China shows off its military force again China shows off its military force again

China shows off its military force again

China shows off its military force again  Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense announced on the morning of the 28th that from 6:00 am on the 27th to 6:00 am on the 28th , 38 sorties of PLA aircraft were detected ( including 19 sorties that crossed the center line of the strait and its extension line and entered the southwest, southeast, and northeast airspace ) , and PLA warships. 6 ships, continued to operate around the Taiwan Strait.  According to the "Schematic Diagram of the Chinese People's Liberation Army's Activities in the Airspace Around the Taiwan Strait" by Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense, the 19 sorties of the People's Liberation Army aircraft are 5 sorties of Sukai -30 aircraft , 8 sorties of J -10 aircraft , 2 sorties of J -16 aircraft , and TB-001 UAV 1 sortie, 1 sortie of BZK-005 UAV , 1 sortie of Yun - 8 anti-submarine aircraft , and 1 sortie of Yun -8 technical reconnaissance aircraft .  It is worth noting that TB-001 entered from the southern end of the central line of the strait and then flew southeast. When it reached Bashi Channel, it turned northeast to the outer sea of ​​Taitung, then went northward around the eastern sea of ​​Taiwan, and flew out at the northern end of the central line of the strait. This is the first time such a flight track has been made since the release of the news of the People's Liberation Army aircraft, which seems to want to show the strength of "surrounding" Taiwan.  According to Chinese media reports, the TB-001 , known as the " Twin- Tailed Scorpion" , is one of the largest UAVs currently in service in the PLA . aerial bomb. It has a long time in the air, can monitor ground and water targets for a long time, and can also carry 8 various types of airborne weapons, with strong theater detection and strike capabilities.  In July 2022, during the "Han Kuang" exercise in the eastern waters of Taiwan, TB-001 circled Taiwan along the center line of the strait.          China Amends the Anti-Espionage Law, Bain & Company's Search Raises U.S. Concern  The Shanghai office of Bain & Company, a well-known American management consulting firm, was recently raided by Chinese police. Meanwhile, China's National People's Congress has just revised the Anti-Espionage Law, expanding its scope of application and enforcement powers. What does this mean for American and other foreign companies operating in China? Will the U.S. and China move closer to decoupling?  Five employees of a US company in China were detained. Is China really "opening the door"?  According to the British media "Financial Times" on the 26th (Wednesday), citing informed sources, Shanghai police raided the Shanghai office of the well-known American consulting firm Bain two weeks ago and questioned the company's employees. Police also seized computers and mobile phones, but did not detain anyone.  Bain was raided by the US State Department: close attention  A Bain spokesman confirmed to Reuters on Wednesday that police had visited the company's Shanghai office and interviewed staff there, but gave no details. "We are cooperating as appropriate with the Chinese authorities," the spokesman added, adding that he had no further comment at this time.  It is unclear why police went to Bain and whether the search was directly related to the consulting firm or its clients. As of press time, the company had not responded to our request for comment. However, a U.S. State Department spokesperson replied to the station with a background note: "We are aware of reports that Bain & Company's offices have been raided. We are monitoring this matter closely. We cannot comment at this time."  Indeed, Chinese authorities last month raided the Beijing offices of the Mintz Group, an American business research firm, and detained five Chinese employees. The group later said in a statement that authorities had closed its operations in Beijing and the company has been unable to contact the employees.  Expert: Worried that more foreign companies will be harassed in the future  Riley Walter, an expert on global economics and technology issues at the Hudson Institute, a Washington think tank, told this station in writing, "I worry that in the next few years, foreign companies, including North America, Asia and Europe, will be affected. More harassment by Chinese officials."  Still, Walter doubts the raid on Bain's Shanghai office will be effective in deterring foreign investors. "We don't have much information about Bain's situation, and Chinese officials may maintain this (secrecy) state," he said. "In this way, foreign investors may view Bain as a one-time event, while in fact all foreign companies Investors are increasingly likely to be targeted by Beijing.  "Anti-espionage Act" attracts foreign companies to worry about U.S. lawmakers: China has no private companies  Just as the Bain incident was disclosed, the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress passed a revised version of the "Anti-espionage Law" on Wednesday (26th), and it will be implemented on July 1st. China's official media Xinhua News Agency reported that the newly revised "Anti-espionage Law" clearly defines espionage as acts such as "taking refuge in espionage organizations and their agents" and "carrying out cyber attacks against state organs, secret-related units, or key information infrastructure." .  The US "Wall Street Journal" reported that China has strengthened the state's control over a wider range of data and digital activities by amending the "Counter-Espionage Law". That would expand its powers, help it deal with external threats and raise the risks for companies in China.  