"Four No Youths" and "House Girls Going to the Streets" Where is the hope for Chinese young people? "Four No Youths" and "House Girls Going to the Streets" Where is the hope for Chinese young people?

"Four No Youths" and "House Girls Going to the Streets" Where is the hope for Chinese young people?

"Four No Youths" and "House Girls Going to the Streets" Where is the hope for Chinese young people?  Recently, a term popular on the Chinese Internet to refer to contemporary young people is called "Four No Youth". What kind of people are they? What kind of stories do they have? What does young people's choice of "four nos" mean to Chinese society?  " I'm a young man with four nos. I don't date, I don't get married, I don't buy a house, and I don't want children. The cost of love is too high now. All attitudes and sincerity have to be accumulated with money. It doesn't mean that I don't work hard, because hard work is useless. As a result, I am so introverted now, I am more helpless. My greatest fatherly love is not to let my child come into this world..."  The above statement, which appeared on Chinese social media platforms, was widely forwarded by netizens, and the " four unworthy youth " mentioned in it has become a new Internet buzzword.  In a survey conducted by our station on Twitter on this topic, many netizens confessed: "I am (a young man with four nos)!"  Involved Cities and "Mouse Utopia"  Linghu Changbing, who will "run" to the United States in 2022, is 23 years old this year . Recalling his life in China before the epidemic, he told this station that it's not that he doesn't want to find a partner, buy a house, get married, or have children, but that he simply doesn't have the ability to achieve these goals.  Linghu Changbing said: "When I was in China, if I wanted to have a girlfriend, I didn't have time, because I had to go to work, from eight o'clock in the morning to ten o'clock in the evening, and sometimes I could go to 11 or 12 o'clock , there is very little rest time every month. The salary at work is actually not very high, and I don’t have the financial ability to spend, go out with friends and so on. Without friends, there is no social interaction, and without social interaction, there are no follow-up things. As for When it comes to a house, I don’t think about it at all.”  Linghu Changbing, who did not graduate from junior high school, is from Guizhou. He left his hometown at the age of 14 and worked in many cities such as Wenzhou in Zhejiang, Qingdao in Shandong and Yunnan to make a living . In his view, the "four no youths" are not everywhere, and there are relatively few areas with a small foreign population. For example, his hometown is a small and medium-sized city. Many young people get married and start families at the age of 18 , and housing is not a problem.  He said: "The phenomenon of the four youths, I personally think that cities that are more introverted will appear, and the more competitive cities, the more this phenomenon."  The "introverted" part-time job in the city also put Linghu Changbing in a state similar to depression for a while. For two years, he chose to go home and completely " lie down ": " The situation at the time was that I was lying at home and didn't want to do anything. My dad asked me why I didn't go out to work or something? I said, " I was in a state of being hungry and hungry even after work, and now I am also starving and hungry, what's the difference? ". "  At that time, Linghu Changbing, who was lying at home, neither went out nor played with his friends until someone invited him to go abroad to work. Recalling his state at the time, he believes that the so-called "four unworthy youths" are very similar to the mice in the famous experiment "Mouse Utopia": in a social environment with excessive density and insufficient resources, the class is increasingly solidified, and the mice on the edge He gradually gave up competition, and at the same time had to suppress his desires, and his personality continued to be distorted.  Young people's "roll, lie, moisten, offer"  In addition to the "four unworthy youths", there is also a buzzword in China to describe the different living conditions of young people, which is called "juan lie runxian". The so-called "juan" means involuntary, fierce competition between people; Borrowing from the story of " Zhang Xianzhong massacred Shu people " , it refers to the act of attacking others indiscriminately to vent the resentment in his heart.  Among them, "Curly Lie Run" is also considered to be the three choices for future development of young people born in the 90s and 00s in China. And Linghu Changbing's experience seems to be a typical representative of this kind of "rolling and lying down". However, after all, there are still a small number of young people who can successfully "moisten" out of China, and most of them have to stay in the country or "roll up" or "lay down". And the choice of the "Four No Youths" reflects this state of "lying flat".  In the past three years, under the lockdown of the epidemic, China's economic growth rate has almost dropped to the lowest level in nearly half a century, and the unemployment rate of urban youth has also hit a record high. The emotions of choosing the " four nos " have also continued to accumulate, and have concentrated outbreaks during the epidemic, becoming a silent and desperate resistance.  The epidemic has prompted more young people to choose the "four nos"  Mr. J , who is slightly older than Linghu Changbing , is from the inland province of Gansu. After graduating from university, he lived in Chengdu for work reasons and worked in the construction industry. He said that it was during the epidemic that he began to be clear and determined to be the "four no youths".  " In 2022 , with the escalation of China's epidemic control, I can often see some tragedies on the Internet because I can't afford the mortgage. For example, there are things like jumping off a building or cutting off the loan. Around me, there are also friends who are optimistic because they were optimistic. I bought a house thinking that house prices would rise, but the housing loan has become a very heavy burden due to the sharp drop in income in the past two years. " Mr. J told this station that in order to avoid heavy economic pressure, he decided not to buy a house.  As an only child, Mr. J also needs to consider the issue of his parents’ pension, and getting married, buying a house, and raising children will inevitably eat up the little savings of his parents: “ If as children, there is no way to provide them with a better living condition, So it is also meaningful to me to help them reduce their burden."  In recent years, China's economic development has been going downhill, which also makes Mr. J full of worries about the future. Especially in the past two years, wages have not risen, but prices have been rising. The monthly income of a few thousand yuan is only enough for his daily expenses.  " China's economic development is slowing down, which is an indisputable fact. In the future, I'm not sure whether my income will continue to rise like that of the post- 70s and post-80s . So, don't buy a house, don't get married, don't have children , reduce expenses, is the best choice for me at present. " Mr. J said.  " no room for me "  During our investigation, our station found that China's " four no youths " actually come from different social backgrounds and classes. Under the ever-increasing pressure of competition in all aspects, they have all chosen this " all four " way of life, and many of them are " returnees " with excellent conditions .  According to data released by the Ministry of Education of China, after the epidemic, there has been a trend of returning overseas students. In 2021 , the number of students returning to China for employment will exceed one million for the first time. At the same time, news such as "MIT master's development and reform committee " and " Harvard postdoctorate go to the street office " also appear in the Chinese media from time to time.   Huang Yicheng, a postgraduate student at the University of Hamburg, Germany, who graduated from the Chinese Department of Peking University, told this station that many of his classmates have become " four no youths " who basically stay at home after graduating from the famous Ivy League schools in the United States and returning to China . Although they have an excellent educational background, it is difficult for them to find their own position in the involution environment of China's economic downturn and high unemployment rate.  " Now Chinese young people can't see hope, can't see the future. Under Xi Jinping's rule, China's important positions, whether in politics or economy, are occupied by the post -50s . Even the post-60s have little space, let alone Those born in the 70s , 80s , and 90s . " Huang Yicheng said.  