"The most dangerous moment" Western efforts to contain the Ukraine crisis, Russia begins military exercises "The most dangerous moment" Western efforts to contain the Ukraine crisis, Russia begins military exercises

"The most dangerous moment" Western efforts to contain the Ukraine crisis, Russia begins military exercises

"أخطر لحظة".. مساعٍ غربية لاحتواء أزمة أوكرانيا وروسيا تبدأ تدريبات عسكرية رئيس الوزراء البريطاني يصف أزمة أوكرانيا بأنها "أكبر أزمة أمنية لأوروبا منذ عقود"، ويطالب بالجمع بين العقوبات والحسم العسكري بالإضافة إلى الدبلوماسية في التعامل مع روسيا، بينما تنفذ موسكو تدريبات عسكرية في بيلاروسيا والبحر الأسود.  قالت بريطانيا، الخميس، إن الغرب قد يواجه "أخطر لحظة" في مواجهته مع موسكو في الأيام القليلة المقبلة، بينما تنفذ روسيا تدريبات عسكرية في بيلاروسيا والبحر الأسود بعد حشد قواتها قرب أوكرانيا.  ووسط تصاعد حدة التوتر، تجري أوكرانيا أيضاً تدريبات عسكرية، لكن الزعماء على الجانبين أشاروا إلى أنهم يأملون في نجاح الدبلوماسية لإنهاء ما وصفه رئيس الوزراء البريطاني بوريس جونسون "بأكبر أزمة أمنية لأوروبا منذ عقود".  وفي جولة جديدة من الجهود الدبلوماسية، تبادلت وزيرة الخارجية البريطانية ليز تراس العبارات الحادة علناً مع نظيرها الروسي سيرغي لافروف أثناء محادثات في موسكو. وزار جونسون مقر حلف شمال الأطلسي في بروكسل ومن المقرر أن يلتقي مسؤولون من روسيا وأوكرانيا وألمانيا وفرنسا في برلين لبحث الصراع في شرق أوكرانيا.  وتنفي روسيا، التي حشدت أكثر من 100 ألف جندي قرب حدود أوكرانيا، اتهامات الغرب بأنها تخطط لغزو الجارة السوفيتية السابقة، على الرغم من قولها إنها قد تتخذ إجراء عسكرياً غير محدد إذا لم تُلب مطالبها الأمنية.  وقال جونسون في مؤتمر صحفي مع الأمين العام لحلف شمال الأطلسي ينس ستولتنبرغ في بروكسل "بصراحة لا أعتقد أنه جرى اتخاذ قرار (من قبل موسكو) حتى الآن. ولكن هذا لا يعني استحالة حدوث شيء كارثي في وقت قريب جداً ويؤسفني القول إن معلومات مخابراتنا لا تزال غير مبشرة".  وأضاف "ربما تكون هذه اللحظة هي الأخطر، ومن الممكن القول إنه في غضون أيام قليلة مقبلة، وفي خضم أكبر أزمة أمنية تواجهها أوروبا منذ عقود، ينبغي علينا أن نتفهم الوضع بدقة. وأعتقد أن الجمع بين العقوبات والحسم العسكري بالإضافة إلى الدبلوماسية هو الشيء الصحيح".  وقال ستولتنبرج في المؤتمر الصحفي المشترك مع جونسون إن على روسيا أن تختار بين الحل الدبلوماسي للأزمة الأوكرانية أو العقوبات الاقتصادية من الغرب وزيادة الوجود العسكري لقوات الأطلسي في دول الحلف الشرقية.  وأضاف: "ستكون هناك عقوبات اقتصادية. سيكون هناك وجود عسكري أكبر لحلف الأطلسي في دوله الشرقية وبريطانيا في الواقع جزء مهم من ذلك".  "شخص أصم وأبكم"  وعبرت وزيرة الخارجية البريطانية عن استيائها من نظيرها الروسي في المؤتمر الصحفي المشترك بموسكو الذي اتهمها فيه بالاستعلاء ورفض الإنصات.  وقال لافروف (71 عاماً) للصحفيين "بأمانة أشعر بخيبة أمل إزاء وضع نجد أنفسنا فيه أمام شخص أصم وأبكم.. توضيحاتنا المفصلة للغاية لم تجد آذانا مصغية".  وكان مسؤولون أمريكيون قد حذروا من أن روسيا قد تهاجم أوكرانيا بعد حشد قوات قرب حدودها واتهموا موسكو بتصعيد التوتر بإجراء تدريبات عسكرية مشتركة في روسيا البيضاء وصفها حلف شمال الأطلسي بأنها أكبر حشد عسكري لروسيا في البلاد منذ الحرب الباردة.  وقال ستولتنبرغ الأسبوع الماضي إنه من المتوقع أن تنشر روسيا 30 ألف جندي في بيلاروسيا بالإضافة إلى قوات عمليات خاصة وطائرات سوخوي "SU. S-35" المقاتلة ونظم الدفاع الصاروخي "S-400" وصواريخ إسكندر القادرة على حمل رؤوس نووية.  ومن المقرر أن تستخدم القوات الأوكرانية المشاركة في التدريبات، والتي لم يذكر عددها، طائرات مُسيرة من طراز بيرقدار وصواريخ من طراز (جافلين) و(إن.إل.إيه.دبليو) المضادة للدبابات المقدمة من شركاء أجانب. ومن المنتظر أن تحصل كييف على شحنة أخرى من المساعدات العسكرية الأمريكية في وقت لاحق اليوم الخميس.  