"Yellow sand all over the sky": Severe sandstorm in Beijing affects 560 million people "Yellow sand all over the sky": Severe sandstorm in Beijing affects 560 million people

"Yellow sand all over the sky": Severe sandstorm in Beijing affects 560 million people

"Yellow sand all over the sky": Severe sandstorm in Beijing affects 560 million people  Recently, sandstorms in Beijing have been quite serious. The outside world is concerned, what caused the deterioration of the sandstorm? Has the daily life of Beijing residents been affected? How should the Chinese government deal with the sandstorm problem?  China is experiencing the strongest sandstorm this year this week. According to China News Agency, since March, China has experienced 4 sandstorms, including 2 blowing sandstorms, 1 sandstorm and 1 strong sandstorm. . Such data is more than 2 times in March last year, and more than the average of 3.3 times per year in the past 20 years.  Affected by cold air and strong winds, 18 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, including Beijing, were affected by sandstorms this week. The National Forestry and Grassland Administration of China stated that the sandstorm affected about 560 million Chinese people. Among them, Beijing’s air quality index on Wednesday was 500, which has reached level 6 serious pollution. The sky in Beijing can be said to be “ The sky is full of yellow sand."   Beijing residents: The weather in Beijing is too bad and they don’t want to stay in Beijing anymore  Phillip, who lives in Beijing, told our reporter: "When I go back to Beijing, my throat is dead. The air here is terrible, and many people smoke. The climate in Beijing is harsh, and there are too many people. I don't want to come back to live. It’s almost like saying hello and saying goodbye.”  Another Beijing resident, Ms. Chen, said in an interview with this station that the sandstorms in Beijing this year are more serious than in previous years, but compared with decades ago, the sandstorms in Beijing are becoming less and less: "This year the sandstorms are more serious. Yesterday It was the most powerful day, with strong wind, and the visibility was not particularly high. Today’s weather has less sand and dust, because the wind has blown the sky a little cleaner.”  Ms. Chen said: "I haven't been outdoors during the dusty days, and I read the news to remind everyone to reduce outdoor activities. The people around me are fine, and everyone is going to work normally, so the voice of complaints seems to be ignored. It seems that there is nothing to worry about. It’s just that you may recall that when you were young, there were often windy springs and sandstorms in Beijing when you were young, and everyone remembered it as a memory.”  Spring is the season of dust storms, people must pay attention to safety and health  Hong Kong 01 reported that the National Forestry and Grassland Administration explained that there are three main reasons for the recent dust weather. First, the recent cold air has created strong winds, which has brought kinetic energy to the dust weather; , providing thermal conditions; finally, due to factors such as low rainfall and poor soil quality, the vegetation growth in southern Mongolia is not good this year, which is not conducive to suppressing sandstorms.  Zhang Tao, chief forecaster of the China Central Meteorological Observatory, said in an interview with Chinanews.com that there were more sandstorms in March this year, but spring is the season for sandstorms, so we need to pay attention to the weather conditions in April and May in the future. Sand and dust weather will reduce visibility, and the public needs to pay special attention to traffic safety, windproof reinforcement, respiratory health, and fire problems.  Environmentalists: Preventing sandstorms is a long-term scientific work  Mr. Zhou, an environmentalist in Beijing, told the reporter in an interview with our station that after years of observation, the sandstorms in China are on the decline. However, the prevention of sandstorms is a long-term scientific work, and both the government and the people should work hard: " In terms of a big cycle, it has eased. When we were young, the sandstorm was more severe than this. We sat on the playground for a meeting, and after driving for two hours, we were covered in dirt. Now the sandstorm in Beijing may be heavier than last year, but it is still less in a big cycle. , Slow down, much better."  Mr. Zhou said: "(The cause of the sandstorm) human factors and natural factors are acting alternately, but the natural factors are still more severe. Generally speaking, due to global climate change, regional climate anomalies, drought and lack of fresh water are the main factors. Yes. Not only in Beijing, but also in related areas north of Beijing, we must strengthen windbreaks and sand fixation and prevent the spread of desertification. This will be a long-lasting scientific work, and it is not simply planting trees. "  Our reporters Kai Di and Gu Ting contributed to this report.