There is a line in the song "People without ideals are not sad" by the New Pants band that says "There is no space for me " . Huang Yicheng believes that many young people have a deep resonance with this: " Young people can't find their space in this society, so there will be this kind of ' four-no youth ' , which is a kind of ' abandonment ' . "   Behind the fact that " returnees" in the financial industry do not get married  Compared with the " little returnees " who stay at home , Mr. V in his early 30s is considered a " successful person " . After returning from overseas, he worked in the financial industry in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places, and his circle of friends and classmates are also the middle and upper class of society. But Mr. V told this station that even so, there are many people who choose the " four nos " among them.  " First, in terms of their own financial ability, they feel that it is enough to give themselves a decent life; second, they have seen too many things, and they may have a sense of gap in marriage. "  According to statistics from the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China in 2022 , the number of marriages in China has declined for eight consecutive years. By 2021 , the number of marriages will be less than 8 million, the lowest level since relevant statistics were available for 36 years. Among them, nearly half of those married over the age of 30 also hit a new high.  Mr. V said that the customer groups that financial operators come into contact with are more complicated, which also makes them see more that "marriage does not equal happiness": "What is the state of most of those doing business in China? In fact, many people are I know. Where do you go after eating? Where do you go after singing?"  In addition to the many negative views on marriage, getting married and buying a house in metropolises like Guangzhou and Shenzhen is also a considerable expense. Even people of Mr. V 's class need to weigh carefully. He said, " Including the people around me, even if you have an average monthly salary of 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, you still have to look at the flowers. Unless the family can provide very strong support, otherwise they have no intention of getting married at all. "  " Weak Underbelly" and "National Defense Education" in Kindergartens  China's official population data for 2022 shows that the country's population is shrinking for the first time in 60 years, and the number of newborns is at a record low. Although local governments have issued a series of policies to encourage young people to have children, such as the "three children", the effect has not been obvious. Has China's social environment really deteriorated to the point where it is "unable to have children"?  During the lockdown period in Shanghai, some young people mournfully shouted "This is our last generation" in order to resist the unreasonable isolation and quarantine policy. The voice of this era resonated with public opinion. Obviously, apart from the pressure of survival, there are more considerations for young people to choose "not to have children".  Mr. Cheng, who is from Shandong and is about to graduate from university, said bluntly that it is cruel to let children experience the life he has experienced: " Every life should grow up in a happier environment. I can't imagine letting children go like I used to. , had to stay up all night doing exercises, taking exams, and even doing hard work. ”  Mr. J mentioned at the beginning of this article also believes that China's education is too utilitarian, which puts a lot of pressure on children. At the same time, the life pressure of adults is also very high, and they don't have much time to take care of their families and accompany their children. He was a left-behind child in adolescence, which determined that he did not want children.  In addition, Mr. J has more worries: " In 2022 , I remember a news that a community director in Beijing said, 'Children are a person's weakness'. This shocked me at the time, because this incident It shows the Chinese government's disregard for human rights, so I don't want a life to become my "weakness". At the same time, there have been the Red Yellow Blue kindergarten incident and the Hu Xinyu case before, which made my trust in Chinese society drop to a very low level. So I don't want kids either."  Ms. Tao in Guangzhou, who calls herself "Four Unmiddle Age", is a political dissident. She said that the reason for choosing "no children" is because she does not want to get married on the one hand, but at the same time she is also worried about China's brainwashing education.  "Assuming that I am a single person, I can adopt a child. According to my usual communication with my colleagues, the so-called national defense education has been arranged in kindergartens, and children also have to do a certain degree of military training. To resist this kind of education, as a parent, it takes a lot of effort. , and regardless of the high probability of raising another wolf wolf, it is better not to raise it. " Ms. Tao lamented.  From "Love Disabled " to "House Girl on the Street"    If the reasons for " not getting married, not having children, and not buying a house " can all be attributed to the pressure of the social environment, then for those young people who resolutely choose " not to fall in love " , does this pressure cause them to lose their " love" ? ability " ?   Huang Yicheng believes that the song "Love Disabled " ( Love Disabled ) by Hong Kong's My Little Airport band describes the current situation of young people.  " The song says that she lives in a hopeless society, and she feels that she is disabled in love. She is incapable of loving, just like some disabled people are incapable of hearing and seeing. " Huang Yicheng said, "Because I think that love is always related to hope. When we have no hope for life, we will not have the ability or heart to love others."  My Little Airport later wrote another song, "Hot Girl, Hit the Street". Huang Yicheng, who participated in the "White Paper Movement", said that the song shows that these people who have no requirements for life and love have finally evolved into social youths.  " In fact, I saw a lot of demonstrators on the Urumqi Middle Road in Shanghai on the Internet, and many people found their partners at the demonstration site. This is a very romantic thing. Including in Germany, I also met such (young) people. " Huang Yicheng said, " Because when you are in the white paper movement, you find a hope in life. When you have hope in your life, you will naturally look for love. Because young people, of course, love is very important. promising. "  In Huang Yicheng's view, the " Four No Youth " is actually a kind of " renunciationism " and a kind of " depoliticized " politics. However, he believes that the " four nos " are just a gap for young people during the transition of the times, and it is not sustainable.  "I think it is impossible for the Communist Party to allow young people to survive in this way for a long time. It will definitely use some methods to force young people to be cannon fodder for the ' great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation ' it wants. " Huang Yicheng said.  Unprecedented solidification of society and the struggle of young people  In response to the phenomenon of "four unworthy youths", Tang Jingyuan, a current affairs commentator based in the United States, told this station that the fundamental reason behind this still comes from China's political system.  "The CCP has centralized the entire system, which has led to the intensification of polarization and an unprecedented solidification of social classes, that is, the hereditaryization of the elite class of the powerful class and the official class." Tang Jingyuan said, "This has led to a large number of These grassroots young people from ordinary families with no roots and no background can't rely on their own hard work to change their lives and achieve this kind of rise and change in social class. It brings a direct result, That is, the result of striving and not striving is almost the same, the same.”  Speaking of the future, Huang Yicheng believes that Chinese youths, both at home and abroad, must dare to face the rapidly deteriorating social environment at home, instead of choosing to escape: "It is necessary to face this pain directly, and to fight against that crime and injustice. power to fight. It's a serious business. "   He said that being a " four-no youth " seems to dispel the seriousness of this struggle in a " harmless " way, but this is not the solution to the problem.  For security reasons, Mr. J , Mr. V , Mr. Cheng, and Ms. Tao in this article are all pseudonyms.                Hong Kong refusals ask Innotingham to maintain "sister city" relationship with Ningbo  A number of Hong Kong people’s organizations launched an action to “sever the sister city relationship with the CCP” overseas last year. Recently, the Nottingham City Council in the United Kingdom decided to maintain the sister city relationship with Ningbo. Public voices to establish and maintain such relationships are tantamount to acquiescing to the CCP’s human rights abuses. Some Hong Kong activists said that they will use Nottingham as an example to strengthen their lobbying, hoping to arouse the vigilance of Western governments against the infiltration of the CCP.  