وحذرت ليز تراس موسكو من مهاجمة أوكرانيا وقالت "بالأساس، سيكون لشن حرب في أوكرانيا نتائج كارثية على شعبي روسيا وأوكرانيا وعلى الأمن الأوروبي. حلف شمال الأطلسي أوضح أن أي توغل في أوكرانيا ستكون له عواقب وخيمة وتكلفة باهظة".  تضامن أوروبا  وتأمل بريطانيا في استغلال زيارة جونسون لحلف الأطلسي في التأكيد على تضامن أوروبا في حين تطالب موسكو بضمانات بعدم السماح لأوكرانيا بالانضمام إلى حلف شمال الأطلسي.  وقال خبراء روس بعد اجتماع الرئيس الفرنسي إيمانويل ماكرون مع نظيره الروسي فلاديمير بوتين في موسكو الاثنين إن هناك إشارات على أن بوتين يريد تجنب تصعيد أزمة أوكرانيا.  وهددت الولايات المتحدة والاتحاد الأوروبي بفرض عقوبات على روسيا إذا هاجمت أوكرانيا وذلك بناء على خطوات اتُّخذت عندما ضمت روسيا شبه جزيرة القرم وساندت انفصاليين يقاتلون القوات الحكومية في شرق أوكرانيا في 2014.  ومن المقرر أن يجتمع دميتري كوزاك، مبعوث الكرملين للمفاوضات بشأن أوكرانيا، مع مسؤولين من أوكرانيا وألمانيا وفرنسا في برلين في أحدث محادثات بشأن الصراع الدائر في شرق أوكرانيا.  وقال وزير خارجية أوكرانيا دميترو كوليبا إن المحادثات ستكون مهمة وإنه يأمل في حمل مجموعة الاتصال الثلاثية بشأن الصراع في شرق أوكرانيا على العمل مرة أخرى. وتضم المجموعة روسيا وأوكرانيا ومنظمة الأمن والتعاون في أوروبا.  وقال وزير الخارجية الفرنسي جان إيف لو دريان إن الاتفاق في المحادثات على استمرار المناقشات سيكون بادرة إيجابية.  وقال مسؤولون روس إن ست طائرات مقاتلة روسية وصلت إلى سيفاستوبول في شبه جزيرة القرم التي ضمتها روسيا من أوكرانيا في 2014 لتعزيز قوات موسكو في البحر الأسود قبيل تدريبات بحرية مقررة.    "The most dangerous moment" Western efforts to contain the Ukraine crisis, Russia begins military exercises  The British Prime Minister describes the Ukraine crisis as "the biggest security crisis for Europe in decades", and demands a combination of sanctions and military resolution in addition to diplomacy in dealing with Russia, while Moscow carries out military exercises in Belarus and the Black Sea.  Britain said on Thursday that the West could face "the most dangerous moment" in its confrontation with Moscow in the next few days, while Russia carried out military exercises in Belarus and the Black Sea after massing its forces near Ukraine.  Amid rising tensions, Ukraine is also holding military exercises, but leaders on both sides have indicated they hope diplomacy will succeed to end what British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has called "Europe's biggest security crisis in decades".  In a new round of diplomacy, British Foreign Secretary Lise Truss publicly exchanged sharp words with her Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, during talks in Moscow. Johnson visited NATO headquarters in Brussels and is due to meet officials from Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France in Berlin to discuss the conflict in eastern Ukraine.  Russia, which has massed more than 100,000 troops near Ukraine's border, denies Western accusations that it is planning to invade the ex-Soviet neighbour, although it says it may take unspecified military action if its security demands are not met.  "Frankly, I don't think a decision has been taken (by Moscow) yet," Johnson said at a news conference with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels. But that does not mean that something catastrophic can't happen very soon and I regret to say that our intelligence is still Not promising."  "This is perhaps the most dangerous moment, and it can be said that in the next few days, in the midst of the biggest security crisis that Europe has faced in decades, we must understand the situation carefully. I think the combination of sanctions and military resolution in addition to diplomacy is the right thing," he added. .  