According to the report, executives of foreign companies said that the scope of application of the Anti-Espionage Law and the expansion of enforcement powers may lead to daily communication and interaction involving behaviors that endanger national security. Many foreign companies believe the deteriorating environment they face in China threatens to undermine efforts by Communist Party leaders to secure foreign capital to restore economic growth.  The Wall Street Journal report highlighted that one of the concerns of foreign executives is that the new counterespionage law would allow authorities to inspect agency facilities and electronic equipment, as well as the digital devices of individuals suspected of espionage, such as smartphones and laptops computer. They also worry that normal business activities, such as gathering intelligence on local markets, competitors and business partners, could be considered "espionage" when the definition of espionage is broadened.  In response to China's expansion of the scope and authority of the Anti-Espionage Act, as well as raids on the offices of Bain & Company and Max Smart Group, Chairman of the U.S.-China Strategic Competition Ad Hoc Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, Rep. Mike Gallagher issued a statement on the 27th Said: "The CCP's updated anti-espionage law sent a loud and clear signal to the world: There is no such thing as a private company in China. The country reserves the right to confiscate any property, steal any intellectual property, and collect any data at will." He also The CCP is mocking international business norms. Shame on America if it didn't hear.  The United States and China have become an "enemy-our relationship"?  With regard to Bain & Company being raided and China's revision of the Anti-Espionage Law, Xia Yeliang, an American-based economist, believes that Sino-US relations are at their lowest point in fifty years. These actions all reflect the increasingly tense bilateral relations: "From the tense diplomatic relations to the military and strategic confrontation, a kind of enemy-our relationship has been formed."  Xia Yeliang also pointed out that many countries do business in China, why are Americans always the first to be accused of being spies? China adopts wolf-warrior diplomacy and uses conspiracy theories to smear the United States and other Western countries. He also advises those foreign companies to be sensitive to this threat and divest if necessary.  Lawyer Chen Chuangchuang in New York told this station that whether it is the revision of the "Anti-espionage Act" or the search of a few US companies such as Bain, although it will increase the concerns of foreign companies in China, it will not change those who want to stay firmly. The determination of companies that continue to make money in the Chinese market, because they have made a decision before entering the Chinese market.  "The Chinese market is not so easy to enter. If you enter and can stay, it means that your company does not have the kind of values, care about human rights, and fairness." Chen Chuangchuang believes that these foreign companies will only consider being more careful in the future , no longer irritate the CCP.  Chen Chuangchuang found it absurd that foreign executives worried that the new "Anti-espionage Law" would allow relevant departments to inspect institutional facilities and electronic equipment: "Didn't the CCP have laws to search your electronic equipment and information before?" It’s been there for a long time! These foreign companies just think that they used to enjoy such super-national treatment in China, (in fact) the CCP used to want to make the United States look better, and they didn’t dare to touch you before.”  Xi Jinping wants to engage with the outside world, "focus on me"  Talking about the decoupling of the U.S. and Chinese economies, Chen Chuangchuang said that these U.S. companies do not want to decouple at all, and the U.S. government does not have this idea, but the CCP may want to drive some foreign companies out, so foreign companies are beaten and pulled. The Chinese government's requirement that state-owned enterprises stop using the Big Four accounting firms is a good example.  "It depends on whether your kneeling posture is beautiful, and whether you have the ability to provide benefits to the CCP. If not, then you leave. There are always people who want to earn money from China." Chen Chuangchuang said.  Chen Chuangchuang believes that there is a standard for the opening up advocated by Xi Jinping, "that is, self-centered opening up." Regarding the revision of the "Anti-espionage Law", he said: "Xi Jinping wants to stabilize the country, which is less of a threat to him, and the external contacts must be controlled by the government. This is the purpose, very simple." He said He also said that recently the media revealed that Dong Yuyu, editor of the party media "Guangming Daily", was arrested and prosecuted for espionage as an example.                     India: 14 people died after being struck by lightning An official of the Disaster Management Department said that four people died in East Bardhaman district and two each in Murshidabad and North-24 Parganas due to lightning.  Kolkata:At least 14 people died after being struck by lightning in five districts of West Bengal on Thursday. An officer gave this information. An official of the Disaster Management Department said that four people died in East Bardhaman district and two each in Murshidabad and North-24 Parganas due to lightning. On the other hand, three people each died in West Midnapore and Howrah Rural. The officer said that most of the people who lost their lives were farmers, who were working in the fields.  