[Anniversary of Russia-Ukraine War] Chinese people are dissatisfied with the pro-Russia stance of the Xi regime [Anniversary of Russia-Ukraine War] Chinese people are dissatisfied with the pro-Russia stance of the Xi regime

[Anniversary of Russia-Ukraine War] Chinese people are dissatisfied with the pro-Russia stance of the Xi regime

[Anniversary of Russia-Ukraine War] Chinese people are dissatisfied with the pro-Russia stance of the Xi regime  Wang Yi, director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee, recently visited Moscow. When meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, he also said that "China-Russia relations are as stable as Mount Tai." Suspected of tying the entire country to Russia's chariot. However, a large number of intellectuals and the middle class have expressed a completely opposite position from the official position. Some Internet writers raised donations for Ukraine and raised more than 100,000 yuan in an hour. However, this kind of non-governmental spontaneous assistance to Ukraine was quickly suppressed by the Chinese government. .  The anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is approaching, but Chinese officials have not condemned Russia’s aggression against the sovereign country of Ukraine. Intellectuals were deeply worried and dissatisfied.  Netizens donate 100,000 to Ukraine in one hour  Well-known Internet author "Second Master" (real name: Deng Haiyan) pointed out on We Media on Wednesday that, contrary to China's official stance of allying Russia, a large number of Chinese people have actually been using actions to show their dissatisfaction with the official pro-Russian stance. He said that entrusted by domestic readers, at the end of March last year, he donated 100,000 yuan to the Ukrainian military and civilians.  "Second Uncle" revealed that since the war started on February 24 last year, he has continued to write articles on his WeChat official account. By last July when all backup accounts were blocked, he had written more than 70 articles in support of Ukraine. review articles. In order to help Ukrainians fight against Russia, his readers donated 107,000 yuan in the form of rewards in just one hour, and entrusted him to transfer it to Ukraine.  Second uncle: At the time when the Ukrainian war was supposed to be the most intense, I wrote a series of commentary articles on the Russian-Ukrainian war on my official account called Wu Zixu’s Revenge. . My readers are inside the walls and offered to donate to the Ukrainians. There is no formal donation channel inside the wall, because they know that I am in the United States, so they hope that I will donate on their behalf. It was written on March 25th, and I said, I will donate all the amount of reward today to Ukraine as your heart. Just because I said such a sentence, in just one hour, the reward for my article was 107,000 (RMB). An hour later, the article was deleted.  The vast majority of intellectuals and middle class do not agree with Beijing's stance on the Russia-Ukraine war  He revealed that because his credit card could not swipe so much money, he divided it seven times before transferring all of it to the Ukrainian Red Cross and the Ukrainian relief fund (GlobalGiving). He believes that although there are also little pinks and low-quality people who support Putin, the composition and behavior of his readers show that although China officially supports Russia, the vast majority of intellectuals and middle-class people do not agree with it at all.  Second uncle: My readers are mainly informants and middle class. People in Ukraine may not know that there are such a group of Chinese people, and they still miss them very much.  The second uncle also said that he had worked as a criminal police officer in Guangzhou for 7 years, and worked in a government agency for 10 years. A few years ago, he was expelled from the party and public office by Guangzhou officials in the name of writing anti-party articles. Finally, he had to flee to the United States with his family. , and got asylum from the US government, and is currently working as a warehouse manager in California to make a living.  He said frankly that 1,500 people donated in such a short period of time, and some people donated 5 times within an hour, which moved him very much. This shows that people can tell right from wrong. Unfortunately, under the official blockade, he lost all domestic writing platforms.  Intellectuals are anti-Russian consensus  Xu Weixin, the former dean of the School of Art at Renmin University in the United States, said that even a three-year-old child can see that it is wrong for Russia to invade Ukraine! From the outbreak of the war to the present, this is also the basic identity of Chinese intellectuals. Many people, even at a certain level in the system, also support Ukraine, they just cannot speak out because of pressure.  Xu Weixin said: Regarding Ukraine, anyway, people I know basically support Ukraine. As long as they are well-educated, most people support Ukraine, but some people are inconvenient to say, that is. It's still comforting. For example, including the deputy curator of the National XX Pavilion, he liked me a few times. They're still terrified.  Xu Weixin also revealed that from the beginning of the war to the present, he began to use his brush to record the shocking moments when the Ukrainian soldiers and civilians resisted the aggression. Up to now, he has drawn 362 paintings in solidarity with the Ukrainian soldiers and civilians.  According to the discussion forum of China's largest media and lawyer community, after Wang Yi's visit to Russia and the news that Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit Russia, they collectively expressed their worries and dissatisfaction. They worry that this could mark a complete decoupling of China from the civilized world, and that the harm it will cause will affect every Chinese.  "Xiao Shu", the former chief commentator of Southern Weekend, said that whether to support anti-aggression or to support aggression is a matter of right and wrong. He also pointed out that there is no way out for anti-Americanism and anti-Westernism, which will bring disaster to the country and the people. This is true of the Boxers, Japanese militarism, and the Islamic State in the Middle East. It has been so in the past and it will be so in the future!  Our reporter also contacted the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on this matter several times, hoping to understand the reason for the official blocking of articles in support of Ukraine, but the agency refused to answer the phone calls.

