Jakarta - The General Chairperson of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) KH Miftachul Akhyar (Kiai Miftach) assessed that the Nahdlatul Ulama organization needs to develop a 5G strategy to maximize the contribution made in achieving the direction of national development.
In the Opening of the National Conference of Ulama and the 2025 NU Grand Conference in Jakarta, Wednesday, Kiai Miftach said that this 5G strategy is important to recontextualize the thoughts of predecessors in the framework of the ukhuwah trilogy, because it is the result of a reflection that balances the ongoing Industrial Revolution 5.0.
The 5Gs referred to are grand idea (NU's vision and mission to strengthen NU's spirit of service), grand design (a measurable work program at all levels), grand strategy (the planned and managed spread of invasion to cadres and spaces in the country), grand control (organizational chain of command), and grand sami'na wa atha'na .
"This is important to ensure that the programs we have delivered at all levels are not eroded by temporary interests," he said.
On that occasion, Kiai Miftach also requested that the NU National Conference and National Conference not only produce regulations of the Law, but also need propriety and ethics in the discussion and at the same time be beneficial for the interests of the economic sector.
"Maybe it's time for the criteria for the limits of Ahlul Halli wal Aqdi to be able to obtain top leadership to lead NU that makes the muassis happy," he said.
The 2025 NU National Conference and National Conference held on February 5-7 in Jakarta was attended by 450 participants consisting of elements of mustasyar, syuriyah, tanfidiziyah, a'wan PBNU, central level institutions and banom, regional administrators and branch administrators, as well as Islamic boarding school kiai.
There are at least three categories of discussion in the National Conference of Ulama related to the discussion of religious issues: