Taiwan's Tiangong Missile Case Contractors Illegally Provided Chinese-made Inferior Parts Taiwan's Tiangong Missile Case Contractors Illegally Provided Chinese-made Inferior Parts

Taiwan's Tiangong Missile Case Contractors Illegally Provided Chinese-made Inferior Parts

台湾天弓导弹弊案 承包商违法提供中国制劣质零件  台湾国家中山科学研究院(中科院)爆发重大军购弊案,有天弓导弹的承包商伪造美国原厂证明,提供中国制造的赝品零件,有些甚至在淘宝网站就找得到,违法赚取高额价差。相关导弹若使用这些瑕疵零件,可能影响国防安全。   台湾拥有三千公里长射程导弹吗? 因应解放军威胁 台湾将远程打击纳入建军重点 台湾试射天弓导弹 解放军发视频威吓?  目前已大量布署在台湾本岛及外离岛,负责台湾重要空中防御、拦截弹道导弹重要任务的天弓导弹,传出重大弊案。台湾《镜週刊》2月9日报道,目前已知至少有三家长期承揽中科院标案的厂商,涉嫌以次充好,甚至伪造美国出厂证明。  伪造原厂证明 赚取巨额暴利  报道指出,天弓导弹等各式导弹零组件标案有问题,其中固定导弹发射的螺丝,被质疑绑定规格有图利业者的嫌疑,而另外用来触发导弹的“硅控整流器”点火装置与军规电线等零件,竟遭到承包商以赝品替代。《镜週刊》曝光一家位于台湾新竹的承包商,向中国浙江柳晶公司采购廉价整流器及导弹电子元件等,赚取价差,并伪造美国原厂证明书矇骗中科院,多年来更以相同手法诈得上亿元。  美国智库国际评估与战略中心( International Assessment and Strategy Center)资深研究员、军事专家费学礼(Rick Fisher)听闻此事后回复本台:“很显然不道德的承包商试图偷工减料,”他在书面回复写道,“早日发现造假是幸运的,但也凸显了警惕的必要性,这不会是台湾最后一次遭遇此类威胁。”  《镜週刊》引用知情人士说法表示,硅控整流器堪称“导弹心脏”,用来触发导弹,属于点火装置,使用瑕疵零件恐导致电流无法畅通,有可能造成导弹无法及时发射,严重危害国家安全。台湾检方日前将四人依诈欺、伪造文书等罪起诉。  2007年10月7日,台湾在阅兵式上首次展出自制的“天弓三型”导弹。(法新社资料图) 2007年10月7日,台湾在阅兵式上首次展出自制的“天弓三型”导弹。(法新社资料图)  矢板明夫:“和通敌叛国同罪”  日本《产经新闻》台北支局长矢板明夫就表示,这个弊案表面上是无良商人贪图蝇头小利的不法行为,但其性质和通敌叛国同罪,他指出中国庞大的对台工作团队,为了渗透、弱化台湾,无时无刻不在收集情报,寻找对台湾见缝插针的机会。 他在脸书评论中表示, “我敢说,当台湾业者向中国企业发包订货的时候,中共的对台机关一定有察觉,并已经开始工作。如果没有被发现,这件事很可能演变成台湾防御的破口。”  中科院在新闻稿中回应,硅控整流器采购案在去年三月履约验收时发现承包商不法行为,就主动移送司法侦办并提告求偿,有关影响国安的导弹零件采购案,中科院在采购验收时已发觉处理,并未影响武器产制及各项专案任务推动。中科院的招标网页也有公告严禁使用中国产品,包括采购品项及其零组件,承包商也需要签署交货品无使用中国制品、零组件的切结书。  台湾中科院招标网页公告严禁使用中国产品及其零组件(中科院官网截图) 台湾中科院招标网页公告严禁使用中国产品及其零组件(中科院官网截图)  台湾社会需加强国防共识  美国圣托马斯大学国际研究与当代语言学系系主任叶耀元接受採访时说,军需採购比起其他政府採购项目更为敏感,但难敌商人利益导向,因此需要更加严谨的监督规范,“尤其在国防产业的标案裡面,都需要更强烈的监督机制,不管是固定审查,或是真的确认这些产品来源地。”  叶耀元说,台湾将中国列为第一大假想敌,因此军需产业的承包商必须和台湾国防部有一定共识,“就是不会把任何国安机密或标案内容,跟中国共产党及人民解放军,甚至是跟中国政府单位进行透露,这个基本的概念需要建立起来。”  中国军机近年频频扰台,台海和平受到威胁,台湾立法院去年11月通过2400亿台币的《海空战力提升计划采购特别条例》,大手笔采购各式导弹等国造军备,其中1800亿元将由中科院发包给国内民间厂商。矢板明夫表示,台湾社会对危害国家安全的犯罪警惕性不高,需要重视法律修改和强化国防采购的审查基准,也有台湾立委建议调查中科院内部是否有“内神通外鬼”的问题。   记者:陈品洁    责编:申铧    网编:洪伟   Taiwan's Tiangong Missile Case Contractors Illegally Provided Chinese-made Inferior Parts  Taiwan's National Zhongshan Academy of Sciences (Chinese Academy of Sciences) broke out a major military purchase fraud case. The contractor of Tiangong missiles forged the original US factory certificate and provided fake parts made in China, some even found on Taobao website, illegally earning high price difference . If the relevant missiles use these defective parts, it may affect the national defense security.  Does Taiwan have 3,000km long-range missiles? In response to the People's Liberation Army's threat to Taiwan, long-range strikes are included in the focus of military building Taiwan's test launch of Tiangong missile, the People's Liberation Army issued a video threat?  At present, a large number of Tiangong missiles, which have been deployed on Taiwan's main island and outlying islands, are responsible for Taiwan's important air defense and the important task of intercepting ballistic missiles. Major fraud cases have been reported. Taiwan's "Mirror Weekly" reported on February 9 that at least three long-term contractors for the Chinese Academy of Sciences are known to be shoddy and even forged U.S. factory certificates.  Fake original factory certificates to earn huge profits The report pointed out that there are problems in the bidding of various missile components such as Tiangong missiles. Among them, the screws that fix the missile launch are suspected of being a profiteer, and the "silicon-controlled rectifier" ignition device used to trigger the missile is also questioned. Parts such as military-standard wires were replaced by counterfeit ones by contractors. "Mirror Weekly" exposed a contractor located in Hsinchu, Taiwan, purchasing cheap rectifiers and missile electronic components from Zhejiang Liujing Company in China, earning the price difference, and forging the original US factory certificate to deceive the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and has used the same method for many years. billions of dollars.  Rick Fisher, a senior researcher at the International Assessment and Strategy Center, a U.S. think tank, and a military expert, replied to the station after hearing about the incident: "It is clear that unethical contractors are trying to cut corners," he wrote in a written reply. "It is fortunate that the fraud was discovered early, but it also highlights the need for vigilance. This will not be the last time Taiwan has faced such a threat."  "Mirror Weekly" quoted people familiar with the matter as saying that silicon-controlled rectifiers are called "missile hearts", which are used to trigger missiles and belong to ignition devices. The use of defective parts may cause the current to fail to flow, which may cause missiles to fail to be launched in time, seriously endangering national security. . Taiwanese prosecutors have charged four people with fraud and forgery of documents.  Akio Yaita: "Treason of Watsu" Akio Yaita, director of the Taipei branch of Japan's "Sankei Shimbun", said that on the surface, this malpractice case is an illegal act of unscrupulous businessmen seeking petty profits, but its nature is the same as collaborating with the enemy and treason. He pointed out that China's huge work team against Taiwan, in order to Infiltrate and weaken Taiwan, collect intelligence all the time, and look for opportunities to penetrate Taiwan. He said in a Facebook comment, "I dare to say that when Taiwanese companies place contracts and orders with Chinese companies, the CCP's Taiwan authorities must have noticed it and have already started work. If it is not discovered, this matter is likely to evolve into A breach in Taiwan's defense."  The Chinese Academy of Sciences responded in a press release that the silicon-controlled rectifier procurement case was found to be illegal by the contractor during the performance acceptance in March last year, and it took the initiative to transfer it to the Judicial Investigation Office and filed a claim for compensation. Regarding the procurement of missile parts that affected national security, the Chinese Academy of Sciences was in the procurement and acceptance. It has been discovered and dealt with, and it has not affected the production of weapons and the promotion of various special tasks. The bidding website of the Chinese Academy of Sciences also has an announcement that the use of Chinese products, including purchased items and their components, is strictly prohibited.  Taiwanese society needs to strengthen national defense consensus Ye Yaoyuan, director of the Department of International Studies and Contemporary Linguistics at the University of St. Thomas, said in an interview that military procurement is more sensitive than other government procurement projects, but it is difficult to match the interests of businessmen, so stricter supervision and regulations are needed, " Especially in the defense industry's tenders, a stronger monitoring mechanism is needed, whether it is a fixed review, or a real confirmation of the origin of these products."  Ye Yaoyuan said that Taiwan lists China as the number one imaginary enemy, so contractors in the munitions industry must have a certain consensus with the Taiwan Ministry of Defense, "that is, they will not share any national security secrets or tenders with the Communist Party of China, the People's Liberation Army, or even the To disclose to Chinese government units, this basic concept needs to be established.”  Chinese military planes have frequently disrupted Taiwan in recent years, and the peace of the Taiwan Strait has been threatened. In November last year, the Taiwan Legislative Yuan passed the "Special Regulations on the Procurement of Sea and Air Combat Power Enhancement Plans" of NT$240 billion, and purchased various missiles and other state-made armaments, of which 180 billion yuan will be contracted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Domestic private manufacturers. Akio Yaita said that Taiwanese society is not very vigilant about crimes that endanger national security, and it is necessary to pay attention to the revision of laws and the strengthening of the review standards for defense procurement. There are also Taiwan legislators who suggested to investigate whether there are "internal supernatural powers and external ghosts" within the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  Reporter: Chen Pinjie Responsible Editor: Shen Hua Web Editor: Hong Wei