Two died in UP  Recently, in Ramgarh village of Chandwak area of ​​Jaunpur district, two persons, including an old man, were killed after being struck by lightning in the midst of bad weather. District Magistrate Anuj Kumar Jha had told that Santu Ram (65) and Jeera Devi (45), residents of Ramgarh village, were grazing goats on Sunday evening. Meanwhile, heavy rain started with the wind. Both were going to a safe place at a high speed with the goats, when in the meantime both were struck by lightning.       Same-sex marriage, Supreme Court backing down after Centre's arguments? : India Due to the arguments of the Center, the court has asked the Center that without recognizing same-sex marriage, how can it provide security and social benefits to these couples in bank accounts, insurance and admission?  New Delhi:The arguments of the Center in the same sex marriage case have forced the Supreme Court to think about retreating from its earlier stand. Due to the arguments of the Center, the court has asked the Center that without recognizing  same-sex marriage , how can it provide security and social benefits to these couples in bank accounts, insurance and admission?  In fact, the Center has told the Supreme Court that the constitutional declaration recognizing same-sex marriages is not that easy. To recognize these marriages, 158 provisions of the Constitution, IPC, CrPC, CPC and 28 other laws will have to be amended.    The constitution bench has accepted that there is a lot of force in the arguments of the Center that the legislature has the right to consider the law regarding the recognition of same-sex marriage. But the court wants to know what the government can do on the humanitarian aspects of the problems of such couples?   In the sixth day's hearing held on Thursday, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta put forward a list of provisions of the laws. He told the court that if the constitution bench recognizes same-sex marriages, in place of 'man and woman' in the Special Marriage Act, 'person' and spouse instead of husband and wife, then there will be changes in the laws of adoption, succession etc. have to do Also, then the matter will reach the personal law as to who will be the male and female in a same-sex couple for the purpose of getting benefits under all these laws? Then the questions of rights for adoption, maintenance, protection from domestic violence, divorce etc. will also arise.   CJI DY Chandrachud, who is heading a five-judge constitution bench, admitted that this would have three problems-   1. It would involve a complete rewriting of the law. 2. It would amount to interference in matters of public policy. 3. It would also interfere with the scope of personal law and the court cannot avoid the interplay between the Special Marriage Act and personal law.  Tushar Mehta said that there is another problem that the court cannot make a law that applies differently to heterosexual married couples and same-sex couples.   Only 34 countries around the world have legalized same-sex marriages  The Center has also said that only 34 countries across the world have legalized same-sex marriages . Of these, 24 countries did it through a legislative process, while 9 did so through a mixed process of legislature and judiciary. While South Africa is the only country where such marriages have been legalized by the judiciary.   According to the Centre, the US and Brazil are the major countries where the hybrid process was adopted. Significant countries that have legalized same-sex marriage through the legislative process are the UK, Australia, Germany, France, Canada, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Norway, the Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, Cuba, and Belgium.  The Center also noted that 16 countries have legalized civil unions between members of the LGBTQIA+ community, of which 13 have done so through a legislative process and three through a mixed process.  Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, appearing for the central government before the constitution bench, argued that if the plea to give legal recognition to same-sex couples is accepted, then tomorrow someone can come to the court against incest, saying that if two adults State has no right to interfere if a person has decided to have forbidden sex.  There is no need to see the association of two people with marriage.  The bench said that when the court talks about 'recognition', it need not be understood to recognize it as a marriage. It could mean a recognition that entitles couples to certain benefits. There is no need to see the association of two people by linking them with marriage. Once you say that the right to live together, is a fundamental right, then it is the obligation of the state that all its social implications are legally recognized and the court is not going into marriage at all.   The bench said that the court wanted some element of a wider sense of 'engagement' and the court was also conscious of the fact that a 'representative democracy' in the country should achieve so much. The bench said that there are social needs like banking, insurance, admission etc., where the Center has to do something.   Mehta said the government may consider tackling some of the issues that same-sex couples are facing without legal recognition.    The top court has asked the Center to explain on May 3 what social benefits can be allowed to same-sex couples without legal recognition of their marital status. The bench told Mehta that we agree with you that if we enter this area. You have made a very powerful argument and it is for the Parliament. It is an area of ​​the legislature.  The bench also sought to know how a sense of security and social welfare is created and how it can be ensured that such relations are not ostracized in the society.

Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense announced on the morning of the 28th that from 6:00 am on the 27th to 6:00 am on the 28th , 38 sorties of PLA aircraft were detected ( including 19 sorties that crossed the center line of the strait and its extension line and entered the southwest, southeast, and northeast airspace ) , and PLA warships. 6 ships, continued to operate around the Taiwan Strait.

According to the "Schematic Diagram of the Chinese People's Liberation Army's Activities in the Airspace Around the Taiwan Strait" by Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense, the 19 sorties of the People's Liberation Army aircraft are 5 sorties of Sukai -30 aircraft , 8 sorties of J -10 aircraft , 2 sorties of J -16 aircraft , and TB-001 UAV 1 sortie, 1 sortie of BZK-005 UAV , 1 sortie of Yun - 8 anti-submarine aircraft , and 1 sortie of Yun -8 technical reconnaissance aircraft .

It is worth noting that TB-001 entered from the southern end of the central line of the strait and then flew southeast. When it reached Bashi Channel, it turned northeast to the outer sea of ​​Taitung, then went northward around the eastern sea of ​​Taiwan, and flew out at the northern end of the central line of the strait. This is the first time such a flight track has been made since the release of the news of the People's Liberation Army aircraft, which seems to want to show the strength of "surrounding" Taiwan.

According to Chinese media reports, the TB-001 , known as the " Twin- Tailed Scorpion" , is one of the largest UAVs currently in service in the PLA . aerial bomb. It has a long time in the air, can monitor ground and water targets for a long time, and can also carry 8 various types of airborne weapons, with strong theater detection and strike capabilities.

In July 2022, during the "Han Kuang" exercise in the eastern waters of Taiwan, TB-001 circled Taiwan along the center line of the strait.

China Amends the Anti-Espionage Law, Bain & Company's Search Raises U.S. Concern

The Shanghai office of Bain & Company, a well-known American management consulting firm, was recently raided by Chinese police. Meanwhile, China's National People's Congress has just revised the Anti-Espionage Law, expanding its scope of application and enforcement powers. What does this mean for American and other foreign companies operating in China? Will the U.S. and China move closer to decoupling?

Five employees of a US company in China were detained. Is China really "opening the door"?

According to the British media "Financial Times" on the 26th (Wednesday), citing informed sources, Shanghai police raided the Shanghai office of the well-known American consulting firm Bain two weeks ago and questioned the company's employees. Police also seized computers and mobile phones, but did not detain anyone.

Bain was raided by the US State Department: close attention

A Bain spokesman confirmed to Reuters on Wednesday that police had visited the company's Shanghai office and interviewed staff there, but gave no details. "We are cooperating as appropriate with the Chinese authorities," the spokesman added, adding that he had no further comment at this time.

It is unclear why police went to Bain and whether the search was directly related to the consulting firm or its clients. As of press time, the company had not responded to our request for comment.
However, a U.S. State Department spokesperson replied to the station with a background note: "We are aware of reports that Bain & Company's offices have been raided. We are monitoring this matter closely. We cannot comment at this time."

Indeed, Chinese authorities last month raided the Beijing offices of the Mintz Group, an American business research firm, and detained five Chinese employees. The group later said in a statement that authorities had closed its operations in Beijing and the company has been unable to contact the employees.

Expert: Worried that more foreign companies will be harassed in the future

Riley Walter, an expert on global economics and technology issues at the Hudson Institute, a Washington think tank, told this station in writing, "I worry that in the next few years, foreign companies, including North America, Asia and Europe, will be affected. More harassment by Chinese officials."

Still, Walter doubts the raid on Bain's Shanghai office will be effective in deterring foreign investors. "We don't have much information about Bain's situation, and Chinese officials may maintain this (secrecy) state," he said. "In this way, foreign investors may view Bain as a one-time event, while in fact all foreign companies Investors are increasingly likely to be targeted by Beijing.

"Anti-espionage Act" attracts foreign companies to worry about U.S. lawmakers: China has no private companies

Just as the Bain incident was disclosed, the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress passed a revised version of the "Anti-espionage Law" on Wednesday (26th), and it will be implemented on July 1st. China's official media Xinhua News Agency reported that the newly revised "Anti-espionage Law" clearly defines espionage as acts such as "taking refuge in espionage organizations and their agents" and "carrying out cyber attacks against state organs, secret-related units, or key information infrastructure." .