On Monday (24th), the Hong Kong people-in-UK organization "Nottingham Stands with Hong Kong" (NSWHK) made a resolution on Nottingham (Nottingham Chinese translation: Nottingham) City Council to maintain the "sister city" relationship with Ningbo He issued a statement expressing his extreme regret, and believed that Nottingham's decision highlighted the excessive reliance of British universities on Chinese students as a source of income. This will not only pose a threat to academic freedom, but also affect local government decision-making and increase the chance of being infiltrated by the CCP.  The statement also pointed out that Nottingham and Ningbo have established a "sister city" relationship for nearly 20 years, but the human rights situation in China has become worse and worse. Although the city council has written to the Chinese government on human rights issues, establishing and maintaining such a relationship is tantamount to acquiescing to the CCP’s human rights violations.  The statement questioned the lack of transparency in the relevant decision-making process of the Nottingham City Council, and did not conduct public inquiries and public consultations. The organization expressed concern about whether the decision was based on the opinions of Nottingham residents. It will continue to follow up the incident and strive to be elected in the city council Review the current resolution after the election.  Spokesperson S of the NSWHK organization told this station that the CCP conducts censorship through exchange programs such as "sister cities". The British local government has been infiltrated by the CCP authorities through economic and educational channels for many years, and the long-term over-reliance on the economy has also led to its loss. The ability to bargain with China, especially on differences such as human rights and democracy, has become weak.  S said: The CCP's "sister cities" are packaged as cultural and economic exchanges, in fact, to strengthen China's political and economic influence in the local area. The West should be cautious when communicating with China, and Western governments should also regularly review existing exchange projects and provide assistance to local governments in cooperation to guard against the CCP’s infiltration in the name of exchanges. It is hoped that the Nottingham case can become a substantive example of the CCP’s economic infiltration, so that the British Parliament can promote the monitoring of urban diplomacy. It is also hoped that local governments will increase transparency so that citizens can participate in such decision-making.  In July last year, 19 Hong Kong people's organizations around the world launched the "Global Detwin with China" joint action. K, the spokesperson of the joint action, said in an interview with this station that when they were trying to get the local government to re-examine the "sister cities" relationship, they realized that some cities had deep economic ties with China, which could easily affect decision-making. He pointed out that Nottingham's decision is a vivid case of CCP infiltration, and Hong Kong people will use this as evidence to strengthen lobbying.  K said: Nottingham's decision reflects China's extensive economic influence in the region, and it is not an easy decision to end the "sister city" relationship. However, we believe that this will not be a blow to the current joint operation, but instead provides a practical example of the CCP’s economic penetration. We hope that the local Hong Kong people will also speak out to the candidates about the incident before the local election, hoping to bring the incident to the next government.  Aniessa Andresen, chairman of the "Hong Kong People in Germany Association" who participated in the joint action of "severing the relationship between the sister cities of the CCP", also accepted an interview with this station. She pointed out that the human rights of the Ningbo municipal government are full of bad records, and the cooperation between the West and China should be Stick to the bottom line of human rights.  Aniessa Andresen said: In the past, the Ningbo municipal government used tear gas, clearing the venue, arrests, tear gas, and physical conflicts to disperse the gathered citizens and demolish the crosses of the church on the grounds of "maintaining social order." These are just a few examples of brutal suppression of democracy and religious freedom. Regarding the CCP’s infiltration in the name of university links, police and overseas Chinese service stations, etc., governments of all countries must see clearly that any academic and cultural links and exchanges should not override human rights.  In November last year, Wendy Taylor, member of the Newcastle City Council in the UK, submitted a petition letter from the Hong Kong People's Organization to the council, proposing a motion to sever the "sister city" relationship with Taiyuan, China, which was finally passed. As for the letter of petition submitted to the Nottingham City Council to sever the "sister city" relationship with Ningbo, the city council decided to maintain the relationship a few days ago. Freedom of speech and transparency of information. Speaker Mellen (David Mellen) said that the review process fully communicated with the city's stakeholders and ensured that any current or future international relations in Nottingham are in line with the common principles upheld by the city and its residents.  Nottingham and Ningbo established a sister city relationship in 2005; the University of Nottingham Ningbo was completed in 2006, and Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, attended the inauguration ceremony.  In recent years, local governments in western democracies have terminated their "sister city" relationship with China one after another. In addition to Prague in the Czech Republic, the Swedish city of Gothenburg (Göteborg) has also successively cut seats with Shanghai and other cities. In July 2021, the Dutch city of Arnhem also terminated its "sister city" relationship with Wuhan.           District councils are retained but must not "interfere" with government policy comments: the system has gone back 40 years  Hong Kong Chief Executive Lee Ka-chao said on Tuesday (25th) that the district councils are "worth retaining". The next term will retain certain electoral elements, and there will be "multiple ways" to participate, but the operation must conform to the principle of "those who love the country and love Hong Kong govern Hong Kong". There are rumors in the political circle that the district councils will introduce an indirect election and appointment system, and the number of directly elected seats will also be greatly reduced. Scholars believe that the Hong Kong government's decision to retain the district councils as Hong Kong's "democracy showcase" is expected to "return the district councils to their original form" and set back 40 years.  Hong Kong Chief Executive Lee Ka-chao met with reporters before attending the executive meeting on Tuesday, and he took the initiative to mention that the regional administrative review has come to an end, saying that this review should be "depoliticized." He pointed out that the previous District Council began in 2020. A large number of members violated the functions of the District Council and undermined the interests of Hong Kong. After the oath, only 3 out of 1 District Councilors remained.  Li Jiachao said: The SAR government will not allow the District Council to become a platform for "Hong Kong independence", will not allow them to violate the "Basic Law", and will not allow it to interfere with the government's governance. Paralyzed, these black sheep cannot be allowed to destroy society again. Therefore, we need to prevent these chaotic phenomena that reverse black and white from happening again in the district councils from an institutional perspective.  He believes that the district councils are "worth retaining". Certain electoral elements will be retained in the next term, and there will be "multiple ways" to participate. The seats are similar to the current one, but the operation must conform to the principle of "those who love the country and love Hong Kong govern Hong Kong".  Will District Councils resume appointed or indirectly elected seats? Democratic Party: Worried about affecting public opinion  The Democratic Party held an online press conference on the same day to respond. Chairman Luo Jianxi said that if the district councils resume appointment or indirect election of seats, it will affect the public sentiment and the situation is not ideal. As for whether the Democratic Party will run in the election, the party needs to discuss it before making a decision.  Luo Jianxi said: Space involves a wide range, including seats, election methods, functions, and the degree of participation of citizens. It is difficult to talk about the actual situation in detail, but we will Discuss all over the place. I hope that this system can accommodate different voices and opinions and make the system more perfect.  