely monitoring everything that these small countries do. In small countries, general knowledge about security, Lack of technology and effective communication strategies.  As a result, these small countries are playing a game between regional and global powerhouses.  Diplomat reports that India's security establishment and news media's response to China's efforts to establish and operate radar stations in Myanmar and Sri Lanka are good examples.  During January 2023, Maxar Technologies, a technology company that works closely with the US government, has released satellite images of new construction in Myanmar's Koko Island. Chatham House, an international monitoring group based in London, also reported on Kokoko Island. In China's surveillance of the Indian Navy, India is always concerned that Myanmar will be used.  Similarly, the Indian newspaper The Hindu reported that all the construction work in the satellite image is being done entirely by China, and that the Chinese military will be used when necessary.  Meanwhile, Indian newspapers have reported, citing intelligence sources, that China is planning to build a radar station in southern Sri Lanka. From that radar station, the movements of the Indian Navy can be tracked and monitored. This includes strategic areas in the south of the country, including the location of two nuclear power plants. In addition, the Chinese radar station can detect the activities of the US military on the British-owned Diego Garcia island, according to the news.  In recent decades, China's involvement in Sri Lanka and Myanmar has been increasing. Since the 1980s, Relations between the Myanmar military coup d'état and the Chinese government have warmed, and Myanmar has become China's proxy state. There are two main reasons for this, one is that China sold a lot of weapons to the Burmese military government. The other line is the Chinese military bases that used to be in Myanmar. News media about China He said it was also because of academic literature and books. But Australia Griffith University; Department of Asian Affairs Professor Andrew Selth says that there is no evidence of Chinese military bases in Myanmar. Many observers are concerned about what happened in Myanmar and Sri Lanka. There is a heavy focus on new messages. But that information was obtained from unconfirmed sources and is speculation. Rumors, It's just making up stories. I don't want to talk about it, so I just accepted them without sufficient verification. This Diplomat reports that it is being used again in other places.        Myanmar's political scene with military council elections  The Electoral Commission of the Military Council is giving permission to political parties to apply for re-registration, and from April 20 to 25, there are five political parties that have been allowed to register, including the Strong Development Party.  Since the election was held according to the military council, if the USDP made up of former military leaders wins, how will the situation in Myanmar become?  If the USDP wins, they will announce that they have come under civilian government. The crimes committed by the military throughout the period of the coup under the guise that it is no longer a military coup...  On April 20, the Yangon-based Burma People's Democratic Party, after the Election Commission allowed the registration of the Strong Development Party, which is also a powerful party and a party backed by the military, Ethnic Unity Party The Karen State-based Falon-Swar Democratic Party and Kachin State-based New Democratic Party (Kachin) parties were allowed to register.  "When choosing to vote, the people who protect the country with their bones and blood, We have to support the kind of organizations that are organized with those people."  This is Brigadier General in the army. U Khin Ri, the current chairman of the Strong Development Party, who used to serve as the chief of police, said this at a meeting with USDP members on February 10 of this year in Rangthin Township.  Political analysts believe that the coup military council is preparing to hold elections as a political outlet and hand over power to the USDP. If the USDP party comes to power at the discretion of the Military Council, what kind of changes might the Myanmar political scene experience?  "If the USDP wins, we will announce that we have come under civilian government. During the whole period of the military coup, the crimes committed by the military were covered up and the military restored democracy. During the days of the NLD, the military did not want to seize power because of vote fraud, but it was looking for a political outlet. In fact, right now, all the groups led by Min Aung Hlaing are closing their political exit. For their safety, I will only install a government that will protect the interests of the military.”  This is what the former political prisoner said.  Among the 90 political parties that registered and competed in the 2020 election, strong development, People's Party More than 50 parties, including the Rakhine National Party, submitted their registrations to the Military Council Election Commission.  National League for Democracy, NLD Shan Ethnic League for Democracy SNLD, More than 40 parties, such as the Rakhine Democratic League ALD party, did not re-register.  U Pe Than, a former member of the Rakhine National Party, who did not support the election of the current military council, pointed out that in the military council election, other political parties except the USDP will only fill the house.  "Even if the upcoming election takes place, they may do so without any fairness and by forming a sham government. There is no chance for other parties anyway. It's just filling the house. USDP, as you know, is a group made up of military officers. Their mindset is only encouraging military dictatorship, Democracy and federalism are inevitable. I have to put it in my mouth because it's inevitable, but it's not an organization that likes them very much. If they come to power, democracy, There is a feeling that the federal government will take a little bit of time and do it even if it is inevitable."  