Stoltenberg said at the joint press conference with Johnson that Russia must choose between a diplomatic solution to the Ukrainian crisis or economic sanctions from the West and an increase in the military presence of NATO forces in the eastern alliance countries.  He added: "There will be economic sanctions. There will be a greater military presence of NATO in its eastern countries and Britain is actually an important part of that."  "A deaf and dumb person" The British Foreign Secretary expressed her dissatisfaction with her Russian counterpart at the joint press conference in Moscow, in which he accused her of arrogance and refusal to listen.  "Honestly, I am disappointed in a situation in which we find ourselves in front of a deaf and mute person," Lavrov, 71, told reporters. "Our very detailed explanations fell on deaf ears."  US officials have warned that Russia could attack Ukraine after massing troops near its border and accused Moscow of escalating tension by holding joint military exercises in Belarus, which NATO described as Russia's largest military build-up in the country since the Cold War.  Stoltenberg said last week that Russia is expected to deploy 30,000 troops to Belarus, in addition to special operations forces, Sukhoi Su. S-35 fighter jets, S-400 missile defense systems and nuclear-capable Iskander missiles.  The Ukrainian forces participating in the exercises, whose number was not mentioned, are scheduled to use Bayraktar drones and Javelin and NLAW anti-tank missiles provided by foreign partners. Kiev is expected to receive another shipment of US military aid later on Thursday.  Liz Truss warned Moscow against attacking Ukraine. "Basically, a war in Ukraine would have disastrous consequences for the peoples of Russia and Ukraine and for European security. NATO has made it clear that any incursion into Ukraine will have serious consequences and a high cost."  Europe Solidarity Britain hopes to use Johnson's visit to NATO to underscore Europe's solidarity, while Moscow demands guarantees that Ukraine will not be allowed to join NATO.  After French President Emmanuel Macron met his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Monday, Russian experts said there were signs that Putin wanted to avoid an escalation of the Ukraine crisis.  The United States and the European Union have threatened sanctions against Russia if it attacks Ukraine, building on steps taken when Russia annexed Crimea and backed separatists fighting government forces in eastern Ukraine in 2014.  Dmitry Kozak, the Kremlin's envoy for negotiations on Ukraine, is due to meet officials from Ukraine, Germany and France in Berlin for the latest talks on the conflict in eastern Ukraine.  Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said the talks would be important and he hoped to get the tripartite contact group on the conflict in eastern Ukraine to work again. The group includes Russia, Ukraine and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.  French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said an agreement in the talks to continue discussions would be a positive sign. Russian officials said six Russian fighter jets had arrived in Sevastopol in Crimea, which Russia annexed from Ukraine in 2014 to bolster Moscow's forces in the Black Sea ahead of scheduled naval exercises.

