Shtayyeh meets with a group of key partners in preparation for the donors' meeting next month

He indicated that all forms of economic facilities would not be feasible without an accompanying political track

Ramallah, WAFA - Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh met in Ramallah today, Wednesday, with a group of major donor partners. Consultations were held in preparation for the donor conference to be held in Brussels next month .

The Prime Minister stressed the importance of the commitment of donor countries to provide support to the government's budget, especially in light of the financial crisis it is facing as a result of illegal Israeli cuts from Palestinian funds, and the need for serious pressure to release the withheld funds .

Shtayyeh called for the importance of serious pressure on Israel to implement the pledges it made during the last meeting, especially with regard to financial and economic issues .

Shtayyeh meets with a group of key partners in preparation for the donors' meeting next month  He indicated that all forms of economic facilities would not be feasible without an accompanying political track  Ramallah, WAFA - Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh met in Ramallah today, Wednesday, with a group of major donor partners. Consultations were held in preparation for the donor conference to be held in Brussels next month .  The Prime Minister stressed the importance of the commitment of donor countries to provide support to the government's budget, especially in light of the financial crisis it is facing as a result of illegal Israeli cuts from Palestinian funds, and the need for serious pressure to release the withheld funds .  Shtayyeh called for the importance of serious pressure on Israel to implement the pledges it made during the last meeting, especially with regard to financial and economic issues .  The Prime Minister reiterated the need to come up with results or options to create a political horizon and revitalize the political process, noting that all forms of economic support and facilities will not be feasible and their impact is minimal without a political path to end the accompanying occupation .    The President meets the King of Jordan   They discussed ways to   defend Jerusalem and the Islamic and Christian holy sites, and to enhance coordination between the two leaderships  King reiterates Jordan's supportive stance for the Palestinian people and their just cause  Amman WAFA - President Mahmoud Abbas met today, Wednesday, with His Majesty King Abdullah II, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, at Al Husseiniya Palace in the Jordanian capital, Amman .  During the meeting, they discussed the latest developments at the level of the political situation, the Israeli escalation in the Palestinian territories, ways to defend Jerusalem and the Islamic and Christian sanctities, and the strengthening of joint coordination between the Palestinian and Jordanian leaderships on issues of common interest .  His Excellency reiterated the need to pressure the Israeli government to stop its unilateral actions, respect the signed agreements, and stop its ongoing aggression against the Palestinian people .  The President pointed out the importance of intensifying Palestinian-Jordanian efforts and coordination in order to mobilize the energies of the international community to stop the Israeli government's aggressive practices and policies against the Palestinian people, their land and their holy sites. He stressed the importance of adhering to the references of the political process and resolutions of international legitimacy, and the need to provide international protection for the Palestinian people and return to the political horizon, in order to achieve the end of the occupation of the land of the State of Palestine with its capital in East Jerusalem .  His Excellency valued the positions of Jordan and His Majesty King Abdullah II in supporting the Palestinian people and their just cause at all levels, and in all international forums, stressing Palestine's keenness and its leadership to strengthen brotherly relations and joint cooperation between the two brotherly countries and peoples .  In turn, His Majesty King Abdullah II affirmed Jordan's supportive stance for the Palestinian people and their just cause, and Jordan's support for the Palestinian right in its independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital .  His Majesty the King expressed his intention to continue contacts in order to stop the attack on Jerusalem and its sanctities, stressing that Jordan, under the Hashemite guardianship of Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, is continuing its efforts with regional and international parties to stop the Israeli escalation and preserve the historical status of Islamic and Christian holy sites .  The meeting was attended by: Member of the Executive and Central Committees, Minister Hussein Al-Sheikh, head of the General Intelligence Service, Major General Majed Faraj, diplomatic advisor to the President, Majdi Al-Khalidi, and Palestine's ambassador to Jordan Atallah Khairy.    Upside-down The story of a Palestinian dish that terrorized the Israelis Hanadi Al-Halawani: When I cook the upside-down, I put the spices of steadfastness and steadfastness, and I cook it with the intention of forcing the occupier and conveying the voice of the exiled to the whole world. The upside down is not an end but a means.  Occupied Jerusalem - The inherited folk tale says that the people of Jerusalem honored the leader Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi after his conquest of Jerusalem, and presented him with a popular dish called “Eggplant” consisting of vegetables and eggplant. upside down to this day.  The researcher in Palestinian heritage Hamza Al-Aqrabawi reports this story, indicating to Al-Jazeera Net that there is no evidence to deny or prove it, and it is not known exactly when it first appeared, but it is established among those interested and researchers in food that it is an old dish, as evidenced by the reference of historical sources during the Umayyad and Abbasid eras to the presence of rice In Jerusalem and Levant dishes, it is the main ingredient for maqluba.  