The US "Wall Street Journal" reported that China has strengthened the state's control over a wider range of data and digital activities by amending the "Counter-Espionage Law". That would expand its powers, help it deal with external threats and raise the risks for companies in China.

According to the report, executives of foreign companies said that the scope of application of the Anti-Espionage Law and the expansion of enforcement powers may lead to daily communication and interaction involving behaviors that endanger national security. Many foreign companies believe the deteriorating environment they face in China threatens to undermine efforts by Communist Party leaders to secure foreign capital to restore economic growth.

The Wall Street Journal report highlighted that one of the concerns of foreign executives is that the new counterespionage law would allow authorities to inspect agency facilities and electronic equipment, as well as the digital devices of individuals suspected of espionage, such as smartphones and laptops computer. They also worry that normal business activities, such as gathering intelligence on local markets, competitors and business partners, could be considered "espionage" when the definition of espionage is broadened.

In response to China's expansion of the scope and authority of the Anti-Espionage Act, as well as raids on the offices of Bain & Company and Max Smart Group, Chairman of the U.S.-China Strategic Competition Ad Hoc Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, Rep. Mike Gallagher issued a statement on the 27th Said: "The CCP's updated anti-espionage law sent a loud and clear signal to the world: There is no such thing as a private company in China. The country reserves the right to confiscate any property, steal any intellectual property, and collect any data at will." He also The CCP is mocking international business norms. Shame on America if it didn't hear.

The United States and China have become an "enemy-our relationship"?

With regard to Bain & Company being raided and China's revision of the Anti-Espionage Law, Xia Yeliang, an American-based economist, believes that Sino-US relations are at their lowest point in fifty years. These actions all reflect the increasingly tense bilateral relations: "From the tense diplomatic relations to the military and strategic confrontation, a kind of enemy-our relationship has been formed."

Xia Yeliang also pointed out that many countries do business in China, why are Americans always the first to be accused of being spies? China adopts wolf-warrior diplomacy and uses conspiracy theories to smear the United States and other Western countries. He also advises those foreign companies to be sensitive to this threat and divest if necessary.

Lawyer Chen Chuangchuang in New York told this station that whether it is the revision of the "Anti-espionage Act" or the search of a few US companies such as Bain, although it will increase the concerns of foreign companies in China, it will not change those who want to stay firmly. The determination of companies that continue to make money in the Chinese market, because they have made a decision before entering the Chinese market.

"The Chinese market is not so easy to enter. If you enter and can stay, it means that your company does not have the kind of values, care about human rights, and fairness." Chen Chuangchuang believes that these foreign companies will only consider being more careful in the future , no longer irritate the CCP.

Chen Chuangchuang found it absurd that foreign executives worried that the new "Anti-espionage Law" would allow relevant departments to inspect institutional facilities and electronic equipment: "Didn't the CCP have laws to search your electronic equipment and information before?" It’s been there for a long time! These foreign companies just think that they used to enjoy such super-national treatment in China, (in fact) the CCP used to want to make the United States look better, and they didn’t dare to touch you before.”

Xi Jinping wants to engage with the outside world, "focus on me"

Talking about the decoupling of the U.S. and Chinese economies, Chen Chuangchuang said that these U.S. companies do not want to decouple at all, and the U.S. government does not have this idea, but the CCP may want to drive some foreign companies out, so foreign companies are beaten and pulled. The Chinese government's requirement that state-owned enterprises stop using the Big Four accounting firms is a good example.

"It depends on whether your kneeling posture is beautiful, and whether you have the ability to provide benefits to the CCP. If not, then you leave. There are always people who want to earn money from China." Chen Chuangchuang said.

Chen Chuangchuang believes that there is a standard for the opening up advocated by Xi Jinping, "that is, self-centered opening up." Regarding the revision of the "Anti-espionage Law", he said: "Xi Jinping wants to stabilize the country, which is less of a threat to him, and the external contacts must be controlled by the government. This is the purpose, very simple." He said He also said that recently the media revealed that Dong Yuyu, editor of the party media "Guangming Daily", was arrested and prosecuted for espionage as an example.

India: 14 people died after being struck by lightning

An official of the Disaster Management Department said that four people died in East Bardhaman district and two each in Murshidabad and North-24 Parganas due to lightning.

Kolkata:At least 14 people died after being struck by lightning in five districts of West Bengal on Thursday. An officer gave this information. An official of the Disaster Management Department said that four people died in East Bardhaman district and two each in Murshidabad and North-24 Parganas due to lightning. On the other hand, three people each died in West Midnapore and Howrah Rural. The officer said that most of the people who lost their lives were farmers, who were working in the fields.