"The most dangerous moment" Western efforts to contain the Ukraine crisis, Russia begins military exercises

The British Prime Minister describes the Ukraine crisis as "the biggest security crisis for Europe in decades", and demands a combination of sanctions and military resolution in addition to diplomacy in dealing with Russia, while Moscow carries out military exercises in Belarus and the Black Sea.

Britain said on Thursday that the West could face "the most dangerous moment" in its confrontation with Moscow in the next few days, while Russia carried out military exercises in Belarus and the Black Sea after massing its forces near Ukraine.

Amid rising tensions, Ukraine is also holding military exercises, but leaders on both sides have indicated they hope diplomacy will succeed to end what British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has called "Europe's biggest security crisis in decades".

In a new round of diplomacy, British Foreign Secretary Lise Truss publicly exchanged sharp words with her Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, during talks in Moscow. Johnson visited NATO headquarters in Brussels and is due to meet officials from Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France in Berlin to discuss the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

Russia, which has massed more than 100,000 troops near Ukraine's border, denies Western accusations that it is planning to invade the ex-Soviet neighbour, although it says it may take unspecified military action if its security demands are not met.

"Frankly, I don't think a decision has been taken (by Moscow) yet," Johnson said at a news conference with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels. But that does not mean that something catastrophic can't happen very soon and I regret to say that our intelligence is still Not promising."

"This is perhaps the most dangerous moment, and it can be said that in the next few days, in the midst of the biggest security crisis that Europe has faced in decades, we must understand the situation carefully. I think the combination of sanctions and military resolution in addition to diplomacy is the right thing," he added. .

Stoltenberg said at the joint press conference with Johnson that Russia must choose between a diplomatic solution to the Ukrainian crisis or economic sanctions from the West and an increase in the military presence of NATO forces in the eastern alliance countries.

He added: "There will be economic sanctions. There will be a greater military presence of NATO in its eastern countries and Britain is actually an important part of that."

"A deaf and dumb person"
The British Foreign Secretary expressed her dissatisfaction with her Russian counterpart at the joint press conference in Moscow, in which he accused her of arrogance and refusal to listen.

"Honestly, I am disappointed in a situation in which we find ourselves in front of a deaf and mute person," Lavrov, 71, told reporters. "Our very detailed explanations fell on deaf ears."

US officials have warned that Russia could attack Ukraine after massing troops near its border and accused Moscow of escalating tension by holding joint military exercises in Belarus, which NATO described as Russia's largest military build-up in the country since the Cold War.

Stoltenberg said last week that Russia is expected to deploy 30,000 troops to Belarus, in addition to special operations forces, Sukhoi Su. S-35 fighter jets, S-400 missile defense systems and nuclear-capable Iskander missiles.

The Ukrainian forces participating in the exercises, whose number was not mentioned, are scheduled to use Bayraktar drones and Javelin and NLAW anti-tank missiles provided by foreign partners. Kiev is expected to receive another shipment of US military aid later on Thursday.

Liz Truss warned Moscow against attacking Ukraine. "Basically, a war in Ukraine would have disastrous consequences for the peoples of Russia and Ukraine and for European security. NATO has made it clear that any incursion into Ukraine will have serious consequences and a high cost."

Europe Solidarity
Britain hopes to use Johnson's visit to NATO to underscore Europe's solidarity, while Moscow demands guarantees that Ukraine will not be allowed to join NATO.

After French President Emmanuel Macron met his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Monday, Russian experts said there were signs that Putin wanted to avoid an escalation of the Ukraine crisis.

The United States and the European Union have threatened sanctions against Russia if it attacks Ukraine, building on steps taken when Russia annexed Crimea and backed separatists fighting government forces in eastern Ukraine in 2014.

Dmitry Kozak, the Kremlin's envoy for negotiations on Ukraine, is due to meet officials from Ukraine, Germany and France in Berlin for the latest talks on the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said the talks would be important and he hoped to get the tripartite contact group on the conflict in eastern Ukraine to work again. The group includes Russia, Ukraine and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said an agreement in the talks to continue discussions would be a positive sign.
Russian officials said six Russian fighter jets had arrived in Sevastopol in Crimea, which Russia annexed from Ukraine in 2014 to bolster Moscow's forces in the Black Sea ahead of scheduled naval exercises.