Commentary: To preserve Hong Kong's "democracy showcase"  Sociologist Zhong Jianhua pointed out to this station on Tuesday that the Hong Kong government's decision to retain the district councils is believed to be to show Hong Kong's "democracy showcase" to the outside world. He pointed out that after the defeat of the establishment faction in the 2019 district council elections, Beijing was determined to overthrow all the electoral arrangements in Hong Kong, so there was a reform to "perfect" the electoral system, and this general direction of "patriots governing Hong Kong" has been legislated It will be applied to district councils, and whether the Democratic Party will run for election will not matter much.  Zhong Jianhua said: Whether the Democratic Party participates in the election has no effect on the credibility of the district council, but I believe that the government will have some space to allow them to run for the election. Whether it is a "democratic vase", it is equivalent to having Di Zhiyuan in the Legislative Council.  Zhong Jianhua pointed out that whether the Democratic Party participates in the election is controversial, and this is their consideration, including participation in the election can preserve regional resources, but it is believed that some supporters will be lost, or the social and political atmosphere will further weaken.  Opinion: Docklands Council to go back to 1982  The outside world has been rumored that the Hong Kong government will reduce the number of directly elected district council seats, or return to the appointment and indirect election system. Zhong Jianhua is not surprised by this, and expects that the district councils will be "returned to their original shape" after the reform, or even worse.  Zhong Jianhua said: The SAR government does not want to spend so many resources to manage each subdivision, but he does not want the subdivisions to become some democratic organizations or individuals to gain sweetness, so the current teaching has been spread for a long time, I think it is all The fact is that the number of directly elected seats will be greatly reduced. Of course, screening will continue to be used to kill some people, so the entire district council will be completely changed. It may not be as good as the first district council election in 1982.  Hong Kong establishment welcomes district council reform  The Hong Kong establishment welcomes the proposed reform of district councils. Zhou Haoting, vice chairman of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong, pointed out that it is not the best way to be elected by the people. He supports the formation of district councils in a pluralistic mode. Not a panacea for all problems. As for the arrangements for the DAB's district council elections, he pointed out that it still needs to be discussed by the executive committee, and it is still too early to say.  Wu Qiubei, president of the Federation of Trade Unions, said that the Federation of Trade Unions will actively participate in the district council elections after the reform, and agrees with Li Jiachao’s statement that the role of district councils as a consulting structure should be continuously optimized, especially for national security. bottom line.  Liu Zhaojia, consultant of the National Association for Hong Kong and Macau Studies, believes that from the perspective of the central government, retaining the district council is helpful to the governance of the SAR, especially strengthening local administration and strengthening the role of the Hong Kong government and regional forces, highlighting the administrative leadership.          China's full implementation of real estate unified registration and real estate tax is coming?  After ten years of preparation, the Chinese government announced on Tuesday that it will fully implement the unified registration of real estate. Does this policy sound the alarm for the subsequent imposition of real estate tax? What impact will it have on the current real estate transaction market?  According to several Chinese media reports, on April 25, Wang Guanghua, Minister of Natural Resources of China, announced at the National Working Conference on Confirmation and Registration of Natural Resources and Real Estate Rights that China will fully implement unified registration of real estate. The official media Xinhua News Agency pointed out that this policy means that after ten years of hard work, the real estate unified registration system covering all land spaces and covering all real property rights is comprehensive Establish.  The Financial Associated Press quoted the analysis of Zhang Dawei, chief analyst of Centaline Real Estate, saying that this policy is an important symbolic event in the transformation of real estate regulation from the previous transaction regulation to the stock regulation, and will have a major impact on the market.  The outside world generally believes that realizing the unified registration of real estate across the country means that it is a step closer to the full implementation of the follow-up real estate tax.  As soon as the above-mentioned policies came out, they sparked heated discussions in Chinese public opinion. Some netizens commented, "Some people are going to panic, and those who should be moistened are going to be moistened." Some netizens said, "Increase is gone, we need to think about the stock"; "Can officials' property announcement be implemented? Don't always stare at ordinary people"; "Will the person who makes the rules tell you how many houses he has?"  Wang Jian, a well-known media person, said in an interview with our station that the policy of unified registration is not a prerequisite for the collection of real estate taxes, but it will have a negative impact on the real estate market and further reduce people’s confidence in transactions: “Originally all property rights in China are registered. system, so is it necessary to conduct a national census to collect real estate taxes? Not so. But anyway, such actions are helpful for collecting real estate taxes, and this judgment is not wrong.”  He believes that this policy will only lead to the sale of properties by people who hold a large number of properties, and will not stimulate the demand for property purchases. This is contrary to the Chinese government's starting point of stimulating the real estate transaction to boost the economy: "(the policy maker) I didn’t think too much about it, and I finished my performance first. The problem with Xi Jinping’s governance is that each department manages its own affairs, and (departments) do not cooperate with each other, and no one comes out to coordinate.”  China's real estate registration has a long history, and the dust finally settled this year. As early as 2007, the "Property Law" promulgated and implemented in China formally proposed a real estate registration system. In 2013, the construction of the real estate registration system was officially launched, and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council decided to establish a unified real estate registration agency. In 2016, China's "Implementation Rules for the Interim Regulations on Real Estate Registration" was promulgated and implemented, marking the full implementation of the policy. In 2018, the real estate information management platform realized nationwide networking.  From proposal to networking to implementation, the large time span shows that there are many obstacles.  Ding Hongbin, associate dean of the Loyola University School of Business, told this station that under China's comprehensive real estate registration policy, vested interests who hold a large number of real estate will face the first risk.  "With such a unified platform, a high degree of information sharing becomes possible. For those with vested interests, unless they are very powerful, they are a bit threatening." He said: "Now if someone wants to know or If you track how many properties, real estate, certain people, certain units own or control, it will be easy to find on this platform.”  He believes that although the policy has created technical conditions for the collection of real estate tax, if China's economy recovers, the possibility of imposing real estate tax or tax at a high rate in the short term will be relatively small.  Late last month, Lou Jiwei, the former Minister of Finance of China, published a review article titled "China's Fiscal System Reform and Future Prospects in the New Era" in the "Comparison" magazine. He pointed out in the article that real estate tax is the most suitable tax type for local taxes, and the pilot should be carried out as soon as possible after the economy returns to normal growth.  Affected by the three-year epidemic, the downward pressure on China's economy has increased, and the land tax revenue of local governments has dropped sharply, causing local finances to fall into a dilemma. The outside world is worried that the introduction of real estate tax may become one of the important measures for governments in various parts of China to fill the fiscal gap.