Palestine_Al-Aqsa Mosque_exclusive to Al-Jazeera Net_Juman Abu Arafa_Al-Maqlooba has become the most prominent of the feasts for the pilgrims of Al-Aqsa in Ramadan because of its double symbols Al-Maqlooba has become the most prominent tables for those who go to Al-Aqsa in Ramadan because of its double symbols (Al-Jazeera) In the beginning was the eggplant Maqlouba is a popular main Palestinian dish, along with maftoul, musakhan and mansaf, and it consists of chicken, rice, cauliflower or eggplant, while its ingredients vary according to regional and individual taste. Sometimes chicken is replaced with lamb or veal, and potatoes, carrots or tomatoes are added, and at other times green beans, chickpeas and vermicelli are added. .  “In the beginning it was the eggplant, then the Palestinian added to it what he liked from the components of his garden,” Al-Aqrabawi says, indicating that before rice, the maqluba contained bulgur or freekeh. As it is, the rice bowl Barak (square) with the text.  Except for the fame of the upside down during the days of gathering and meeting of Jerusalemites, it was the most common dish on the Ramadan tables of fasting people in Al-Aqsa Mosque, where their pictures and pictures of the tables of those exiled from Al-Aqsa Mosque, which are located at its gates, prevailed.  Why upturned and how the Palestinians used it as a weapon against the occupation of Jerusalem? Maqluba is a dish that is easy to prepare, delicious in taste, rich in ingredients, and beautiful in appearance. Its ingredients blend harmoniously in a pot (pot), and its culinary masters scramble its heart in a flat dish (Sider tray) where its components do not stick to the bottom of the pot, and one unit takes the shape of the pot with grains. Golden cedar gives it shine, and fried almonds or pine nuts add to its beauty and deliciousness.  The researcher sees the symbolism of the inverted in that it is a dish that is eaten only by a group, around which the family gathers, evoking its heritage and popular culinary habits, in addition to giving it a historical dimension and linking it to the liberation of Jerusalem and its Ayyubid conquest, and he adds that these symbols are employed by the Palestinians in the second holiest of Islamic places, through the fulcrum of the sacred in the mentality Palestinian religious popularity.  Palestine_Al-Quds_Juman Abu Arafa_Private Al-Jazeera Net_The eater of grape leaves (varicose veins) and stuffed zucchini sit next to the upside-down appearance (the heart) and its symbolism in the heart of the occupation decisions (1) The eaters of grape leaves (varicose veins) and stuffed zucchini sit next to the inverted side of the appearance of (the heart) and its symbolism at the heart of the decisions of the occupation (Al-Jazeera) Inverted symbolism double Therefore, the act of cooking, eating, or flipping the maqluba, in Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, carried double symbolic meanings, and this was felt by Hanadi Al-Halawani, who was deported from Al-Quds, who was famous - along with her female companions in deportation, especially Khadija Khweis - for preparing and flipping the maqluba at the gates of Al-Aqsa after they were expelled from it. And specifically on the Mujahideen Road near Bab al-Asbat and Hatta, where the occupation continues to deport them annually during the month of Ramadan since 2015, while they continue to pray and feed the upturned for fasting people inside and outside Al-Aqsa until today.   Al-Halawani told Al-Jazeera Net that the occupation deported her for the first time in Ramadan 1436 AH (approximately in 2015 AD), so she insisted on completing her plan, bringing inverted pots and bringing them to the fasting people in Al-Aqsa Mosque.  Hundreds of upside-down casseroles were attended by Hanadi and her comrades who were deported over the course of 7 years of deportation, and Al-Halwani revealed that the upturned pot was called “the victory stew” in Jerusalem, and it is “a name after its name. ".  Palestine_Al-Quds_Juman Abu Arafa_Private Al-Jazeera Net_Cooks the upturned Al-Aqsa Mosque weekly in Ramadan to feed the fasting people and remind them of their cause Palestinian women banished from Al-Aqsa Mosque cook Maqluba weekly in Ramadan to feed fasting people and remind them of their cause (Al-Jazeera) Rabat creatively "In the upside-down we link creatively, in Jerusalem we cannot have a weapon in the face of the occupiers, so we invented other weapons, and when I cook the upside down I put the spices of steadfastness and steadfastness, and I cook it with the intention of praising the occupier, and conveying the voice of the exiled to the whole world. The upside down is not an end but a means." She said that the upturned table gathered around it the conversations of Rabat, the adventures of entering Jerusalem, and the longings of the exiles.   The deported Khadija Khweis showed to Al-Jazeera Net the most prominent goals of "Al-Maqluba", which are to break the fast of fasting people, mobilize people in Al-Aqsa, and highlight an aesthetic image in it, especially for those outside Palestine, and restore the pioneering role of Al-Aqsa, which is not limited to prayer or the Holy Qur'an, but to social activities that It does not contradict the sanctity of the mosque.  Palestine_Al-Quds_Juman Abu Arafa_Private Al-Jazeera Net_Archive photo of Khadija Khweis (right) and Hanadi Al-Halawani during the heart of the upside down on the doorstep of Al-Aqsa Khadija Khweis (right) and Hanadi Al-Halawani during the overturning of Maqluba on the doorstep of Al-Aqsa (Al-Jazeera - Archive) Aptly named Khweis added, "We chose the maqluba and grape leaves (varicose) dish because of the appearance of the heart, which can be easily turned over compared to other dishes, and it is to turn the table on the head of the enemy." Paradoxically, the occupation prevented us several times from bringing the inverted stew to Al-Aqsa Mosque, considering it a form of support for Rabat and the Almoravids.  The two deportees from Al-Aqsa conclude that the Maqluba heart was not limited to the month of Ramadan, but extended it to supererogatory fasting breakfasts such as Mondays and Thursdays and some other religious occasions. One of the countries they visited.  Source : Al Jazeera

