Uyghurs are victims of China's "terrorist" interpretation and machine guns : china Uyghurs are victims of China's "terrorist" interpretation and machine guns : china

Uyghurs are victims of China's "terrorist" interpretation and machine guns : china

Uyghurs are victims of China's "terrorist" interpretation and machine guns : china  Although a lot of information about the Uyghur massacre is known to the outside world, the location of the large number of hostages at the beginning of the massacre and the factors that caused it are still a topic that has not been fully explained. In response to the international condemnation of the massacres carried out by the Chinese government, the Chinese government has always emphasized that it is fighting against "terrorism and violence", which is a necessary measure for any government. Also, by saying that "we are always victims of terrorism", they have justified the deportation of millions of Uyghurs to camps.  A special report released by Human Rights Watch on May 3, 2023, once again shows what the Chinese government's emphasis on "terrorism and violence" shows. Their investigative team has reviewed more than 50,000 cell phone files labeled as "terrorist related" by the Uighur police, which is the final summary of the Chinese government's massive high-tech surveillance system. The vast majority of this information was collected from 2017 to 2018, and was obtained from 11 million mobile phone surveys in Urumqi. In this, the Chinese police system has determined that all people must install a special content inspection app called "Net Guardian" (Jing Wang Wei Shi), and not installing such an app has caused many people to be imprisoned. At the time, various media outlets, including in Free Asia, reported on the role of such an app and its role in automatically notifying the police system when it detects "dangerous" content. One of the authors of this report, Human Rights Watch's acting director for China, Maya Wang, spoke to our radio station about how the app played a key role in how the Chinese government imprisoned so many people: "In this study, we focused specifically on how those apps actually played a role. Because these things happening in Xinjiang are becoming very important for China's future. We also shed light on how the government uses these kinds of apps to use high-tech tools and how they are wreaking havoc on the freedom of the human world. We've looked at these in detail here by collecting lots of data. These are large volumes of material that the Chinese government has designated as 'dangerous' and 'extreme content'. We focused on two apps used by the Xinjiang police system while verifying their authenticity through cryptographic signatures. One of these is known as ``Guardian of the Pure Net'' (Jing Wang Wei Shi), and the other is ``Feng cai.'' These two apps were forcibly installed on citizens' phones by the Urumqi police system. Therefore, as soon as the Uyghurs who have installed this app on their mobile phones find information that the government deems to be ``dangerous'', they will notify the main system. It will also send all the information about the phone number and address.  The report prepared by Human Rights Watch highlights that the Chinese government's emphasis on "terrorism and violence" is vastly different from the international consensus. In particular, events that do not cause any harm to other individuals or society in terms of politics, religion, or ideology are unanimously labeled "terrorism" by the Chinese government. The report shows that the Chinese government's anti-terrorism laws at the time linked people's intellectual rights to "terrorism" and thereby enforced persecution.  The report highlights the case of 1,000 people in Urumqi, which was created after examining 1,400 mobile phones. However, 57 percent of these were phones with full or partial verses of the Holy Quran downloaded, and the owners of phones found to contain such Islamic texts were designated as "terrorist suspects." In addition, if any photos, audio files or video files downloaded from organizations or institutions such as "East Turkistan Independence Movement", "World Uyghur Congress", "Free Asia", but have no connection with terrorism, they are also classified as "terrorist". Among them, the content on the topic of "going to jihad against the infidels" accounted for four percent, and the content using the term "Eastern Turkistan" accounted for six percent. But the owners of these phones are 100 percent kidnapped. When asked about this, Maya Wang says:  "Among the ``terrorist'' materials screened by such apps, there is a lot of information related to Free Asia. Whatever content they are, the vast majority of them are news articles published in Free Asia. In particular, the contents of the ``July 5th protest'' have a lot of weight. There are many names of people who have downloaded these published news articles. The Chinese government has declared these news articles to be ``extremist and terrorist-related'' and has secretly collected such information through cellphone surveillance. Anyone who downloads, shares, or distributes such news articles to others is abducted. However, the vast majority of these messages have nothing to do with terrorism or extremism. In fact, 57 percent of these people were arrested because they had downloaded verses from the Qur'an on their phones. "We don't have any information about whether these people have left the camp or not."  After the publication of this report by Human Rights Watch, it attracted strong attention from all walks of life. In particular, the use of high-tech means provided by Western countries to suppress the Uyghurs has shocked everyone. More importantly, they denied the Chinese government's definition of "terrorism and violence" with a mountain of evidence and called on the United Nations to investigate the issue.     China's anti-Islamic tactics and deception of the Muslim world  On April 29, the Uyghur Research Center in the United States released a report titled "China's 'Fear of Islam' and Muslim Countries' Attitudes to It," which comprehensively and scientifically explained China's double standards and hypocrisy toward domestic Islam and international Islam.  The report highlights key points such as the 'fear of Islam' in China, the Chinese government's attacks on Uyghurs and other Muslims, China's misinformation and disinformation campaign in the Islamic world, and the indifference of Muslim countries who believe or choose to believe the genocide faced by Uyghurs.  The topic "Fear of Islam in China" describes the religious views of the Chinese Communist Party, the discrimination of Muslims by considering Islam as the religion of foreigners, and the Chineseization of Islam;  In the topic of "China's War on Islam" China bans religious education in the Uyghur region, suppresses religious scholars, burns the Quran, destroys mosques and shrines, changes prayer surahs and prayers, abolishes religious rules, and destroys the Muslim identity of Uyghur children.  In the topic of "China's false and false information campaign in the Islamic world", China has used the state media to carry out an eye-painting campaign around the world, send Chinese spies to Muslim countries and invite them to China, conduct Hajj diplomacy, and somehow provide humanitarian aid to African and Muslim countries. is stated to have done.  In the topic "Attitudes of Muslim countries", the failure of the World Organization of Islamic Cooperation in the Uyghur issue, China's silencing of Muslim countries through the "One Belt One Road" plan, China's Turkish-Islamic countries, Arab-Islamic countries, South Asian Muslim countries (Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia) ) and their negative attitude towards the Uighur problem are shown.  In connection with the release of this report, the Uighur Research Center in the United States held a webinar on April 29 with the Indonesian Youth Committee and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation's Indonesian Youth Branch.  Abdulhakim Idris, the executive director of the Uyghur Research Center, spoke at the meeting and said that while China is committing religious oppression and genocide in the Uyghur region, it is deceiving the Muslim world by preparing this report. said that  "It's very difficult to fight China's false propaganda because they spend tens of billions of dollars on it," he said. We have shown with full facts that China has waged a war against Islam, and we have openly stated that China is committing genocide against Uyghurs.  Abdul Muqtadir Udun, the project leader of the Uyghur Research Center, introduced the content of the report and said about the nature of the fear of Islam in China: "The fear of Islam may actually be caused by the influence of authoritarian regimes, especially in China. This fear has historical and political roots in China. Because compared to China, Christianity and all other religions belong to foreign countries, and are even a sign that foreign forces have invaded China. A 2017 Chinese government document called Islam an epidemic, meaning Islam is a mental illness that needs to be treated. Then the Communist Party of China launched a movement to Chineseize Islam, that is to replace the religious values ​​of Islam with communist ideology, and employed the state media.  Astrid Nadya Riziqta, president of the youth branch of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Indonesia, said after briefly emphasizing the content of the report: "The Chinese are treating the Uyghurs not only religiously, but because they discriminate ethnically." This phenomenon is not only 'fear of Islam' but the first steps of genocide. Therefore, human rights issues here should not be ignored. We are a member of the international community, especially as Indians, we have a great responsibility in this matter.  Dr. Asep Setiawan, a lecturer at Muhammadiyah University in Jakarta, said that China has paid attention to the tactics of oppressing domestic Muslims and being nice to foreign Muslims. He explained that the term "fear of Islam" has a broad meaning, and the things mentioned in this report are actually religious repression. "According to this report, what China is doing is genocide and religious repression," he said. The contents of this report reflect China's fundamental policy toward the Islamic community there. As far as I know, China also uses Islam as a propaganda platform. So the problem here is not 'fear of Islam' but religious oppression and persecution.  As far as we know, the Uyghur Research Center in the United States was established in December 2020, and will conduct human rights protection activities and research related to Uyghurs; Along with researching Uyghur history, culture, and politics, the main goal is to make Uighurs known to others and to call for the liberation of this nation that is suffering from genocide.        What is the purpose of the plan to build a second capital in China Uyghur?   A report from a national research project funded by the Chinese government has proposed the establishment of China's second capital in Uighur Eli. This report states that if China builds its second capital in Uyghur, it can balance the national economy, solve the problem of ethnic minorities, and develop relations with Asian and Eurasian countries.  According to Stephen Cheng, reporter of "South China Morning Post", the above research project was conducted by Chinese researchers led by Professor Zhou Wen of Shanghai Fuden University and Professor Mi Jun of Sichuan University. Published in No. The report did not provide details on how the functions of China's second capital would be divided between Beijing and Uighur, but it emphasized that the second capital should be built near more densely populated cities such as Urumqi or Kashgar. In doing so, "relationships with ethnic minorities can be further strengthened and national unity can be improved."  According to a report by the South China Morning Post, the report said, “The second capital will deal directly with issues related to ethnic minorities, which will help improve communication and coordination between the central government and local ethnic groups. "By fostering stronger communication and relationships among ethnic minorities, we can build a more harmonious society that benefits all citizens."  According to reports, due to problems such as congestion and environmental pollution in Beijing, some people have previously proposed to establish a second capital in cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Zhengzhou or Xi'an. But these suggestions have not attracted much attention because they are mostly based on reports written by individual researchers. However, this big proposal to build a second capital in Uyghur is the product of a major research project funded by the China National Social Science Foundation in 2019 to assess the risks and opportunities of the "One Belt One Road" project.  So, what is the purpose of the plan to establish China's second capital, and to establish it in Uyghur?  The research project, heavily funded by the Chinese government, has attracted strong attention from foreign experts, especially researchers who have been closely observing the Uyghur people.  Sean Roberts, a Uyghur scholar and expert on Central Asian issues, and a professor at the George Washington University in the United States, believes that, on the one hand, this is related to the Chinese government's policy of making the Uyghur people like Chinese provinces; On the other hand, China may be related to national security.  Sean Roberts says: "Although it is not clear that this proposal will be implemented, I believe that it is a continuation of the policy of the Chinese government in the Uyghur region since the 1990s, which is to make the Uyghur region similar to the internal provinces of China and integrate it. On the other hand, this incident reminded me of the incident when the Kazakh government moved its capital from Almaty to Astana to protect northern Kazakhstan from Russian threats. The idea of ​​China's second capital may also be related to national defense and security.  Dr. Sean Roberts says the Chinese government has long sought to strengthen the central government's influence and governance in these areas because it believes that instability in border regions is caused by external forces.  He added: "Of course, this does not mean that China is worried about the danger of creating a threat to Central Asian countries or Russia to Uyghur. But China may be worried about instability in Eurasia. So he may have wanted to protect his western border by establishing a second capital in Uighur Eli, as well as prevent instability from spilling over into China's interior."      According to the report of "South China Morning Daily", Chinese researchers explained in this report the importance of establishing a second capital in Uyghur El, because China's rapid economic growth in the past decades is mainly based on export-based large-scale manufacturing and manufacturing, which is concentrated in coastal cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. It's driven by industry, but it's also a reminder that China's economy is heavily dependent on seaborne trade. Thus, the report states, "If there is a disruption in global shipping lanes or conflicts with the navies of other countries, maritime operations may be at great risk."  The report added: "A second capital would help Beijing address environmental pollution, population growth and other challenges as China's only current capital."  Dr. Free Ekram, a teacher and strategy expert at Turkey's Hajetpa University, believes that the above-mentioned is just part of the purpose of building a second capital, which may be mainly related to China's desire to become an imperialist country.  "China is aspiring to be an imperialist country," he said. So this may be his means to achieve that goal. Uighur Eli is a very important region in its own right. It is connected to Central Asia, Western Asia, Turkey and Europe. So building a second capital here is very important for China."  Indeed, the Chinese government has started the construction of China's modern integrated transportation hub system since last year, and according to this plan, it wants to promote the construction of about 20 international integrated transportation hub cities and about 80 national integrated transportation hub cities in China. According to a report published last year on "China News Network", according to this plan, Urumqi in the northwest of China will become an international comprehensive transportation center; Korla, Kashgar and Yining have been established as a national comprehensive transportation center.  So, what do China's policies related to the establishment of China's second capital in Uyghur and the internationalization of Uyghur mean for Uyghurs?  Dr. Sean Roberts believes that this will not only speed up the Chinese government's process of Sinicizing the Uyghur people, but also lead to a decrease in Uyghur ownership and rights to the land. He says:  "Of course, it is too early to talk about the implementation of this plan. If this plan is implemented, it may end the historical concept that the Uyghur region is the motherland of the Uyghur people. I believe this will further accelerate the intense form of Sinicization already taking place in the region. I believe that this plan will fundamentally change the overall landscape of Uyghur and its relationship with the central government in Beijing.  Dr. Free Ekram also said that this plan will create unfavorable conditions for Uyghurs. He said:  "In order for the Chinese government to build a second capital in Uighur, the region must be highly assimilated, open up a lot of water resources, and have a denser Chinese population." None of these situations are good for Uyghurs. "This will cause the Uygurs to melt away at a faster rate."  According to the South China Morning Post, research projects for the National Social Science Foundation usually go through a rigorous review and evaluation process. An urban planning researcher in Beijing who did not want to be named told the newspaper that "this proposal seems to have more credibility and weight than previous proposals." He added: “This report represents only one perspective in this regard. Other scientists and policymakers may have different views or important initiatives on this matter, and as a result, the government will ultimately decide whether to implement the project or not.  Mr. Free Ekram said that in China under the leadership of Xi Jinping, the opinion that "the West is sinking and the East is rising" is ruling, and the Chinese government is not fully confident that it will be able to realize its plans to become an imperialist country. But is it true? Future developments will reveal this.         NUG said that the revolutionary forces are stronger than the army  On the evening of May 3, a press conference was held online to mark the two-year anniversary of the establishment of the National Unity Government NUG.   In this press conference, during the last two years, NUG's international relations, Establishing alliances with ethnic armed groups; The status of the establishment of the People's Administrative Organization; Actions for Finance and Business Support for civil disobedience CDM activists; The status of providing online education and health care for the people of Myanmar. PDF forces under NUG NUG spokesman Ko Ne Boorn Lat explained the steps taken to prosecute military leaders in international courts and the conditions for accepting defected military personnel.  As a military strength building, more than 300 PDF battalions and columns nationwide. People's defense groups have been established in 250 townships, and over 13,000 military personnel and police have come to join them. The man power of the anti-dictatorship forces is already superior to the man power of the army. Right now, we are in the pre-counteroffensive period, and we are looking for strategic military weapons to reach the final stage of counteroffensives, said Ko Ne Boornlat.  Currently, some international officials, including the Chinese Foreign Minister, are coming to meet with the military council, and NUG spokesperson U Kyaw Zaw said that only the NUG is the official government that can represent Myanmar.  The situation where NUG officials dug bomb pits in schools to protect the ground attack teams and the civilian population from the air strikes of each column. Ko Ne Boorn Lat explained about the establishment of an early warning system that will notify the arrival of military council planes and the conduct of air defense pre-action training.  U Kyaw Zaw said that NUG had engaged with the relevant parties in accordance with the decision of the ASEAN Summit regarding the RFA's query on whether NUG interacted with ASEAN and ASEAN representatives.  Right now, Myanmar is facing the worst refugee crisis in history. U Kyaw Zaw also said that since one-third of the country's population is in need of humanitarian aid, the ASEAN chairman wants to appeal to Indonesia to intervene so that international aid can open the way.  In addition, he said that the US government is currently in the implementation phase and it is not yet known how the Burma Act, which is enacted to encourage and support democratic forces in Burma, will receive aid from the US House of Representatives.  Code of Conduct violations in PDF and some local civil defense forces; Regarding the accusations of killing each other, the state of action, territorial rule, When the administration and rule of law can be established, action will be taken according to the relevant law. Ko Ne Boorn Lat said to tolerate the delays.  The National Unity Government NUG established a plan for one year, He said that he is continuing to implement the processes that will decide the final battle.          The Rohingya delegation will visit Rakhine on the same day  On March 22, 2023, seeing the people sheltering in the Sai Chaung Rohingya refugee camp in Sittwe Township, Rakhine State.  As part of Bangladesh's Rohingya refugee repatriation program, a delegation of 20 refugees will visit Rakhine state on May 5, Bangladesh government officials said.  A representative of the group told AFP on May 3 that they will visit a place on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border where the Myanmar Military Council plans to resettle more than a thousand Rohingya refugees.  The delegation will be led by Mizanur Rahman of Bangladesh's Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner's Office, AFP reported, citing an unnamed Bangladeshi government official.  This delegation will visit the buildings planned for the returning refugees on the same day. Also, a Bangladeshi official told AFP that they hope to send the refugees home by the end of this month.  Millions of Rohingya refugees fled to Bangladesh due to the Burmese army's clearance operation in Rakhine state in 2017.  The plan to repatriate Rohingya refugees was started in 2018, but it failed.  China intervened in these refugee resettlement programs and India, China The military council showed 11 ambassadors from eight countries, including Bangladesh, the places where the returning Rohingya will be resettled in Maungdaw Township on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border.  After that, a military council delegation also visited the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh last March.  The Rohingyas who are sheltering in refugee camps in Bangladesh are denied citizenship, They are mainly demanding freedom of movement and the right to return to their original places.        Reporters Without Borders “North Korea again ranks at the bottom of the Freedom of the Press Index this year” May 3rd is ' World Press Freedom Day ' established by the United Nations in 1993 . North Korea was again named the country with the worst press freedom this year . Reporter Park Jae-woo reports .  According to the ' 2023 World Press Freedom Index' released by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) on the 3rd , North Korea scored 21.72 points out of 100 , ranking 180th , the lowest among 180 countries surveyed .  The report pointed out that the North Korean regime, the world's most authoritarian regime, tightly controls information and strictly prohibits independent media .  In addition, he explained that a small number of foreign media outlets such as AFP and Kyodo News are operating in North Korea , but they are operated under strict supervision, which reduces their reporting ability .  He went on to say that popular South Korean TV shows and movies are often distributed in North Korea despite harsh punishments such as imprisonment in concentration camps .  South Korea ranked 47th with a score of 70.83 , and the United States ranked 45th by a narrow margin .  On this day, US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln issued a statement and said, “ Too many governments are retaliating for journalists simply doing what they have to do , and suppressing freedom of expression to silence it . ” They have used various tools of oppression to force them to close their doors . ”  “ On this World Press Freedom Day , we are committed to protecting the freedom of the press and promoting it around the world, ” he said .          North Korean residents: "Plant castor oil on more land" North Korea is mobilizing its residents to find new land for planting castor beans ( castor and castor bean ) . It is pointed out that the intention of the authorities is to overcome the economic crisis by planting a lot of castor seeds . Inside North Korea , reporter Son Hye-min reports .  North Korea, which emphasizes the keynote of self-reliance every day, presented the planting of castor beans ( castor beans and castor beans ) as a social movement . It is intended to respond to the economic sanctions of the international community by planting a lot of castor oil to produce industrial fuel and paper that can be used as lubricant, but some residents are showing negative reactions .  A resident source in North Pyongan Province told Radio Free Asia on the 2nd, "Since yesterday, members of the Women's League ( members of housewives' organization ) in Yongcheon County have been mobilized to plant castor oil. The priority is to find new land to plant castor oil . "  It is said that the measure is being developed as a central order to cultivate castor oil, which can produce industrial fuel, etc. with domestic resources, as a social movement. It is known that the time to mobilize for planting castor oil is this weekend , that is, until the 7th .   “As a result, Yongcheon-gun is filling up the abandoned puddles and swamps around the village and around the railroad tracks and planting castor oil,” the source said. “All of this work is also unpaid labor,” the source pointed out.  The source said, “Wouldn’t it be better for housewives who are unable to do business and are being mobilized to plant castor oil to find new land and plant corn in the fields where castor oil will be planted?” There is a reaction,” he explained.  On the same day, a source in Jagang Province also said, “ Since the end of April, planting castor oil has been underway as a party-affiliated project in Jaseong County.” I'm urging you to do it,” he said .  If you plant a lot of castor and cultivate it well, the oil from the seeds will develop the chemical industry and health sector, such as industrial fuel and vinyl chloride production, and it will be possible to improve people's lives by producing paper and artificial fibers from castor stems and skins. is to do it .    The source said, “At the authorities’ propaganda that the more castor oil is planted in more new land, economic development can be generated in response to economic sanctions from the United States, which is trying to crush the socialist system. There are voices of bolmen coming out.”  It is the voice of the North Korean people that if they do not develop nuclear weapons and launch missiles while spending foreign currency, sanctions against North Korea will be eased and North Korea's economic difficulties will be resolved.     The source emphasized, “Some elderly residents are showing a cold reaction, saying that ( North Korea ) is going backwards, saying that there is no other country in the world that will develop its economy by planting castor oil . ”  Meanwhile, in December of last year , a military source in North Pyongan Province reported that the North Korean military “ is using a mixture of castor oil because there is not enough gasoline, which is fuel for drones . ” ( Related article )