Taiwan's Tiangong Missile Case Contractors Illegally Provided Chinese-made Inferior Parts

Taiwan's National Zhongshan Academy of Sciences (Chinese Academy of Sciences) broke out a major military purchase fraud case. The contractor of Tiangong missiles forged the original US factory certificate and provided fake parts made in China, some even found on Taobao website, illegally earning high price difference . If the relevant missiles use these defective parts, it may affect the national defense security.

Does Taiwan have 3,000km long-range missiles?
In response to the People's Liberation Army's threat to Taiwan, long-range strikes are included in the focus of military building
Taiwan's test launch of Tiangong missile, the People's Liberation Army issued a video threat?

At present, a large number of Tiangong missiles, which have been deployed on Taiwan's main island and outlying islands, are responsible for Taiwan's important air defense and the important task of intercepting ballistic missiles. Major fraud cases have been reported. Taiwan's "Mirror Weekly" reported on February 9 that at least three long-term contractors for the Chinese Academy of Sciences are known to be shoddy and even forged U.S. factory certificates.

Fake original factory certificates to earn huge profits
The report pointed out that there are problems in the bidding of various missile components such as Tiangong missiles. Among them, the screws that fix the missile launch are suspected of being a profiteer, and the "silicon-controlled rectifier" ignition device used to trigger the missile is also questioned. Parts such as military-standard wires were replaced by counterfeit ones by contractors. "Mirror Weekly" exposed a contractor located in Hsinchu, Taiwan, purchasing cheap rectifiers and missile electronic components from Zhejiang Liujing Company in China, earning the price difference, and forging the original US factory certificate to deceive the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and has used the same method for many years. billions of dollars.

Rick Fisher, a senior researcher at the International Assessment and Strategy Center, a U.S. think tank, and a military expert, replied to the station after hearing about the incident: "It is clear that unethical contractors are trying to cut corners," he wrote in a written reply. "It is fortunate that the fraud was discovered early, but it also highlights the need for vigilance. This will not be the last time Taiwan has faced such a threat."

"Mirror Weekly" quoted people familiar with the matter as saying that silicon-controlled rectifiers are called "missile hearts", which are used to trigger missiles and belong to ignition devices. The use of defective parts may cause the current to fail to flow, which may cause missiles to fail to be launched in time, seriously endangering national security. . Taiwanese prosecutors have charged four people with fraud and forgery of documents.

Akio Yaita: "Treason of Watsu"
Akio Yaita, director of the Taipei branch of Japan's "Sankei Shimbun", said that on the surface, this malpractice case is an illegal act of unscrupulous businessmen seeking petty profits, but its nature is the same as collaborating with the enemy and treason. He pointed out that China's huge work team against Taiwan, in order to Infiltrate and weaken Taiwan, collect intelligence all the time, and look for opportunities to penetrate Taiwan. He said in a Facebook comment, "I dare to say that when Taiwanese companies place contracts and orders with Chinese companies, the CCP's Taiwan authorities must have noticed it and have already started work. If it is not discovered, this matter is likely to evolve into A breach in Taiwan's defense."

The Chinese Academy of Sciences responded in a press release that the silicon-controlled rectifier procurement case was found to be illegal by the contractor during the performance acceptance in March last year, and it took the initiative to transfer it to the Judicial Investigation Office and filed a claim for compensation. Regarding the procurement of missile parts that affected national security, the Chinese Academy of Sciences was in the procurement and acceptance. It has been discovered and dealt with, and it has not affected the production of weapons and the promotion of various special tasks. The bidding website of the Chinese Academy of Sciences also has an announcement that the use of Chinese products, including purchased items and their components, is strictly prohibited.

Taiwanese society needs to strengthen national defense consensus
Ye Yaoyuan, director of the Department of International Studies and Contemporary Linguistics at the University of St. Thomas, said in an interview that military procurement is more sensitive than other government procurement projects, but it is difficult to match the interests of businessmen, so stricter supervision and regulations are needed, " Especially in the defense industry's tenders, a stronger monitoring mechanism is needed, whether it is a fixed review, or a real confirmation of the origin of these products."

Ye Yaoyuan said that Taiwan lists China as the number one imaginary enemy, so contractors in the munitions industry must have a certain consensus with the Taiwan Ministry of Defense, "that is, they will not share any national security secrets or tenders with the Communist Party of China, the People's Liberation Army, or even the To disclose to Chinese government units, this basic concept needs to be established.”

Chinese military planes have frequently disrupted Taiwan in recent years, and the peace of the Taiwan Strait has been threatened. In November last year, the Taiwan Legislative Yuan passed the "Special Regulations on the Procurement of Sea and Air Combat Power Enhancement Plans" of NT$240 billion, and purchased various missiles and other state-made armaments, of which 180 billion yuan will be contracted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Domestic private manufacturers. Akio Yaita said that Taiwanese society is not very vigilant about crimes that endanger national security, and it is necessary to pay attention to the revision of laws and the strengthening of the review standards for defense procurement. There are also Taiwan legislators who suggested to investigate whether there are "internal supernatural powers and external ghosts" within the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Reporter: Chen Pinjie Responsible Editor: Shen Hua Web Editor: Hong Wei