Recently, sandstorms in Beijing have been quite serious. The outside world is concerned, what caused the deterioration of the sandstorm? Has the daily life of Beijing residents been affected? How should the Chinese government deal with the sandstorm problem?

China is experiencing the strongest sandstorm this year this week. According to China News Agency, since March, China has experienced 4 sandstorms, including 2 blowing sandstorms, 1 sandstorm and 1 strong sandstorm. . Such data is more than 2 times in March last year, and more than the average of 3.3 times per year in the past 20 years.

Affected by cold air and strong winds, 18 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, including Beijing, were affected by sandstorms this week. The National Forestry and Grassland Administration of China stated that the sandstorm affected about 560 million Chinese people. Among them, Beijing’s air quality index on Wednesday was 500, which has reached level 6 serious pollution. The sky in Beijing can be said to be “ The sky is full of yellow sand."

Beijing residents: The weather in Beijing is too bad and they don’t want to stay in Beijing anymore

Phillip, who lives in Beijing, told our reporter: "When I go back to Beijing, my throat is dead. The air here is terrible, and many people smoke. The climate in Beijing is harsh, and there are too many people. I don't want to come back to live. It’s almost like saying hello and saying goodbye.”

Another Beijing resident, Ms. Chen, said in an interview with this station that the sandstorms in Beijing this year are more serious than in previous years, but compared with decades ago, the sandstorms in Beijing are becoming less and less: "This year the sandstorms are more serious. Yesterday It was the most powerful day, with strong wind, and the visibility was not particularly high. Today’s weather has less sand and dust, because the wind has blown the sky a little cleaner.”

Ms. Chen said: "I haven't been outdoors during the dusty days, and I read the news to remind everyone to reduce outdoor activities. The people around me are fine, and everyone is going to work normally, so the voice of complaints seems to be ignored. It seems that there is nothing to worry about. It’s just that you may recall that when you were young, there were often windy springs and sandstorms in Beijing when you were young, and everyone remembered it as a memory.”

Spring is the season of dust storms, people must pay attention to safety and health

Hong Kong 01 reported that the National Forestry and Grassland Administration explained that there are three main reasons for the recent dust weather. First, the recent cold air has created strong winds, which has brought kinetic energy to the dust weather; , providing thermal conditions; finally, due to factors such as low rainfall and poor soil quality, the vegetation growth in southern Mongolia is not good this year, which is not conducive to suppressing sandstorms.

Zhang Tao, chief forecaster of the China Central Meteorological Observatory, said in an interview with Chinanews.com that there were more sandstorms in March this year, but spring is the season for sandstorms, so we need to pay attention to the weather conditions in April and May in the future. Sand and dust weather will reduce visibility, and the public needs to pay special attention to traffic safety, windproof reinforcement, respiratory health, and fire problems.

Environmentalists: Preventing sandstorms is a long-term scientific work

Mr. Zhou, an environmentalist in Beijing, told the reporter in an interview with our station that after years of observation, the sandstorms in China are on the decline. However, the prevention of sandstorms is a long-term scientific work, and both the government and the people should work hard: " In terms of a big cycle, it has eased. When we were young, the sandstorm was more severe than this. We sat on the playground for a meeting, and after driving for two hours, we were covered in dirt. Now the sandstorm in Beijing may be heavier than last year, but it is still less in a big cycle. , Slow down, much better."

Mr. Zhou said: "(The cause of the sandstorm) human factors and natural factors are acting alternately, but the natural factors are still more severe. Generally speaking, due to global climate change, regional climate anomalies, drought and lack of fresh water are the main factors. Yes. Not only in Beijing, but also in related areas north of Beijing, we must strengthen windbreaks and sand fixation and prevent the spread of desertification. This will be a long-lasting scientific work, and it is not simply planting trees. "

Our reporters Kai Di and Gu Ting contributed to this report.

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