This is the correct way to run to get rid of the rumen quickly This is the correct way to run to get rid of the rumen quickly

This is the correct way to run to get rid of the rumen quickly

This is the correct way to run to get rid of the rumen quickly  It is not recommended to eat a heavy meal before running, but you can eat a piece of bread with cheese two hours before running, or a piece of banana half an hour before.  Running is a good sport to lose weight and get rid of the rumen and excess weight and get an ideal body. It is said that a lot of calories can be burned by following running as a training method, is this true? And what is the best way?  Through running, all the muscles of the body move. But after running for half an hour, we burn only about 300 calories, depending on body weight, running conditions and frequency.  Medical advice for home sports Family medicine specialist, Turkish doctor, Rami Eyupoglu, offers across Anatolia 10 tips for exercising at home, while staying for longer periods at home;  due to the Corona pandemic.  18.02.2021.  For indoor use, Infographic Infographic Infographic Infographic  Tips so that running is effective to get rid of the rumen In order for running to be effective and more beneficial to the body and burn the largest possible amount of calories - according to what Deutsche Welle quoted from the German "Bild der Frau" website - there are things that must be known and taken into account, namely:  Do jogging regularly If you are practicing jogging for thinness and agility and getting rid of excess weight, you must exercise it 3 times a week for 45 minutes each time.  If you do not run and now want to exercise to get rid of excess weight, you must start slowly and walk fast first, then switch between walking and jogging and gradually increase the time until reaching a period of 30 minutes or more.  Wear proper shoes To avoid knee problems when running, it is necessary to wear appropriate sports shoes.  Switch between slow and fast running Running in general is useful and helps to lose weight, and to burn a large amount of calories, it is recommended to change the speed and rhythm of running between slow and fast. It is recommended to run slowly in the first ten minutes, then the phase of changing the speed and rhythm begins.  For example, if your physical fitness is not high, you can run for two minutes quickly and then 3 slowly, or distribute the time between the two speeds equally according to need and fitness, knowing that sprinting burns a large amount of calories, according to the Bild der Frau website.  Eat the right meal It is not recommended to eat a heavy meal before running, but you can eat a piece of bread with cheese two hours before running, or a piece of banana half an hour before.  After the exercise ends and you stop running, the process of burning calories continues for some time, so it is recommended to eat after two hours, primarily foods rich in protein such as milk, yoghurt or nuts, and there is nothing wrong with a piece of brown bread. But sweets and chips should be avoided.  And often a person feels hungry and his appetite is open after running, so be careful not to eat more than he should. During running, we burn about 300 calories, so it is not recommended to eat pizza or a large amount of pasta or bread, as whoever burns large amounts of calories gets rid of excess weight and gets a slim figure that he dreams of.  Running in the morning or evening? In terms of result and efficacy, there is no difference between running in the morning or evening. There are those who believe that running in the morning on an empty stomach burns a greater amount of fat, but this is not true, especially since it is recommended to eat something light or a piece of fruit - a banana, for example - before running so that there are no problems with blood circulation.

This is the correct way to run to get rid of the rumen quickly

It is not recommended to eat a heavy meal before running, but you can eat a piece of bread with cheese two hours before running, or a piece of banana half an hour before.

Running is a good sport to lose weight and get rid of the rumen and excess weight and get an ideal body. It is said that a lot of calories can be burned by following running as a training method, is this true? And what is the best way?

Through running, all the muscles of the body move. But after running for half an hour, we burn only about 300 calories, depending on body weight, running conditions and frequency.

Medical advice for home sports Family medicine specialist, Turkish doctor, Rami Eyupoglu, offers across Anatolia 10 tips for exercising at home, while staying for longer periods at home;  due to the Corona pandemic.  18.02.2021.  For indoor use, Infographic Infographic Infographic Infographic

Tips so that running is effective to get rid of the rumen
In order for running to be effective and more beneficial to the body and burn the largest possible amount of calories - according to what Deutsche Welle quoted from the German "Bild der Frau" website - there are things that must be known and taken into account, namely:

Do jogging regularly
If you are practicing jogging for thinness and agility and getting rid of excess weight, you must exercise it 3 times a week for 45 minutes each time.

If you do not run and now want to exercise to get rid of excess weight, you must start slowly and walk fast first, then switch between walking and jogging and gradually increase the time until reaching a period of 30 minutes or more.

Wear proper shoes
To avoid knee problems when running, it is necessary to wear appropriate sports shoes.

Switch between slow and fast running
Running in general is useful and helps to lose weight, and to burn a large amount of calories, it is recommended to change the speed and rhythm of running between slow and fast. It is recommended to run slowly in the first ten minutes, then the phase of changing the speed and rhythm begins.

For example, if your physical fitness is not high, you can run for two minutes quickly and then 3 slowly, or distribute the time between the two speeds equally according to need and fitness, knowing that sprinting burns a large amount of calories, according to the Bild der Frau website.

Eat the right meal
It is not recommended to eat a heavy meal before running, but you can eat a piece of bread with cheese two hours before running, or a piece of banana half an hour before.

After the exercise ends and you stop running, the process of burning calories continues for some time, so it is recommended to eat after two hours, primarily foods rich in protein such as milk, yoghurt or nuts, and there is nothing wrong with a piece of brown bread. But sweets and chips should be avoided.

And often a person feels hungry and his appetite is open after running, so be careful not to eat more than he should. During running, we burn about 300 calories, so it is not recommended to eat pizza or a large amount of pasta or bread, as whoever burns large amounts of calories gets rid of excess weight and gets a slim figure that he dreams of.

Running in the morning or evening?
In terms of result and efficacy, there is no difference between running in the morning or evening. There are those who believe that running in the morning on an empty stomach burns a greater amount of fat, but this is not true, especially since it is recommended to eat something light or a piece of fruit - a banana, for example - before running so that there are no problems with blood circulation.

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