The Prime Minister reiterated the need to come up with results or options to create a political horizon and revitalize the political process, noting that all forms of economic support and facilities will not be feasible and their impact is minimal without a political path to end the accompanying occupation .

The President meets the King of Jordan 

They discussed ways to   defend Jerusalem and the Islamic and Christian holy sites, and to enhance coordination between the two leaderships

King reiterates Jordan's supportive stance for the Palestinian people and their just cause
Amman WAFA - President Mahmoud Abbas met today, Wednesday, with His Majesty King Abdullah II, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, at Al Husseiniya Palace in the Jordanian capital, Amman.

During the meeting, they discussed the latest developments at the level of the political situation, the Israeli escalation in the Palestinian territories, ways to defend Jerusalem and the Islamic and Christian sanctities, and the strengthening of joint coordination between the Palestinian and Jordanian leaderships on issues of common interest .

His Excellency reiterated the need to pressure the Israeli government to stop its unilateral actions, respect the signed agreements, and stop its ongoing aggression against the Palestinian people .

The President pointed out the importance of intensifying Palestinian-Jordanian efforts and coordination in order to mobilize the energies of the international community to stop the Israeli government's aggressive practices and policies against the Palestinian people, their land and their holy sites. He stressed the importance of adhering to the references of the political process and resolutions of international legitimacy, and the need to provide international protection for the Palestinian people and return to the political horizon, in order to achieve the end of the occupation of the land of the State of Palestine with its capital in East Jerusalem .

His Excellency valued the positions of Jordan and His Majesty King Abdullah II in supporting the Palestinian people and their just cause at all levels, and in all international forums, stressing Palestine's keenness and its leadership to strengthen brotherly relations and joint cooperation between the two brotherly countries and peoples .

In turn, His Majesty King Abdullah II affirmed Jordan's supportive stance for the Palestinian people and their just cause, and Jordan's support for the Palestinian right in its independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital .

His Majesty the King expressed his intention to continue contacts in order to stop the attack on Jerusalem and its sanctities, stressing that Jordan, under the Hashemite guardianship of Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, is continuing its efforts with regional and international parties to stop the Israeli escalation and preserve the historical status of Islamic and Christian holy sites .

The meeting was attended by: Member of the Executive and Central Committees, Minister Hussein Al-Sheikh, head of the General Intelligence Service, Major General Majed Faraj, diplomatic advisor to the President, Majdi Al-Khalidi, and Palestine's ambassador to Jordan Atallah Khairy.

Upside-down The story of a Palestinian dish that terrorized the Israelis

Hanadi Al-Halawani: When I cook the upside-down, I put the spices of steadfastness and steadfastness, and I cook it with the intention of forcing the occupier and conveying the voice of the exiled to the whole world. The upside down is not an end but a means.

Occupied Jerusalem - The inherited folk tale says that the people of Jerusalem honored the leader Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi after his conquest of Jerusalem, and presented him with a popular dish called “Eggplant” consisting of vegetables and eggplant. upside down to this day.