Wang Yi, director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee, recently visited Moscow. When meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, he also said that "China-Russia relations are as stable as Mount Tai." Suspected of tying the entire country to Russia's chariot. However, a large number of intellectuals and the middle class have expressed a completely opposite position from the official position. Some Internet writers raised donations for Ukraine and raised more than 100,000 yuan in an hour. However, this kind of non-governmental spontaneous assistance to Ukraine was quickly suppressed by the Chinese government. .

The anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is approaching, but Chinese officials have not condemned Russia’s aggression against the sovereign country of Ukraine. Intellectuals were deeply worried and dissatisfied.

Netizens donate 100,000 to Ukraine in one hour

Well-known Internet author "Second Master" (real name: Deng Haiyan) pointed out on We Media on Wednesday that, contrary to China's official stance of allying Russia, a large number of Chinese people have actually been using actions to show their dissatisfaction with the official pro-Russian stance. He said that entrusted by domestic readers, at the end of March last year, he donated 100,000 yuan to the Ukrainian military and civilians.

"Second Uncle" revealed that since the war started on February 24 last year, he has continued to write articles on his WeChat official account. By last July when all backup accounts were blocked, he had written more than 70 articles in support of Ukraine. review articles. In order to help Ukrainians fight against Russia, his readers donated 107,000 yuan in the form of rewards in just one hour, and entrusted him to transfer it to Ukraine.

Second uncle: At the time when the Ukrainian war was supposed to be the most intense, I wrote a series of commentary articles on the Russian-Ukrainian war on my official account called Wu Zixu’s Revenge. . My readers are inside the walls and offered to donate to the Ukrainians. There is no formal donation channel inside the wall, because they know that I am in the United States, so they hope that I will donate on their behalf. It was written on March 25th, and I said, I will donate all the amount of reward today to Ukraine as your heart. Just because I said such a sentence, in just one hour, the reward for my article was 107,000 (RMB). An hour later, the article was deleted.

The vast majority of intellectuals and middle class do not agree with Beijing's stance on the Russia-Ukraine war

He revealed that because his credit card could not swipe so much money, he divided it seven times before transferring all of it to the Ukrainian Red Cross and the Ukrainian relief fund (GlobalGiving). He believes that although there are also little pinks and low-quality people who support Putin, the composition and behavior of his readers show that although China officially supports Russia, the vast majority of intellectuals and middle-class people do not agree with it at all.

Second uncle: My readers are mainly informants and middle class. People in Ukraine may not know that there are such a group of Chinese people, and they still miss them very much.

The second uncle also said that he had worked as a criminal police officer in Guangzhou for 7 years, and worked in a government agency for 10 years. A few years ago, he was expelled from the party and public office by Guangzhou officials in the name of writing anti-party articles. Finally, he had to flee to the United States with his family. , and got asylum from the US government, and is currently working as a warehouse manager in California to make a living.

He said frankly that 1,500 people donated in such a short period of time, and some people donated 5 times within an hour, which moved him very much. This shows that people can tell right from wrong. Unfortunately, under the official blockade, he lost all domestic writing platforms.

Intellectuals are anti-Russian consensus

Xu Weixin, the former dean of the School of Art at Renmin University in the United States, said that even a three-year-old child can see that it is wrong for Russia to invade Ukraine! From the outbreak of the war to the present, this is also the basic identity of Chinese intellectuals. Many people, even at a certain level in the system, also support Ukraine, they just cannot speak out because of pressure.

Xu Weixin said: Regarding Ukraine, anyway, people I know basically support Ukraine. As long as they are well-educated, most people support Ukraine, but some people are inconvenient to say, that is. It's still comforting. For example, including the deputy curator of the National XX Pavilion, he liked me a few times. They're still terrified.

Xu Weixin also revealed that from the beginning of the war to the present, he began to use his brush to record the shocking moments when the Ukrainian soldiers and civilians resisted the aggression. Up to now, he has drawn 362 paintings in solidarity with the Ukrainian soldiers and civilians.

According to the discussion forum of China's largest media and lawyer community, after Wang Yi's visit to Russia and the news that Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit Russia, they collectively expressed their worries and dissatisfaction. They worry that this could mark a complete decoupling of China from the civilized world, and that the harm it will cause will affect every Chinese.

"Xiao Shu", the former chief commentator of Southern Weekend, said that whether to support anti-aggression or to support aggression is a matter of right and wrong. He also pointed out that there is no way out for anti-Americanism and anti-Westernism, which will bring disaster to the country and the people. This is true of the Boxers, Japanese militarism, and the Islamic State in the Middle East. It has been so in the past and it will be so in the future!

Our reporter also contacted the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on this matter several times, hoping to understand the reason for the official blocking of articles in support of Ukraine, but the agency refused to answer the phone calls.

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