U Bobo Oo, vice-chairman of the NLD Party's Sanchaung Township Party, also noted that if the USDP wins, the political situation that will occur will not be the exit of Burma's politics, but the exit of the military leader, General Min Aung Hlaing.  "Finding a way out of Myanmar politics is impossible. It has been made clear to the international community that it will only be the exit of a terrorist war leader. We have already seen in their statements that they accept our point of view.”  U Sai Laik, general secretary of the Shan National League for Democracy SNLD party, said that a group, The current state of the country has become effective from the situation where only one race took power, so I urge you to let go of taking power by force.  "We see that the problem of our country starts from the lack of collective leadership. A group or a group of people. From the situation where the country's power was taken by force, it has continued until today's coup d'état for the third time. Without learning from that, we cannot create an environment where everyone can participate. If we can't legally bring about a government led by the people themselves, then this will be a joke. As an organization that has taken power at present and as a party organization that will work together in the future, we should look out for the country's benefit and then give up taking power by hand."  The international community, including the United States, who want Myanmar to achieve democracy, have expressed their disapproval of the military council elections.       North Korea orders institutions and people's units to install 'anti-theft monitoring equipment' The North Korean authorities have issued an order to install surveillance equipment (CCTV) to prevent theft in major institutions, enterprises , and  People's Units as livelihood crimes continue to occur due to economic difficulties . Reporter Lee Myung-cheol reports inside North Korea news .  A resident source in North Hamgyong Province said on the  26th , “ The Ministry of Social Security ordered the installation of  CCTVs to prevent theft ( thief ) on the 20th , regarding the recent theft incidents targeting institutions ,  enterprises , and  homes .” “ Equipment installation is a nationwide project starting in  May , and it is supposed to be installed first by major institutions ,  enterprises and people's counter-security offices in stages , ” he told Radio Free Asia .     The source said, “The reason for the sudden installation of anti-theft equipment by the Ministry of Social Security is to prevent theft by installing a basic equipment system such as a monitor that can monitor the overall situation in the guard room where security guards are working at all times. “ In addition, it seems to be intended to calm the flood of civil complaints from organizations and residents related to accidents by installing anti-theft equipment , ” he said .      Even in the case of Chungjin, it is known that as the economic difficulties worsened as the barley hill was approached, major material thefts were occurring one after another, targeting institutions and households .  Specifically, the source said, “ In  early March,  6 tires , 120kg  of gasoline and  100kg of diesel were stored in the warehouse at the Chungjin Bus Office, and in  early April ,  5 computers at the husband’s management office were stolen. We have reached the circumstances and are conducting an investigation, but we are still unable to find the whereabouts of the perpetrators . ”   The source said, “So far, the City Safety Department has set up night patrol areas with mobile strike forces and patrol teams ( organizations made up of veterans ) and conducted daily patrol activities , but there is a limit to preventing crimes, including theft . ” Since the area where the activities were concentrated was designated as the basic patrol area, we did not pay attention to institutions , enterprises and private homes  . ”   The source said, “The range of theft incidents is getting bigger and the stolen items were small in the past, but recently they are increasing in large quantities . ” I am also nervous, ” he said .   In this regard, a resident source in Yanggang Province  said on the 26th  , “ The theft of private houses is also increasing, which is adding to the anxiety . ” In  50 cases, only less than  10% of stolen money or goods were recovered and returned to their owners, and residents are openly expressing opinions about the incompetence of the Ministry of Social Security . ”    The source said, “In the past, the head of the people’s unit households carried out night patrols as a self-security project for self-defense for the people’s unit under the direction of the Ministry of Social Security, but it was not enough to prevent theft,” the source said . He pointed out that the target of the crime of theft was mainly private houses as the residents who neglected the inminban and suffered from living difficulties paid little attention to the security business . ”  The source said, “ As it became mandatory to install monitoring equipment to prevent theft in the people’s unit guard room, the city post office is gradually installing it by district . ” The battery panel is supposed to ensure the power needed to operate the monitoring equipment, ” he added .   So far, people's units have had guard rooms, but they were only formally built, and the management was not properly maintained. In addition, when the monitoring equipment was installed, there was a burden that the people's unit's staff had to take turns staying in the guard room. .  