Although a lot of information about the Uyghur massacre is known to the outside world, the location of the large number of hostages at the beginning of the massacre and the factors that caused it are still a topic that has not been fully explained. In response to the international condemnation of the massacres carried out by the Chinese government, the Chinese government has always emphasized that it is fighting against "terrorism and violence", which is a necessary measure for any government. Also, by saying that "we are always victims of terrorism", they have justified the deportation of millions of Uyghurs to camps. 

A special report released by Human Rights Watch on May 3, 2023, once again shows what the Chinese government's emphasis on "terrorism and violence" shows. Their investigative team has reviewed more than 50,000 cell phone files labeled as "terrorist related" by the Uighur police, which is the final summary of the Chinese government's massive high-tech surveillance system. The vast majority of this information was collected from 2017 to 2018, and was obtained from 11 million mobile phone surveys in Urumqi. In this, the Chinese police system has determined that all people must install a special content inspection app called "Net Guardian" (Jing Wang Wei Shi), and not installing such an app has caused many people to be imprisoned. At the time, various media outlets, including in Free Asia, reported on the role of such an app and its role in automatically notifying the police system when it detects "dangerous" content. One of the authors of this report, Human Rights Watch's acting director for China, Maya Wang, spoke to our radio station about how the app played a key role in how the Chinese government imprisoned so many people: "In this study, we focused specifically on how those apps actually played a role. Because these things happening in Xinjiang are becoming very important for China's future. We also shed light on how the government uses these kinds of apps to use high-tech tools and how they are wreaking havoc on the freedom of the human world. We've looked at these in detail here by collecting lots of data. These are large volumes of material that the Chinese government has designated as 'dangerous' and 'extreme content'. We focused on two apps used by the Xinjiang police system while verifying their authenticity through cryptographic signatures. One of these is known as ``Guardian of the Pure Net'' (Jing Wang Wei Shi), and the other is ``Feng cai.'' These two apps were forcibly installed on citizens' phones by the Urumqi police system. Therefore, as soon as the Uyghurs who have installed this app on their mobile phones find information that the government deems to be ``dangerous'', they will notify the main system. It will also send all the information about the phone number and address.

The report prepared by Human Rights Watch highlights that the Chinese government's emphasis on "terrorism and violence" is vastly different from the international consensus. In particular, events that do not cause any harm to other individuals or society in terms of politics, religion, or ideology are unanimously labeled "terrorism" by the Chinese government. The report shows that the Chinese government's anti-terrorism laws at the time linked people's intellectual rights to "terrorism" and thereby enforced persecution.

The report highlights the case of 1,000 people in Urumqi, which was created after examining 1,400 mobile phones. However, 57 percent of these were phones with full or partial verses of the Holy Quran downloaded, and the owners of phones found to contain such Islamic texts were designated as "terrorist suspects." In addition, if any photos, audio files or video files downloaded from organizations or institutions such as "East Turkistan Independence Movement", "World Uyghur Congress", "Free Asia", but have no connection with terrorism, they are also classified as "terrorist". Among them, the content on the topic of "going to jihad against the infidels" accounted for four percent, and the content using the term "Eastern Turkistan" accounted for six percent. But the owners of these phones are 100 percent kidnapped. When asked about this, Maya Wang says:

"Among the ``terrorist'' materials screened by such apps, there is a lot of information related to Free Asia. Whatever content they are, the vast majority of them are news articles published in Free Asia. In particular, the contents of the ``July 5th protest'' have a lot of weight. There are many names of people who have downloaded these published news articles. The Chinese government has declared these news articles to be ``extremist and terrorist-related'' and has secretly collected such information through cellphone surveillance. Anyone who downloads, shares, or distributes such news articles to others is abducted. However, the vast majority of these messages have nothing to do with terrorism or extremism. In fact, 57 percent of these people were arrested because they had downloaded verses from the Qur'an on their phones. "We don't have any information about whether these people have left the camp or not."

After the publication of this report by Human Rights Watch, it attracted strong attention from all walks of life. In particular, the use of high-tech means provided by Western countries to suppress the Uyghurs has shocked everyone. More importantly, they denied the Chinese government's definition of "terrorism and violence" with a mountain of evidence and called on the United Nations to investigate the issue.

Uyghurs are victims of China's "terrorist" interpretation and machine guns : china  Although a lot of information about the Uyghur massacre is known to the outside world, the location of the large number of hostages at the beginning of the massacre and the factors that caused it are still a topic that has not been fully explained. In response to the international condemnation of the massacres carried out by the Chinese government, the Chinese government has always emphasized that it is fighting against "terrorism and violence", which is a necessary measure for any government. Also, by saying that "we are always victims of terrorism", they have justified the deportation of millions of Uyghurs to camps.  A special report released by Human Rights Watch on May 3, 2023, once again shows what the Chinese government's emphasis on "terrorism and violence" shows. Their investigative team has reviewed more than 50,000 cell phone files labeled as "terrorist related" by the Uighur police, which is the final summary of the Chinese government's massive high-tech surveillance system. The vast majority of this information was collected from 2017 to 2018, and was obtained from 11 million mobile phone surveys in Urumqi. In this, the Chinese police system has determined that all people must install a special content inspection app called "Net Guardian" (Jing Wang Wei Shi), and not installing such an app has caused many people to be imprisoned. At the time, various media outlets, including in Free Asia, reported on the role of such an app and its role in automatically notifying the police system when it detects "dangerous" content. One of the authors of this report, Human Rights Watch's acting director for China, Maya Wang, spoke to our radio station about how the app played a key role in how the Chinese government imprisoned so many people: "In this study, we focused specifically on how those apps actually played a role. Because these things happening in Xinjiang are becoming very important for China's future. We also shed light on how the government uses these kinds of apps to use high-tech tools and how they are wreaking havoc on the freedom of the human world. We've looked at these in detail here by collecting lots of data. These are large volumes of material that the Chinese government has designated as 'dangerous' and 'extreme content'. We focused on two apps used by the Xinjiang police system while verifying their authenticity through cryptographic signatures. One of these is known as ``Guardian of the Pure Net'' (Jing Wang Wei Shi), and the other is ``Feng cai.'' These two apps were forcibly installed on citizens' phones by the Urumqi police system. Therefore, as soon as the Uyghurs who have installed this app on their mobile phones find information that the government deems to be ``dangerous'', they will notify the main system. It will also send all the information about the phone number and address.  The report prepared by Human Rights Watch highlights that the Chinese government's emphasis on "terrorism and violence" is vastly different from the international consensus. In particular, events that do not cause any harm to other individuals or society in terms of politics, religion, or ideology are unanimously labeled "terrorism" by the Chinese government. The report shows that the Chinese government's anti-terrorism laws at the time linked people's intellectual rights to "terrorism" and thereby enforced persecution.  The report highlights the case of 1,000 people in Urumqi, which was created after examining 1,400 mobile phones. However, 57 percent of these were phones with full or partial verses of the Holy Quran downloaded, and the owners of phones found to contain such Islamic texts were designated as "terrorist suspects." In addition, if any photos, audio files or video files downloaded from organizations or institutions such as "East Turkistan Independence Movement", "World Uyghur Congress", "Free Asia", but have no connection with terrorism, they are also classified as "terrorist". Among them, the content on the topic of "going to jihad against the infidels" accounted for four percent, and the content using the term "Eastern Turkistan" accounted for six percent. But the owners of these phones are 100 percent kidnapped. When asked about this, Maya Wang says:  "Among the ``terrorist'' materials screened by such apps, there is a lot of information related to Free Asia. Whatever content they are, the vast majority of them are news articles published in Free Asia. In particular, the contents of the ``July 5th protest'' have a lot of weight. There are many names of people who have downloaded these published news articles. The Chinese government has declared these news articles to be ``extremist and terrorist-related'' and has secretly collected such information through cellphone surveillance. Anyone who downloads, shares, or distributes such news articles to others is abducted. However, the vast majority of these messages have nothing to do with terrorism or extremism. In fact, 57 percent of these people were arrested because they had downloaded verses from the Qur'an on their phones. "We don't have any information about whether these people have left the camp or not."  After the publication of this report by Human Rights Watch, it attracted strong attention from all walks of life. In particular, the use of high-tech means provided by Western countries to suppress the Uyghurs has shocked everyone. More importantly, they denied the Chinese government's definition of "terrorism and violence" with a mountain of evidence and called on the United Nations to investigate the issue.     China's anti-Islamic tactics and deception of the Muslim world  On April 29, the Uyghur Research Center in the United States released a report titled "China's 'Fear of Islam' and Muslim Countries' Attitudes to It," which comprehensively and scientifically explained China's double standards and hypocrisy toward domestic Islam and international Islam.  The report highlights key points such as the 'fear of Islam' in China, the Chinese government's attacks on Uyghurs and other Muslims, China's misinformation and disinformation campaign in the Islamic world, and the indifference of Muslim countries who believe or choose to believe the genocide faced by Uyghurs.  The topic "Fear of Islam in China" describes the religious views of the Chinese Communist Party, the discrimination of Muslims by considering Islam as the religion of foreigners, and the Chineseization of Islam;  In the topic of "China's War on Islam" China bans religious education in the Uyghur region, suppresses religious scholars, burns the Quran, destroys mosques and shrines, changes prayer surahs and prayers, abolishes religious rules, and destroys the Muslim identity of Uyghur children.  In the topic of "China's false and false information campaign in the Islamic world", China has used the state media to carry out an eye-painting campaign around the world, send Chinese spies to Muslim countries and invite them to China, conduct Hajj diplomacy, and somehow provide humanitarian aid to African and Muslim countries. is stated to have done.  In the topic "Attitudes of Muslim countries", the failure of the World Organization of Islamic Cooperation in the Uyghur issue, China's silencing of Muslim countries through the "One Belt One Road" plan, China's Turkish-Islamic countries, Arab-Islamic countries, South Asian Muslim countries (Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia) ) and their negative attitude towards the Uighur problem are shown.  In connection with the release of this report, the Uighur Research Center in the United States held a webinar on April 29 with the Indonesian Youth Committee and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation's Indonesian Youth Branch.  Abdulhakim Idris, the executive director of the Uyghur Research Center, spoke at the meeting and said that while China is committing religious oppression and genocide in the Uyghur region, it is deceiving the Muslim world by preparing this report. said that  "It's very difficult to fight China's false propaganda because they spend tens of billions of dollars on it," he said. We have shown with full facts that China has waged a war against Islam, and we have openly stated that China is committing genocide against Uyghurs.  Abdul Muqtadir Udun, the project leader of the Uyghur Research Center, introduced the content of the report and said about the nature of the fear of Islam in China: "The fear of Islam may actually be caused by the influence of authoritarian regimes, especially in China. This fear has historical and political roots in China. Because compared to China, Christianity and all other religions belong to foreign countries, and are even a sign that foreign forces have invaded China. A 2017 Chinese government document called Islam an epidemic, meaning Islam is a mental illness that needs to be treated. Then the Communist Party of China launched a movement to Chineseize Islam, that is to replace the religious values ​​of Islam with communist ideology, and employed the state media.  Astrid Nadya Riziqta, president of the youth branch of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Indonesia, said after briefly emphasizing the content of the report: "The Chinese are treating the Uyghurs not only religiously, but because they discriminate ethnically." This phenomenon is not only 'fear of Islam' but the first steps of genocide. Therefore, human rights issues here should not be ignored. We are a member of the international community, especially as Indians, we have a great responsibility in this matter.  Dr. Asep Setiawan, a lecturer at Muhammadiyah University in Jakarta, said that China has paid attention to the tactics of oppressing domestic Muslims and being nice to foreign Muslims. He explained that the term "fear of Islam" has a broad meaning, and the things mentioned in this report are actually religious repression. "According to this report, what China is doing is genocide and religious repression," he said. The contents of this report reflect China's fundamental policy toward the Islamic community there. As far as I know, China also uses Islam as a propaganda platform. So the problem here is not 'fear of Islam' but religious oppression and persecution.  As far as we know, the Uyghur Research Center in the United States was established in December 2020, and will conduct human rights protection activities and research related to Uyghurs; Along with researching Uyghur history, culture, and politics, the main goal is to make Uighurs known to others and to call for the liberation of this nation that is suffering from genocide.        What is the purpose of the plan to build a second capital in China Uyghur?   A report from a national research project funded by the Chinese government has proposed the establishment of China's second capital in Uighur Eli. This report states that if China builds its second capital in Uyghur, it can balance the national economy, solve the problem of ethnic minorities, and develop relations with Asian and Eurasian countries.  According to Stephen Cheng, reporter of "South China Morning Post", the above research project was conducted by Chinese researchers led by Professor Zhou Wen of Shanghai Fuden University and Professor Mi Jun of Sichuan University. Published in No. The report did not provide details on how the functions of China's second capital would be divided between Beijing and Uighur, but it emphasized that the second capital should be built near more densely populated cities such as Urumqi or Kashgar. In doing so, "relationships with ethnic minorities can be further strengthened and national unity can be improved."  According to a report by the South China Morning Post, the report said, “The second capital will deal directly with issues related to ethnic minorities, which will help improve communication and coordination between the central government and local ethnic groups. "By fostering stronger communication and relationships among ethnic minorities, we can build a more harmonious society that benefits all citizens."  According to reports, due to problems such as congestion and environmental pollution in Beijing, some people have previously proposed to establish a second capital in cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Zhengzhou or Xi'an. But these suggestions have not attracted much attention because they are mostly based on reports written by individual researchers. However, this big proposal to build a second capital in Uyghur is the product of a major research project funded by the China National Social Science Foundation in 2019 to assess the risks and opportunities of the "One Belt One Road" project.  So, what is the purpose of the plan to establish China's second capital, and to establish it in Uyghur?  The research project, heavily funded by the Chinese government, has attracted strong attention from foreign experts, especially researchers who have been closely observing the Uyghur people.  Sean Roberts, a Uyghur scholar and expert on Central Asian issues, and a professor at the George Washington University in the United States, believes that, on the one hand, this is related to the Chinese government's policy of making the Uyghur people like Chinese provinces; On the other hand, China may be related to national security.  Sean Roberts says: "Although it is not clear that this proposal will be implemented, I believe that it is a continuation of the policy of the Chinese government in the Uyghur region since the 1990s, which is to make the Uyghur region similar to the internal provinces of China and integrate it. On the other hand, this incident reminded me of the incident when the Kazakh government moved its capital from Almaty to Astana to protect northern Kazakhstan from Russian threats. The idea of ​​China's second capital may also be related to national defense and security.  Dr. Sean Roberts says the Chinese government has long sought to strengthen the central government's influence and governance in these areas because it believes that instability in border regions is caused by external forces.  He added: "Of course, this does not mean that China is worried about the danger of creating a threat to Central Asian countries or Russia to Uyghur. But China may be worried about instability in Eurasia. So he may have wanted to protect his western border by establishing a second capital in Uighur Eli, as well as prevent instability from spilling over into China's interior."      According to the report of "South China Morning Daily", Chinese researchers explained in this report the importance of establishing a second capital in Uyghur El, because China's rapid economic growth in the past decades is mainly based on export-based large-scale manufacturing and manufacturing, which is concentrated in coastal cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. It's driven by industry, but it's also a reminder that China's economy is heavily dependent on seaborne trade. Thus, the report states, "If there is a disruption in global shipping lanes or conflicts with the navies of other countries, maritime operations may be at great risk."  The report added: "A second capital would help Beijing address environmental pollution, population growth and other challenges as China's only current capital."  Dr. Free Ekram, a teacher and strategy expert at Turkey's Hajetpa University, believes that the above-mentioned is just part of the purpose of building a second capital, which may be mainly related to China's desire to become an imperialist country.  "China is aspiring to be an imperialist country," he said. So this may be his means to achieve that goal. Uighur Eli is a very important region in its own right. It is connected to Central Asia, Western Asia, Turkey and Europe. So building a second capital here is very important for China."  Indeed, the Chinese government has started the construction of China's modern integrated transportation hub system since last year, and according to this plan, it wants to promote the construction of about 20 international integrated transportation hub cities and about 80 national integrated transportation hub cities in China. According to a report published last year on "China News Network", according to this plan, Urumqi in the northwest of China will become an international comprehensive transportation center; Korla, Kashgar and Yining have been established as a national comprehensive transportation center.  So, what do China's policies related to the establishment of China's second capital in Uyghur and the internationalization of Uyghur mean for Uyghurs?  Dr. Sean Roberts believes that this will not only speed up the Chinese government's process of Sinicizing the Uyghur people, but also lead to a decrease in Uyghur ownership and rights to the land. He says:  "Of course, it is too early to talk about the implementation of this plan. If this plan is implemented, it may end the historical concept that the Uyghur region is the motherland of the Uyghur people. I believe this will further accelerate the intense form of Sinicization already taking place in the region. I believe that this plan will fundamentally change the overall landscape of Uyghur and its relationship with the central government in Beijing.  Dr. Free Ekram also said that this plan will create unfavorable conditions for Uyghurs. He said:  "In order for the Chinese government to build a second capital in Uighur, the region must be highly assimilated, open up a lot of water resources, and have a denser Chinese population." None of these situations are good for Uyghurs. "This will cause the Uygurs to melt away at a faster rate."  According to the South China Morning Post, research projects for the National Social Science Foundation usually go through a rigorous review and evaluation process. An urban planning researcher in Beijing who did not want to be named told the newspaper that "this proposal seems to have more credibility and weight than previous proposals." He added: “This report represents only one perspective in this regard. Other scientists and policymakers may have different views or important initiatives on this matter, and as a result, the government will ultimately decide whether to implement the project or not.  Mr. Free Ekram said that in China under the leadership of Xi Jinping, the opinion that "the West is sinking and the East is rising" is ruling, and the Chinese government is not fully confident that it will be able to realize its plans to become an imperialist country. But is it true? Future developments will reveal this.         NUG said that the revolutionary forces are stronger than the army  On the evening of May 3, a press conference was held online to mark the two-year anniversary of the establishment of the National Unity Government NUG.   In this press conference, during the last two years, NUG's international relations, Establishing alliances with ethnic armed groups; The status of the establishment of the People's Administrative Organization; Actions for Finance and Business Support for civil disobedience CDM activists; The status of providing online education and health care for the people of Myanmar. PDF forces under NUG NUG spokesman Ko Ne Boorn Lat explained the steps taken to prosecute military leaders in international courts and the conditions for accepting defected military personnel.  As a military strength building, more than 300 PDF battalions and columns nationwide. People's defense groups have been established in 250 townships, and over 13,000 military personnel and police have come to join them. The man power of the anti-dictatorship forces is already superior to the man power of the army. Right now, we are in the pre-counteroffensive period, and we are looking for strategic military weapons to reach the final stage of counteroffensives, said Ko Ne Boornlat.  Currently, some international officials, including the Chinese Foreign Minister, are coming to meet with the military council, and NUG spokesperson U Kyaw Zaw said that only the NUG is the official government that can represent Myanmar.  The situation where NUG officials dug bomb pits in schools to protect the ground attack teams and the civilian population from the air strikes of each column. Ko Ne Boorn Lat explained about the establishment of an early warning system that will notify the arrival of military council planes and the conduct of air defense pre-action training.  U Kyaw Zaw said that NUG had engaged with the relevant parties in accordance with the decision of the ASEAN Summit regarding the RFA's query on whether NUG interacted with ASEAN and ASEAN representatives.  Right now, Myanmar is facing the worst refugee crisis in history. U Kyaw Zaw also said that since one-third of the country's population is in need of humanitarian aid, the ASEAN chairman wants to appeal to Indonesia to intervene so that international aid can open the way.  In addition, he said that the US government is currently in the implementation phase and it is not yet known how the Burma Act, which is enacted to encourage and support democratic forces in Burma, will receive aid from the US House of Representatives.  Code of Conduct violations in PDF and some local civil defense forces; Regarding the accusations of killing each other, the state of action, territorial rule, When the administration and rule of law can be established, action will be taken according to the relevant law. Ko Ne Boorn Lat said to tolerate the delays.  The National Unity Government NUG established a plan for one year, He said that he is continuing to implement the processes that will decide the final battle.          The Rohingya delegation will visit Rakhine on the same day  On March 22, 2023, seeing the people sheltering in the Sai Chaung Rohingya refugee camp in Sittwe Township, Rakhine State.  As part of Bangladesh's Rohingya refugee repatriation program, a delegation of 20 refugees will visit Rakhine state on May 5, Bangladesh government officials said.  A representative of the group told AFP on May 3 that they will visit a place on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border where the Myanmar Military Council plans to resettle more than a thousand Rohingya refugees.  The delegation will be led by Mizanur Rahman of Bangladesh's Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner's Office, AFP reported, citing an unnamed Bangladeshi government official.  This delegation will visit the buildings planned for the returning refugees on the same day. Also, a Bangladeshi official told AFP that they hope to send the refugees home by the end of this month.  Millions of Rohingya refugees fled to Bangladesh due to the Burmese army's clearance operation in Rakhine state in 2017.  The plan to repatriate Rohingya refugees was started in 2018, but it failed.  China intervened in these refugee resettlement programs and India, China The military council showed 11 ambassadors from eight countries, including Bangladesh, the places where the returning Rohingya will be resettled in Maungdaw Township on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border.  After that, a military council delegation also visited the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh last March.  The Rohingyas who are sheltering in refugee camps in Bangladesh are denied citizenship, They are mainly demanding freedom of movement and the right to return to their original places.        Reporters Without Borders “North Korea again ranks at the bottom of the Freedom of the Press Index this year” May 3rd is ' World Press Freedom Day ' established by the United Nations in 1993 . North Korea was again named the country with the worst press freedom this year . Reporter Park Jae-woo reports .  According to the ' 2023 World Press Freedom Index' released by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) on the 3rd , North Korea scored 21.72 points out of 100 , ranking 180th , the lowest among 180 countries surveyed .  The report pointed out that the North Korean regime, the world's most authoritarian regime, tightly controls information and strictly prohibits independent media .  In addition, he explained that a small number of foreign media outlets such as AFP and Kyodo News are operating in North Korea , but they are operated under strict supervision, which reduces their reporting ability .  He went on to say that popular South Korean TV shows and movies are often distributed in North Korea despite harsh punishments such as imprisonment in concentration camps .  South Korea ranked 47th with a score of 70.83 , and the United States ranked 45th by a narrow margin .  On this day, US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln issued a statement and said, “ Too many governments are retaliating for journalists simply doing what they have to do , and suppressing freedom of expression to silence it . ” They have used various tools of oppression to force them to close their doors . ”  “ On this World Press Freedom Day , we are committed to protecting the freedom of the press and promoting it around the world, ” he said .          North Korean residents: "Plant castor oil on more land" North Korea is mobilizing its residents to find new land for planting castor beans ( castor and castor bean ) . It is pointed out that the intention of the authorities is to overcome the economic crisis by planting a lot of castor seeds . Inside North Korea , reporter Son Hye-min reports .  North Korea, which emphasizes the keynote of self-reliance every day, presented the planting of castor beans ( castor beans and castor beans ) as a social movement . It is intended to respond to the economic sanctions of the international community by planting a lot of castor oil to produce industrial fuel and paper that can be used as lubricant, but some residents are showing negative reactions .  A resident source in North Pyongan Province told Radio Free Asia on the 2nd, "Since yesterday, members of the Women's League ( members of housewives' organization ) in Yongcheon County have been mobilized to plant castor oil. The priority is to find new land to plant castor oil . "  It is said that the measure is being developed as a central order to cultivate castor oil, which can produce industrial fuel, etc. with domestic resources, as a social movement. It is known that the time to mobilize for planting castor oil is this weekend , that is, until the 7th .   “As a result, Yongcheon-gun is filling up the abandoned puddles and swamps around the village and around the railroad tracks and planting castor oil,” the source said. “All of this work is also unpaid labor,” the source pointed out.  The source said, “Wouldn’t it be better for housewives who are unable to do business and are being mobilized to plant castor oil to find new land and plant corn in the fields where castor oil will be planted?” There is a reaction,” he explained.  On the same day, a source in Jagang Province also said, “ Since the end of April, planting castor oil has been underway as a party-affiliated project in Jaseong County.” I'm urging you to do it,” he said .  If you plant a lot of castor and cultivate it well, the oil from the seeds will develop the chemical industry and health sector, such as industrial fuel and vinyl chloride production, and it will be possible to improve people's lives by producing paper and artificial fibers from castor stems and skins. is to do it .    The source said, “At the authorities’ propaganda that the more castor oil is planted in more new land, economic development can be generated in response to economic sanctions from the United States, which is trying to crush the socialist system. There are voices of bolmen coming out.”  It is the voice of the North Korean people that if they do not develop nuclear weapons and launch missiles while spending foreign currency, sanctions against North Korea will be eased and North Korea's economic difficulties will be resolved.     The source emphasized, “Some elderly residents are showing a cold reaction, saying that ( North Korea ) is going backwards, saying that there is no other country in the world that will develop its economy by planting castor oil . ”  Meanwhile, in December of last year , a military source in North Pyongan Province reported that the North Korean military “ is using a mixture of castor oil because there is not enough gasoline, which is fuel for drones . ” ( Related article )