Two died in UP

Recently, in Ramgarh village of Chandwak area of ​​Jaunpur district, two persons, including an old man, were killed after being struck by lightning in the midst of bad weather. District Magistrate Anuj Kumar Jha had told that Santu Ram (65) and Jeera Devi (45), residents of Ramgarh village, were grazing goats on Sunday evening. Meanwhile, heavy rain started with the wind. Both were going to a safe place at a high speed with the goats, when in the meantime both were struck by lightning.

Same-sex marriage, Supreme Court backing down after Centre's arguments? : India

Due to the arguments of the Center, the court has asked the Center that without recognizing same-sex marriage, how can it provide security and social benefits to these couples in bank accounts, insurance and admission?

New Delhi:The arguments of the Center in the same sex marriage case have forced the Supreme Court to think about retreating from its earlier stand. Due to the arguments of the Center, the court has asked the Center that without recognizing  same-sex marriage , how can it provide security and social benefits to these couples in bank accounts, insurance and admission?

In fact, the Center has told the Supreme Court that the constitutional declaration recognizing same-sex marriages is not that easy. To recognize these marriages, 158 provisions of the Constitution, IPC, CrPC, CPC and 28 other laws will have to be amended.  

The constitution bench has accepted that there is a lot of force in the arguments of the Center that the legislature has the right to consider the law regarding the recognition of same-sex marriage. But the court wants to know what the government can do on the humanitarian aspects of the problems of such couples? 

In the sixth day's hearing held on Thursday, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta put forward a list of provisions of the laws. He told the court that if the constitution bench recognizes same-sex marriages, in place of 'man and woman' in the Special Marriage Act, 'person' and spouse instead of husband and wife, then there will be changes in the laws of adoption, succession etc. have to do Also, then the matter will reach the personal law as to who will be the male and female in a same-sex couple for the purpose of getting benefits under all these laws? Then the questions of rights for adoption, maintenance, protection from domestic violence, divorce etc. will also arise. 

CJI DY Chandrachud, who is heading a five-judge constitution bench, admitted that this would have three problems-  
1. It would involve a complete rewriting of the law.
2. It would amount to interference in matters of public policy.
3. It would also interfere with the scope of personal law and the court cannot avoid the interplay between the Special Marriage Act and personal law.

Tushar Mehta said that there is another problem that the court cannot make a law that applies differently to heterosexual married couples and same-sex couples. 

Only 34 countries around the world have legalized same-sex marriages

The Center has also said that only 34 countries across the world have legalized same-sex marriages . Of these, 24 countries did it through a legislative process, while 9 did so through a mixed process of legislature and judiciary. While South Africa is the only country where such marriages have been legalized by the judiciary. 

According to the Centre, the US and Brazil are the major countries where the hybrid process was adopted. Significant countries that have legalized same-sex marriage through the legislative process are the UK, Australia, Germany, France, Canada, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Norway, the Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, Cuba, and Belgium.

The Center also noted that 16 countries have legalized civil unions between members of the LGBTQIA+ community, of which 13 have done so through a legislative process and three through a mixed process.

Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, appearing for the central government before the constitution bench, argued that if the plea to give legal recognition to same-sex couples is accepted, then tomorrow someone can come to the court against incest, saying that if two adults State has no right to interfere if a person has decided to have forbidden sex.

There is no need to see the association of two people with marriage.

The bench said that when the court talks about 'recognition', it need not be understood to recognize it as a marriage. It could mean a recognition that entitles couples to certain benefits. There is no need to see the association of two people by linking them with marriage. Once you say that the right to live together, is a fundamental right, then it is the obligation of the state that all its social implications are legally recognized and the court is not going into marriage at all. 

The bench said that the court wanted some element of a wider sense of 'engagement' and the court was also conscious of the fact that a 'representative democracy' in the country should achieve so much. The bench said that there are social needs like banking, insurance, admission etc., where the Center has to do something. 

Mehta said the government may consider tackling some of the issues that same-sex couples are facing without legal recognition.  

The top court has asked the Center to explain on May 3 what social benefits can be allowed to same-sex couples without legal recognition of their marital status. The bench told Mehta that we agree with you that if we enter this area. You have made a very powerful argument and it is for the Parliament. It is an area of ​​the legislature.

The bench also sought to know how a sense of security and social welfare is created and how it can be ensured that such relations are not ostracized in the society.

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