Recently, a term popular on the Chinese Internet to refer to contemporary young people is called "Four No Youth". What kind of people are they? What kind of stories do they have? What does young people's choice of "four nos" mean to Chinese society?

" I'm a young man with four nos. I don't date, I don't get married, I don't buy a house, and I don't want children. The cost of love is too high now. All attitudes and sincerity have to be accumulated with money. It doesn't mean that I don't work hard, because hard work is useless. As a result, I am so introverted now, I am more helpless. My greatest fatherly love is not to let my child come into this world..."

The above statement, which appeared on Chinese social media platforms, was widely forwarded by netizens, and the " four unworthy youth " mentioned in it has become a new Internet buzzword.

In a survey conducted by our station on Twitter on this topic, many netizens confessed: "I am (a young man with four nos)!"

Involved Cities and "Mouse Utopia"

Linghu Changbing, who will "run" to the United States in 2022, is 23 years old this year . Recalling his life in China before the epidemic, he told this station that it's not that he doesn't want to find a partner, buy a house, get married, or have children, but that he simply doesn't have the ability to achieve these goals.

Linghu Changbing said: "When I was in China, if I wanted to have a girlfriend, I didn't have time, because I had to go to work, from eight o'clock in the morning to ten o'clock in the evening, and sometimes I could go to 11 or 12 o'clock , there is very little rest time every month. The salary at work is actually not very high, and I don’t have the financial ability to spend, go out with friends and so on. Without friends, there is no social interaction, and without social interaction, there are no follow-up things. As for When it comes to a house, I don’t think about it at all.”

Linghu Changbing, who did not graduate from junior high school, is from Guizhou. He left his hometown at the age of 14 and worked in many cities such as Wenzhou in Zhejiang, Qingdao in Shandong and Yunnan to make a living . In his view, the "four no youths" are not everywhere, and there are relatively few areas with a small foreign population. For example, his hometown is a small and medium-sized city. Many young people get married and start families at the age of 18 , and housing is not a problem.

He said: "The phenomenon of the four youths, I personally think that cities that are more introverted will appear, and the more competitive cities, the more this phenomenon."

The "introverted" part-time job in the city also put Linghu Changbing in a state similar to depression for a while. For two years, he chose to go home and completely " lie down ": " The situation at the time was that I was lying at home and didn't want to do anything. My dad asked me why I didn't go out to work or something? I said, " I was in a state of being hungry and hungry even after work, and now I am also starving and hungry, what's the difference? ". "

At that time, Linghu Changbing, who was lying at home, neither went out nor played with his friends until someone invited him to go abroad to work. Recalling his state at the time, he believes that the so-called "four unworthy youths" are very similar to the mice in the famous experiment "Mouse Utopia": in a social environment with excessive density and insufficient resources, the class is increasingly solidified, and the mice on the edge He gradually gave up competition, and at the same time had to suppress his desires, and his personality continued to be distorted.

Young people's "roll, lie, moisten, offer"

In addition to the "four unworthy youths", there is also a buzzword in China to describe the different living conditions of young people, which is called "juan lie runxian". The so-called "juan" means involuntary, fierce competition between people; Borrowing from the story of " Zhang Xianzhong massacred Shu people " , it refers to the act of attacking others indiscriminately to vent the resentment in his heart.

Among them, "Curly Lie Run" is also considered to be the three choices for future development of young people born in the 90s and 00s in China. And Linghu Changbing's experience seems to be a typical representative of this kind of "rolling and lying down". However, after all, there are still a small number of young people who can successfully "moisten" out of China, and most of them have to stay in the country or "roll up" or "lay down". And the choice of the "Four No Youths" reflects this state of "lying flat".

In the past three years, under the lockdown of the epidemic, China's economic growth rate has almost dropped to the lowest level in nearly half a century, and the unemployment rate of urban youth has also hit a record high. The emotions of choosing the " four nos " have also continued to accumulate, and have concentrated outbreaks during the epidemic, becoming a silent and desperate resistance.

The epidemic has prompted more young people to choose the "four nos"

Mr. J , who is slightly older than Linghu Changbing , is from the inland province of Gansu. After graduating from university, he lived in Chengdu for work reasons and worked in the construction industry. He said that it was during the epidemic that he began to be clear and determined to be the "four no youths".

" In 2022 , with the escalation of China's epidemic control, I can often see some tragedies on the Internet because I can't afford the mortgage. For example, there are things like jumping off a building or cutting off the loan. Around me, there are also friends who are optimistic because they were optimistic. I bought a house thinking that house prices would rise, but the housing loan has become a very heavy burden due to the sharp drop in income in the past two years. " Mr. J told this station that in order to avoid heavy economic pressure, he decided not to buy a house.

As an only child, Mr. J also needs to consider the issue of his parents’ pension, and getting married, buying a house, and raising children will inevitably eat up the little savings of his parents: “ If as children, there is no way to provide them with a better living condition, So it is also meaningful to me to help them reduce their burden."

In recent years, China's economic development has been going downhill, which also makes Mr. J full of worries about the future. Especially in the past two years, wages have not risen, but prices have been rising. The monthly income of a few thousand yuan is only enough for his daily expenses.

" China's economic development is slowing down, which is an indisputable fact. In the future, I'm not sure whether my income will continue to rise like that of the post- 70s and post-80s . So, don't buy a house, don't get married, don't have children , reduce expenses, is the best choice for me at present. " Mr. J said.

" no room for me "

During our investigation, our station found that China's " four no youths " actually come from different social backgrounds and classes. Under the ever-increasing pressure of competition in all aspects, they have all chosen this " all four " way of life, and many of them are " returnees " with excellent conditions .

According to data released by the Ministry of Education of China, after the epidemic, there has been a trend of returning overseas students. In 2021 , the number of students returning to China for employment will exceed one million for the first time. At the same time, news such as "MIT master's development and reform committee " and " Harvard postdoctorate go to the street office " also appear in the Chinese media from time to time. 

Huang Yicheng, a postgraduate student at the University of Hamburg, Germany, who graduated from the Chinese Department of Peking University, told this station that many of his classmates have become " four no youths " who basically stay at home after graduating from the famous Ivy League schools in the United States and returning to China . Although they have an excellent educational background, it is difficult for them to find their own position in the involution environment of China's economic downturn and high unemployment rate.

" Now Chinese young people can't see hope, can't see the future. Under Xi Jinping's rule, China's important positions, whether in politics or economy, are occupied by the post -50s . Even the post-60s have little space, let alone Those born in the 70s , 80s , and 90s . " Huang Yicheng said.

There is a line in the song "People without ideals are not sad" by the New Pants band that says "There is no space for me " . Huang Yicheng believes that many young people have a deep resonance with this: " Young people can't find their space in this society, so there will be this kind of ' four-no youth ' , which is a kind of ' abandonment ' . " 

Behind the fact that " returnees" in the financial industry do not get married

Compared with the " little returnees " who stay at home , Mr. V in his early 30s is considered a " successful person " . After returning from overseas, he worked in the financial industry in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places, and his circle of friends and classmates are also the middle and upper class of society. But Mr. V told this station that even so, there are many people who choose the " four nos " among them.

" First, in terms of their own financial ability, they feel that it is enough to give themselves a decent life; second, they have seen too many things, and they may have a sense of gap in marriage. "

According to statistics from the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China in 2022 , the number of marriages in China has declined for eight consecutive years. By 2021 , the number of marriages will be less than 8 million, the lowest level since relevant statistics were available for 36 years. Among them, nearly half of those married over the age of 30 also hit a new high.