China's anti-Islamic tactics and deception of the Muslim world

On April 29, the Uyghur Research Center in the United States released a report titled "China's 'Fear of Islam' and Muslim Countries' Attitudes to It," which comprehensively and scientifically explained China's double standards and hypocrisy toward domestic Islam and international Islam.

The report highlights key points such as the 'fear of Islam' in China, the Chinese government's attacks on Uyghurs and other Muslims, China's misinformation and disinformation campaign in the Islamic world, and the indifference of Muslim countries who believe or choose to believe the genocide faced by Uyghurs.

The topic "Fear of Islam in China" describes the religious views of the Chinese Communist Party, the discrimination of Muslims by considering Islam as the religion of foreigners, and the Chineseization of Islam;

In the topic of "China's War on Islam" China bans religious education in the Uyghur region, suppresses religious scholars, burns the Quran, destroys mosques and shrines, changes prayer surahs and prayers, abolishes religious rules, and destroys the Muslim identity of Uyghur children.

In the topic of "China's false and false information campaign in the Islamic world", China has used the state media to carry out an eye-painting campaign around the world, send Chinese spies to Muslim countries and invite them to China, conduct Hajj diplomacy, and somehow provide humanitarian aid to African and Muslim countries. is stated to have done.

In the topic "Attitudes of Muslim countries", the failure of the World Organization of Islamic Cooperation in the Uyghur issue, China's silencing of Muslim countries through the "One Belt One Road" plan, China's Turkish-Islamic countries, Arab-Islamic countries, South Asian Muslim countries (Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia) ) and their negative attitude towards the Uighur problem are shown.

In connection with the release of this report, the Uighur Research Center in the United States held a webinar on April 29 with the Indonesian Youth Committee and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation's Indonesian Youth Branch.

Abdulhakim Idris, the executive director of the Uyghur Research Center, spoke at the meeting and said that while China is committing religious oppression and genocide in the Uyghur region, it is deceiving the Muslim world by preparing this report. said that

"It's very difficult to fight China's false propaganda because they spend tens of billions of dollars on it," he said. We have shown with full facts that China has waged a war against Islam, and we have openly stated that China is committing genocide against Uyghurs.

Abdul Muqtadir Udun, the project leader of the Uyghur Research Center, introduced the content of the report and said about the nature of the fear of Islam in China: "The fear of Islam may actually be caused by the influence of authoritarian regimes, especially in China. This fear has historical and political roots in China. Because compared to China, Christianity and all other religions belong to foreign countries, and are even a sign that foreign forces have invaded China. A 2017 Chinese government document called Islam an epidemic, meaning Islam is a mental illness that needs to be treated. Then the Communist Party of China launched a movement to Chineseize Islam, that is to replace the religious values ​​of Islam with communist ideology, and employed the state media.

Astrid Nadya Riziqta, president of the youth branch of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Indonesia, said after briefly emphasizing the content of the report: "The Chinese are treating the Uyghurs not only religiously, but because they discriminate ethnically." This phenomenon is not only 'fear of Islam' but the first steps of genocide. Therefore, human rights issues here should not be ignored. We are a member of the international community, especially as Indians, we have a great responsibility in this matter.

Dr. Asep Setiawan, a lecturer at Muhammadiyah University in Jakarta, said that China has paid attention to the tactics of oppressing domestic Muslims and being nice to foreign Muslims. He explained that the term "fear of Islam" has a broad meaning, and the things mentioned in this report are actually religious repression. "According to this report, what China is doing is genocide and religious repression," he said. The contents of this report reflect China's fundamental policy toward the Islamic community there. As far as I know, China also uses Islam as a propaganda platform. So the problem here is not 'fear of Islam' but religious oppression and persecution.

As far as we know, the Uyghur Research Center in the United States was established in December 2020, and will conduct human rights protection activities and research related to Uyghurs; Along with researching Uyghur history, culture, and politics, the main goal is to make Uighurs known to others and to call for the liberation of this nation that is suffering from genocide.

