Six foods that can fuel heart disease! Six foods that can fuel heart disease!

Six foods that can fuel heart disease!

Six foods that can fuel heart disease!  Snacks and processed foods can cause health problems like high blood pressure and high cholesterol — both of which are harbingers of heart disease.  Processed foods help bridge the gap between comfort eating and lack of time, while offering a bland taste. This tempting mix, found on every supermarket shelf, means Western diets often leave little room for healthy cooking.  However, two doctors warned that this lifestyle exacerbates heart disease. Fortunately, experts have shared which foods to "avoid or limit."  Speaking to TODAY, Dr. Sharon Hayes, a cardiologist at the Women's Heart Clinic in Minnesota, US, said: "No food saves your life. And nothing kills you, it's about balance. So the occasional cheesecake won't kill you, but what you eat will." And how much you eat is crucial."  Sharon and fellow cardiologist Dr. Andrew Freeman, who works at National Jewish Health in Colorado, US, shared some of the key foods they try to avoid or limit for optimal health.  processed meat  Aside from the comforting flavor, processed meats are packed with calories, saturated fat, salt, and additives like nitrates.  Worryingly, all of these ingredients are a recipe for heart problems, according to cardiologists.  Even worse, Dr. Andrew warns that processed meat is associated with a higher risk of cancer.  Crispy potato bags  "Our culture values ​​convenience, which is great, but convenience doesn't mean you have to eat processed foods packed with added sugar and salt," said Dr. Andrew.   High salt consumption is the single biggest cause of high blood pressure, which can lay the foundation for serious health problems such as heart disease.  So, the doctor recommended staying away from the little bags of salty, crunchy carbs you might find in vending machines.  sugars  While it's fine to enjoy a sugary dessert once in a while, you should keep your consumption of sweets to a minimum.  Eating too much sugar can contribute to weight gain, which can lead to an increased risk of health problems such as heart disease, some types of cancer, and type 2 diabetes.  Lots of protein  Protein is an essential nutrient that many of us do not get enough of, but eating too much can also be harmful.  Dr Andrew said: "It is not uncommon to see people getting twice as much protein as they need in one day, and this puts a strain on the kidneys and may cause more problems in the future."  Moreover, a recent study found that men who ate a high-protein diet had a 33% higher risk of developing heart failure.  Many people also consume protein primarily from meat, which is often high in saturated fat, which can raise your cholesterol levels and increase your risk of heart disease.  Energy Drinks  Dr. Andrew said he avoids energy drinks at all costs because research indicates that the combination of sugar and caffeine in the drinks can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure or an irregular heartbeat.  The good news is that caffeine in tea or coffee in moderation can be quite healthy.  Coconut Oil  With no distinct flavor and aroma, these fats are often categorized as a healthy alternative without compromising on taste.  However, coconut oil is full of high levels of saturated fat, which can raise levels of "bad" cholesterol.  Dr. Andrew concluded that people can continue to use it as a moisturizer but not in the kitchen.  Source: Express     6 warning signs of bowel cancer!  MailOnline highlights the warning signs of bowel cancer so you know when to speak to a specialist.  Bleeding  Finding blood in your stool can be alarming. Bright red blood could be due to hemorrhoids.  But drops of blood in the stool can also be caused by non-cancerous growths known as polyps, according to Bowel Cancer UK.  However, dark or black blood may be a sign of cancer, says Cancer Research. This is because bowel tumors, which are usually found higher up in the digestive tract, can lead to internal bleeding.  Anyone who has blood in their stool should consult a doctor to find out why.  Screening programs also check for hidden blood in the stool and also for polyps, which can develop into cancer.  Change in bowel habit  Changes in usual bowel habits can also be a possible warning sign of bowel cancer.  It may be as simple as needing to go to the toilet more often or feeling as though you are not completely emptying your bowels.  Colon and rectal surgeon James Kinross, of King Edward VII Hospital in London, says: 'One possible indicator of bowel cancer is any significant change in bowel habits - which can vary from person to person.'  He added: “For example, passing stools more often than usual, or having looser stools. This is likely to be related to an external factor such as stress, eating more fiber or a change in diet, but it is worth checking yourself if the problem persists. "This change is usually caused by a tumor causing partial blockage of the intestine and constipation. It can also cause diarrhea if the tumor leaks fluid into your bowel."   Weight loss  Although it is an uncommon sign of bowel cancer, unexplained weight loss is still something to watch out for and mention to your GP.  This symptom could be due to a tumor making you feel sick or bloated, says Bowel Cancer UK.  The charity explains that the tumor can also block the intestines, which can cause stomach pain that prevents you from eating.  Dr Kinross said: 'Abdominal pain can have a wide range of causes from muscle strains to menstrual pain. But it can also be a sign of bowel cancer. The discomfort or bloating that is always caused by eating - which can lead to overeating. Less, and therefore weight loss - is something that needs to be evaluated by a medical professional."  Tired  Bowel cancer can make you feel tired.  This can be due to the tumor bleeding internally, which can progress to anemia - when there is a shortage of red blood cells in the body.  And you may feel very tired and your skin pale due to an indirect effect.  pain or a lump  A lump or pain in the stomach area or back passage is a warning sign of an intestinal polyp.  Your doctor may be able to feel the lump, which is more commonly found on your right side, according to Cancer Research UK.  It may make you feel the urge to strain, even after opening your bowels.  "Although this is likely to be benign, it could indicate malignancy," said Dr. Kinross.  And you should see your doctor if these symptoms do not go away, especially if they affect the way you eat and sleep, says Bowel Cancer UK.  Bowel obstruction  Pain, bloating, and a feeling of being sick can sometimes be caused by a bowel obstruction, such as a tumor.  Cancer Research UK warns that people experiencing these symptoms should see their GP straightaway.  It is usually a sign that the cancer has advanced. It can happen when a tumor presses on the intestine.  "Early detection is one of the best ways to increase the chances of surviving bowel cancer," says Dr. Kinross.  Source: Daily Mail

Snacks and processed foods can cause health problems like high blood pressure and high cholesterol — both of which are harbingers of heart disease.

Processed foods help bridge the gap between comfort eating and lack of time, while offering a bland taste. This tempting mix, found on every supermarket shelf, means Western diets often leave little room for healthy cooking.

However, two doctors warned that this lifestyle exacerbates heart disease. Fortunately, experts have shared which foods to "avoid or limit."

Speaking to TODAY, Dr. Sharon Hayes, a cardiologist at the Women's Heart Clinic in Minnesota, US, said: "No food saves your life. And nothing kills you, it's about balance. So the occasional cheesecake won't kill you, but what you eat will." And how much you eat is crucial."

Sharon and fellow cardiologist Dr. Andrew Freeman, who works at National Jewish Health in Colorado, US, shared some of the key foods they try to avoid or limit for optimal health.

processed meat

Aside from the comforting flavor, processed meats are packed with calories, saturated fat, salt, and additives like nitrates.

Worryingly, all of these ingredients are a recipe for heart problems, according to cardiologists.

Even worse, Dr. Andrew warns that processed meat is associated with a higher risk of cancer.

Crispy potato bags

"Our culture values ​​convenience, which is great, but convenience doesn't mean you have to eat processed foods packed with added sugar and salt," said Dr. Andrew.

High salt consumption is the single biggest cause of high blood pressure, which can lay the foundation for serious health problems such as heart disease.

So, the doctor recommended staying away from the little bags of salty, crunchy carbs you might find in vending machines.


While it's fine to enjoy a sugary dessert once in a while, you should keep your consumption of sweets to a minimum.

Eating too much sugar can contribute to weight gain, which can lead to an increased risk of health problems such as heart disease, some types of cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

Lots of protein

Protein is an essential nutrient that many of us do not get enough of, but eating too much can also be harmful.