Kim Joo-hee ( pseudonym )  , a former Inminban head ( bankbook )  defector who defected from North Korea in 2015 , said in a phone call with Free Asia Broadcasting regarding North Korea's own security system, that North Korea does not have a fixed number of members working for the Inminban security system, and that each household rotates at a fixed time. They testified that there is a system in which they stand on duty at the guard post .  He added that until now, during the week, women were more involved in supporting the house than men, but if the monitoring equipment is installed this time, the burden of the burden on the livelihood activities of housewives ( housewives ) , who have to stand on duty, will also play a role .  Meanwhile, on the 7th , Radio Free Asia reported that the North Korean authorities are installing surveillance equipment (CCTV) in factories and enterprises and monitoring workers' work sites .         “Significantly strengthened security checks when entering North Korea and Pyongyang” It is known that North Korea has recently significantly strengthened body searches and luggage searches of residents entering and exiting Pyongyang . They will be checked with a metal detector and your luggage will be sifted through . Reporter Ahn Chang-gyu reports inside North Korean news .  It is known that North Korean authorities have strengthened body and luggage searches of residents entering and leaving Pyongyang by train and overland . In addition to the strict inspection of certificates, metal detectors are also used to inspect baggage, and residents are wondering what is going on .  A resident of Musan County, North Hamgyong Province said on  the 25th ,  “ These  days , people going to Pyongyang have been heavily censored on their bodies and luggage .  The source said,  “ This is what a relative who went on a business trip to Pyongyang a few days ago said. ”  “ In the  three days to Pyongyang, the train safety officers inspected the certificate  seven times, but when the train entered the border of Pyongyang, they inspected the certificate again  twice in a row. and checked each person's luggage on one side with a metal detector . ”  The source said ,  “ The entry of ordinary citizens to Pyongyang has been strictly controlled for a long time, ” and recently, “ Getting a travel permit to Pyongyang itself is as difficult as  ' picking stars in the sky . ' ”   The source said ,  “ Previously, while going to Pyongyang, train safety officers frequently inspected certificates and sometimes checked luggage, ” and  “ However, it is very unusual to meticulously inspect all luggage one by one with metal detectors like now . ”  The source said ,  “ The Workers’ Party recognizes the enforcement and control of access to Pyongyang as an important project related to the defense of the  leader . ” he emphasized .  Ordinary people in North Korea have to go through complicated procedures to go to Pyongyang for personal business . First of all, with the approval of the manager of the factory and party to which you belong, you must fill out the  ' Application for Issuance of a Travel Permit ' stating whether you have any relatives in Pyongyang, why you are going, where you will be staying, how many days you will  be staying  , etc.   The application is submitted to the county People 's Committee,  2nd copy, after it has been passed ( approved and signed ) by the MSS officer in charge and the MPS officer in charge . The contents of the application are reported to the central government through the provincial government, and the final approval for access to Pyongyang City is given by the Ministry of Social Security . When a resident is permitted to enter Pyongyang, an approval number ( password ) is issued. Based on this approval number, the  2nd Division of the People's Committee issues a travel permit to Pyongyang and sends  it to the  2nd Division of the city or county .  This process sometimes takes  15 to 30 days or more, but not all residents who apply for access to Pyongyang City receive an approval number .  Department 2 , which issues travel documents, is a department of the Ministry of Security .  In this regard, a resident source in South Pyongan Province also said on the same day,  “ Residents who have been to Pyongyang these days say that the inspection of certificates and luggage has been strengthened  beyond compare . ” There are a lot of them, ” he said .  A source said,  “ In celebration of the Day of the Sun (  Kim Il-sung’s birthday on April 15 ) , Pyongyang has started to enforce stricter controls on people entering and leaving the city, ” and that  “ even though it has been 10 days since the Day of the Sun, the intensity of inspection and crackdown is still being maintained . ”  The source said ,  “ Previously, only suspicious luggage was selected and inspected at Guard Post No. 10 (the inspection post at the entrance to Pyongyang), but now all luggage is inspected with a metal detector, and if there is even the slightest noise, all items inside are taken out and inspected  one by one . ” said .  The source added ,  “ Residents are complaining that it takes too long for the car to depart until the certificates and luggage inspection are finished, ” adding,  “ Some residents are wondering what happened in Pyongyang . ”  On the other hand, it has been pointed out that the North Korean authorities have greatly strengthened the personal protection of Kim Jong-un, the secretary general . If you look at the photos of Kim Jong-un's visit to the National Space Development Agency reported by the North Korean state media on the 19th , it is said that as many as nine bodyguards appear .    Previously, on the 15th , an explosives throwing incident aimed at Prime Minister Fumio Kishida also occurred in Japan . Some speculate that there is a possibility that the North Korean authorities may have been stimulated by the terrorist incident against the leader of another country to strengthen Kim Jong-un's personal protection and strengthen the search for residents entering and leaving Pyongyang .