Uyghurs are victims of China's "terrorist" interpretation and machine guns : china  Although a lot of information about the Uyghur massacre is known to the outside world, the location of the large number of hostages at the beginning of the massacre and the factors that caused it are still a topic that has not been fully explained. In response to the international condemnation of the massacres carried out by the Chinese government, the Chinese government has always emphasized that it is fighting against "terrorism and violence", which is a necessary measure for any government. Also, by saying that "we are always victims of terrorism", they have justified the deportation of millions of Uyghurs to camps.  A special report released by Human Rights Watch on May 3, 2023, once again shows what the Chinese government's emphasis on "terrorism and violence" shows. Their investigative team has reviewed more than 50,000 cell phone files labeled as "terrorist related" by the Uighur police, which is the final summary of the Chinese government's massive high-tech surveillance system. The vast majority of this information was collected from 2017 to 2018, and was obtained from 11 million mobile phone surveys in Urumqi. In this, the Chinese police system has determined that all people must install a special content inspection app called "Net Guardian" (Jing Wang Wei Shi), and not installing such an app has caused many people to be imprisoned. At the time, various media outlets, including in Free Asia, reported on the role of such an app and its role in automatically notifying the police system when it detects "dangerous" content. One of the authors of this report, Human Rights Watch's acting director for China, Maya Wang, spoke to our radio station about how the app played a key role in how the Chinese government imprisoned so many people: "In this study, we focused specifically on how those apps actually played a role. Because these things happening in Xinjiang are becoming very important for China's future. We also shed light on how the government uses these kinds of apps to use high-tech tools and how they are wreaking havoc on the freedom of the human world. We've looked at these in detail here by collecting lots of data. These are large volumes of material that the Chinese government has designated as 'dangerous' and 'extreme content'. We focused on two apps used by the Xinjiang police system while verifying their authenticity through cryptographic signatures. One of these is known as ``Guardian of the Pure Net'' (Jing Wang Wei Shi), and the other is ``Feng cai.'' These two apps were forcibly installed on citizens' phones by the Urumqi police system. Therefore, as soon as the Uyghurs who have installed this app on their mobile phones find information that the government deems to be ``dangerous'', they will notify the main system. It will also send all the information about the phone number and address.  The report prepared by Human Rights Watch highlights that the Chinese government's emphasis on "terrorism and violence" is vastly different from the international consensus. In particular, events that do not cause any harm to other individuals or society in terms of politics, religion, or ideology are unanimously labeled "terrorism" by the Chinese government. The report shows that the Chinese government's anti-terrorism laws at the time linked people's intellectual rights to "terrorism" and thereby enforced persecution.  The report highlights the case of 1,000 people in Urumqi, which was created after examining 1,400 mobile phones. However, 57 percent of these were phones with full or partial verses of the Holy Quran downloaded, and the owners of phones found to contain such Islamic texts were designated as "terrorist suspects." In addition, if any photos, audio files or video files downloaded from organizations or institutions such as "East Turkistan Independence Movement", "World Uyghur Congress", "Free Asia", but have no connection with terrorism, they are also classified as "terrorist". Among them, the content on the topic of "going to jihad against the infidels" accounted for four percent, and the content using the term "Eastern Turkistan" accounted for six percent. But the owners of these phones are 100 percent kidnapped. When asked about this, Maya Wang says:  "Among the ``terrorist'' materials screened by such apps, there is a lot of information related to Free Asia. Whatever content they are, the vast majority of them are news articles published in Free Asia. In particular, the contents of the ``July 5th protest'' have a lot of weight. There are many names of people who have downloaded these published news articles. The Chinese government has declared these news articles to be ``extremist and terrorist-related'' and has secretly collected such information through cellphone surveillance. Anyone who downloads, shares, or distributes such news articles to others is abducted. However, the vast majority of these messages have nothing to do with terrorism or extremism. In fact, 57 percent of these people were arrested because they had downloaded verses from the Qur'an on their phones. "We don't have any information about whether these people have left the camp or not."  After the publication of this report by Human Rights Watch, it attracted strong attention from all walks of life. In particular, the use of high-tech means provided by Western countries to suppress the Uyghurs has shocked everyone. More importantly, they denied the Chinese government's definition of "terrorism and violence" with a mountain of evidence and called on the United Nations to investigate the issue.     China's anti-Islamic tactics and deception of the Muslim world  On April 29, the Uyghur Research Center in the United States released a report titled "China's 'Fear of Islam' and Muslim Countries' Attitudes to It," which comprehensively and scientifically explained China's double standards and hypocrisy toward domestic Islam and international Islam.  The report highlights key points such as the 'fear of Islam' in China, the Chinese government's attacks on Uyghurs and other Muslims, China's misinformation and disinformation campaign in the Islamic world, and the indifference of Muslim countries who believe or choose to believe the genocide faced by Uyghurs.  The topic "Fear of Islam in China" describes the religious views of the Chinese Communist Party, the discrimination of Muslims by considering Islam as the religion of foreigners, and the Chineseization of Islam;  In the topic of "China's War on Islam" China bans religious education in the Uyghur region, suppresses religious scholars, burns the Quran, destroys mosques and shrines, changes prayer surahs and prayers, abolishes religious rules, and destroys the Muslim identity of Uyghur children.  In the topic of "China's false and false information campaign in the Islamic world", China has used the state media to carry out an eye-painting campaign around the world, send Chinese spies to Muslim countries and invite them to China, conduct Hajj diplomacy, and somehow provide humanitarian aid to African and Muslim countries. is stated to have done.  In the topic "Attitudes of Muslim countries", the failure of the World Organization of Islamic Cooperation in the Uyghur issue, China's silencing of Muslim countries through the "One Belt One Road" plan, China's Turkish-Islamic countries, Arab-Islamic countries, South Asian Muslim countries (Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia) ) and their negative attitude towards the Uighur problem are shown.  In connection with the release of this report, the Uighur Research Center in the United States held a webinar on April 29 with the Indonesian Youth Committee and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation's Indonesian Youth Branch.  Abdulhakim Idris, the executive director of the Uyghur Research Center, spoke at the meeting and said that while China is committing religious oppression and genocide in the Uyghur region, it is deceiving the Muslim world by preparing this report. said that  "It's very difficult to fight China's false propaganda because they spend tens of billions of dollars on it," he said. We have shown with full facts that China has waged a war against Islam, and we have openly stated that China is committing genocide against Uyghurs.  Abdul Muqtadir Udun, the project leader of the Uyghur Research Center, introduced the content of the report and said about the nature of the fear of Islam in China: "The fear of Islam may actually be caused by the influence of authoritarian regimes, especially in China. This fear has historical and political roots in China. Because compared to China, Christianity and all other religions belong to foreign countries, and are even a sign that foreign forces have invaded China. A 2017 Chinese government document called Islam an epidemic, meaning Islam is a mental illness that needs to be treated. Then the Communist Party of China launched a movement to Chineseize Islam, that is to replace the religious values ​​of Islam with communist ideology, and employed the state media.  Astrid Nadya Riziqta, president of the youth branch of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Indonesia, said after briefly emphasizing the content of the report: "The Chinese are treating the Uyghurs not only religiously, but because they discriminate ethnically." This phenomenon is not only 'fear of Islam' but the first steps of genocide. Therefore, human rights issues here should not be ignored. We are a member of the international community, especially as Indians, we have a great responsibility in this matter.  Dr. Asep Setiawan, a lecturer at Muhammadiyah University in Jakarta, said that China has paid attention to the tactics of oppressing domestic Muslims and being nice to foreign Muslims. He explained that the term "fear of Islam" has a broad meaning, and the things mentioned in this report are actually religious repression. "According to this report, what China is doing is genocide and religious repression," he said. The contents of this report reflect China's fundamental policy toward the Islamic community there. As far as I know, China also uses Islam as a propaganda platform. So the problem here is not 'fear of Islam' but religious oppression and persecution.  As far as we know, the Uyghur Research Center in the United States was established in December 2020, and will conduct human rights protection activities and research related to Uyghurs; Along with researching Uyghur history, culture, and politics, the main goal is to make Uighurs known to others and to call for the liberation of this nation that is suffering from genocide.        What is the purpose of the plan to build a second capital in China Uyghur?   A report from a national research project funded by the Chinese government has proposed the establishment of China's second capital in Uighur Eli. This report states that if China builds its second capital in Uyghur, it can balance the national economy, solve the problem of ethnic minorities, and develop relations with Asian and Eurasian countries.  According to Stephen Cheng, reporter of "South China Morning Post", the above research project was conducted by Chinese researchers led by Professor Zhou Wen of Shanghai Fuden University and Professor Mi Jun of Sichuan University. Published in No. The report did not provide details on how the functions of China's second capital would be divided between Beijing and Uighur, but it emphasized that the second capital should be built near more densely populated cities such as Urumqi or Kashgar. In doing so, "relationships with ethnic minorities can be further strengthened and national unity can be improved."  According to a report by the South China Morning Post, the report said, “The second capital will deal directly with issues related to ethnic minorities, which will help improve communication and coordination between the central government and local ethnic groups. "By fostering stronger communication and relationships among ethnic minorities, we can build a more harmonious society that benefits all citizens."  According to reports, due to problems such as congestion and environmental pollution in Beijing, some people have previously proposed to establish a second capital in cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Zhengzhou or Xi'an. But these suggestions have not attracted much attention because they are mostly based on reports written by individual researchers. However, this big proposal to build a second capital in Uyghur is the product of a major research project funded by the China National Social Science Foundation in 2019 to assess the risks and opportunities of the "One Belt One Road" project.  So, what is the purpose of the plan to establish China's second capital, and to establish it in Uyghur?  The research project, heavily funded by the Chinese government, has attracted strong attention from foreign experts, especially researchers who have been closely observing the Uyghur people.  Sean Roberts, a Uyghur scholar and expert on Central Asian issues, and a professor at the George Washington University in the United States, believes that, on the one hand, this is related to the Chinese government's policy of making the Uyghur people like Chinese provinces; On the other hand, China may be related to national security.  Sean Roberts says: "Although it is not clear that this proposal will be implemented, I believe that it is a continuation of the policy of the Chinese government in the Uyghur region since the 1990s, which is to make the Uyghur region similar to the internal provinces of China and integrate it. On the other hand, this incident reminded me of the incident when the Kazakh government moved its capital from Almaty to Astana to protect northern Kazakhstan from Russian threats. The idea of ​​China's second capital may also be related to national defense and security.  Dr. Sean Roberts says the Chinese government has long sought to strengthen the central government's influence and governance in these areas because it believes that instability in border regions is caused by external forces.  He added: "Of course, this does not mean that China is worried about the danger of creating a threat to Central Asian countries or Russia to Uyghur. But China may be worried about instability in Eurasia. So he may have wanted to protect his western border by establishing a second capital in Uighur Eli, as well as prevent instability from spilling over into China's interior."      According to the report of "South China Morning Daily", Chinese researchers explained in this report the importance of establishing a second capital in Uyghur El, because China's rapid economic growth in the past decades is mainly based on export-based large-scale manufacturing and manufacturing, which is concentrated in coastal cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. It's driven by industry, but it's also a reminder that China's economy is heavily dependent on seaborne trade. Thus, the report states, "If there is a disruption in global shipping lanes or conflicts with the navies of other countries, maritime operations may be at great risk."  The report added: "A second capital would help Beijing address environmental pollution, population growth and other challenges as China's only current capital."  Dr. Free Ekram, a teacher and strategy expert at Turkey's Hajetpa University, believes that the above-mentioned is just part of the purpose of building a second capital, which may be mainly related to China's desire to become an imperialist country.  "China is aspiring to be an imperialist country," he said. So this may be his means to achieve that goal. Uighur Eli is a very important region in its own right. It is connected to Central Asia, Western Asia, Turkey and Europe. So building a second capital here is very important for China."  Indeed, the Chinese government has started the construction of China's modern integrated transportation hub system since last year, and according to this plan, it wants to promote the construction of about 20 international integrated transportation hub cities and about 80 national integrated transportation hub cities in China. According to a report published last year on "China News Network", according to this plan, Urumqi in the northwest of China will become an international comprehensive transportation center; Korla, Kashgar and Yining have been established as a national comprehensive transportation center.  So, what do China's policies related to the establishment of China's second capital in Uyghur and the internationalization of Uyghur mean for Uyghurs?  Dr. Sean Roberts believes that this will not only speed up the Chinese government's process of Sinicizing the Uyghur people, but also lead to a decrease in Uyghur ownership and rights to the land. He says:  "Of course, it is too early to talk about the implementation of this plan. If this plan is implemented, it may end the historical concept that the Uyghur region is the motherland of the Uyghur people. I believe this will further accelerate the intense form of Sinicization already taking place in the region. I believe that this plan will fundamentally change the overall landscape of Uyghur and its relationship with the central government in Beijing.  Dr. Free Ekram also said that this plan will create unfavorable conditions for Uyghurs. He said:  "In order for the Chinese government to build a second capital in Uighur, the region must be highly assimilated, open up a lot of water resources, and have a denser Chinese population." None of these situations are good for Uyghurs. "This will cause the Uygurs to melt away at a faster rate."  According to the South China Morning Post, research projects for the National Social Science Foundation usually go through a rigorous review and evaluation process. An urban planning researcher in Beijing who did not want to be named told the newspaper that "this proposal seems to have more credibility and weight than previous proposals." He added: “This report represents only one perspective in this regard. Other scientists and policymakers may have different views or important initiatives on this matter, and as a result, the government will ultimately decide whether to implement the project or not.  Mr. Free Ekram said that in China under the leadership of Xi Jinping, the opinion that "the West is sinking and the East is rising" is ruling, and the Chinese government is not fully confident that it will be able to realize its plans to become an imperialist country. But is it true? Future developments will reveal this.         NUG said that the revolutionary forces are stronger than the army  On the evening of May 3, a press conference was held online to mark the two-year anniversary of the establishment of the National Unity Government NUG.   In this press conference, during the last two years, NUG's international relations, Establishing alliances with ethnic armed groups; The status of the establishment of the People's Administrative Organization; Actions for Finance and Business Support for civil disobedience CDM activists; The status of providing online education and health care for the people of Myanmar. PDF forces under NUG NUG spokesman Ko Ne Boorn Lat explained the steps taken to prosecute military leaders in international courts and the conditions for accepting defected military personnel.  As a military strength building, more than 300 PDF battalions and columns nationwide. People's defense groups have been established in 250 townships, and over 13,000 military personnel and police have come to join them. The man power of the anti-dictatorship forces is already superior to the man power of the army. Right now, we are in the pre-counteroffensive period, and we are looking for strategic military weapons to reach the final stage of counteroffensives, said Ko Ne Boornlat.  Currently, some international officials, including the Chinese Foreign Minister, are coming to meet with the military council, and NUG spokesperson U Kyaw Zaw said that only the NUG is the official government that can represent Myanmar.  The situation where NUG officials dug bomb pits in schools to protect the ground attack teams and the civilian population from the air strikes of each column. Ko Ne Boorn Lat explained about the establishment of an early warning system that will notify the arrival of military council planes and the conduct of air defense pre-action training.  U Kyaw Zaw said that NUG had engaged with the relevant parties in accordance with the decision of the ASEAN Summit regarding the RFA's query on whether NUG interacted with ASEAN and ASEAN representatives.  Right now, Myanmar is facing the worst refugee crisis in history. U Kyaw Zaw also said that since one-third of the country's population is in need of humanitarian aid, the ASEAN chairman wants to appeal to Indonesia to intervene so that international aid can open the way.  In addition, he said that the US government is currently in the implementation phase and it is not yet known how the Burma Act, which is enacted to encourage and support democratic forces in Burma, will receive aid from the US House of Representatives.  Code of Conduct violations in PDF and some local civil defense forces; Regarding the accusations of killing each other, the state of action, territorial rule, When the administration and rule of law can be established, action will be taken according to the relevant law. Ko Ne Boorn Lat said to tolerate the delays.  The National Unity Government NUG established a plan for one year, He said that he is continuing to implement the processes that will decide the final battle.          The Rohingya delegation will visit Rakhine on the same day  On March 22, 2023, seeing the people sheltering in the Sai Chaung Rohingya refugee camp in Sittwe Township, Rakhine State.  As part of Bangladesh's Rohingya refugee repatriation program, a delegation of 20 refugees will visit Rakhine state on May 5, Bangladesh government officials said.  A representative of the group told AFP on May 3 that they will visit a place on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border where the Myanmar Military Council plans to resettle more than a thousand Rohingya refugees.  The delegation will be led by Mizanur Rahman of Bangladesh's Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner's Office, AFP reported, citing an unnamed Bangladeshi government official.  This delegation will visit the buildings planned for the returning refugees on the same day. Also, a Bangladeshi official told AFP that they hope to send the refugees home by the end of this month.  Millions of Rohingya refugees fled to Bangladesh due to the Burmese army's clearance operation in Rakhine state in 2017.  The plan to repatriate Rohingya refugees was started in 2018, but it failed.  China intervened in these refugee resettlement programs and India, China The military council showed 11 ambassadors from eight countries, including Bangladesh, the places where the returning Rohingya will be resettled in Maungdaw Township on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border.  After that, a military council delegation also visited the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh last March.  The Rohingyas who are sheltering in refugee camps in Bangladesh are denied citizenship, They are mainly demanding freedom of movement and the right to return to their original places.        Reporters Without Borders “North Korea again ranks at the bottom of the Freedom of the Press Index this year” May 3rd is ' World Press Freedom Day ' established by the United Nations in 1993 . North Korea was again named the country with the worst press freedom this year . Reporter Park Jae-woo reports .  According to the ' 2023 World Press Freedom Index' released by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) on the 3rd , North Korea scored 21.72 points out of 100 , ranking 180th , the lowest among 180 countries surveyed .  The report pointed out that the North Korean regime, the world's most authoritarian regime, tightly controls information and strictly prohibits independent media .  In addition, he explained that a small number of foreign media outlets such as AFP and Kyodo News are operating in North Korea , but they are operated under strict supervision, which reduces their reporting ability .  He went on to say that popular South Korean TV shows and movies are often distributed in North Korea despite harsh punishments such as imprisonment in concentration camps .  South Korea ranked 47th with a score of 70.83 , and the United States ranked 45th by a narrow margin .  On this day, US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln issued a statement and said, “ Too many governments are retaliating for journalists simply doing what they have to do , and suppressing freedom of expression to silence it . ” They have used various tools of oppression to force them to close their doors . ”  “ On this World Press Freedom Day , we are committed to protecting the freedom of the press and promoting it around the world, ” he said .          North Korean residents: "Plant castor oil on more land" North Korea is mobilizing its residents to find new land for planting castor beans ( castor and castor bean ) . It is pointed out that the intention of the authorities is to overcome the economic crisis by planting a lot of castor seeds . Inside North Korea , reporter Son Hye-min reports .  North Korea, which emphasizes the keynote of self-reliance every day, presented the planting of castor beans ( castor beans and castor beans ) as a social movement . It is intended to respond to the economic sanctions of the international community by planting a lot of castor oil to produce industrial fuel and paper that can be used as lubricant, but some residents are showing negative reactions .  A resident source in North Pyongan Province told Radio Free Asia on the 2nd, "Since yesterday, members of the Women's League ( members of housewives' organization ) in Yongcheon County have been mobilized to plant castor oil. The priority is to find new land to plant castor oil . "  It is said that the measure is being developed as a central order to cultivate castor oil, which can produce industrial fuel, etc. with domestic resources, as a social movement. It is known that the time to mobilize for planting castor oil is this weekend , that is, until the 7th .   “As a result, Yongcheon-gun is filling up the abandoned puddles and swamps around the village and around the railroad tracks and planting castor oil,” the source said. “All of this work is also unpaid labor,” the source pointed out.  The source said, “Wouldn’t it be better for housewives who are unable to do business and are being mobilized to plant castor oil to find new land and plant corn in the fields where castor oil will be planted?” There is a reaction,” he explained.  On the same day, a source in Jagang Province also said, “ Since the end of April, planting castor oil has been underway as a party-affiliated project in Jaseong County.” I'm urging you to do it,” he said .  If you plant a lot of castor and cultivate it well, the oil from the seeds will develop the chemical industry and health sector, such as industrial fuel and vinyl chloride production, and it will be possible to improve people's lives by producing paper and artificial fibers from castor stems and skins. is to do it .    The source said, “At the authorities’ propaganda that the more castor oil is planted in more new land, economic development can be generated in response to economic sanctions from the United States, which is trying to crush the socialist system. There are voices of bolmen coming out.”  It is the voice of the North Korean people that if they do not develop nuclear weapons and launch missiles while spending foreign currency, sanctions against North Korea will be eased and North Korea's economic difficulties will be resolved.     The source emphasized, “Some elderly residents are showing a cold reaction, saying that ( North Korea ) is going backwards, saying that there is no other country in the world that will develop its economy by planting castor oil . ”  Meanwhile, in December of last year , a military source in North Pyongan Province reported that the North Korean military “ is using a mixture of castor oil because there is not enough gasoline, which is fuel for drones . ” ( Related article )

What is the purpose of the plan to build a second capital in China Uyghur?

 A report from a national research project funded by the Chinese government has proposed the establishment of China's second capital in Uighur Eli. This report states that if China builds its second capital in Uyghur, it can balance the national economy, solve the problem of ethnic minorities, and develop relations with Asian and Eurasian countries.

According to Stephen Cheng, reporter of "South China Morning Post", the above research project was conducted by Chinese researchers led by Professor Zhou Wen of Shanghai Fuden University and Professor Mi Jun of Sichuan University. Published in No. The report did not provide details on how the functions of China's second capital would be divided between Beijing and Uighur, but it emphasized that the second capital should be built near more densely populated cities such as Urumqi or Kashgar. In doing so, "relationships with ethnic minorities can be further strengthened and national unity can be improved."

According to a report by the South China Morning Post, the report said, “The second capital will deal directly with issues related to ethnic minorities, which will help improve communication and coordination between the central government and local ethnic groups. "By fostering stronger communication and relationships among ethnic minorities, we can build a more harmonious society that benefits all citizens."

According to reports, due to problems such as congestion and environmental pollution in Beijing, some people have previously proposed to establish a second capital in cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Zhengzhou or Xi'an. But these suggestions have not attracted much attention because they are mostly based on reports written by individual researchers. However, this big proposal to build a second capital in Uyghur is the product of a major research project funded by the China National Social Science Foundation in 2019 to assess the risks and opportunities of the "One Belt One Road" project.

So, what is the purpose of the plan to establish China's second capital, and to establish it in Uyghur?

The research project, heavily funded by the Chinese government, has attracted strong attention from foreign experts, especially researchers who have been closely observing the Uyghur people.

Sean Roberts, a Uyghur scholar and expert on Central Asian issues, and a professor at the George Washington University in the United States, believes that, on the one hand, this is related to the Chinese government's policy of making the Uyghur people like Chinese provinces; On the other hand, China may be related to national security.

Sean Roberts says: "Although it is not clear that this proposal will be implemented, I believe that it is a continuation of the policy of the Chinese government in the Uyghur region since the 1990s, which is to make the Uyghur region similar to the internal provinces of China and integrate it. On the other hand, this incident reminded me of the incident when the Kazakh government moved its capital from Almaty to Astana to protect northern Kazakhstan from Russian threats. The idea of ​​China's second capital may also be related to national defense and security.

Dr. Sean Roberts says the Chinese government has long sought to strengthen the central government's influence and governance in these areas because it believes that instability in border regions is caused by external forces.