Mr. V said that the customer groups that financial operators come into contact with are more complicated, which also makes them see more that "marriage does not equal happiness": "What is the state of most of those doing business in China? In fact, many people are I know. Where do you go after eating? Where do you go after singing?"

In addition to the many negative views on marriage, getting married and buying a house in metropolises like Guangzhou and Shenzhen is also a considerable expense. Even people of Mr. V 's class need to weigh carefully. He said, " Including the people around me, even if you have an average monthly salary of 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, you still have to look at the flowers. Unless the family can provide very strong support, otherwise they have no intention of getting married at all. "

" Weak Underbelly" and "National Defense Education" in Kindergartens

China's official population data for 2022 shows that the country's population is shrinking for the first time in 60 years, and the number of newborns is at a record low. Although local governments have issued a series of policies to encourage young people to have children, such as the "three children", the effect has not been obvious. Has China's social environment really deteriorated to the point where it is "unable to have children"?

During the lockdown period in Shanghai, some young people mournfully shouted "This is our last generation" in order to resist the unreasonable isolation and quarantine policy. The voice of this era resonated with public opinion. Obviously, apart from the pressure of survival, there are more considerations for young people to choose "not to have children".

Mr. Cheng, who is from Shandong and is about to graduate from university, said bluntly that it is cruel to let children experience the life he has experienced: " Every life should grow up in a happier environment. I can't imagine letting children go like I used to. , had to stay up all night doing exercises, taking exams, and even doing hard work. ”

Mr. J mentioned at the beginning of this article also believes that China's education is too utilitarian, which puts a lot of pressure on children. At the same time, the life pressure of adults is also very high, and they don't have much time to take care of their families and accompany their children. He was a left-behind child in adolescence, which determined that he did not want children.

In addition, Mr. J has more worries: " In 2022 , I remember a news that a community director in Beijing said, 'Children are a person's weakness'. This shocked me at the time, because this incident It shows the Chinese government's disregard for human rights, so I don't want a life to become my "weakness". At the same time, there have been the Red Yellow Blue kindergarten incident and the Hu Xinyu case before, which made my trust in Chinese society drop to a very low level. So I don't want kids either."

Ms. Tao in Guangzhou, who calls herself "Four Unmiddle Age", is a political dissident. She said that the reason for choosing "no children" is because she does not want to get married on the one hand, but at the same time she is also worried about China's brainwashing education.

"Assuming that I am a single person, I can adopt a child. According to my usual communication with my colleagues, the so-called national defense education has been arranged in kindergartens, and children also have to do a certain degree of military training. To resist this kind of education, as a parent, it takes a lot of effort. , and regardless of the high probability of raising another wolf wolf, it is better not to raise it. " Ms. Tao lamented.

From "Love Disabled " to "House Girl on the Street"  

If the reasons for " not getting married, not having children, and not buying a house " can all be attributed to the pressure of the social environment, then for those young people who resolutely choose " not to fall in love " , does this pressure cause them to lose their " love" ? ability " ? 

Huang Yicheng believes that the song "Love Disabled " ( Love Disabled ) by Hong Kong's My Little Airport band describes the current situation of young people.

" The song says that she lives in a hopeless society, and she feels that she is disabled in love. She is incapable of loving, just like some disabled people are incapable of hearing and seeing. " Huang Yicheng said, "Because I think that love is always related to hope. When we have no hope for life, we will not have the ability or heart to love others."

My Little Airport later wrote another song, "Hot Girl, Hit the Street". Huang Yicheng, who participated in the "White Paper Movement", said that the song shows that these people who have no requirements for life and love have finally evolved into social youths.

" In fact, I saw a lot of demonstrators on the Urumqi Middle Road in Shanghai on the Internet, and many people found their partners at the demonstration site. This is a very romantic thing. Including in Germany, I also met such (young) people. " Huang Yicheng said, " Because when you are in the white paper movement, you find a hope in life. When you have hope in your life, you will naturally look for love. Because young people, of course, love is very important. promising. "

In Huang Yicheng's view, the " Four No Youth " is actually a kind of " renunciationism " and a kind of " depoliticized " politics. However, he believes that the " four nos " are just a gap for young people during the transition of the times, and it is not sustainable.

"I think it is impossible for the Communist Party to allow young people to survive in this way for a long time. It will definitely use some methods to force young people to be cannon fodder for the ' great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation ' it wants. " Huang Yicheng said.

Unprecedented solidification of society and the struggle of young people

In response to the phenomenon of "four unworthy youths", Tang Jingyuan, a current affairs commentator based in the United States, told this station that the fundamental reason behind this still comes from China's political system.

"The CCP has centralized the entire system, which has led to the intensification of polarization and an unprecedented solidification of social classes, that is, the hereditaryization of the elite class of the powerful class and the official class." Tang Jingyuan said, "This has led to a large number of These grassroots young people from ordinary families with no roots and no background can't rely on their own hard work to change their lives and achieve this kind of rise and change in social class. It brings a direct result, That is, the result of striving and not striving is almost the same, the same.”

Speaking of the future, Huang Yicheng believes that Chinese youths, both at home and abroad, must dare to face the rapidly deteriorating social environment at home, instead of choosing to escape: "It is necessary to face this pain directly, and to fight against that crime and injustice. power to fight. It's a serious business. " 

He said that being a " four-no youth " seems to dispel the seriousness of this struggle in a " harmless " way, but this is not the solution to the problem.

For security reasons, Mr. J , Mr. V , Mr. Cheng, and Ms. Tao in this article are all pseudonyms.

Hong Kong refusals ask Innotingham to maintain "sister city" relationship with Ningbo

A number of Hong Kong people’s organizations launched an action to “sever the sister city relationship with the CCP” overseas last year. Recently, the Nottingham City Council in the United Kingdom decided to maintain the sister city relationship with Ningbo. Public voices to establish and maintain such relationships are tantamount to acquiescing to the CCP’s human rights abuses. Some Hong Kong activists said that they will use Nottingham as an example to strengthen their lobbying, hoping to arouse the vigilance of Western governments against the infiltration of the CCP.

On Monday (24th), the Hong Kong people-in-UK organization "Nottingham Stands with Hong Kong" (NSWHK) made a resolution on Nottingham (Nottingham Chinese translation: Nottingham) City Council to maintain the "sister city" relationship with Ningbo He issued a statement expressing his extreme regret, and believed that Nottingham's decision highlighted the excessive reliance of British universities on Chinese students as a source of income. This will not only pose a threat to academic freedom, but also affect local government decision-making and increase the chance of being infiltrated by the CCP.

The statement also pointed out that Nottingham and Ningbo have established a "sister city" relationship for nearly 20 years, but the human rights situation in China has become worse and worse. Although the city council has written to the Chinese government on human rights issues, establishing and maintaining such a relationship is tantamount to acquiescing to the CCP’s human rights violations.