North Korea orders institutions and people's units to install 'anti-theft monitoring equipment'

The North Korean authorities have issued an order to install surveillance equipment (CCTV) to prevent theft in major institutions, enterprises , and  People's Units as livelihood crimes continue to occur due to economic difficulties . Reporter Lee Myung-cheol reports inside North Korea news .

A resident source in North Hamgyong Province said on the  26th , “ The Ministry of Social Security ordered the installation of  CCTVs to prevent theft ( thief ) on the 20th , regarding the recent theft incidents targeting institutions ,  enterprises , and  homes .” “ Equipment installation is a nationwide project starting in  May , and it is supposed to be installed first by major institutions ,  enterprises and people's counter-security offices in stages , ” he told Radio Free Asia .   

The source said, “The reason for the sudden installation of anti-theft equipment by the Ministry of Social Security is to prevent theft by installing a basic equipment system such as a monitor that can monitor the overall situation in the guard room where security guards are working at all times. “ In addition, it seems to be intended to calm the flood of civil complaints from organizations and residents related to accidents by installing anti-theft equipment , ” he said .    

Even in the case of Chungjin, it is known that as the economic difficulties worsened as the barley hill was approached, major material thefts were occurring one after another, targeting institutions and households .

Specifically, the source said, “ In  early March,  6 tires , 120kg  of gasoline and  100kg of diesel were stored in the warehouse at the Chungjin Bus Office, and in  early April ,  5 computers at the husband’s management office were stolen. We have reached the circumstances and are conducting an investigation, but we are still unable to find the whereabouts of the perpetrators . ” 

The source said, “So far, the City Safety Department has set up night patrol areas with mobile strike forces and patrol teams ( organizations made up of veterans ) and conducted daily patrol activities , but there is a limit to preventing crimes, including theft . ” Since the area where the activities were concentrated was designated as the basic patrol area, we did not pay attention to institutions , enterprises and private homes  . ” 

The source said, “The range of theft incidents is getting bigger and the stolen items were small in the past, but recently they are increasing in large quantities . ” I am also nervous, ” he said . 

In this regard, a resident source in Yanggang Province  said on the 26th  , “ The theft of private houses is also increasing, which is adding to the anxiety . ” In  50 cases, only less than  10% of stolen money or goods were recovered and returned to their owners, and residents are openly expressing opinions about the incompetence of the Ministry of Social Security . ”  

The source said, “In the past, the head of the people’s unit households carried out night patrols as a self-security project for self-defense for the people’s unit under the direction of the Ministry of Social Security, but it was not enough to prevent theft,” the source said . He pointed out that the target of the crime of theft was mainly private houses as the residents who neglected the inminban and suffered from living difficulties paid little attention to the security business . ”

The source said, “ As it became mandatory to install monitoring equipment to prevent theft in the people’s unit guard room, the city post office is gradually installing it by district . ” The battery panel is supposed to ensure the power needed to operate the monitoring equipment, ” he added . 

So far, people's units have had guard rooms, but they were only formally built, and the management was not properly maintained. In addition, when the monitoring equipment was installed, there was a burden that the people's unit's staff had to take turns staying in the guard room. .

Kim Joo-hee ( pseudonym )  , a former Inminban head ( bankbook )  defector who defected from North Korea in 2015 , said in a phone call with Free Asia Broadcasting regarding North Korea's own security system, that North Korea does not have a fixed number of members working for the Inminban security system, and that each household rotates at a fixed time. They testified that there is a system in which they stand on duty at the guard post .

He added that until now, during the week, women were more involved in supporting the house than men, but if the monitoring equipment is installed this time, the burden of the burden on the livelihood activities of housewives ( housewives ) , who have to stand on duty, will also play a role .

