As the Jewish holidays continue, settlers’ raids on Al-Aqsa Mosque continue

As the Jewish holidays continue, settlers’ raids on Al-Aqsa Mosque continue

Hundreds of Israeli settlers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque and performed provocative Talmudic rituals, while the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned these measures, describing the Israeli incursions as seeking to Judaize Al-Aqsa.

Hundreds of settlers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem from the Mughrabi Gate side, on Sunday morning, on the second day of the Jewish “Sukkot” holiday, under the protection of the Israeli occupation police.

The Islamic Endowments Department in Jerusalem said in a brief statement, “The Israeli police closed the Mughrabi Gate after 602 Jewish extremists stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

Eyewitnesses said that dozens of settlers stormed Al-Aqsa's courtyards in groups and performed "provocative Talmudic rituals."

The Palestinian Jerusalem Governorate posted on its Facebook account a video clip documenting an attempt by settlers to bring animal sacrifices into Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the intrusion, describing it as “falling within the framework of a replacement colonial plan aimed at Judaizing Jerusalem and changing its historical, political, demographic and legal reality.”

“Sukkot” - the last of the three Jewish holidays (Passover, the Feast of Weeks, and the Sukkot) - began last September 29 and continues until October 6 of this year and is linked to the memory of the Jews being lost in the Sinai desert and their dwelling under umbrellas and in tents.

The frequency of raids on the mosque usually increases during periods of Jewish holidays, and they take place in two periods, in the morning and after the noon prayer, with facilitation and accompaniment from the Israeli police.

According to the local Al-Qastal News Network, last September witnessed about 4,500 settlers storming Al-Aqsa Mosque, including 1,600 during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

The Israeli police began allowing settlers to carry out incursions in 2003, despite repeated denunciations by the Islamic Endowments Department in Jerusalem.

Arab and international condemnations of the Ankara attack and solidarity with Turkiye against terrorism

The armed attack on the Public Security Directorate in the Turkish capital, Ankara, sparked a widespread wave of Arab and international condemnation and denunciation, as Arab countries, organizations and European countries condemned the terrorist attack in which two terrorists targeted the directorate, expressing their solidarity with Turkey against terrorism.

Arab countries, organizations and European countries on Sunday condemned the terrorist attack that targeted the entrance to the General Directorate of Security of the Turkish Ministry of Interior in the capital, Ankara.

In a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Qatar condemned in the strongest terms the attack itself, affirming its “firm position of rejecting violence and terrorism, regardless of the motives and reasons.”

The Qatari Foreign Ministry stressed "Qatar's full solidarity and its standing alongside the Turkish government and people in confronting terrorism, and its full support for all measures it takes to maintain security and stability."

Egypt also condemned, in a Foreign Ministry statement, “in the strongest terms” the terrorist attack that took place in Ankara

Cairo affirmed its “full solidarity with the government and people of the sister country of Turkey,” expressing its “sincere wishes for a speedy recovery for the injured.”

The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed the Kingdom's "strong condemnation and denunciation of the attempted terrorist attack on the Security Directorate of the Ministry of Interior in the sisterly Republic of Turkey."

The Saudi Foreign Ministry affirmed in a statement “the Kingdom’s rejection of all forms of violence, terrorism and extremism,” reiterating “the Kingdom’s support for all efforts aimed at eliminating terrorism.”

The Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, in a telegram sent to the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, expressed strong denunciation and condemnation of the terrorist attack in Ankara.

In a second telegram sent to the Turkish President, the Crown Prince of Kuwait, Sheikh Meshaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, offered sincere condolences and wishes for recovery to the injured, according to what was reported by the country’s official news agency.

In a Foreign Ministry statement, Jordan condemned the terrorist attack itself.

The Ministry affirmed the Kingdom’s solidarity with the Republic of Turkey, and its complete rejection and denunciation of all forms of violence and terrorism, expressing its “wishes for a speedy recovery for the injured.”

In a Foreign Ministry statement, Palestine also condemned the attack “in the strongest terms,” stressing that it stands with Turkey and its people in the face of terrorism.

She stressed her "confidence in the ability of Turkey, as president, government and people, to confront and defeat terrorism" and wished a speedy recovery for the injured.

Algeria said in a presidential statement that it "strongly condemns the sinful terrorist attack," stressing its "full solidarity with sister Turkey, as a result of this treacherous terrorist attack."

Algeria called for "continuing concerted regional and international efforts to confront terrorism in all its forms, and to put an end to practices aimed at destabilizing countries."

At the level of Arab organizations and bodies, Jamal Rushdi, spokesman for the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, condemned, in a statement, the terrorist attack that occurred in Turkey.

He considered that "this terrorist act, whoever is behind it, is condemned and rejected," expressing "solidarity with Turkey in the face of any group that uses terrorism as a method of action or a means to achieve political goals."

The Northern Iraq Regional Government also condemned the terrorist attack in a statement, and affirmed its firm position of completely rejecting violence and terrorist acts.

In a related context, the European Union strongly condemned the terrorist attack, and European Council President Charles Michel said about the attack: “I was shocked by the terrorist attack in Ankara.”

In turn, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, expressed his solidarity with Turkey and the speedy recovery of the wounded, condemning the terrorist attack that struck Ankara.

For his part, Oliver Varheli, a member of the European Union Commission responsible for neighborhood and enlargement policies, affirmed the Union's support for Turkey in fighting terrorism.

Also, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken condemned the attack and wrote through his account on the “X” platform: “The United States condemns the attack that targeted the entrance to the General Directorate of Security of the Turkish Ministry of the Interior in Ankara, and we wish the wounded a speedy recovery.”

In addition, Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson strongly condemned the terrorist attack, and renewed his country's commitment to long-term cooperation with Turkey in combating terrorism.

Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom also confirmed his country's determination to partner with Turkey in all areas of combating terrorism, noting that he was "appalled by the attack."

Also in this context, the Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani, said that he is following the news coming from Turkey with great interest.

He added: "The Italian government strongly condemns all forms of terrorism and expresses its full solidarity with Turkey."

For his part, Kosovar Prime Minister Albin Kurti expressed his sadness upon receiving news of the terrorist attack in Ankara, wishing a speedy recovery for those injured in the incident.

In this context, the French Foreign Ministry condemned the terrorist attack through a statement in Turkish and French, expressing Paris's solidarity with Ankara.

As for the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, it condemned the terrorist attack in Ankara through the words of the country's President Arsene Tatar and Prime Minister Unal Ustal.

In turn, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg expressed the alliance's solidarity with Turkey against the terrorist attack.

The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry also condemned the terrorist act that targeted Ankara, declaring its continued support for Turkey "against all manifestations of terrorism."

On Sunday morning, two terrorists arrived in a small commercial vehicle at a location in front of the entrance to the General Directorate of Security of the Ministry of Interior, and carried out an attack, according to a statement by Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya.

According to Yerli Kaya, one of the terrorists blew himself up, while the security forces were able to neutralize the other, noting that two Turkish security personnel were slightly injured during the shooting.


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