He added: "Of course, this does not mean that China is worried about the danger of creating a threat to Central Asian countries or Russia to Uyghur. But China may be worried about instability in Eurasia. So he may have wanted to protect his western border by establishing a second capital in Uighur Eli, as well as prevent instability from spilling over into China's interior."    

According to the report of "South China Morning Daily", Chinese researchers explained in this report the importance of establishing a second capital in Uyghur El, because China's rapid economic growth in the past decades is mainly based on export-based large-scale manufacturing and manufacturing, which is concentrated in coastal cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. It's driven by industry, but it's also a reminder that China's economy is heavily dependent on seaborne trade. Thus, the report states, "If there is a disruption in global shipping lanes or conflicts with the navies of other countries, maritime operations may be at great risk."

The report added: "A second capital would help Beijing address environmental pollution, population growth and other challenges as China's only current capital."

Dr. Free Ekram, a teacher and strategy expert at Turkey's Hajetpa University, believes that the above-mentioned is just part of the purpose of building a second capital, which may be mainly related to China's desire to become an imperialist country.

"China is aspiring to be an imperialist country," he said. So this may be his means to achieve that goal. Uighur Eli is a very important region in its own right. It is connected to Central Asia, Western Asia, Turkey and Europe. So building a second capital here is very important for China."

Indeed, the Chinese government has started the construction of China's modern integrated transportation hub system since last year, and according to this plan, it wants to promote the construction of about 20 international integrated transportation hub cities and about 80 national integrated transportation hub cities in China. According to a report published last year on "China News Network", according to this plan, Urumqi in the northwest of China will become an international comprehensive transportation center; Korla, Kashgar and Yining have been established as a national comprehensive transportation center.

So, what do China's policies related to the establishment of China's second capital in Uyghur and the internationalization of Uyghur mean for Uyghurs?

Dr. Sean Roberts believes that this will not only speed up the Chinese government's process of Sinicizing the Uyghur people, but also lead to a decrease in Uyghur ownership and rights to the land. He says:

"Of course, it is too early to talk about the implementation of this plan. If this plan is implemented, it may end the historical concept that the Uyghur region is the motherland of the Uyghur people. I believe this will further accelerate the intense form of Sinicization already taking place in the region. I believe that this plan will fundamentally change the overall landscape of Uyghur and its relationship with the central government in Beijing.

Dr. Free Ekram also said that this plan will create unfavorable conditions for Uyghurs. He said:

"In order for the Chinese government to build a second capital in Uighur, the region must be highly assimilated, open up a lot of water resources, and have a denser Chinese population." None of these situations are good for Uyghurs. "This will cause the Uygurs to melt away at a faster rate."

According to the South China Morning Post, research projects for the National Social Science Foundation usually go through a rigorous review and evaluation process. An urban planning researcher in Beijing who did not want to be named told the newspaper that "this proposal seems to have more credibility and weight than previous proposals." He added: “This report represents only one perspective in this regard. Other scientists and policymakers may have different views or important initiatives on this matter, and as a result, the government will ultimately decide whether to implement the project or not.

Mr. Free Ekram said that in China under the leadership of Xi Jinping, the opinion that "the West is sinking and the East is rising" is ruling, and the Chinese government is not fully confident that it will be able to realize its plans to become an imperialist country. But is it true? Future developments will reveal this.

Uyghurs are victims of China's "terrorist" interpretation and machine guns : china  Although a lot of information about the Uyghur massacre is known to the outside world, the location of the large number of hostages at the beginning of the massacre and the factors that caused it are still a topic that has not been fully explained. In response to the international condemnation of the massacres carried out by the Chinese government, the Chinese government has always emphasized that it is fighting against "terrorism and violence", which is a necessary measure for any government. Also, by saying that "we are always victims of terrorism", they have justified the deportation of millions of Uyghurs to camps.  A special report released by Human Rights Watch on May 3, 2023, once again shows what the Chinese government's emphasis on "terrorism and violence" shows. Their investigative team has reviewed more than 50,000 cell phone files labeled as "terrorist related" by the Uighur police, which is the final summary of the Chinese government's massive high-tech surveillance system. The vast majority of this information was collected from 2017 to 2018, and was obtained from 11 million mobile phone surveys in Urumqi. In this, the Chinese police system has determined that all people must install a special content inspection app called "Net Guardian" (Jing Wang Wei Shi), and not installing such an app has caused many people to be imprisoned. At the time, various media outlets, including in Free Asia, reported on the role of such an app and its role in automatically notifying the police system when it detects "dangerous" content. One of the authors of this report, Human Rights Watch's acting director for China, Maya Wang, spoke to our radio station about how the app played a key role in how the Chinese government imprisoned so many people: "In this study, we focused specifically on how those apps actually played a role. Because these things happening in Xinjiang are becoming very important for China's future. We also shed light on how the government uses these kinds of apps to use high-tech tools and how they are wreaking havoc on the freedom of the human world. We've looked at these in detail here by collecting lots of data. These are large volumes of material that the Chinese government has designated as 'dangerous' and 'extreme content'. We focused on two apps used by the Xinjiang police system while verifying their authenticity through cryptographic signatures. One of these is known as ``Guardian of the Pure Net'' (Jing Wang Wei Shi), and the other is ``Feng cai.'' These two apps were forcibly installed on citizens' phones by the Urumqi police system. Therefore, as soon as the Uyghurs who have installed this app on their mobile phones find information that the government deems to be ``dangerous'', they will notify the main system. It will also send all the information about the phone number and address.  The report prepared by Human Rights Watch highlights that the Chinese government's emphasis on "terrorism and violence" is vastly different from the international consensus. In particular, events that do not cause any harm to other individuals or society in terms of politics, religion, or ideology are unanimously labeled "terrorism" by the Chinese government. The report shows that the Chinese government's anti-terrorism laws at the time linked people's intellectual rights to "terrorism" and thereby enforced persecution.  The report highlights the case of 1,000 people in Urumqi, which was created after examining 1,400 mobile phones. However, 57 percent of these were phones with full or partial verses of the Holy Quran downloaded, and the owners of phones found to contain such Islamic texts were designated as "terrorist suspects." In addition, if any photos, audio files or video files downloaded from organizations or institutions such as "East Turkistan Independence Movement", "World Uyghur Congress", "Free Asia", but have no connection with terrorism, they are also classified as "terrorist". Among them, the content on the topic of "going to jihad against the infidels" accounted for four percent, and the content using the term "Eastern Turkistan" accounted for six percent. But the owners of these phones are 100 percent kidnapped. When asked about this, Maya Wang says:  "Among the ``terrorist'' materials screened by such apps, there is a lot of information related to Free Asia. Whatever content they are, the vast majority of them are news articles published in Free Asia. In particular, the contents of the ``July 5th protest'' have a lot of weight. There are many names of people who have downloaded these published news articles. The Chinese government has declared these news articles to be ``extremist and terrorist-related'' and has secretly collected such information through cellphone surveillance. Anyone who downloads, shares, or distributes such news articles to others is abducted. However, the vast majority of these messages have nothing to do with terrorism or extremism. In fact, 57 percent of these people were arrested because they had downloaded verses from the Qur'an on their phones. "We don't have any information about whether these people have left the camp or not."  After the publication of this report by Human Rights Watch, it attracted strong attention from all walks of life. In particular, the use of high-tech means provided by Western countries to suppress the Uyghurs has shocked everyone. More importantly, they denied the Chinese government's definition of "terrorism and violence" with a mountain of evidence and called on the United Nations to investigate the issue.     China's anti-Islamic tactics and deception of the Muslim world  On April 29, the Uyghur Research Center in the United States released a report titled "China's 'Fear of Islam' and Muslim Countries' Attitudes to It," which comprehensively and scientifically explained China's double standards and hypocrisy toward domestic Islam and international Islam.  The report highlights key points such as the 'fear of Islam' in China, the Chinese government's attacks on Uyghurs and other Muslims, China's misinformation and disinformation campaign in the Islamic world, and the indifference of Muslim countries who believe or choose to believe the genocide faced by Uyghurs.  The topic "Fear of Islam in China" describes the religious views of the Chinese Communist Party, the discrimination of Muslims by considering Islam as the religion of foreigners, and the Chineseization of Islam;  In the topic of "China's War on Islam" China bans religious education in the Uyghur region, suppresses religious scholars, burns the Quran, destroys mosques and shrines, changes prayer surahs and prayers, abolishes religious rules, and destroys the Muslim identity of Uyghur children.  In the topic of "China's false and false information campaign in the Islamic world", China has used the state media to carry out an eye-painting campaign around the world, send Chinese spies to Muslim countries and invite them to China, conduct Hajj diplomacy, and somehow provide humanitarian aid to African and Muslim countries. is stated to have done.  In the topic "Attitudes of Muslim countries", the failure of the World Organization of Islamic Cooperation in the Uyghur issue, China's silencing of Muslim countries through the "One Belt One Road" plan, China's Turkish-Islamic countries, Arab-Islamic countries, South Asian Muslim countries (Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia) ) and their negative attitude towards the Uighur problem are shown.  In connection with the release of this report, the Uighur Research Center in the United States held a webinar on April 29 with the Indonesian Youth Committee and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation's Indonesian Youth Branch.  Abdulhakim Idris, the executive director of the Uyghur Research Center, spoke at the meeting and said that while China is committing religious oppression and genocide in the Uyghur region, it is deceiving the Muslim world by preparing this report. said that  "It's very difficult to fight China's false propaganda because they spend tens of billions of dollars on it," he said. We have shown with full facts that China has waged a war against Islam, and we have openly stated that China is committing genocide against Uyghurs.  Abdul Muqtadir Udun, the project leader of the Uyghur Research Center, introduced the content of the report and said about the nature of the fear of Islam in China: "The fear of Islam may actually be caused by the influence of authoritarian regimes, especially in China. This fear has historical and political roots in China. Because compared to China, Christianity and all other religions belong to foreign countries, and are even a sign that foreign forces have invaded China. A 2017 Chinese government document called Islam an epidemic, meaning Islam is a mental illness that needs to be treated. Then the Communist Party of China launched a movement to Chineseize Islam, that is to replace the religious values ​​of Islam with communist ideology, and employed the state media.  Astrid Nadya Riziqta, president of the youth branch of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Indonesia, said after briefly emphasizing the content of the report: "The Chinese are treating the Uyghurs not only religiously, but because they discriminate ethnically." This phenomenon is not only 'fear of Islam' but the first steps of genocide. Therefore, human rights issues here should not be ignored. We are a member of the international community, especially as Indians, we have a great responsibility in this matter.  Dr. Asep Setiawan, a lecturer at Muhammadiyah University in Jakarta, said that China has paid attention to the tactics of oppressing domestic Muslims and being nice to foreign Muslims. He explained that the term "fear of Islam" has a broad meaning, and the things mentioned in this report are actually religious repression. "According to this report, what China is doing is genocide and religious repression," he said. The contents of this report reflect China's fundamental policy toward the Islamic community there. As far as I know, China also uses Islam as a propaganda platform. So the problem here is not 'fear of Islam' but religious oppression and persecution.  As far as we know, the Uyghur Research Center in the United States was established in December 2020, and will conduct human rights protection activities and research related to Uyghurs; Along with researching Uyghur history, culture, and politics, the main goal is to make Uighurs known to others and to call for the liberation of this nation that is suffering from genocide.        What is the purpose of the plan to build a second capital in China Uyghur?   A report from a national research project funded by the Chinese government has proposed the establishment of China's second capital in Uighur Eli. This report states that if China builds its second capital in Uyghur, it can balance the national economy, solve the problem of ethnic minorities, and develop relations with Asian and Eurasian countries.  According to Stephen Cheng, reporter of "South China Morning Post", the above research project was conducted by Chinese researchers led by Professor Zhou Wen of Shanghai Fuden University and Professor Mi Jun of Sichuan University. Published in No. The report did not provide details on how the functions of China's second capital would be divided between Beijing and Uighur, but it emphasized that the second capital should be built near more densely populated cities such as Urumqi or Kashgar. In doing so, "relationships with ethnic minorities can be further strengthened and national unity can be improved."  According to a report by the South China Morning Post, the report said, “The second capital will deal directly with issues related to ethnic minorities, which will help improve communication and coordination between the central government and local ethnic groups. "By fostering stronger communication and relationships among ethnic minorities, we can build a more harmonious society that benefits all citizens."  According to reports, due to problems such as congestion and environmental pollution in Beijing, some people have previously proposed to establish a second capital in cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Zhengzhou or Xi'an. But these suggestions have not attracted much attention because they are mostly based on reports written by individual researchers. However, this big proposal to build a second capital in Uyghur is the product of a major research project funded by the China National Social Science Foundation in 2019 to assess the risks and opportunities of the "One Belt One Road" project.  So, what is the purpose of the plan to establish China's second capital, and to establish it in Uyghur?  The research project, heavily funded by the Chinese government, has attracted strong attention from foreign experts, especially researchers who have been closely observing the Uyghur people.  Sean Roberts, a Uyghur scholar and expert on Central Asian issues, and a professor at the George Washington University in the United States, believes that, on the one hand, this is related to the Chinese government's policy of making the Uyghur people like Chinese provinces; On the other hand, China may be related to national security.  Sean Roberts says: "Although it is not clear that this proposal will be implemented, I believe that it is a continuation of the policy of the Chinese government in the Uyghur region since the 1990s, which is to make the Uyghur region similar to the internal provinces of China and integrate it. On the other hand, this incident reminded me of the incident when the Kazakh government moved its capital from Almaty to Astana to protect northern Kazakhstan from Russian threats. The idea of ​​China's second capital may also be related to national defense and security.  Dr. Sean Roberts says the Chinese government has long sought to strengthen the central government's influence and governance in these areas because it believes that instability in border regions is caused by external forces.  He added: "Of course, this does not mean that China is worried about the danger of creating a threat to Central Asian countries or Russia to Uyghur. But China may be worried about instability in Eurasia. So he may have wanted to protect his western border by establishing a second capital in Uighur Eli, as well as prevent instability from spilling over into China's interior."      According to the report of "South China Morning Daily", Chinese researchers explained in this report the importance of establishing a second capital in Uyghur El, because China's rapid economic growth in the past decades is mainly based on export-based large-scale manufacturing and manufacturing, which is concentrated in coastal cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. It's driven by industry, but it's also a reminder that China's economy is heavily dependent on seaborne trade. Thus, the report states, "If there is a disruption in global shipping lanes or conflicts with the navies of other countries, maritime operations may be at great risk."  The report added: "A second capital would help Beijing address environmental pollution, population growth and other challenges as China's only current capital."  Dr. Free Ekram, a teacher and strategy expert at Turkey's Hajetpa University, believes that the above-mentioned is just part of the purpose of building a second capital, which may be mainly related to China's desire to become an imperialist country.  "China is aspiring to be an imperialist country," he said. So this may be his means to achieve that goal. Uighur Eli is a very important region in its own right. It is connected to Central Asia, Western Asia, Turkey and Europe. So building a second capital here is very important for China."  Indeed, the Chinese government has started the construction of China's modern integrated transportation hub system since last year, and according to this plan, it wants to promote the construction of about 20 international integrated transportation hub cities and about 80 national integrated transportation hub cities in China. According to a report published last year on "China News Network", according to this plan, Urumqi in the northwest of China will become an international comprehensive transportation center; Korla, Kashgar and Yining have been established as a national comprehensive transportation center.  So, what do China's policies related to the establishment of China's second capital in Uyghur and the internationalization of Uyghur mean for Uyghurs?  Dr. Sean Roberts believes that this will not only speed up the Chinese government's process of Sinicizing the Uyghur people, but also lead to a decrease in Uyghur ownership and rights to the land. He says:  "Of course, it is too early to talk about the implementation of this plan. If this plan is implemented, it may end the historical concept that the Uyghur region is the motherland of the Uyghur people. I believe this will further accelerate the intense form of Sinicization already taking place in the region. I believe that this plan will fundamentally change the overall landscape of Uyghur and its relationship with the central government in Beijing.  Dr. Free Ekram also said that this plan will create unfavorable conditions for Uyghurs. He said:  "In order for the Chinese government to build a second capital in Uighur, the region must be highly assimilated, open up a lot of water resources, and have a denser Chinese population." None of these situations are good for Uyghurs. "This will cause the Uygurs to melt away at a faster rate."  According to the South China Morning Post, research projects for the National Social Science Foundation usually go through a rigorous review and evaluation process. An urban planning researcher in Beijing who did not want to be named told the newspaper that "this proposal seems to have more credibility and weight than previous proposals." He added: “This report represents only one perspective in this regard. Other scientists and policymakers may have different views or important initiatives on this matter, and as a result, the government will ultimately decide whether to implement the project or not.  Mr. Free Ekram said that in China under the leadership of Xi Jinping, the opinion that "the West is sinking and the East is rising" is ruling, and the Chinese government is not fully confident that it will be able to realize its plans to become an imperialist country. But is it true? Future developments will reveal this.         NUG said that the revolutionary forces are stronger than the army  On the evening of May 3, a press conference was held online to mark the two-year anniversary of the establishment of the National Unity Government NUG.   In this press conference, during the last two years, NUG's international relations, Establishing alliances with ethnic armed groups; The status of the establishment of the People's Administrative Organization; Actions for Finance and Business Support for civil disobedience CDM activists; The status of providing online education and health care for the people of Myanmar. PDF forces under NUG NUG spokesman Ko Ne Boorn Lat explained the steps taken to prosecute military leaders in international courts and the conditions for accepting defected military personnel.  As a military strength building, more than 300 PDF battalions and columns nationwide. People's defense groups have been established in 250 townships, and over 13,000 military personnel and police have come to join them. The man power of the anti-dictatorship forces is already superior to the man power of the army. Right now, we are in the pre-counteroffensive period, and we are looking for strategic military weapons to reach the final stage of counteroffensives, said Ko Ne Boornlat.  Currently, some international officials, including the Chinese Foreign Minister, are coming to meet with the military council, and NUG spokesperson U Kyaw Zaw said that only the NUG is the official government that can represent Myanmar.  The situation where NUG officials dug bomb pits in schools to protect the ground attack teams and the civilian population from the air strikes of each column. Ko Ne Boorn Lat explained about the establishment of an early warning system that will notify the arrival of military council planes and the conduct of air defense pre-action training.  U Kyaw Zaw said that NUG had engaged with the relevant parties in accordance with the decision of the ASEAN Summit regarding the RFA's query on whether NUG interacted with ASEAN and ASEAN representatives.  Right now, Myanmar is facing the worst refugee crisis in history. U Kyaw Zaw also said that since one-third of the country's population is in need of humanitarian aid, the ASEAN chairman wants to appeal to Indonesia to intervene so that international aid can open the way.  In addition, he said that the US government is currently in the implementation phase and it is not yet known how the Burma Act, which is enacted to encourage and support democratic forces in Burma, will receive aid from the US House of Representatives.  Code of Conduct violations in PDF and some local civil defense forces; Regarding the accusations of killing each other, the state of action, territorial rule, When the administration and rule of law can be established, action will be taken according to the relevant law. Ko Ne Boorn Lat said to tolerate the delays.  The National Unity Government NUG established a plan for one year, He said that he is continuing to implement the processes that will decide the final battle.          The Rohingya delegation will visit Rakhine on the same day  On March 22, 2023, seeing the people sheltering in the Sai Chaung Rohingya refugee camp in Sittwe Township, Rakhine State.  As part of Bangladesh's Rohingya refugee repatriation program, a delegation of 20 refugees will visit Rakhine state on May 5, Bangladesh government officials said.  A representative of the group told AFP on May 3 that they will visit a place on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border where the Myanmar Military Council plans to resettle more than a thousand Rohingya refugees.  The delegation will be led by Mizanur Rahman of Bangladesh's Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner's Office, AFP reported, citing an unnamed Bangladeshi government official.  This delegation will visit the buildings planned for the returning refugees on the same day. Also, a Bangladeshi official told AFP that they hope to send the refugees home by the end of this month.  Millions of Rohingya refugees fled to Bangladesh due to the Burmese army's clearance operation in Rakhine state in 2017.  The plan to repatriate Rohingya refugees was started in 2018, but it failed.  China intervened in these refugee resettlement programs and India, China The military council showed 11 ambassadors from eight countries, including Bangladesh, the places where the returning Rohingya will be resettled in Maungdaw Township on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border.  After that, a military council delegation also visited the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh last March.  The Rohingyas who are sheltering in refugee camps in Bangladesh are denied citizenship, They are mainly demanding freedom of movement and the right to return to their original places.        Reporters Without Borders “North Korea again ranks at the bottom of the Freedom of the Press Index this year” May 3rd is ' World Press Freedom Day ' established by the United Nations in 1993 . North Korea was again named the country with the worst press freedom this year . Reporter Park Jae-woo reports .  According to the ' 2023 World Press Freedom Index' released by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) on the 3rd , North Korea scored 21.72 points out of 100 , ranking 180th , the lowest among 180 countries surveyed .  The report pointed out that the North Korean regime, the world's most authoritarian regime, tightly controls information and strictly prohibits independent media .  In addition, he explained that a small number of foreign media outlets such as AFP and Kyodo News are operating in North Korea , but they are operated under strict supervision, which reduces their reporting ability .  He went on to say that popular South Korean TV shows and movies are often distributed in North Korea despite harsh punishments such as imprisonment in concentration camps .  South Korea ranked 47th with a score of 70.83 , and the United States ranked 45th by a narrow margin .  On this day, US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln issued a statement and said, “ Too many governments are retaliating for journalists simply doing what they have to do , and suppressing freedom of expression to silence it . ” They have used various tools of oppression to force them to close their doors . ”  “ On this World Press Freedom Day , we are committed to protecting the freedom of the press and promoting it around the world, ” he said .          North Korean residents: "Plant castor oil on more land" North Korea is mobilizing its residents to find new land for planting castor beans ( castor and castor bean ) . It is pointed out that the intention of the authorities is to overcome the economic crisis by planting a lot of castor seeds . Inside North Korea , reporter Son Hye-min reports .  North Korea, which emphasizes the keynote of self-reliance every day, presented the planting of castor beans ( castor beans and castor beans ) as a social movement . It is intended to respond to the economic sanctions of the international community by planting a lot of castor oil to produce industrial fuel and paper that can be used as lubricant, but some residents are showing negative reactions .  A resident source in North Pyongan Province told Radio Free Asia on the 2nd, "Since yesterday, members of the Women's League ( members of housewives' organization ) in Yongcheon County have been mobilized to plant castor oil. The priority is to find new land to plant castor oil . "  It is said that the measure is being developed as a central order to cultivate castor oil, which can produce industrial fuel, etc. with domestic resources, as a social movement. It is known that the time to mobilize for planting castor oil is this weekend , that is, until the 7th .   “As a result, Yongcheon-gun is filling up the abandoned puddles and swamps around the village and around the railroad tracks and planting castor oil,” the source said. “All of this work is also unpaid labor,” the source pointed out.  The source said, “Wouldn’t it be better for housewives who are unable to do business and are being mobilized to plant castor oil to find new land and plant corn in the fields where castor oil will be planted?” There is a reaction,” he explained.  On the same day, a source in Jagang Province also said, “ Since the end of April, planting castor oil has been underway as a party-affiliated project in Jaseong County.” I'm urging you to do it,” he said .  If you plant a lot of castor and cultivate it well, the oil from the seeds will develop the chemical industry and health sector, such as industrial fuel and vinyl chloride production, and it will be possible to improve people's lives by producing paper and artificial fibers from castor stems and skins. is to do it .    The source said, “At the authorities’ propaganda that the more castor oil is planted in more new land, economic development can be generated in response to economic sanctions from the United States, which is trying to crush the socialist system. There are voices of bolmen coming out.”  It is the voice of the North Korean people that if they do not develop nuclear weapons and launch missiles while spending foreign currency, sanctions against North Korea will be eased and North Korea's economic difficulties will be resolved.     The source emphasized, “Some elderly residents are showing a cold reaction, saying that ( North Korea ) is going backwards, saying that there is no other country in the world that will develop its economy by planting castor oil . ”  Meanwhile, in December of last year , a military source in North Pyongan Province reported that the North Korean military “ is using a mixture of castor oil because there is not enough gasoline, which is fuel for drones . ” ( Related article )