مقابل 15 مليار يورو.. الخليفي ينهي آخر ما تبقى من مشروع "السوبر ليغ" اقترب اتحاد الأندية الأوروبية من إبرام عقد بقيمة 15 مليار يورو، من أجل حقوق البث التلفزيوني والتسويق لبطولة دوري أبطال أوروبا، وتعد الصفقة المرتقبة لبيع حقوق دوري الأبطال خلال الفترة بين 2024 و2027، إحدى الخطوات للقضاء على مشروع السوبر ليغ.  أكد رئيس نادي باريس سان جرمان الفرنسي، ناصر الخليفي، الخميس، اقتراب اتحاد الأندية الأوروبية من إبرام صفقة تاريخية لبيع حقوق بث دوري أبطال أوروبا.  واقترب اتحاد الأندية الأوروبية من إبرام عقد بقيمة 15 مليار يورو، من أجل حقوق البث التلفزيوني والتسويق لبطولة دوري أبطال أوروبا.  ما الصفقة المرتقبة؟  ويواصل اتحاد الأندية الأوروبية حربه على مشروع إنشاء بطولة "السوبر ليغ"، وتعد الصفقة المرتقبة لبيع حقوق دوري الأبطال خلال الفترة بين 2024 و2027، إحدى الخطوات للقضاء على المشروع.  ويبدو أن دوري أبطال أوروبا يتجه نحو ثورة اقتصادية، حيث حصلت صحيفة "ذا تايمز" الإنجليزية، وشبكة "rmc Sport" الفرنسية على خطاب كتبه ناصر الخليفي، يقر فيه بأنه على وشك استكمال اتفاقية تسويق وحقوق البث التلفزيوني، بقيمة 15 مليار يورو على مدى ثلاثة مواسم.  ماذا قال الخليفي؟  وقال الخليفي في خطابه إن الاتفاقية الوشيكة تمثل تحولاً جذرياً في الدور الذي تلعبه الأندية الآن بفضل اتحاد الأندية الأوروبية وبالشراكة مع "يويفا"، في القرارات التي تشكل كرة القدم في القارة العجوز.  واعتبر الخليفي الاتفاق: "إنه يمثل فجراً جديداً من الاستقرار المالي، وفرصة للأندية الأوروبية، حيث سيجري تغيير طريقة تسويق منافسات الأندية لدينا".  وأضاف: "ستتعلق الحقوق بالشكل الجديد لبطولة دوري أبطال أوروبا، والذي سيشهد مشاركة 36 فريقاً في مرحلة المجموعات بدلاً من 32 فريقاً، حيث ستلعب الأندية 10 مباريات في دور المجموعات، ضد منافسين مختلفين بناءً على الترتيب، قبل أن تبدأ مراحل خروج المغلوب".  كما أكد رئيس باريس سان جيرمان أن هذا سيؤدي إلى زيادة كبيرة في الأموال المدفوعة للأندية في المسابقات الأوروبية.  وقال إنه: "يستكشف مصادر دخل أخرى غير مستغلة"، وقد يشير هذا إلى نمو المنتجات ذات الصلة بالعملات المشفرة، والتي جرى تبنيها بالفعل في رياضات أخرى، ومن قبل عدد من الأندية.  ولفت الخليفي إلى أنه: "مع كون الأندية شريكة على قدم المساواة مع الاتحاد الأوروبي لكرة القدم في هذه العملية، فإننا سنزيد من قيمتنا بشكل جماعي إلى أقصى حد، وسنخفض تكاليفنا".  واختتم رسالته: "لقد قطعنا شوطاً طويلاً لضمان الاستقرار المالي والاستدامة، مع تقديم أفكار وتأثيرات وثقافات وابتكارات جديدة، لقد حقق اتحاد الأندية الأوروبية مع يويفا أكثر مما كان يمكن أن نفعله بشكل منفصل، وكرة القدم الأوروبية بأكملها أقوى الآن".    For 15 billion euros, Al-Khelaifi finishes the last remaining "Super League" project  The European Club Association is close to concluding a contract worth 15 billion euros for the television and marketing rights of the Champions League, and the expected deal to sell the rights to the Champions League between 2024 and 2027 is one of the steps to eliminate the Super League project.  The president of French club Paris Saint-Germain, Nasser Al-Khelaifi, confirmed, on Thursday, that the European Club Association is close to concluding a historic deal to sell the rights to broadcast the Champions League.  The European Club Association is close to concluding a contract worth 15 billion euros, for the television and marketing rights of the Champions League.  What is the upcoming deal? The European Club Association continues its war on the project to establish a "Super League", and the expected deal to sell the rights of the Champions League during the period between 2024 and 2027 is one of the steps to eliminate the project.  And it seems that the European Champions League is heading towards an economic revolution, as the English newspaper “The Times” and the French network “RMC Sport” obtained a letter written by Nasser Al-Khelaifi, in which he acknowledges that he is about to complete a marketing and television broadcasting rights agreement, worth 15 billion euros over three years. seasons.  What did Al-Khelaifi say? In his speech, Al-Khelaifi said that the impending agreement represents a fundamental shift in the role that clubs now play, thanks to the European Club Association and in partnership with UEFA, in the decisions that shape football in the old continent.  Al-Khelaifi considered the agreement: "It represents a new dawn of financial stability and an opportunity for European clubs, as the way we market our club competitions will be changed."  He added, "The rights will relate to the new format of the Champions League, which will see 36 teams participate in the group stage instead of the 32 teams, where the clubs will play 10 matches in the group stage, against different opponents depending on the order, before the knockout stages begin."  The president of Paris Saint-Germain also confirmed that this would lead to a significant increase in the money paid to clubs in European competitions.  He said he was "exploring other untapped sources of income" and this may indicate the growth of crypto-related products, which have already been adopted in other sports, and by a number of clubs.  "With the clubs being equal partners with UEFA in this process, we will collectively maximize our value and reduce our costs," Al-Khelaifi noted.  He concluded his message: “We have gone a long way to ensuring financial stability and sustainability, while introducing new ideas, influences, cultures and innovations. The European Club Association and UEFA have achieved more than we could have done separately, and the whole of European football is now stronger.”