ကရင်ပြည်နယ်မှာ တစ်နှစ်အတွင်း ဒုက္ခသည် ခုနစ်သောင်းကျော် ထပ်တိုး  လေးကေ့ကော် တိုက်ပွဲတွေကြောင့် ထွက်ပြေးရတဲ့ စစ်ဘေးဒုက္ခသည်တွေကို သောင်ရင်းမြစ်ကမ်းနားဘေးမှာ ၂၀၂၁ ဒီဇင်ဘာ ၂၀ ရက်နေ့က တွေ့ရစဉ်  Photo: RFA ကရင်ပြည်နယ်မှာ အာဏာသိမ်း တစ်နှစ်တာကာလအတွင်း စစ်ဘေးဒုက္ခသည် ခုနစ် သောင်းကျော်အထိ တိုးလာနေတယ်လို့ ကရင်အမျိုးသားအစည်းအရုံး (KNU) က ဖေဖော်ဝါရီလ ၈ ရက် မနေ့က ထုတ်ပြန်ပါတယ်။  ဒုက္ခသည်တွေဟာ ဒူးသထူးခရိုင်၊ ညောင်လေးပင်ခရိုင်၊ ဘိတ်ထားဝယ်ခရိုင်၊ မူတြော်ခရိုင်နဲ့ ဒူးပလာယာခရိုင် အတွင်းမှာ အများဆုံးဖြစ်တယ်လို့ ဆိုပါတယ်။  အဲဒီနယ်မြေတွေမှာ စစ်ကောင်စီတပ်က စစ်ရေးလှုပ်ရှားမှုတွေနဲ့ လေယဉ်နဲ့ တိုက်ခိုက် မှုတွေကြောင့် ရွာလုံးကျွတ် ထွက်ပြေး နေကြရတာတွေလည်း ရှိတယ်လို့ KNU ကရင် အမျိုးသား အစည်းအရုံးဗဟိုကော်မတီက နိုင်ငံခြားရေးတာဝန်ခံ ပဒိုစောတောနီးက RFA ကို ပြောပါတယ်။  "အာဏာမသိမ်းခင် နှစ်လ သုံးလမှာကို တပ်မဟာ (၃) ဘက်မှာ စစ်တပ်ကနေပြီးတော့ ကျနော်တို့ နယ်မြေထဲကို လမ်းပေါက်တာ ကြားဖူးမှာပေါ့။ အဲမှာကလည်း တိုက်ပွဲ စဖြစ်ပြီးတော့ အာဏာမသိမ်းခင် နှစ်လသုံးလမှာထဲက လူဦးရေ ငါးထောင် လောက်က ပြေးနေရတာရှိတယ်။ အရင်တည်းကစတာ အာဏာသိမ်းပြီး တိုက်ပွဲက တောက်လျှောက် ဖြစ်လာတော့ တစ်လ နှစ်လအတွင်းမှာ တပ်မဟာ (၅) ဘက်မှာ စခန်းသိမ်းလာတာတွေ ရှိတယ်။ နောက်ပြီးတော့ လေယဉ်နဲ့ ဗုံးကြဲချလာတယ်။ တိုက်ပွဲက ကြိုကြားကြိုကြား နေ့တိုင်းကိုဖြစ်တာပဲ။ တိုက်ပွဲ ဖြစ်တိုင်းမှာ သူတို့က ရွာသားတွေကို လက်နက်ကြီးနဲ့ ပြန်ပြီးထုတယ်။ အဒါတွေက အမြဲတမ်းရှိနေတဲ့ အခါကျတော့ ရွာသားတွေက စစ်ရှောင်ဦးရေက တိုးပြီးရင်း တိုးလာတယ်လေ။ နောက်ဆုံးကျတော့ ၂၀၂၁ ဒီဇင်ဘာ လေးကေ့ကော် တိုက်ပွဲဖြစ်လာတော့ ပိုဆိုးသွားတာပေါ့ "  အခုဆိုရင် ကရင်ပြည်နယ်မှာ အာဏာမသိမ်းခင်နဲ့ သိမ်းပြီးနောက် ဒုက္ခသည် အရေအတွက် စုစုပေါင်းဟာ နှစ်သိန်းကျော်အထိ ရှိနေပြီလို့ သူကပြောပါတယ်။  ဒုက္ခသည်တွေဟာ ဒေသတွင်းမှာ တိုက်ပွဲနဲ့ ဝေးရာကို ထွက်ပြေးတိမ်းရှောင် နေကြရတာ ရှိသလို ထိုင်းမြန်မာ နယ်စပ်က သောင်ရင်းမြစ်ကမ်း တစ်လျှောက်မှာ ဖြစ်သလို နေထိုင် နေကြရတာလည်း ရှိပါတယ်။   ကနဦး ခိုလှုံခွင့်ရခဲ့တဲ့ ထိုင်းနိုင်ငံဘက်ခြမ်းက ဒုက္ခသည်စခန်းကို ပိတ်လိုက်တာကြောင့် ဒုက္ခသည်တွေဟာ ပိုအခက်တွေ့နေကြရတယ်လို့ အချိန် သုံးလကြာ ထွက်ပြေး တိမ်းရှောင် နေရတဲ့ ဒုက္ခသည်တစ်ဦးကပြောပါတယ်။  "အခုလောလောဆယ် ကတော့နော် နေရာထိုင်ခင်း အခက်အခဲရှိတယ်။ ဘာလို့လဲ ဆိုတော့ ထိုင်းဘက်အခြမ်းက ဒုက္ခသည်စခန်းက ပိတ်လိုက်ပြီဆိုတော့ အကုန်လုံးက နီးစပ်ရာအိမ်တွေ သောင်ရင်းမြစ်ကမ်းဘေးက မြန်မာအခြမ်းမှာပဲ ဖြစ်သလို နေနေ ရတယ်။ မိုးကလည်း အရမ်းရွာတော့ နေရာထိုင်ခင်း အခက်အခဲက တော်တော်ရှိပါတယ်။ မိုးကရွာတော့ အောက်ကရေတွေနဲ့ အခင်းတွေကို ရေတွေစိုတော့ သက်ကြီးရွယ်အိုတွေ အတွက် အဆင်မပြေဘူး။ ရာသီဥတုက အေးနေတာဆိုတော့"  နေရာထိုင်ခင်း အခက်အခဲကြောင့် ဒုက္ခသည် အမျိုးသမီးတွေအနေနဲ့ စိတ်ပိုင်းဆိုင်ရာ မလုံခြုံမှုအပြင် တခြားကျန်းမာရေး ပြဿနာတွေနဲ့ပါ ရင်ဆိုင်နေကြရတယ်လို့ သူက ပြောပါတယ်။  ဒုက္ခသည်တွေအတွက် စားနပ်ရိက္ခာနဲ့ ဆေးဝါးတွေကို ကူညီထောက်ပံ့ရေး လမ်းကြောင်း တွေမှာ စစ်ကောင်စီတပ်က ရှိနေတာကြောင့် ခက်ခက်ခဲခဲ သယ်နေရတယ်လို့ ဒုက္ခသည်အရေး ကူညီနေသူတစ်ဦးက ပြောပါတယ်။  karen refugees (ကရင်ပြည်နယ် လေးကေ့ကော်မြို့သစ်က တိုက်ပွဲကြောင့် ထွက်ပြေတိမ်းရှောင်လာကြတဲ့ စစ်ဘေးဒုက္ခသည်များကို ၂၀၂၁ ဒီဇင်ဘာ ၁၆ ရက်နေ့က တွေ့ရစဉ်) Photo: MPA "ကျနော်တို့ တော်တော်လေး ရှောင်ရှားပြီး ကူညီနေရတဲ့ အခြေအနေပေါ့နော်။ စစ်ရှောင်အနေနဲ့ အမည်ဖော်လိုက်ခြင်းအားဖြင့် မကျေနပ်တဲ့သူတွေက အမျိုးမျိုး တားဆီးပိတ်ပင်မှုတွေရှိတာပေါ့။ တော်တော်လေးတော့ ပြည့်စုံမှု မရှိပါဘူး။ စားသောက်ကုန်ကိုပဲ ဦးစားပေးတဲ့သဘောပါ။ အဟာရပြည့်ဝတဲ့ အစားအသောက်တွေ သူတို့မစားနိုင်ဘူး။ ဆေးဝါးပိုင်းလည်း ကူညီထောက်ပံ့မှု နည်းတဲ့အခါကျတော့ နီးစပ်ရော ဆေးရုံ၊ ဆေးခန်းနဲ့ ဆရာ၊ ဆရာမတွေဆီ ကျန်းမာရေးလုပ်သားတွေဆီကို ကျန်းမာရေးစောင့်ရှာက်မှု ပေးနိုင်တာပေါ့"  ဒုက္ခသည်တွေ လက်ရှိကြုံနေရတဲ့ အခြေအနေဟာ နှစ်ပေါင်း ၇၀ ကျော်အတွင်းမှာ အစိုးရိမ်ရဆုံး ဖြစ်တယ်လို့လည်း သူကဆိုပါတယ်။  "မိုးကလည်း အရမ်းရွာတော့ နေရာထိုင်ခင်း အခက်အခဲက တော်တော်ရှိပါတယ်။"  ဒုက္ခသည်တွေရဲ့ အခြေအနေနဲ့ ပတ်သက်လို့ မေးမြန်းနိုင်ဖို့ စစ်ကောင်စီရဲ့ပြောခွင့်ရ ပြန်ကြားရေး ဒုဝန်ကြီး ဗိုလ်ချုပ်ဇော်မင်းထွန်းကို RFA က ဒီနေ့ ဖုန်းနဲ့ ဆက်သွယ်မေးမြန်းဖို့ ကြိုးစားခဲ့ပေမယ့် အကြောင်းမပြန်သေးပါဘူး။  NUG အစိုးရရဲ့ တောင်ပိုင်းတိုင်း ထောက်ပို့တာဝန်ခံ ဦးရဲမင်းကတော့ ဒုက္ခသည် အရေအတွက် နိုင်ငံတကာက အလေးထား လုပ်ဆောင်ဖို့ လိုအပ်တယ်လို့ ပြောပါတယ်။  "ထိုင်းဘက်က ယာယီစစ်ရှောင်စခန်းက ပိတ်လိုက်ပြီ။ ပိတ်လိုက်တော့ အရှေ့မှာ အခုဆိုရင် လေးကေ့ကော်တို့ မဲသထောလေးတို့၊ ထီးမယ်ဝါးခီတို့ စသဖြင့် အဲလို ရွာတွေက စစ်ရှောင်တွေက ထိုင်းမြန်မာနယ်စပ် သောင်ရင်းမြစ်ကမ်းလေး တစ်လျှောက်က လွတ်မယ်ထင်တဲ့ နေရာတွေမှာ ကိုယ့်ဟာနဲ့ကိုယ် မိုးကာလေးတွေ၊ ရွက်ဖျင်တဲလေးတွေ ထိုးပြီး ဖြစ်သလိုနေနေတဲ့ စစ်ရှောင်တွေက လောလောဆယ် ငါးထောင်လောက်ရှိတယ်။ နိုင်ငံတကာက စစ်ရှောင်ကူညီရေးဆိုတာတွေ အများကြီး ရှိတယ်ဗျာ။ နိုင်ငံတကာနဲ့ ဖိဖိစီးစီးလေးနဲ့ ဒီစစ်ရှောင်တွေကို ထိုင်းအစိုးရနဲ့ ညှိနှိုင်း ပြီးတော့ စနစ်တကျလေး ထားပေးစေချင်တယ်"  ထိုင်း-မြန်မာနယ်စပ် သောင်ရင်းမြစ်ကမ်းဘေး တစ်လျှောက် ဖြစ်သလိုနေထိုင်နေရတဲ့ စစ်ဘေးဒုက္ခသည်တွေထဲမှာ နာတာရှည်ရောဂါသည်၊ ကိုယ်ဝန်ဆောင်နဲ့ ကလေးငယ်တွေ အများဆုံးပါနေတာကြောင့် နေရာထိုင်ခင်းနဲ့ လုံခြုံမှုဟာ ကြီးမားတဲ့ ပြဿနာတစ်ရပ် ဖြစ်နေတယ်လို့ သူကပြောပါတယ်။  ကရင်ပြည်နယ်မှာ ပြီးခဲ့တဲ့ ဇန်နဝါရီ တစ်လတည်းမှာတင် စစ်ကောင်စီတပ်နဲ့ နယ်ခြား စောင့် BGF တပ်တွေရဲ့ လက်နက်ကြီးနဲ့ ပစ်ခတ်မှု၊ လေကြောင်းကနေ ဗုံးကြဲတိုက်ခိုက် မှုတွေကြောင့် အရပ်သား ပြည်သူ ၁၂ ဦး သေဆုံးပြီး ၃၂ ဦး ဒဏ်ရာရရှိခဲ့တယ်လို့လည်း KNU ထုတ်ပြန်ချက်မှာ ဖော်ပြထားပါတယ်။   More than 70,000 refugees in Karen State in one year  The Karen National Union (KNU) announced on February 8 that the number of war refugees in Karen State has risen to more than 70,000 in one year.  The refugees are from Doo Tha Htoo District. Nyaung Lay Pin District Beit Dawei District Most are in Mudaw and Dooplaya districts.  Pado Saw Taw Ni, foreign affairs officer of the KNU Karen National Union (KNU) Central Committee, told RFA that some villages have been evacuated due to military operations and airstrikes in those areas.  "Two or three months before the coup, we heard that the army from the 3rd Brigade entered our area. The fighting started and about 5,000 people fled in the first two or three months before the coup d'état. "They fired back at the villagers with heavy artillery. When that happened, the number of villagers fleeing increased. Finally, in December 2021, the fighting intensified."  He says the total number of refugees in Karen State before and after the coup is now over 200,000. Refugees are fleeing the fighting in the area and are living along the banks of the Thaung River on the Thai-Burmese border.  A refugee who has been on the run for three months says the closure of the refugee camp on the Thai side of the border, where he was initially granted asylum, has made life more difficult for refugees.  "Currently, it is difficult to find a place to live because the refugee camp on the Thai side is closed. All the nearby houses are on the Burmese side of the Thaung River. It is raining a lot.  He said that because of the housing crisis, refugee women face other insecurity as well as other health problems. A refugee aid worker said the military council was on the supply lines to provide food and medicine to the refugees, making it difficult for them to carry them.  "We have been avoiding and helping a lot. There are various restrictions on those who are dissatisfied with the nomination as refugees. It is very incomplete. It means they only give priority to food. They can not eat nutritious food.  He said the current situation of the refugees was the most worrying for more than 70 years.  "It's raining a lot and it's very difficult to find a place to live." RFA tried to contact the Deputy Information Minister of the Military Council, General Zaw Min Tun, by telephone today, to inquire about the situation of the refugees, but he did not respond.  Ye Min, the NUG government's southern logistics officer, said the number of refugees needed to be taken seriously by the international community.  "Temporary refugee camps on the Thai side have been closed. Once closed, refugees from such villages, such as Lay Kay Kaw, Mae Tha Htaw Lay and Htee Mae War Khi, will be able to evacuate along the Thai-Burmese border.  Among the war refugees living along the banks of the Thaung River on the Thai-Burmese border are chronically ill; She says housing and security are a big issue because most of them are pregnant and have children.  In January alone, heavy artillery shelling by BGF troops and BGF troops broke out in Karen State. The KNU said in a statement that 12 civilians were killed and 32 wounded in the airstrikes.