Meanwhile, on the 7th , Radio Free Asia reported that the North Korean authorities are installing surveillance equipment (CCTV) in factories and enterprises and monitoring workers' work sites .

“Significantly strengthened security checks when entering North Korea and Pyongyang”

It is known that North Korea has recently significantly strengthened body searches and luggage searches of residents entering and exiting Pyongyang . They will be checked with a metal detector and your luggage will be sifted through . Reporter Ahn Chang-gyu reports inside North Korean news .

It is known that North Korean authorities have strengthened body and luggage searches of residents entering and leaving Pyongyang by train and overland . In addition to the strict inspection of certificates, metal detectors are also used to inspect baggage, and residents are wondering what is going on .

A resident of Musan County, North Hamgyong Province said on  the 25th ,  “ These  days , people going to Pyongyang have been heavily censored on their bodies and luggage .

The source said,  “ This is what a relative who went on a business trip to Pyongyang a few days ago said. ”  “ In the  three days to Pyongyang, the train safety officers inspected the certificate  seven times, but when the train entered the border of Pyongyang, they inspected the certificate again  twice in a row. and checked each person's luggage on one side with a metal detector . ”

The source said ,  “ The entry of ordinary citizens to Pyongyang has been strictly controlled for a long time, ” and recently, “ Getting a travel permit to Pyongyang itself is as difficult as  ' picking stars in the sky . ' ” 

The source said ,  “ Previously, while going to Pyongyang, train safety officers frequently inspected certificates and sometimes checked luggage, ” and  “ However, it is very unusual to meticulously inspect all luggage one by one with metal detectors like now . ”

The source said ,  “ The Workers’ Party recognizes the enforcement and control of access to Pyongyang as an important project related to the defense of the  leader . ” he emphasized .

Ordinary people in North Korea have to go through complicated procedures to go to Pyongyang for personal business . First of all, with the approval of the manager of the factory and party to which you belong, you must fill out the  ' Application for Issuance of a Travel Permit ' stating whether you have any relatives in Pyongyang, why you are going, where you will be staying, how many days you will  be staying  , etc. 

The application is submitted to the county People 's Committee,  2nd copy, after it has been passed ( approved and signed ) by the MSS officer in charge and the MPS officer in charge . The contents of the application are reported to the central government through the provincial government, and the final approval for access to Pyongyang City is given by the Ministry of Social Security . When a resident is permitted to enter Pyongyang, an approval number ( password ) is issued. Based on this approval number, the  2nd Division of the People's Committee issues a travel permit to Pyongyang and sends  it to the  2nd Division of the city or county .

This process sometimes takes  15 to 30 days or more, but not all residents who apply for access to Pyongyang City receive an approval number .  Department 2 , which issues travel documents, is a department of the Ministry of Security .

In this regard, a resident source in South Pyongan Province also said on the same day,  “ Residents who have been to Pyongyang these days say that the inspection of certificates and luggage has been strengthened  beyond compare . ” There are a lot of them, ” he said .

A source said,  “ In celebration of the Day of the Sun (  Kim Il-sung’s birthday on April 15 ) , Pyongyang has started to enforce stricter controls on people entering and leaving the city, ” and that  “ even though it has been 10 days since the Day of the Sun, the intensity of inspection and crackdown is still being maintained . ”

The source said ,  “ Previously, only suspicious luggage was selected and inspected at Guard Post No. 10 (the inspection post at the entrance to Pyongyang), but now all luggage is inspected with a metal detector, and if there is even the slightest noise, all items inside are taken out and inspected  one by one . ” said .

The source added ,  “ Residents are complaining that it takes too long for the car to depart until the certificates and luggage inspection are finished, ” adding,  “ Some residents are wondering what happened in Pyongyang . ”

On the other hand, it has been pointed out that the North Korean authorities have greatly strengthened the personal protection of Kim Jong-un, the secretary general . If you look at the photos of Kim Jong-un's visit to the National Space Development Agency reported by the North Korean state media on the 19th , it is said that as many as nine bodyguards appear .  

Previously, on the 15th , an explosives throwing incident aimed at Prime Minister Fumio Kishida also occurred in Japan . Some speculate that there is a possibility that the North Korean authorities may have been stimulated by the terrorist incident against the leader of another country to strengthen Kim Jong-un's personal protection and strengthen the search for residents entering and leaving Pyongyang . 

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