A child was shot dead by the Israeli army during clashes in the West Bank A child was shot dead by the Israeli army during clashes in the West Bank

A child was shot dead by the Israeli army during clashes in the West Bank

A child was shot dead by the Israeli army during clashes in the West Bank A Palestinian child died of an injury to the chest, shot by the Israeli occupation, during clashes that erupted near the military checkpoint established at the northern entrance to the city of Qalqilya in the West Bank.  On Friday, the Palestinian child Amir Mamoun Odeh (16 years old) was killed by the bullets of the Israeli occupation in the city of Qalqilya in the West Bank.  According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the child Odeh was critically wounded in the chest during clashes that erupted near the military checkpoint at the northern entrance to the city.  During the confrontations, the occupation soldiers fired live and metal bullets at the Palestinians, which resulted in the injury of the child, Odeh, with live bullets in the chest. He was subsequently transferred to Qalqilya Governmental Hospital, and the doctors announced his death.  The official Palestinian news agency Wafa reported that "clashes broke out near the military checkpoint at the northern entrance to Qalqilya."  She added: "The occupation soldiers fired live and metal bullets at the citizens, as a result of which Odeh was hit with live bullets in the chest, after which he was transferred to Qalqilya Governmental Hospital, where his injury was described as critical, and the doctors announced his death, while another injury was treated with metal bullets in the field."   On Friday morning, a Palestinian was shot dead by an Israeli settler in the northern West Bank, according to Hebrew media and Palestinian sources.  In addition, on Friday, 10 Palestinians were wounded and dozens suffocated by tear gas, during the Israeli army's dispersal of marches condemning settlements.  The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said, in a statement that reached Anadolu Agency, that its teams "dealt with dozens of suffocation injuries as a result of tear gas inhalation in the towns of Beit Dajan and Beita in Nablus Governorate (north)."  The coordinator of the "Popular Resistance Committees" in the town of Kafr Qaddum, Murad Shteiwi, said in a statement that "3 young men were injured by metal bullets and others suffocated during the Israeli army's suppression of the weekly anti-settlement march."  For his part, the field activist in the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron (south), told Anadolu Agency that clashes took place in the town with the Israeli army, "which resulted in one injury with live bullets and five injuries with rubber bullets."  He added that "the injury with live bullets penetrated the bone of the foot and was transferred to Hebron Governmental Hospital for treatment, while the injuries were treated with rubber bullets in the field."  In the center of Hebron, an eyewitness told Anadolu Agency that a young man was shot in the foot and was subsequently taken to Hebron Governmental Hospital for treatment.  He added that the Israeli army arrested three other young men during clashes in the Bab al-Zawiya area in the city centre.  In all the confrontations, the participants in the protests set damaged car tires on fire and denounced the Israeli practices, according to Anadolu Agency.  Separate areas of the West Bank witness weekly activities rejecting settlement on the lines of contact with the army, which disperses and pursues demonstrators inside their towns.  According to data from the Israeli human rights movement "Peace Now", there are about 666,000 settlers, 145 settlements, and 140 random outposts (unlicensed by the Israeli government) in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

A Palestinian child died of an injury to the chest, shot by the Israeli occupation, during clashes that erupted near the military checkpoint established at the northern entrance to the city of Qalqilya in the West Bank.

On Friday, the Palestinian child Amir Mamoun Odeh (16 years old) was killed by the bullets of the Israeli occupation in the city of Qalqilya in the West Bank.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the child Odeh was critically wounded in the chest during clashes that erupted near the military checkpoint at the northern entrance to the city.

During the confrontations, the occupation soldiers fired live and metal bullets at the Palestinians, which resulted in the injury of the child, Odeh, with live bullets in the chest. He was subsequently transferred to Qalqilya Governmental Hospital, and the doctors announced his death.

The official Palestinian news agency Wafa reported that "clashes broke out near the military checkpoint at the northern entrance to Qalqilya."

She added: "The occupation soldiers fired live and metal bullets at the citizens, as a result of which Odeh was hit with live bullets in the chest, after which he was transferred to Qalqilya Governmental Hospital, where his injury was described as critical, and the doctors announced his death, while another injury was treated with metal bullets in the field."

On Friday morning, a Palestinian was shot dead by an Israeli settler in the northern West Bank, according to Hebrew media and Palestinian sources.

In addition, on Friday, 10 Palestinians were wounded and dozens suffocated by tear gas, during the Israeli army's dispersal of marches condemning settlements.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said, in a statement that reached Anadolu Agency, that its teams "dealt with dozens of suffocation injuries as a result of tear gas inhalation in the towns of Beit Dajan and Beita in Nablus Governorate (north)."

The coordinator of the "Popular Resistance Committees" in the town of Kafr Qaddum, Murad Shteiwi, said in a statement that "3 young men were injured by metal bullets and others suffocated during the Israeli army's suppression of the weekly anti-settlement march."

For his part, the field activist in the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron (south), told Anadolu Agency that clashes took place in the town with the Israeli army, "which resulted in one injury with live bullets and five injuries with rubber bullets."

He added that "the injury with live bullets penetrated the bone of the foot and was transferred to Hebron Governmental Hospital for treatment, while the injuries were treated with rubber bullets in the field."

In the center of Hebron, an eyewitness told Anadolu Agency that a young man was shot in the foot and was subsequently taken to Hebron Governmental Hospital for treatment.

He added that the Israeli army arrested three other young men during clashes in the Bab al-Zawiya area in the city centre.

In all the confrontations, the participants in the protests set damaged car tires on fire and denounced the Israeli practices, according to Anadolu Agency.

Separate areas of the West Bank witness weekly activities rejecting settlement on the lines of contact with the army, which disperses and pursues demonstrators inside their towns.

According to data from the Israeli human rights movement "Peace Now", there are about 666,000 settlers, 145 settlements, and 140 random outposts (unlicensed by the Israeli government) in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

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