More than 70,000 refugees in Karen State in one year

The Karen National Union (KNU) announced on February 8 that the number of war refugees in Karen State has risen to more than 70,000 in one year.

The refugees are from Doo Tha Htoo District. Nyaung Lay Pin District Beit Dawei District Most are in Mudaw and Dooplaya districts.

Pado Saw Taw Ni, foreign affairs officer of the KNU Karen National Union (KNU) Central Committee, told RFA that some villages have been evacuated due to military operations and airstrikes in those areas.

"Two or three months before the coup, we heard that the army from the 3rd Brigade entered our area. The fighting started and about 5,000 people fled in the first two or three months before the coup d'état. "They fired back at the villagers with heavy artillery. When that happened, the number of villagers fleeing increased. Finally, in December 2021, the fighting intensified."

He says the total number of refugees in Karen State before and after the coup is now over 200,000.
Refugees are fleeing the fighting in the area and are living along the banks of the Thaung River on the Thai-Burmese border.

A refugee who has been on the run for three months says the closure of the refugee camp on the Thai side of the border, where he was initially granted asylum, has made life more difficult for refugees.

"Currently, it is difficult to find a place to live because the refugee camp on the Thai side is closed. All the nearby houses are on the Burmese side of the Thaung River. It is raining a lot.

He said that because of the housing crisis, refugee women face other insecurity as well as other health problems.
A refugee aid worker said the military council was on the supply lines to provide food and medicine to the refugees, making it difficult for them to carry them.

"We have been avoiding and helping a lot. There are various restrictions on those who are dissatisfied with the nomination as refugees. It is very incomplete. It means they only give priority to food. They can not eat nutritious food.

He said the current situation of the refugees was the most worrying for more than 70 years.

"It's raining a lot and it's very difficult to find a place to live."
RFA tried to contact the Deputy Information Minister of the Military Council, General Zaw Min Tun, by telephone today, to inquire about the situation of the refugees, but he did not respond.

Ye Min, the NUG government's southern logistics officer, said the number of refugees needed to be taken seriously by the international community.