NUG said that the revolutionary forces are stronger than the army : Myanmar

On the evening of May 3, a press conference was held online to mark the two-year anniversary of the establishment of the National Unity Government NUG. 

In this press conference, during the last two years, NUG's international relations, Establishing alliances with ethnic armed groups; The status of the establishment of the People's Administrative Organization; Actions for Finance and Business Support for civil disobedience CDM activists; The status of providing online education and health care for the people of Myanmar. PDF forces under NUG NUG spokesman Ko Ne Boorn Lat explained the steps taken to prosecute military leaders in international courts and the conditions for accepting defected military personnel.

As a military strength building, more than 300 PDF battalions and columns nationwide. People's defense groups have been established in 250 townships, and over 13,000 military personnel and police have come to join them. The man power of the anti-dictatorship forces is already superior to the man power of the army. Right now, we are in the pre-counteroffensive period, and we are looking for strategic military weapons to reach the final stage of counteroffensives, said Ko Ne Boornlat.

Currently, some international officials, including the Chinese Foreign Minister, are coming to meet with the military council, and NUG spokesperson U Kyaw Zaw said that only the NUG is the official government that can represent Myanmar.

The situation where NUG officials dug bomb pits in schools to protect the ground attack teams and the civilian population from the air strikes of each column. Ko Ne Boorn Lat explained about the establishment of an early warning system that will notify the arrival of military council planes and the conduct of air defense pre-action training.

U Kyaw Zaw said that NUG had engaged with the relevant parties in accordance with the decision of the ASEAN Summit regarding the RFA's query on whether NUG interacted with ASEAN and ASEAN representatives.

Right now, Myanmar is facing the worst refugee crisis in history. U Kyaw Zaw also said that since one-third of the country's population is in need of humanitarian aid, the ASEAN chairman wants to appeal to Indonesia to intervene so that international aid can open the way.

In addition, he said that the US government is currently in the implementation phase and it is not yet known how the Burma Act, which is enacted to encourage and support democratic forces in Burma, will receive aid from the US House of Representatives.

Code of Conduct violations in PDF and some local civil defense forces; Regarding the accusations of killing each other, the state of action, territorial rule, When the administration and rule of law can be established, action will be taken according to the relevant law. Ko Ne Boorn Lat said to tolerate the delays.

The National Unity Government NUG established a plan for one year, He said that he is continuing to implement the processes that will decide the final battle.