The statement questioned the lack of transparency in the relevant decision-making process of the Nottingham City Council, and did not conduct public inquiries and public consultations. The organization expressed concern about whether the decision was based on the opinions of Nottingham residents. It will continue to follow up the incident and strive to be elected in the city council Review the current resolution after the election.

Spokesperson S of the NSWHK organization told this station that the CCP conducts censorship through exchange programs such as "sister cities". The British local government has been infiltrated by the CCP authorities through economic and educational channels for many years, and the long-term over-reliance on the economy has also led to its loss. The ability to bargain with China, especially on differences such as human rights and democracy, has become weak.

S said: The CCP's "sister cities" are packaged as cultural and economic exchanges, in fact, to strengthen China's political and economic influence in the local area. The West should be cautious when communicating with China, and Western governments should also regularly review existing exchange projects and provide assistance to local governments in cooperation to guard against the CCP’s infiltration in the name of exchanges. It is hoped that the Nottingham case can become a substantive example of the CCP’s economic infiltration, so that the British Parliament can promote the monitoring of urban diplomacy. It is also hoped that local governments will increase transparency so that citizens can participate in such decision-making.

In July last year, 19 Hong Kong people's organizations around the world launched the "Global Detwin with China" joint action. K, the spokesperson of the joint action, said in an interview with this station that when they were trying to get the local government to re-examine the "sister cities" relationship, they realized that some cities had deep economic ties with China, which could easily affect decision-making. He pointed out that Nottingham's decision is a vivid case of CCP infiltration, and Hong Kong people will use this as evidence to strengthen lobbying.

K said: Nottingham's decision reflects China's extensive economic influence in the region, and it is not an easy decision to end the "sister city" relationship. However, we believe that this will not be a blow to the current joint operation, but instead provides a practical example of the CCP’s economic penetration. We hope that the local Hong Kong people will also speak out to the candidates about the incident before the local election, hoping to bring the incident to the next government.

Aniessa Andresen, chairman of the "Hong Kong People in Germany Association" who participated in the joint action of "severing the relationship between the sister cities of the CCP", also accepted an interview with this station. She pointed out that the human rights of the Ningbo municipal government are full of bad records, and the cooperation between the West and China should be Stick to the bottom line of human rights.

Aniessa Andresen said: In the past, the Ningbo municipal government used tear gas, clearing the venue, arrests, tear gas, and physical conflicts to disperse the gathered citizens and demolish the crosses of the church on the grounds of "maintaining social order." These are just a few examples of brutal suppression of democracy and religious freedom. Regarding the CCP’s infiltration in the name of university links, police and overseas Chinese service stations, etc., governments of all countries must see clearly that any academic and cultural links and exchanges should not override human rights.

In November last year, Wendy Taylor, member of the Newcastle City Council in the UK, submitted a petition letter from the Hong Kong People's Organization to the council, proposing a motion to sever the "sister city" relationship with Taiyuan, China, which was finally passed. As for the letter of petition submitted to the Nottingham City Council to sever the "sister city" relationship with Ningbo, the city council decided to maintain the relationship a few days ago. Freedom of speech and transparency of information. Speaker Mellen (David Mellen) said that the review process fully communicated with the city's stakeholders and ensured that any current or future international relations in Nottingham are in line with the common principles upheld by the city and its residents.

Nottingham and Ningbo established a sister city relationship in 2005; the University of Nottingham Ningbo was completed in 2006, and Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, attended the inauguration ceremony.

In recent years, local governments in western democracies have terminated their "sister city" relationship with China one after another. In addition to Prague in the Czech Republic, the Swedish city of Gothenburg (Göteborg) has also successively cut seats with Shanghai and other cities. In July 2021, the Dutch city of Arnhem also terminated its "sister city" relationship with Wuhan.