For 15 billion euros, Al-Khelaifi finishes the last remaining "Super League" project

The European Club Association is close to concluding a contract worth 15 billion euros for the television and marketing rights of the Champions League, and the expected deal to sell the rights to the Champions League between 2024 and 2027 is one of the steps to eliminate the Super League project.

The president of French club Paris Saint-Germain, Nasser Al-Khelaifi, confirmed, on Thursday, that the European Club Association is close to concluding a historic deal to sell the rights to broadcast the Champions League.

The European Club Association is close to concluding a contract worth 15 billion euros, for the television and marketing rights of the Champions League.

What is the upcoming deal?
The European Club Association continues its war on the project to establish a "Super League", and the expected deal to sell the rights of the Champions League during the period between 2024 and 2027 is one of the steps to eliminate the project.

And it seems that the European Champions League is heading towards an economic revolution, as the English newspaper “The Times” and the French network “RMC Sport” obtained a letter written by Nasser Al-Khelaifi, in which he acknowledges that he is about to complete a marketing and television broadcasting rights agreement, worth 15 billion euros over three years. seasons.

What did Al-Khelaifi say?
In his speech, Al-Khelaifi said that the impending agreement represents a fundamental shift in the role that clubs now play, thanks to the European Club Association and in partnership with UEFA, in the decisions that shape football in the old continent.

Al-Khelaifi considered the agreement: "It represents a new dawn of financial stability and an opportunity for European clubs, as the way we market our club competitions will be changed."

He added, "The rights will relate to the new format of the Champions League, which will see 36 teams participate in the group stage instead of the 32 teams, where the clubs will play 10 matches in the group stage, against different opponents depending on the order, before the knockout stages begin."

The president of Paris Saint-Germain also confirmed that this would lead to a significant increase in the money paid to clubs in European competitions.

He said he was "exploring other untapped sources of income" and this may indicate the growth of crypto-related products, which have already been adopted in other sports, and by a number of clubs.

"With the clubs being equal partners with UEFA in this process, we will collectively maximize our value and reduce our costs," Al-Khelaifi noted.

He concluded his message: “We have gone a long way to ensuring financial stability and sustainability, while introducing new ideas, influences, cultures and innovations. The European Club Association and UEFA have achieved more than we could have done separately, and the whole of European football is now stronger.”

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