Dr Andrew said: "It is not uncommon to see people getting twice as much protein as they need in one day, and this puts a strain on the kidneys and may cause more problems in the future."

Moreover, a recent study found that men who ate a high-protein diet had a 33% higher risk of developing heart failure.

Many people also consume protein primarily from meat, which is often high in saturated fat, which can raise your cholesterol levels and increase your risk of heart disease.

Energy Drinks

Dr. Andrew said he avoids energy drinks at all costs because research indicates that the combination of sugar and caffeine in the drinks can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure or an irregular heartbeat.

The good news is that caffeine in tea or coffee in moderation can be quite healthy.

Coconut Oil

With no distinct flavor and aroma, these fats are often categorized as a healthy alternative without compromising on taste.

However, coconut oil is full of high levels of saturated fat, which can raise levels of "bad" cholesterol.

Dr. Andrew concluded that people can continue to use it as a moisturizer but not in the kitchen.

Source: Express

6 warning signs of bowel cancer!

MailOnline highlights the warning signs of bowel cancer so you know when to speak to a specialist.


Finding blood in your stool can be alarming. Bright red blood could be due to hemorrhoids.

But drops of blood in the stool can also be caused by non-cancerous growths known as polyps, according to Bowel Cancer UK.

However, dark or black blood may be a sign of cancer, says Cancer Research. This is because bowel tumors, which are usually found higher up in the digestive tract, can lead to internal bleeding.

Anyone who has blood in their stool should consult a doctor to find out why.

Screening programs also check for hidden blood in the stool and also for polyps, which can develop into cancer.

Change in bowel habit

Changes in usual bowel habits can also be a possible warning sign of bowel cancer.

It may be as simple as needing to go to the toilet more often or feeling as though you are not completely emptying your bowels.

Colon and rectal surgeon James Kinross, of King Edward VII Hospital in London, says: 'One possible indicator of bowel cancer is any significant change in bowel habits - which can vary from person to person.'

He added: “For example, passing stools more often than usual, or having looser stools. This is likely to be related to an external factor such as stress, eating more fiber or a change in diet, but it is worth checking yourself if the problem persists. "This change is usually caused by a tumor causing partial blockage of the intestine and constipation. It can also cause diarrhea if the tumor leaks fluid into your bowel."

Weight loss

Although it is an uncommon sign of bowel cancer, unexplained weight loss is still something to watch out for and mention to your GP.

This symptom could be due to a tumor making you feel sick or bloated, says Bowel Cancer UK.

The charity explains that the tumor can also block the intestines, which can cause stomach pain that prevents you from eating.

Dr Kinross said: 'Abdominal pain can have a wide range of causes from muscle strains to menstrual pain. But it can also be a sign of bowel cancer. The discomfort or bloating that is always caused by eating - which can lead to overeating. Less, and therefore weight loss - is something that needs to be evaluated by a medical professional."


Bowel cancer can make you feel tired.

This can be due to the tumor bleeding internally, which can progress to anemia - when there is a shortage of red blood cells in the body.

And you may feel very tired and your skin pale due to an indirect effect.

pain or a lump

A lump or pain in the stomach area or back passage is a warning sign of an intestinal polyp.

Your doctor may be able to feel the lump, which is more commonly found on your right side, according to Cancer Research UK.

It may make you feel the urge to strain, even after opening your bowels.

"Although this is likely to be benign, it could indicate malignancy," said Dr. Kinross.

And you should see your doctor if these symptoms do not go away, especially if they affect the way you eat and sleep, says Bowel Cancer UK.

Bowel obstruction

Pain, bloating, and a feeling of being sick can sometimes be caused by a bowel obstruction, such as a tumor.

Cancer Research UK warns that people experiencing these symptoms should see their GP straightaway.

It is usually a sign that the cancer has advanced. It can happen when a tumor presses on the intestine.

"Early detection is one of the best ways to increase the chances of surviving bowel cancer," says Dr. Kinross.

Source: Daily Mail


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