Uyghurs are victims of China's "terrorist" interpretation and machine guns : china  Although a lot of information about the Uyghur massacre is known to the outside world, the location of the large number of hostages at the beginning of the massacre and the factors that caused it are still a topic that has not been fully explained. In response to the international condemnation of the massacres carried out by the Chinese government, the Chinese government has always emphasized that it is fighting against "terrorism and violence", which is a necessary measure for any government. Also, by saying that "we are always victims of terrorism", they have justified the deportation of millions of Uyghurs to camps.  A special report released by Human Rights Watch on May 3, 2023, once again shows what the Chinese government's emphasis on "terrorism and violence" shows. Their investigative team has reviewed more than 50,000 cell phone files labeled as "terrorist related" by the Uighur police, which is the final summary of the Chinese government's massive high-tech surveillance system. The vast majority of this information was collected from 2017 to 2018, and was obtained from 11 million mobile phone surveys in Urumqi. In this, the Chinese police system has determined that all people must install a special content inspection app called "Net Guardian" (Jing Wang Wei Shi), and not installing such an app has caused many people to be imprisoned. At the time, various media outlets, including in Free Asia, reported on the role of such an app and its role in automatically notifying the police system when it detects "dangerous" content. One of the authors of this report, Human Rights Watch's acting director for China, Maya Wang, spoke to our radio station about how the app played a key role in how the Chinese government imprisoned so many people: "In this study, we focused specifically on how those apps actually played a role. Because these things happening in Xinjiang are becoming very important for China's future. We also shed light on how the government uses these kinds of apps to use high-tech tools and how they are wreaking havoc on the freedom of the human world. We've looked at these in detail here by collecting lots of data. These are large volumes of material that the Chinese government has designated as 'dangerous' and 'extreme content'. We focused on two apps used by the Xinjiang police system while verifying their authenticity through cryptographic signatures. One of these is known as ``Guardian of the Pure Net'' (Jing Wang Wei Shi), and the other is ``Feng cai.'' These two apps were forcibly installed on citizens' phones by the Urumqi police system. Therefore, as soon as the Uyghurs who have installed this app on their mobile phones find information that the government deems to be ``dangerous'', they will notify the main system. It will also send all the information about the phone number and address.  The report prepared by Human Rights Watch highlights that the Chinese government's emphasis on "terrorism and violence" is vastly different from the international consensus. In particular, events that do not cause any harm to other individuals or society in terms of politics, religion, or ideology are unanimously labeled "terrorism" by the Chinese government. The report shows that the Chinese government's anti-terrorism laws at the time linked people's intellectual rights to "terrorism" and thereby enforced persecution.  The report highlights the case of 1,000 people in Urumqi, which was created after examining 1,400 mobile phones. However, 57 percent of these were phones with full or partial verses of the Holy Quran downloaded, and the owners of phones found to contain such Islamic texts were designated as "terrorist suspects." In addition, if any photos, audio files or video files downloaded from organizations or institutions such as "East Turkistan Independence Movement", "World Uyghur Congress", "Free Asia", but have no connection with terrorism, they are also classified as "terrorist". Among them, the content on the topic of "going to jihad against the infidels" accounted for four percent, and the content using the term "Eastern Turkistan" accounted for six percent. But the owners of these phones are 100 percent kidnapped. When asked about this, Maya Wang says:  "Among the ``terrorist'' materials screened by such apps, there is a lot of information related to Free Asia. Whatever content they are, the vast majority of them are news articles published in Free Asia. In particular, the contents of the ``July 5th protest'' have a lot of weight. There are many names of people who have downloaded these published news articles. The Chinese government has declared these news articles to be ``extremist and terrorist-related'' and has secretly collected such information through cellphone surveillance. Anyone who downloads, shares, or distributes such news articles to others is abducted. However, the vast majority of these messages have nothing to do with terrorism or extremism. In fact, 57 percent of these people were arrested because they had downloaded verses from the Qur'an on their phones. "We don't have any information about whether these people have left the camp or not."  After the publication of this report by Human Rights Watch, it attracted strong attention from all walks of life. In particular, the use of high-tech means provided by Western countries to suppress the Uyghurs has shocked everyone. More importantly, they denied the Chinese government's definition of "terrorism and violence" with a mountain of evidence and called on the United Nations to investigate the issue.     China's anti-Islamic tactics and deception of the Muslim world  On April 29, the Uyghur Research Center in the United States released a report titled "China's 'Fear of Islam' and Muslim Countries' Attitudes to It," which comprehensively and scientifically explained China's double standards and hypocrisy toward domestic Islam and international Islam.  The report highlights key points such as the 'fear of Islam' in China, the Chinese government's attacks on Uyghurs and other Muslims, China's misinformation and disinformation campaign in the Islamic world, and the indifference of Muslim countries who believe or choose to believe the genocide faced by Uyghurs.  The topic "Fear of Islam in China" describes the religious views of the Chinese Communist Party, the discrimination of Muslims by considering Islam as the religion of foreigners, and the Chineseization of Islam;  In the topic of "China's War on Islam" China bans religious education in the Uyghur region, suppresses religious scholars, burns the Quran, destroys mosques and shrines, changes prayer surahs and prayers, abolishes religious rules, and destroys the Muslim identity of Uyghur children.  In the topic of "China's false and false information campaign in the Islamic world", China has used the state media to carry out an eye-painting campaign around the world, send Chinese spies to Muslim countries and invite them to China, conduct Hajj diplomacy, and somehow provide humanitarian aid to African and Muslim countries. is stated to have done.  In the topic "Attitudes of Muslim countries", the failure of the World Organization of Islamic Cooperation in the Uyghur issue, China's silencing of Muslim countries through the "One Belt One Road" plan, China's Turkish-Islamic countries, Arab-Islamic countries, South Asian Muslim countries (Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia) ) and their negative attitude towards the Uighur problem are shown.  In connection with the release of this report, the Uighur Research Center in the United States held a webinar on April 29 with the Indonesian Youth Committee and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation's Indonesian Youth Branch.  Abdulhakim Idris, the executive director of the Uyghur Research Center, spoke at the meeting and said that while China is committing religious oppression and genocide in the Uyghur region, it is deceiving the Muslim world by preparing this report. said that  "It's very difficult to fight China's false propaganda because they spend tens of billions of dollars on it," he said. We have shown with full facts that China has waged a war against Islam, and we have openly stated that China is committing genocide against Uyghurs.  Abdul Muqtadir Udun, the project leader of the Uyghur Research Center, introduced the content of the report and said about the nature of the fear of Islam in China: "The fear of Islam may actually be caused by the influence of authoritarian regimes, especially in China. This fear has historical and political roots in China. Because compared to China, Christianity and all other religions belong to foreign countries, and are even a sign that foreign forces have invaded China. A 2017 Chinese government document called Islam an epidemic, meaning Islam is a mental illness that needs to be treated. Then the Communist Party of China launched a movement to Chineseize Islam, that is to replace the religious values ​​of Islam with communist ideology, and employed the state media.  Astrid Nadya Riziqta, president of the youth branch of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Indonesia, said after briefly emphasizing the content of the report: "The Chinese are treating the Uyghurs not only religiously, but because they discriminate ethnically." This phenomenon is not only 'fear of Islam' but the first steps of genocide. Therefore, human rights issues here should not be ignored. We are a member of the international community, especially as Indians, we have a great responsibility in this matter.  Dr. Asep Setiawan, a lecturer at Muhammadiyah University in Jakarta, said that China has paid attention to the tactics of oppressing domestic Muslims and being nice to foreign Muslims. He explained that the term "fear of Islam" has a broad meaning, and the things mentioned in this report are actually religious repression. "According to this report, what China is doing is genocide and religious repression," he said. The contents of this report reflect China's fundamental policy toward the Islamic community there. As far as I know, China also uses Islam as a propaganda platform. So the problem here is not 'fear of Islam' but religious oppression and persecution.  As far as we know, the Uyghur Research Center in the United States was established in December 2020, and will conduct human rights protection activities and research related to Uyghurs; Along with researching Uyghur history, culture, and politics, the main goal is to make Uighurs known to others and to call for the liberation of this nation that is suffering from genocide.        What is the purpose of the plan to build a second capital in China Uyghur?   A report from a national research project funded by the Chinese government has proposed the establishment of China's second capital in Uighur Eli. This report states that if China builds its second capital in Uyghur, it can balance the national economy, solve the problem of ethnic minorities, and develop relations with Asian and Eurasian countries.  According to Stephen Cheng, reporter of "South China Morning Post", the above research project was conducted by Chinese researchers led by Professor Zhou Wen of Shanghai Fuden University and Professor Mi Jun of Sichuan University. Published in No. The report did not provide details on how the functions of China's second capital would be divided between Beijing and Uighur, but it emphasized that the second capital should be built near more densely populated cities such as Urumqi or Kashgar. In doing so, "relationships with ethnic minorities can be further strengthened and national unity can be improved."  According to a report by the South China Morning Post, the report said, “The second capital will deal directly with issues related to ethnic minorities, which will help improve communication and coordination between the central government and local ethnic groups. "By fostering stronger communication and relationships among ethnic minorities, we can build a more harmonious society that benefits all citizens."  According to reports, due to problems such as congestion and environmental pollution in Beijing, some people have previously proposed to establish a second capital in cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Zhengzhou or Xi'an. But these suggestions have not attracted much attention because they are mostly based on reports written by individual researchers. However, this big proposal to build a second capital in Uyghur is the product of a major research project funded by the China National Social Science Foundation in 2019 to assess the risks and opportunities of the "One Belt One Road" project.  So, what is the purpose of the plan to establish China's second capital, and to establish it in Uyghur?  The research project, heavily funded by the Chinese government, has attracted strong attention from foreign experts, especially researchers who have been closely observing the Uyghur people.  Sean Roberts, a Uyghur scholar and expert on Central Asian issues, and a professor at the George Washington University in the United States, believes that, on the one hand, this is related to the Chinese government's policy of making the Uyghur people like Chinese provinces; On the other hand, China may be related to national security.  Sean Roberts says: "Although it is not clear that this proposal will be implemented, I believe that it is a continuation of the policy of the Chinese government in the Uyghur region since the 1990s, which is to make the Uyghur region similar to the internal provinces of China and integrate it. On the other hand, this incident reminded me of the incident when the Kazakh government moved its capital from Almaty to Astana to protect northern Kazakhstan from Russian threats. The idea of ​​China's second capital may also be related to national defense and security.  Dr. Sean Roberts says the Chinese government has long sought to strengthen the central government's influence and governance in these areas because it believes that instability in border regions is caused by external forces.  He added: "Of course, this does not mean that China is worried about the danger of creating a threat to Central Asian countries or Russia to Uyghur. But China may be worried about instability in Eurasia. So he may have wanted to protect his western border by establishing a second capital in Uighur Eli, as well as prevent instability from spilling over into China's interior."      According to the report of "South China Morning Daily", Chinese researchers explained in this report the importance of establishing a second capital in Uyghur El, because China's rapid economic growth in the past decades is mainly based on export-based large-scale manufacturing and manufacturing, which is concentrated in coastal cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. It's driven by industry, but it's also a reminder that China's economy is heavily dependent on seaborne trade. Thus, the report states, "If there is a disruption in global shipping lanes or conflicts with the navies of other countries, maritime operations may be at great risk."  The report added: "A second capital would help Beijing address environmental pollution, population growth and other challenges as China's only current capital."  Dr. Free Ekram, a teacher and strategy expert at Turkey's Hajetpa University, believes that the above-mentioned is just part of the purpose of building a second capital, which may be mainly related to China's desire to become an imperialist country.  "China is aspiring to be an imperialist country," he said. So this may be his means to achieve that goal. Uighur Eli is a very important region in its own right. It is connected to Central Asia, Western Asia, Turkey and Europe. So building a second capital here is very important for China."  Indeed, the Chinese government has started the construction of China's modern integrated transportation hub system since last year, and according to this plan, it wants to promote the construction of about 20 international integrated transportation hub cities and about 80 national integrated transportation hub cities in China. According to a report published last year on "China News Network", according to this plan, Urumqi in the northwest of China will become an international comprehensive transportation center; Korla, Kashgar and Yining have been established as a national comprehensive transportation center.  So, what do China's policies related to the establishment of China's second capital in Uyghur and the internationalization of Uyghur mean for Uyghurs?  Dr. Sean Roberts believes that this will not only speed up the Chinese government's process of Sinicizing the Uyghur people, but also lead to a decrease in Uyghur ownership and rights to the land. He says:  "Of course, it is too early to talk about the implementation of this plan. If this plan is implemented, it may end the historical concept that the Uyghur region is the motherland of the Uyghur people. I believe this will further accelerate the intense form of Sinicization already taking place in the region. I believe that this plan will fundamentally change the overall landscape of Uyghur and its relationship with the central government in Beijing.  Dr. Free Ekram also said that this plan will create unfavorable conditions for Uyghurs. He said:  "In order for the Chinese government to build a second capital in Uighur, the region must be highly assimilated, open up a lot of water resources, and have a denser Chinese population." None of these situations are good for Uyghurs. "This will cause the Uygurs to melt away at a faster rate."  According to the South China Morning Post, research projects for the National Social Science Foundation usually go through a rigorous review and evaluation process. An urban planning researcher in Beijing who did not want to be named told the newspaper that "this proposal seems to have more credibility and weight than previous proposals." He added: “This report represents only one perspective in this regard. Other scientists and policymakers may have different views or important initiatives on this matter, and as a result, the government will ultimately decide whether to implement the project or not.  Mr. Free Ekram said that in China under the leadership of Xi Jinping, the opinion that "the West is sinking and the East is rising" is ruling, and the Chinese government is not fully confident that it will be able to realize its plans to become an imperialist country. But is it true? Future developments will reveal this.         NUG said that the revolutionary forces are stronger than the army  On the evening of May 3, a press conference was held online to mark the two-year anniversary of the establishment of the National Unity Government NUG.   In this press conference, during the last two years, NUG's international relations, Establishing alliances with ethnic armed groups; The status of the establishment of the People's Administrative Organization; Actions for Finance and Business Support for civil disobedience CDM activists; The status of providing online education and health care for the people of Myanmar. PDF forces under NUG NUG spokesman Ko Ne Boorn Lat explained the steps taken to prosecute military leaders in international courts and the conditions for accepting defected military personnel.  As a military strength building, more than 300 PDF battalions and columns nationwide. People's defense groups have been established in 250 townships, and over 13,000 military personnel and police have come to join them. The man power of the anti-dictatorship forces is already superior to the man power of the army. Right now, we are in the pre-counteroffensive period, and we are looking for strategic military weapons to reach the final stage of counteroffensives, said Ko Ne Boornlat.  Currently, some international officials, including the Chinese Foreign Minister, are coming to meet with the military council, and NUG spokesperson U Kyaw Zaw said that only the NUG is the official government that can represent Myanmar.  The situation where NUG officials dug bomb pits in schools to protect the ground attack teams and the civilian population from the air strikes of each column. Ko Ne Boorn Lat explained about the establishment of an early warning system that will notify the arrival of military council planes and the conduct of air defense pre-action training.  U Kyaw Zaw said that NUG had engaged with the relevant parties in accordance with the decision of the ASEAN Summit regarding the RFA's query on whether NUG interacted with ASEAN and ASEAN representatives.  Right now, Myanmar is facing the worst refugee crisis in history. U Kyaw Zaw also said that since one-third of the country's population is in need of humanitarian aid, the ASEAN chairman wants to appeal to Indonesia to intervene so that international aid can open the way.  In addition, he said that the US government is currently in the implementation phase and it is not yet known how the Burma Act, which is enacted to encourage and support democratic forces in Burma, will receive aid from the US House of Representatives.  Code of Conduct violations in PDF and some local civil defense forces; Regarding the accusations of killing each other, the state of action, territorial rule, When the administration and rule of law can be established, action will be taken according to the relevant law. Ko Ne Boorn Lat said to tolerate the delays.  The National Unity Government NUG established a plan for one year, He said that he is continuing to implement the processes that will decide the final battle.          The Rohingya delegation will visit Rakhine on the same day  On March 22, 2023, seeing the people sheltering in the Sai Chaung Rohingya refugee camp in Sittwe Township, Rakhine State.  As part of Bangladesh's Rohingya refugee repatriation program, a delegation of 20 refugees will visit Rakhine state on May 5, Bangladesh government officials said.  A representative of the group told AFP on May 3 that they will visit a place on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border where the Myanmar Military Council plans to resettle more than a thousand Rohingya refugees.  The delegation will be led by Mizanur Rahman of Bangladesh's Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner's Office, AFP reported, citing an unnamed Bangladeshi government official.  This delegation will visit the buildings planned for the returning refugees on the same day. Also, a Bangladeshi official told AFP that they hope to send the refugees home by the end of this month.  Millions of Rohingya refugees fled to Bangladesh due to the Burmese army's clearance operation in Rakhine state in 2017.  The plan to repatriate Rohingya refugees was started in 2018, but it failed.  China intervened in these refugee resettlement programs and India, China The military council showed 11 ambassadors from eight countries, including Bangladesh, the places where the returning Rohingya will be resettled in Maungdaw Township on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border.  After that, a military council delegation also visited the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh last March.  The Rohingyas who are sheltering in refugee camps in Bangladesh are denied citizenship, They are mainly demanding freedom of movement and the right to return to their original places.        Reporters Without Borders “North Korea again ranks at the bottom of the Freedom of the Press Index this year” May 3rd is ' World Press Freedom Day ' established by the United Nations in 1993 . North Korea was again named the country with the worst press freedom this year . Reporter Park Jae-woo reports .  According to the ' 2023 World Press Freedom Index' released by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) on the 3rd , North Korea scored 21.72 points out of 100 , ranking 180th , the lowest among 180 countries surveyed .  The report pointed out that the North Korean regime, the world's most authoritarian regime, tightly controls information and strictly prohibits independent media .  In addition, he explained that a small number of foreign media outlets such as AFP and Kyodo News are operating in North Korea , but they are operated under strict supervision, which reduces their reporting ability .  He went on to say that popular South Korean TV shows and movies are often distributed in North Korea despite harsh punishments such as imprisonment in concentration camps .  South Korea ranked 47th with a score of 70.83 , and the United States ranked 45th by a narrow margin .  On this day, US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln issued a statement and said, “ Too many governments are retaliating for journalists simply doing what they have to do , and suppressing freedom of expression to silence it . ” They have used various tools of oppression to force them to close their doors . ”  “ On this World Press Freedom Day , we are committed to protecting the freedom of the press and promoting it around the world, ” he said .          North Korean residents: "Plant castor oil on more land" North Korea is mobilizing its residents to find new land for planting castor beans ( castor and castor bean ) . It is pointed out that the intention of the authorities is to overcome the economic crisis by planting a lot of castor seeds . Inside North Korea , reporter Son Hye-min reports .  North Korea, which emphasizes the keynote of self-reliance every day, presented the planting of castor beans ( castor beans and castor beans ) as a social movement . It is intended to respond to the economic sanctions of the international community by planting a lot of castor oil to produce industrial fuel and paper that can be used as lubricant, but some residents are showing negative reactions .  A resident source in North Pyongan Province told Radio Free Asia on the 2nd, "Since yesterday, members of the Women's League ( members of housewives' organization ) in Yongcheon County have been mobilized to plant castor oil. The priority is to find new land to plant castor oil . "  It is said that the measure is being developed as a central order to cultivate castor oil, which can produce industrial fuel, etc. with domestic resources, as a social movement. It is known that the time to mobilize for planting castor oil is this weekend , that is, until the 7th .   “As a result, Yongcheon-gun is filling up the abandoned puddles and swamps around the village and around the railroad tracks and planting castor oil,” the source said. “All of this work is also unpaid labor,” the source pointed out.  The source said, “Wouldn’t it be better for housewives who are unable to do business and are being mobilized to plant castor oil to find new land and plant corn in the fields where castor oil will be planted?” There is a reaction,” he explained.  On the same day, a source in Jagang Province also said, “ Since the end of April, planting castor oil has been underway as a party-affiliated project in Jaseong County.” I'm urging you to do it,” he said .  If you plant a lot of castor and cultivate it well, the oil from the seeds will develop the chemical industry and health sector, such as industrial fuel and vinyl chloride production, and it will be possible to improve people's lives by producing paper and artificial fibers from castor stems and skins. is to do it .    The source said, “At the authorities’ propaganda that the more castor oil is planted in more new land, economic development can be generated in response to economic sanctions from the United States, which is trying to crush the socialist system. There are voices of bolmen coming out.”  It is the voice of the North Korean people that if they do not develop nuclear weapons and launch missiles while spending foreign currency, sanctions against North Korea will be eased and North Korea's economic difficulties will be resolved.     The source emphasized, “Some elderly residents are showing a cold reaction, saying that ( North Korea ) is going backwards, saying that there is no other country in the world that will develop its economy by planting castor oil . ”  Meanwhile, in December of last year , a military source in North Pyongan Province reported that the North Korean military “ is using a mixture of castor oil because there is not enough gasoline, which is fuel for drones . ” ( Related article )

The Rohingya delegation will visit Rakhine on the same day

On March 22, 2023, seeing the people sheltering in the Sai Chaung Rohingya refugee camp in Sittwe Township, Rakhine State.

As part of Bangladesh's Rohingya refugee repatriation program, a delegation of 20 refugees will visit Rakhine state on May 5, Bangladesh government officials said.

A representative of the group told AFP on May 3 that they will visit a place on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border where the Myanmar Military Council plans to resettle more than a thousand Rohingya refugees.

The delegation will be led by Mizanur Rahman of Bangladesh's Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner's Office, AFP reported, citing an unnamed Bangladeshi government official.

This delegation will visit the buildings planned for the returning refugees on the same day. Also, a Bangladeshi official told AFP that they hope to send the refugees home by the end of this month.

Millions of Rohingya refugees fled to Bangladesh due to the Burmese army's clearance operation in Rakhine state in 2017.

The plan to repatriate Rohingya refugees was started in 2018, but it failed.

China intervened in these refugee resettlement programs and India, China The military council showed 11 ambassadors from eight countries, including Bangladesh, the places where the returning Rohingya will be resettled in Maungdaw Township on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border.

After that, a military council delegation also visited the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh last March.

The Rohingyas who are sheltering in refugee camps in Bangladesh are denied citizenship, They are mainly demanding freedom of movement and the right to return to their original places.