"Temporary refugee camps on the Thai side have been closed. Once closed, refugees from such villages, such as Lay Kay Kaw, Mae Tha Htaw Lay and Htee Mae War Khi, will be able to evacuate along the Thai-Burmese border.

Among the war refugees living along the banks of the Thaung River on the Thai-Burmese border are chronically ill; She says housing and security are a big issue because most of them are pregnant and have children.

In January alone, heavy artillery shelling by BGF troops and BGF troops broke out in Karen State. The KNU said in a statement that 12 civilians were killed and 32 wounded in the airstrikes.

Indonesia ajak forum G20 capai kesepakatan percepat transisi energi  Dengan urgensi tiga isu ini diharapkan dapat mencapai kesepakatan global dalam mengakselerasi transisi energi Jakarta (ANTARA) - Pemerintah Indonesia mengajak negara-negara yang tergabung dalam Group of Twenty (G20) untuk mencapai kesepakatan global dengan mempercepat program transisi energi.  Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif mengatakan Indonesia hari ini resmi meluncurkan Transisi Energi G20 untuk menjembatani dan mendorong negara maju serta negara berkembang mempercepat peralihan energi fosil ke energi bersih, sekaligus memperkuat sistem energi global yang berkelanjutan.  "Forum transisi energi diharapkan akan menghasilkan hasil persidangan G20 yang lebih konkrit guna memperkuat sistem energi global yang berkelanjutan, serta transisi energi yang berkeadilan dalam konteks pemulihan berkelanjutan," ujarnya dalam peluncuran Transisi Energi G20 yang dipantau di Jakarta, Kamis.  Transisi Energi G20 diluncurkan sebagai bagian Presidensi G20 Indonesia yang dimulai 1 Desember 2021 hingga KTT G20 di November 2022 mendatang.  Menteri Arifin menyampaikan pilar transisi energi akan mengangkat tiga isu prioritas, yaitu akses, teknologi, dan pendanaan.  "Dengan urgensi tiga isu ini diharapkan dapat mencapai kesepakatan global dalam mengakselerasi transisi energi," ucapnya. Melalui forum ini pula, Indonesia mampu menghimpun komitmen global yang lebih kuat dalam rangka mencapai target global pada akses energi yang ditargetkan Agenda 2030 sebagai tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan.  "Hasil utama atau lighthouse deliverable inilah yang diharapkan oleh Presidensi Indonesia sebagai tindak lanjut aksi-aksi pasca COP26 dan Presidensi G20 sebelumnya, dalam rangka mencapai karbon netral yang telah Indonesia targetkan pada 2060, atau lebih cepat lagi dengan dukungan riil dari komunitas internasional," jelas Arifin.  Pada kesempatan yang sama, Menteri Koordinator (Menko) Kemaritiman dan Investasi Luhut Binsar Panjaitan menekankan aksi transisi energi harus dilakukan secara berkeadilan serta berdampak positif pada sosial-ekonomi masyarakat.  "Perubahan paradigma pasti akan berdampak pada perubahan pekerjaan, skenario pembangunan, orientasi bisnis, dan lainnya. Jadi, kami ingin yang berkeadilan, yang bebannya berat harus dibantu, yang sudah siap silahkan jalan sendiri selagi membantu yang belum mampu," kata Luhut.  "Ini harus didukung penuh oleh kerja sama global yang kuat. Ini yang akan kita bangun di G20 Indonesia. Inilah yang kita maksud dengan global deal," tambahnya.  Pemerintah akan terus mendorong lahirnya industri yang lebih hijau dan mendorong kontribusi swasta maupun filantropi melakukan pendanaan inovatif sebagai bagian dari implementasi transisi energi di Indonesia.  Dukungan internasional Komitmen Indonesia mengupayakan kesepakatan global dalam mengakselerasi percepatan transisi energi mendapat dukungan penuh dari sejumlah organisasi internasional.  Direktur Eksekutif Badan Energi Internasional Fatih Birol mengatakan Indonesia punya pengaruh kuat di kawasan Asia Tenggara atas isu-isu energi global.  "Sebuah kehormatan bagi saya dan IEA untuk mendukung agenda Indonesia apalagi sebagai negara berkembang pertama yang menjadi Presidensi G20," kata Fatih.  Ia mengapresiasi secara khusus kepada Presiden Joko Widodo atas kebijakan-kebijakan mengatasi permasalahan pandemi COVID-19 dan secara spesifik memilih isu transisi energi sebagai agenda utama G20.  Sementara itu, Organisasi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) yang bergerak di bidang pembangunan ekonomi dan sosial di kawasan Asia Pasifik (UN ESCAP) juga menegaskan dukungan penuh terhadap Presiden G20 Indonesia dalam mengusung isu transisi energi.  "Kami akan membantu secara teknis rencana aksi terhadap implementasi energi bersih di negara berkembang yang difokuskan pada negara-negara kepulauan. Dukungan terhadap Indonesia ini akan diberikan secara maksimal," kata  Sekretaris Eksekutif ESCAP Arsmida Alisjahbana.      Indonesia invites G20 forum to reach agreement to accelerate energy transition  With the urgency of these three issues, it is hoped that a global agreement can be reached in accelerating the energy transition Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian government invites countries that are members of the Group of Twenty (G20) to reach a global agreement by accelerating the energy transition program.  Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif said Indonesia today officially launched the G20 Energy Transition to bridge and encourage developed and developing countries to accelerate the transition from fossil energy to clean energy, while strengthening a sustainable global energy system.  "The energy transition forum is expected to produce more concrete results of the G20 trial to strengthen a sustainable global energy system, as well as a just energy transition in the context of sustainable recovery," he said at the launch of the G20 Energy Transition which was monitored in Jakarta, Thursday.  The G20 Energy Transition was launched as part of Indonesia's G20 Presidency starting on December 1, 2021 until the G20 Summit in November 2022.  Minister Arifin said the energy transition pillar would raise three priority issues, namely access, technology, and funding.  "With the urgency of these three issues, it is hoped that a global agreement can be reached in accelerating the energy transition," he said.  Through this forum, Indonesia is also able to gather stronger global commitments in order to achieve global targets on energy access targeted by the 2030 Agenda as a sustainable development goal.  "Main result or lighthouse deliverableThis is what the Indonesian Presidency hopes as a follow-up to actions after COP26 and the previous G20 Presidency, in order to achieve the carbon neutrality that Indonesia has targeted by 2060, or sooner with real support from the international community," said Arifin  Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Panjaitan emphasized that energy transition actions must be carried out in a fair manner and have a positive impact on the socio-economic community.  "The paradigm shift will definitely have an impact on job changes, development scenarios, business orientation, and others. So, we want justice, those with heavy burdens to be helped, those who are ready, please go on their own while helping the less fortunate," said Luhut.  "This must be fully supported by strong global cooperation. This is what we will build at the G20 Indonesia. This is what we mean by the global deal ," he added.  The government will continue to encourage the birth of a greener industry and encourage private and philanthropic contributions to make innovative funding as part of implementing the energy transition in Indonesia.  International support Indonesia's commitment to seek a global agreement in accelerating the acceleration of the energy transition has the full support of a number of international organizations.  Executive Director of the International Energy Agency Fatih Birol said Indonesia has a strong influence in the Southeast Asia region on global energy issues.  "It is an honor for me and the IEA to support Indonesia's agenda, especially as the first developing country to become the G20 Presidency," said Fatih.  He especially appreciated President Joko Widodo for his policies to overcome the problems of the COVID-19 pandemic and specifically chose the issue of energy transition as the main agenda of the G20.  Meanwhile, the United Nations Organization (UN) which is engaged in economic and social development in the Asia Pacific region (UN ESCAP) also emphasized its full support for the G20 President of Indonesia in carrying out the issue of energy transition.  "We will technically assist with the action plan for the implementation of clean energy in developing countries, focusing on archipelagic countries. This support for Indonesia will be given maximally," said ESCAP Executive Secretary Arsmida Alisjahbana.