The researcher in Palestinian heritage Hamza Al-Aqrabawi reports this story, indicating to Al-Jazeera Net that there is no evidence to deny or prove it, and it is not known exactly when it first appeared, but it is established among those interested and researchers in food that it is an old dish, as evidenced by the reference of historical sources during the Umayyad and Abbasid eras to the presence of rice In Jerusalem and Levant dishes, it is the main ingredient for maqluba.

In the beginning was the eggplant
Maqlouba is a popular main Palestinian dish, along with maftoul, musakhan and mansaf, and it consists of chicken, rice, cauliflower or eggplant, while its ingredients vary according to regional and individual taste. Sometimes chicken is replaced with lamb or veal, and potatoes, carrots or tomatoes are added, and at other times green beans, chickpeas and vermicelli are added. .

“In the beginning it was the eggplant, then the Palestinian added to it what he liked from the components of his garden,” Al-Aqrabawi says, indicating that before rice, the maqluba contained bulgur or freekeh. As it is, the rice bowl Barak (square) with the text.

Except for the fame of the upside down during the days of gathering and meeting of Jerusalemites, it was the most common dish on the Ramadan tables of fasting people in Al-Aqsa Mosque, where their pictures and pictures of the tables of those exiled from Al-Aqsa Mosque, which are located at its gates, prevailed.

Why upturned and how the Palestinians used it as a weapon against the occupation of Jerusalem?
Maqluba is a dish that is easy to prepare, delicious in taste, rich in ingredients, and beautiful in appearance. Its ingredients blend harmoniously in a pot (pot), and its culinary masters scramble its heart in a flat dish (Sider tray) where its components do not stick to the bottom of the pot, and one unit takes the shape of the pot with grains. Golden cedar gives it shine, and fried almonds or pine nuts add to its beauty and deliciousness.

The researcher sees the symbolism of the inverted in that it is a dish that is eaten only by a group, around which the family gathers, evoking its heritage and popular culinary habits, in addition to giving it a historical dimension and linking it to the liberation of Jerusalem and its Ayyubid conquest, and he adds that these symbols are employed by the Palestinians in the second holiest of Islamic places, through the fulcrum of the sacred in the mentality Palestinian religious popularity.

Inverted symbolism double
Therefore, the act of cooking, eating, or flipping the maqluba, in Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, carried double symbolic meanings, and this was felt by Hanadi Al-Halawani, who was deported from Al-Quds, who was famous - along with her female companions in deportation, especially Khadija Khweis - for preparing and flipping the maqluba at the gates of Al-Aqsa after they were expelled from it. And specifically on the Mujahideen Road near Bab al-Asbat and Hatta, where the occupation continues to deport them annually during the month of Ramadan since 2015, while they continue to pray and feed the upturned for fasting people inside and outside Al-Aqsa until today.

Al-Halawani told Al-Jazeera Net that the occupation deported her for the first time in Ramadan 1436 AH (approximately in 2015 AD), so she insisted on completing her plan, bringing inverted pots and bringing them to the fasting people in Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Hundreds of upside-down casseroles were attended by Hanadi and her comrades who were deported over the course of 7 years of deportation, and Al-Halwani revealed that the upturned pot was called “the victory stew” in Jerusalem, and it is “a name after its name. "

Rabat creatively
"In the upside-down we link creatively, in Jerusalem we cannot have a weapon in the face of the occupiers, so we invented other weapons, and when I cook the upside down I put the spices of steadfastness and steadfastness, and I cook it with the intention of praising the occupier, and conveying the voice of the exiled to the whole world. The upside down is not an end but a means." She said that the upturned table gathered around it the conversations of Rabat, the adventures of entering Jerusalem, and the longings of the exiles.

The deported Khadija Khweis showed to Al-Jazeera Net the most prominent goals of "Al-Maqluba", which are to break the fast of fasting people, mobilize people in Al-Aqsa, and highlight an aesthetic image in it, especially for those outside Palestine, and restore the pioneering role of Al-Aqsa, which is not limited to prayer or the Holy Qur'an, but to social activities that It does not contradict the sanctity of the mosque.

Aptly named
Khweis added, "We chose the maqluba and grape leaves (varicose) dish because of the appearance of the heart, which can be easily turned over compared to other dishes, and it is to turn the table on the head of the enemy." Paradoxically, the occupation prevented us several times from bringing the inverted stew to Al-Aqsa Mosque, considering it a form of support for Rabat and the Almoravids.

The two deportees from Al-Aqsa conclude that the Maqluba heart was not limited to the month of Ramadan, but extended it to supererogatory fasting breakfasts such as Mondays and Thursdays and some other religious occasions. One of the countries they visited.

Source : Al Jazeera

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