Uyghurs are victims of China's "terrorist" interpretation and machine guns : china  Although a lot of information about the Uyghur massacre is known to the outside world, the location of the large number of hostages at the beginning of the massacre and the factors that caused it are still a topic that has not been fully explained. In response to the international condemnation of the massacres carried out by the Chinese government, the Chinese government has always emphasized that it is fighting against "terrorism and violence", which is a necessary measure for any government. Also, by saying that "we are always victims of terrorism", they have justified the deportation of millions of Uyghurs to camps.  A special report released by Human Rights Watch on May 3, 2023, once again shows what the Chinese government's emphasis on "terrorism and violence" shows. Their investigative team has reviewed more than 50,000 cell phone files labeled as "terrorist related" by the Uighur police, which is the final summary of the Chinese government's massive high-tech surveillance system. The vast majority of this information was collected from 2017 to 2018, and was obtained from 11 million mobile phone surveys in Urumqi. In this, the Chinese police system has determined that all people must install a special content inspection app called "Net Guardian" (Jing Wang Wei Shi), and not installing such an app has caused many people to be imprisoned. At the time, various media outlets, including in Free Asia, reported on the role of such an app and its role in automatically notifying the police system when it detects "dangerous" content. One of the authors of this report, Human Rights Watch's acting director for China, Maya Wang, spoke to our radio station about how the app played a key role in how the Chinese government imprisoned so many people: "In this study, we focused specifically on how those apps actually played a role. Because these things happening in Xinjiang are becoming very important for China's future. We also shed light on how the government uses these kinds of apps to use high-tech tools and how they are wreaking havoc on the freedom of the human world. We've looked at these in detail here by collecting lots of data. These are large volumes of material that the Chinese government has designated as 'dangerous' and 'extreme content'. We focused on two apps used by the Xinjiang police system while verifying their authenticity through cryptographic signatures. One of these is known as ``Guardian of the Pure Net'' (Jing Wang Wei Shi), and the other is ``Feng cai.'' These two apps were forcibly installed on citizens' phones by the Urumqi police system. Therefore, as soon as the Uyghurs who have installed this app on their mobile phones find information that the government deems to be ``dangerous'', they will notify the main system. It will also send all the information about the phone number and address.  The report prepared by Human Rights Watch highlights that the Chinese government's emphasis on "terrorism and violence" is vastly different from the international consensus. In particular, events that do not cause any harm to other individuals or society in terms of politics, religion, or ideology are unanimously labeled "terrorism" by the Chinese government. The report shows that the Chinese government's anti-terrorism laws at the time linked people's intellectual rights to "terrorism" and thereby enforced persecution.  The report highlights the case of 1,000 people in Urumqi, which was created after examining 1,400 mobile phones. However, 57 percent of these were phones with full or partial verses of the Holy Quran downloaded, and the owners of phones found to contain such Islamic texts were designated as "terrorist suspects." In addition, if any photos, audio files or video files downloaded from organizations or institutions such as "East Turkistan Independence Movement", "World Uyghur Congress", "Free Asia", but have no connection with terrorism, they are also classified as "terrorist". Among them, the content on the topic of "going to jihad against the infidels" accounted for four percent, and the content using the term "Eastern Turkistan" accounted for six percent. But the owners of these phones are 100 percent kidnapped. When asked about this, Maya Wang says:  "Among the ``terrorist'' materials screened by such apps, there is a lot of information related to Free Asia. Whatever content they are, the vast majority of them are news articles published in Free Asia. In particular, the contents of the ``July 5th protest'' have a lot of weight. There are many names of people who have downloaded these published news articles. The Chinese government has declared these news articles to be ``extremist and terrorist-related'' and has secretly collected such information through cellphone surveillance. Anyone who downloads, shares, or distributes such news articles to others is abducted. However, the vast majority of these messages have nothing to do with terrorism or extremism. In fact, 57 percent of these people were arrested because they had downloaded verses from the Qur'an on their phones. "We don't have any information about whether these people have left the camp or not."  After the publication of this report by Human Rights Watch, it attracted strong attention from all walks of life. In particular, the use of high-tech means provided by Western countries to suppress the Uyghurs has shocked everyone. More importantly, they denied the Chinese government's definition of "terrorism and violence" with a mountain of evidence and called on the United Nations to investigate the issue.     China's anti-Islamic tactics and deception of the Muslim world  On April 29, the Uyghur Research Center in the United States released a report titled "China's 'Fear of Islam' and Muslim Countries' Attitudes to It," which comprehensively and scientifically explained China's double standards and hypocrisy toward domestic Islam and international Islam.  The report highlights key points such as the 'fear of Islam' in China, the Chinese government's attacks on Uyghurs and other Muslims, China's misinformation and disinformation campaign in the Islamic world, and the indifference of Muslim countries who believe or choose to believe the genocide faced by Uyghurs.  The topic "Fear of Islam in China" describes the religious views of the Chinese Communist Party, the discrimination of Muslims by considering Islam as the religion of foreigners, and the Chineseization of Islam;  In the topic of "China's War on Islam" China bans religious education in the Uyghur region, suppresses religious scholars, burns the Quran, destroys mosques and shrines, changes prayer surahs and prayers, abolishes religious rules, and destroys the Muslim identity of Uyghur children.  In the topic of "China's false and false information campaign in the Islamic world", China has used the state media to carry out an eye-painting campaign around the world, send Chinese spies to Muslim countries and invite them to China, conduct Hajj diplomacy, and somehow provide humanitarian aid to African and Muslim countries. is stated to have done.  In the topic "Attitudes of Muslim countries", the failure of the World Organization of Islamic Cooperation in the Uyghur issue, China's silencing of Muslim countries through the "One Belt One Road" plan, China's Turkish-Islamic countries, Arab-Islamic countries, South Asian Muslim countries (Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia) ) and their negative attitude towards the Uighur problem are shown.  In connection with the release of this report, the Uighur Research Center in the United States held a webinar on April 29 with the Indonesian Youth Committee and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation's Indonesian Youth Branch.  Abdulhakim Idris, the executive director of the Uyghur Research Center, spoke at the meeting and said that while China is committing religious oppression and genocide in the Uyghur region, it is deceiving the Muslim world by preparing this report. said that  "It's very difficult to fight China's false propaganda because they spend tens of billions of dollars on it," he said. We have shown with full facts that China has waged a war against Islam, and we have openly stated that China is committing genocide against Uyghurs.  Abdul Muqtadir Udun, the project leader of the Uyghur Research Center, introduced the content of the report and said about the nature of the fear of Islam in China: "The fear of Islam may actually be caused by the influence of authoritarian regimes, especially in China. This fear has historical and political roots in China. Because compared to China, Christianity and all other religions belong to foreign countries, and are even a sign that foreign forces have invaded China. A 2017 Chinese government document called Islam an epidemic, meaning Islam is a mental illness that needs to be treated. Then the Communist Party of China launched a movement to Chineseize Islam, that is to replace the religious values ​​of Islam with communist ideology, and employed the state media.  Astrid Nadya Riziqta, president of the youth branch of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Indonesia, said after briefly emphasizing the content of the report: "The Chinese are treating the Uyghurs not only religiously, but because they discriminate ethnically." This phenomenon is not only 'fear of Islam' but the first steps of genocide. Therefore, human rights issues here should not be ignored. We are a member of the international community, especially as Indians, we have a great responsibility in this matter.  Dr. Asep Setiawan, a lecturer at Muhammadiyah University in Jakarta, said that China has paid attention to the tactics of oppressing domestic Muslims and being nice to foreign Muslims. He explained that the term "fear of Islam" has a broad meaning, and the things mentioned in this report are actually religious repression. "According to this report, what China is doing is genocide and religious repression," he said. The contents of this report reflect China's fundamental policy toward the Islamic community there. As far as I know, China also uses Islam as a propaganda platform. So the problem here is not 'fear of Islam' but religious oppression and persecution.  As far as we know, the Uyghur Research Center in the United States was established in December 2020, and will conduct human rights protection activities and research related to Uyghurs; Along with researching Uyghur history, culture, and politics, the main goal is to make Uighurs known to others and to call for the liberation of this nation that is suffering from genocide.        What is the purpose of the plan to build a second capital in China Uyghur?   A report from a national research project funded by the Chinese government has proposed the establishment of China's second capital in Uighur Eli. This report states that if China builds its second capital in Uyghur, it can balance the national economy, solve the problem of ethnic minorities, and develop relations with Asian and Eurasian countries.  According to Stephen Cheng, reporter of "South China Morning Post", the above research project was conducted by Chinese researchers led by Professor Zhou Wen of Shanghai Fuden University and Professor Mi Jun of Sichuan University. Published in No. The report did not provide details on how the functions of China's second capital would be divided between Beijing and Uighur, but it emphasized that the second capital should be built near more densely populated cities such as Urumqi or Kashgar. In doing so, "relationships with ethnic minorities can be further strengthened and national unity can be improved."  According to a report by the South China Morning Post, the report said, “The second capital will deal directly with issues related to ethnic minorities, which will help improve communication and coordination between the central government and local ethnic groups. "By fostering stronger communication and relationships among ethnic minorities, we can build a more harmonious society that benefits all citizens."  According to reports, due to problems such as congestion and environmental pollution in Beijing, some people have previously proposed to establish a second capital in cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Zhengzhou or Xi'an. But these suggestions have not attracted much attention because they are mostly based on reports written by individual researchers. However, this big proposal to build a second capital in Uyghur is the product of a major research project funded by the China National Social Science Foundation in 2019 to assess the risks and opportunities of the "One Belt One Road" project.  So, what is the purpose of the plan to establish China's second capital, and to establish it in Uyghur?  The research project, heavily funded by the Chinese government, has attracted strong attention from foreign experts, especially researchers who have been closely observing the Uyghur people.  Sean Roberts, a Uyghur scholar and expert on Central Asian issues, and a professor at the George Washington University in the United States, believes that, on the one hand, this is related to the Chinese government's policy of making the Uyghur people like Chinese provinces; On the other hand, China may be related to national security.  Sean Roberts says: "Although it is not clear that this proposal will be implemented, I believe that it is a continuation of the policy of the Chinese government in the Uyghur region since the 1990s, which is to make the Uyghur region similar to the internal provinces of China and integrate it. On the other hand, this incident reminded me of the incident when the Kazakh government moved its capital from Almaty to Astana to protect northern Kazakhstan from Russian threats. The idea of ​​China's second capital may also be related to national defense and security.  Dr. Sean Roberts says the Chinese government has long sought to strengthen the central government's influence and governance in these areas because it believes that instability in border regions is caused by external forces.  He added: "Of course, this does not mean that China is worried about the danger of creating a threat to Central Asian countries or Russia to Uyghur. But China may be worried about instability in Eurasia. So he may have wanted to protect his western border by establishing a second capital in Uighur Eli, as well as prevent instability from spilling over into China's interior."      According to the report of "South China Morning Daily", Chinese researchers explained in this report the importance of establishing a second capital in Uyghur El, because China's rapid economic growth in the past decades is mainly based on export-based large-scale manufacturing and manufacturing, which is concentrated in coastal cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. It's driven by industry, but it's also a reminder that China's economy is heavily dependent on seaborne trade. Thus, the report states, "If there is a disruption in global shipping lanes or conflicts with the navies of other countries, maritime operations may be at great risk."  The report added: "A second capital would help Beijing address environmental pollution, population growth and other challenges as China's only current capital."  Dr. Free Ekram, a teacher and strategy expert at Turkey's Hajetpa University, believes that the above-mentioned is just part of the purpose of building a second capital, which may be mainly related to China's desire to become an imperialist country.  "China is aspiring to be an imperialist country," he said. So this may be his means to achieve that goal. Uighur Eli is a very important region in its own right. It is connected to Central Asia, Western Asia, Turkey and Europe. So building a second capital here is very important for China."  Indeed, the Chinese government has started the construction of China's modern integrated transportation hub system since last year, and according to this plan, it wants to promote the construction of about 20 international integrated transportation hub cities and about 80 national integrated transportation hub cities in China. According to a report published last year on "China News Network", according to this plan, Urumqi in the northwest of China will become an international comprehensive transportation center; Korla, Kashgar and Yining have been established as a national comprehensive transportation center.  So, what do China's policies related to the establishment of China's second capital in Uyghur and the internationalization of Uyghur mean for Uyghurs?  Dr. Sean Roberts believes that this will not only speed up the Chinese government's process of Sinicizing the Uyghur people, but also lead to a decrease in Uyghur ownership and rights to the land. He says:  "Of course, it is too early to talk about the implementation of this plan. If this plan is implemented, it may end the historical concept that the Uyghur region is the motherland of the Uyghur people. I believe this will further accelerate the intense form of Sinicization already taking place in the region. I believe that this plan will fundamentally change the overall landscape of Uyghur and its relationship with the central government in Beijing.  Dr. Free Ekram also said that this plan will create unfavorable conditions for Uyghurs. He said:  "In order for the Chinese government to build a second capital in Uighur, the region must be highly assimilated, open up a lot of water resources, and have a denser Chinese population." None of these situations are good for Uyghurs. "This will cause the Uygurs to melt away at a faster rate."  According to the South China Morning Post, research projects for the National Social Science Foundation usually go through a rigorous review and evaluation process. An urban planning researcher in Beijing who did not want to be named told the newspaper that "this proposal seems to have more credibility and weight than previous proposals." He added: “This report represents only one perspective in this regard. Other scientists and policymakers may have different views or important initiatives on this matter, and as a result, the government will ultimately decide whether to implement the project or not.  Mr. Free Ekram said that in China under the leadership of Xi Jinping, the opinion that "the West is sinking and the East is rising" is ruling, and the Chinese government is not fully confident that it will be able to realize its plans to become an imperialist country. But is it true? Future developments will reveal this.         NUG said that the revolutionary forces are stronger than the army  On the evening of May 3, a press conference was held online to mark the two-year anniversary of the establishment of the National Unity Government NUG.   In this press conference, during the last two years, NUG's international relations, Establishing alliances with ethnic armed groups; The status of the establishment of the People's Administrative Organization; Actions for Finance and Business Support for civil disobedience CDM activists; The status of providing online education and health care for the people of Myanmar. PDF forces under NUG NUG spokesman Ko Ne Boorn Lat explained the steps taken to prosecute military leaders in international courts and the conditions for accepting defected military personnel.  As a military strength building, more than 300 PDF battalions and columns nationwide. People's defense groups have been established in 250 townships, and over 13,000 military personnel and police have come to join them. The man power of the anti-dictatorship forces is already superior to the man power of the army. Right now, we are in the pre-counteroffensive period, and we are looking for strategic military weapons to reach the final stage of counteroffensives, said Ko Ne Boornlat.  Currently, some international officials, including the Chinese Foreign Minister, are coming to meet with the military council, and NUG spokesperson U Kyaw Zaw said that only the NUG is the official government that can represent Myanmar.  The situation where NUG officials dug bomb pits in schools to protect the ground attack teams and the civilian population from the air strikes of each column. Ko Ne Boorn Lat explained about the establishment of an early warning system that will notify the arrival of military council planes and the conduct of air defense pre-action training.  U Kyaw Zaw said that NUG had engaged with the relevant parties in accordance with the decision of the ASEAN Summit regarding the RFA's query on whether NUG interacted with ASEAN and ASEAN representatives.  Right now, Myanmar is facing the worst refugee crisis in history. U Kyaw Zaw also said that since one-third of the country's population is in need of humanitarian aid, the ASEAN chairman wants to appeal to Indonesia to intervene so that international aid can open the way.  In addition, he said that the US government is currently in the implementation phase and it is not yet known how the Burma Act, which is enacted to encourage and support democratic forces in Burma, will receive aid from the US House of Representatives.  Code of Conduct violations in PDF and some local civil defense forces; Regarding the accusations of killing each other, the state of action, territorial rule, When the administration and rule of law can be established, action will be taken according to the relevant law. Ko Ne Boorn Lat said to tolerate the delays.  The National Unity Government NUG established a plan for one year, He said that he is continuing to implement the processes that will decide the final battle.          The Rohingya delegation will visit Rakhine on the same day  On March 22, 2023, seeing the people sheltering in the Sai Chaung Rohingya refugee camp in Sittwe Township, Rakhine State.  As part of Bangladesh's Rohingya refugee repatriation program, a delegation of 20 refugees will visit Rakhine state on May 5, Bangladesh government officials said.  A representative of the group told AFP on May 3 that they will visit a place on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border where the Myanmar Military Council plans to resettle more than a thousand Rohingya refugees.  The delegation will be led by Mizanur Rahman of Bangladesh's Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner's Office, AFP reported, citing an unnamed Bangladeshi government official.  This delegation will visit the buildings planned for the returning refugees on the same day. Also, a Bangladeshi official told AFP that they hope to send the refugees home by the end of this month.  Millions of Rohingya refugees fled to Bangladesh due to the Burmese army's clearance operation in Rakhine state in 2017.  The plan to repatriate Rohingya refugees was started in 2018, but it failed.  China intervened in these refugee resettlement programs and India, China The military council showed 11 ambassadors from eight countries, including Bangladesh, the places where the returning Rohingya will be resettled in Maungdaw Township on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border.  After that, a military council delegation also visited the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh last March.  The Rohingyas who are sheltering in refugee camps in Bangladesh are denied citizenship, They are mainly demanding freedom of movement and the right to return to their original places.        Reporters Without Borders “North Korea again ranks at the bottom of the Freedom of the Press Index this year” May 3rd is ' World Press Freedom Day ' established by the United Nations in 1993 . North Korea was again named the country with the worst press freedom this year . Reporter Park Jae-woo reports .  According to the ' 2023 World Press Freedom Index' released by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) on the 3rd , North Korea scored 21.72 points out of 100 , ranking 180th , the lowest among 180 countries surveyed .  The report pointed out that the North Korean regime, the world's most authoritarian regime, tightly controls information and strictly prohibits independent media .  In addition, he explained that a small number of foreign media outlets such as AFP and Kyodo News are operating in North Korea , but they are operated under strict supervision, which reduces their reporting ability .  He went on to say that popular South Korean TV shows and movies are often distributed in North Korea despite harsh punishments such as imprisonment in concentration camps .  South Korea ranked 47th with a score of 70.83 , and the United States ranked 45th by a narrow margin .  On this day, US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln issued a statement and said, “ Too many governments are retaliating for journalists simply doing what they have to do , and suppressing freedom of expression to silence it . ” They have used various tools of oppression to force them to close their doors . ”  “ On this World Press Freedom Day , we are committed to protecting the freedom of the press and promoting it around the world, ” he said .          North Korean residents: "Plant castor oil on more land" North Korea is mobilizing its residents to find new land for planting castor beans ( castor and castor bean ) . It is pointed out that the intention of the authorities is to overcome the economic crisis by planting a lot of castor seeds . Inside North Korea , reporter Son Hye-min reports .  North Korea, which emphasizes the keynote of self-reliance every day, presented the planting of castor beans ( castor beans and castor beans ) as a social movement . It is intended to respond to the economic sanctions of the international community by planting a lot of castor oil to produce industrial fuel and paper that can be used as lubricant, but some residents are showing negative reactions .  A resident source in North Pyongan Province told Radio Free Asia on the 2nd, "Since yesterday, members of the Women's League ( members of housewives' organization ) in Yongcheon County have been mobilized to plant castor oil. The priority is to find new land to plant castor oil . "  It is said that the measure is being developed as a central order to cultivate castor oil, which can produce industrial fuel, etc. with domestic resources, as a social movement. It is known that the time to mobilize for planting castor oil is this weekend , that is, until the 7th .   “As a result, Yongcheon-gun is filling up the abandoned puddles and swamps around the village and around the railroad tracks and planting castor oil,” the source said. “All of this work is also unpaid labor,” the source pointed out.  The source said, “Wouldn’t it be better for housewives who are unable to do business and are being mobilized to plant castor oil to find new land and plant corn in the fields where castor oil will be planted?” There is a reaction,” he explained.  On the same day, a source in Jagang Province also said, “ Since the end of April, planting castor oil has been underway as a party-affiliated project in Jaseong County.” I'm urging you to do it,” he said .  If you plant a lot of castor and cultivate it well, the oil from the seeds will develop the chemical industry and health sector, such as industrial fuel and vinyl chloride production, and it will be possible to improve people's lives by producing paper and artificial fibers from castor stems and skins. is to do it .    The source said, “At the authorities’ propaganda that the more castor oil is planted in more new land, economic development can be generated in response to economic sanctions from the United States, which is trying to crush the socialist system. There are voices of bolmen coming out.”  It is the voice of the North Korean people that if they do not develop nuclear weapons and launch missiles while spending foreign currency, sanctions against North Korea will be eased and North Korea's economic difficulties will be resolved.     The source emphasized, “Some elderly residents are showing a cold reaction, saying that ( North Korea ) is going backwards, saying that there is no other country in the world that will develop its economy by planting castor oil . ”  Meanwhile, in December of last year , a military source in North Pyongan Province reported that the North Korean military “ is using a mixture of castor oil because there is not enough gasoline, which is fuel for drones . ” ( Related article )

Reporters Without Borders “North Korea again ranks at the bottom of the Freedom of the Press Index this year”

May 3rd is ' World Press Freedom Day ' established by the United Nations in 1993 . North Korea was again named the country with the worst press freedom this year . Reporter Park Jae-woo reports .

According to the ' 2023 World Press Freedom Index' released by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) on the 3rd , North Korea scored 21.72 points out of 100 , ranking 180th , the lowest among 180 countries surveyed .

The report pointed out that the North Korean regime, the world's most authoritarian regime, tightly controls information and strictly prohibits independent media .

In addition, he explained that a small number of foreign media outlets such as AFP and Kyodo News are operating in North Korea , but they are operated under strict supervision, which reduces their reporting ability .

He went on to say that popular South Korean TV shows and movies are often distributed in North Korea despite harsh punishments such as imprisonment in concentration camps .

South Korea ranked 47th with a score of 70.83 , and the United States ranked 45th by a narrow margin .

On this day, US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln issued a statement and said, “ Too many governments are retaliating for journalists simply doing what they have to do , and suppressing freedom of expression to silence it . ” They have used various tools of oppression to force them to close their doors . ”

“ On this World Press Freedom Day , we are committed to protecting the freedom of the press and promoting it around the world, ” he said .

North Korean residents: "Plant castor oil on more land"

North Korea is mobilizing its residents to find new land for planting castor beans ( castor and castor bean ) . It is pointed out that the intention of the authorities is to overcome the economic crisis by planting a lot of castor seeds . Inside North Korea , reporter Son Hye-min reports .

North Korea, which emphasizes the keynote of self-reliance every day, presented the planting of castor beans ( castor beans and castor beans ) as a social movement . It is intended to respond to the economic sanctions of the international community by planting a lot of castor oil to produce industrial fuel and paper that can be used as lubricant, but some residents are showing negative reactions .

A resident source in North Pyongan Province told Radio Free Asia on the 2nd, "Since yesterday, members of the Women's League ( members of housewives' organization ) in Yongcheon County have been mobilized to plant castor oil. The priority is to find new land to plant castor oil . "

It is said that the measure is being developed as a central order to cultivate castor oil, which can produce industrial fuel, etc. with domestic resources, as a social movement. It is known that the time to mobilize for planting castor oil is this weekend , that is, until the 7th . 

“As a result, Yongcheon-gun is filling up the abandoned puddles and swamps around the village and around the railroad tracks and planting castor oil,” the source said. “All of this work is also unpaid labor,” the source pointed out.

The source said, “Wouldn’t it be better for housewives who are unable to do business and are being mobilized to plant castor oil to find new land and plant corn in the fields where castor oil will be planted?” There is a reaction,” he explained.

On the same day, a source in Jagang Province also said, “ Since the end of April, planting castor oil has been underway as a party-affiliated project in Jaseong County.” I'm urging you to do it,” he said .

If you plant a lot of castor and cultivate it well, the oil from the seeds will develop the chemical industry and health sector, such as industrial fuel and vinyl chloride production, and it will be possible to improve people's lives by producing paper and artificial fibers from castor stems and skins. is to do it .  

The source said, “At the authorities’ propaganda that the more castor oil is planted in more new land, economic development can be generated in response to economic sanctions from the United States, which is trying to crush the socialist system. There are voices of bolmen coming out.”

It is the voice of the North Korean people that if they do not develop nuclear weapons and launch missiles while spending foreign currency, sanctions against North Korea will be eased and North Korea's economic difficulties will be resolved.   

The source emphasized, “Some elderly residents are showing a cold reaction, saying that ( North Korea ) is going backwards, saying that there is no other country in the world that will develop its economy by planting castor oil . ”

Meanwhile, in December of last year , a military source in North Pyongan Province reported that the North Korean military “ is using a mixture of castor oil because there is not enough gasoline, which is fuel for drones . ” ( Related article )

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