Indonesia invites G20 forum to reach agreement to accelerate energy transition

With the urgency of these three issues, it is hoped that a global agreement can be reached in accelerating the energy transition
Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian government invites countries that are members of the Group of Twenty (G20) to reach a global agreement by accelerating the energy transition program.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif said Indonesia today officially launched the G20 Energy Transition to bridge and encourage developed and developing countries to accelerate the transition from fossil energy to clean energy, while strengthening a sustainable global energy system.

"The energy transition forum is expected to produce more concrete results of the G20 trial to strengthen a sustainable global energy system, as well as a just energy transition in the context of sustainable recovery," he said at the launch of the G20 Energy Transition which was monitored in Jakarta, Thursday.

The G20 Energy Transition was launched as part of Indonesia's G20 Presidency starting on December 1, 2021 until the G20 Summit in November 2022.

Minister Arifin said the energy transition pillar would raise three priority issues, namely access, technology, and funding.

"With the urgency of these three issues, it is hoped that a global agreement can be reached in accelerating the energy transition," he said.

Through this forum, Indonesia is also able to gather stronger global commitments in order to achieve global targets on energy access targeted by the 2030 Agenda as a sustainable development goal.

"Main result or lighthouse deliverableThis is what the Indonesian Presidency hopes as a follow-up to actions after COP26 and the previous G20 Presidency, in order to achieve the carbon neutrality that Indonesia has targeted by 2060, or sooner with real support from the international community," said Arifin

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Panjaitan emphasized that energy transition actions must be carried out in a fair manner and have a positive impact on the socio-economic community.

"The paradigm shift will definitely have an impact on job changes, development scenarios, business orientation, and others. So, we want justice, those with heavy burdens to be helped, those who are ready, please go on their own while helping the less fortunate," said Luhut.

"This must be fully supported by strong global cooperation. This is what we will build at the G20 Indonesia. This is what we mean by the global deal ," he added.

The government will continue to encourage the birth of a greener industry and encourage private and philanthropic contributions to make innovative funding as part of implementing the energy transition in Indonesia.

International support
Indonesia's commitment to seek a global agreement in accelerating the acceleration of the energy transition has the full support of a number of international organizations.

Executive Director of the International Energy Agency Fatih Birol said Indonesia has a strong influence in the Southeast Asia region on global energy issues.

"It is an honor for me and the IEA to support Indonesia's agenda, especially as the first developing country to become the G20 Presidency," said Fatih.

He especially appreciated President Joko Widodo for his policies to overcome the problems of the COVID-19 pandemic and specifically chose the issue of energy transition as the main agenda of the G20.

Meanwhile, the United Nations Organization (UN) which is engaged in economic and social development in the Asia Pacific region (UN ESCAP) also emphasized its full support for the G20 President of Indonesia in carrying out the issue of energy transition.

"We will technically assist with the action plan for the implementation of clean energy in developing countries, focusing on archipelagic countries. This support for Indonesia will be given maximally," said ESCAP Executive Secretary Arsmida Alisjahbana.

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