"Four No Youths" and "House Girls Going to the Streets" Where is the hope for Chinese young people?  Recently, a term popular on the Chinese Internet to refer to contemporary young people is called "Four No Youth". What kind of people are they? What kind of stories do they have? What does young people's choice of "four nos" mean to Chinese society?  " I'm a young man with four nos. I don't date, I don't get married, I don't buy a house, and I don't want children. The cost of love is too high now. All attitudes and sincerity have to be accumulated with money. It doesn't mean that I don't work hard, because hard work is useless. As a result, I am so introverted now, I am more helpless. My greatest fatherly love is not to let my child come into this world..."  The above statement, which appeared on Chinese social media platforms, was widely forwarded by netizens, and the " four unworthy youth " mentioned in it has become a new Internet buzzword.  In a survey conducted by our station on Twitter on this topic, many netizens confessed: "I am (a young man with four nos)!"  Involved Cities and "Mouse Utopia"  Linghu Changbing, who will "run" to the United States in 2022, is 23 years old this year . Recalling his life in China before the epidemic, he told this station that it's not that he doesn't want to find a partner, buy a house, get married, or have children, but that he simply doesn't have the ability to achieve these goals.  Linghu Changbing said: "When I was in China, if I wanted to have a girlfriend, I didn't have time, because I had to go to work, from eight o'clock in the morning to ten o'clock in the evening, and sometimes I could go to 11 or 12 o'clock , there is very little rest time every month. The salary at work is actually not very high, and I don’t have the financial ability to spend, go out with friends and so on. Without friends, there is no social interaction, and without social interaction, there are no follow-up things. As for When it comes to a house, I don’t think about it at all.”  Linghu Changbing, who did not graduate from junior high school, is from Guizhou. He left his hometown at the age of 14 and worked in many cities such as Wenzhou in Zhejiang, Qingdao in Shandong and Yunnan to make a living . In his view, the "four no youths" are not everywhere, and there are relatively few areas with a small foreign population. For example, his hometown is a small and medium-sized city. Many young people get married and start families at the age of 18 , and housing is not a problem.  He said: "The phenomenon of the four youths, I personally think that cities that are more introverted will appear, and the more competitive cities, the more this phenomenon."  The "introverted" part-time job in the city also put Linghu Changbing in a state similar to depression for a while. For two years, he chose to go home and completely " lie down ": " The situation at the time was that I was lying at home and didn't want to do anything. My dad asked me why I didn't go out to work or something? I said, " I was in a state of being hungry and hungry even after work, and now I am also starving and hungry, what's the difference? ". "  At that time, Linghu Changbing, who was lying at home, neither went out nor played with his friends until someone invited him to go abroad to work. Recalling his state at the time, he believes that the so-called "four unworthy youths" are very similar to the mice in the famous experiment "Mouse Utopia": in a social environment with excessive density and insufficient resources, the class is increasingly solidified, and the mice on the edge He gradually gave up competition, and at the same time had to suppress his desires, and his personality continued to be distorted.  Young people's "roll, lie, moisten, offer"  In addition to the "four unworthy youths", there is also a buzzword in China to describe the different living conditions of young people, which is called "juan lie runxian". The so-called "juan" means involuntary, fierce competition between people; Borrowing from the story of " Zhang Xianzhong massacred Shu people " , it refers to the act of attacking others indiscriminately to vent the resentment in his heart.  Among them, "Curly Lie Run" is also considered to be the three choices for future development of young people born in the 90s and 00s in China. And Linghu Changbing's experience seems to be a typical representative of this kind of "rolling and lying down". However, after all, there are still a small number of young people who can successfully "moisten" out of China, and most of them have to stay in the country or "roll up" or "lay down". And the choice of the "Four No Youths" reflects this state of "lying flat".  In the past three years, under the lockdown of the epidemic, China's economic growth rate has almost dropped to the lowest level in nearly half a century, and the unemployment rate of urban youth has also hit a record high. The emotions of choosing the " four nos " have also continued to accumulate, and have concentrated outbreaks during the epidemic, becoming a silent and desperate resistance.  The epidemic has prompted more young people to choose the "four nos"  Mr. J , who is slightly older than Linghu Changbing , is from the inland province of Gansu. After graduating from university, he lived in Chengdu for work reasons and worked in the construction industry. He said that it was during the epidemic that he began to be clear and determined to be the "four no youths".  " In 2022 , with the escalation of China's epidemic control, I can often see some tragedies on the Internet because I can't afford the mortgage. For example, there are things like jumping off a building or cutting off the loan. Around me, there are also friends who are optimistic because they were optimistic. I bought a house thinking that house prices would rise, but the housing loan has become a very heavy burden due to the sharp drop in income in the past two years. " Mr. J told this station that in order to avoid heavy economic pressure, he decided not to buy a house.  As an only child, Mr. J also needs to consider the issue of his parents’ pension, and getting married, buying a house, and raising children will inevitably eat up the little savings of his parents: “ If as children, there is no way to provide them with a better living condition, So it is also meaningful to me to help them reduce their burden."  In recent years, China's economic development has been going downhill, which also makes Mr. J full of worries about the future. Especially in the past two years, wages have not risen, but prices have been rising. The monthly income of a few thousand yuan is only enough for his daily expenses.  " China's economic development is slowing down, which is an indisputable fact. In the future, I'm not sure whether my income will continue to rise like that of the post- 70s and post-80s . So, don't buy a house, don't get married, don't have children , reduce expenses, is the best choice for me at present. " Mr. J said.  " no room for me "  During our investigation, our station found that China's " four no youths " actually come from different social backgrounds and classes. Under the ever-increasing pressure of competition in all aspects, they have all chosen this " all four " way of life, and many of them are " returnees " with excellent conditions .  According to data released by the Ministry of Education of China, after the epidemic, there has been a trend of returning overseas students. In 2021 , the number of students returning to China for employment will exceed one million for the first time. At the same time, news such as "MIT master's development and reform committee " and " Harvard postdoctorate go to the street office " also appear in the Chinese media from time to time.   Huang Yicheng, a postgraduate student at the University of Hamburg, Germany, who graduated from the Chinese Department of Peking University, told this station that many of his classmates have become " four no youths " who basically stay at home after graduating from the famous Ivy League schools in the United States and returning to China . Although they have an excellent educational background, it is difficult for them to find their own position in the involution environment of China's economic downturn and high unemployment rate.  " Now Chinese young people can't see hope, can't see the future. Under Xi Jinping's rule, China's important positions, whether in politics or economy, are occupied by the post -50s . Even the post-60s have little space, let alone Those born in the 70s , 80s , and 90s . " Huang Yicheng said.  There is a line in the song "People without ideals are not sad" by the New Pants band that says "There is no space for me " . Huang Yicheng believes that many young people have a deep resonance with this: " Young people can't find their space in this society, so there will be this kind of ' four-no youth ' , which is a kind of ' abandonment ' . "   Behind the fact that " returnees" in the financial industry do not get married  Compared with the " little returnees " who stay at home , Mr. V in his early 30s is considered a " successful person " . After returning from overseas, he worked in the financial industry in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places, and his circle of friends and classmates are also the middle and upper class of society. But Mr. V told this station that even so, there are many people who choose the " four nos " among them.  " First, in terms of their own financial ability, they feel that it is enough to give themselves a decent life; second, they have seen too many things, and they may have a sense of gap in marriage. "  According to statistics from the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China in 2022 , the number of marriages in China has declined for eight consecutive years. By 2021 , the number of marriages will be less than 8 million, the lowest level since relevant statistics were available for 36 years. Among them, nearly half of those married over the age of 30 also hit a new high.  Mr. V said that the customer groups that financial operators come into contact with are more complicated, which also makes them see more that "marriage does not equal happiness": "What is the state of most of those doing business in China? In fact, many people are I know. Where do you go after eating? Where do you go after singing?"  In addition to the many negative views on marriage, getting married and buying a house in metropolises like Guangzhou and Shenzhen is also a considerable expense. Even people of Mr. V 's class need to weigh carefully. He said, " Including the people around me, even if you have an average monthly salary of 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, you still have to look at the flowers. Unless the family can provide very strong support, otherwise they have no intention of getting married at all. "  " Weak Underbelly" and "National Defense Education" in Kindergartens  China's official population data for 2022 shows that the country's population is shrinking for the first time in 60 years, and the number of newborns is at a record low. Although local governments have issued a series of policies to encourage young people to have children, such as the "three children", the effect has not been obvious. Has China's social environment really deteriorated to the point where it is "unable to have children"?  During the lockdown period in Shanghai, some young people mournfully shouted "This is our last generation" in order to resist the unreasonable isolation and quarantine policy. The voice of this era resonated with public opinion. Obviously, apart from the pressure of survival, there are more considerations for young people to choose "not to have children".  Mr. Cheng, who is from Shandong and is about to graduate from university, said bluntly that it is cruel to let children experience the life he has experienced: " Every life should grow up in a happier environment. I can't imagine letting children go like I used to. , had to stay up all night doing exercises, taking exams, and even doing hard work. ”  Mr. J mentioned at the beginning of this article also believes that China's education is too utilitarian, which puts a lot of pressure on children. At the same time, the life pressure of adults is also very high, and they don't have much time to take care of their families and accompany their children. He was a left-behind child in adolescence, which determined that he did not want children.  In addition, Mr. J has more worries: " In 2022 , I remember a news that a community director in Beijing said, 'Children are a person's weakness'. This shocked me at the time, because this incident It shows the Chinese government's disregard for human rights, so I don't want a life to become my "weakness". At the same time, there have been the Red Yellow Blue kindergarten incident and the Hu Xinyu case before, which made my trust in Chinese society drop to a very low level. So I don't want kids either."  Ms. Tao in Guangzhou, who calls herself "Four Unmiddle Age", is a political dissident. She said that the reason for choosing "no children" is because she does not want to get married on the one hand, but at the same time she is also worried about China's brainwashing education.  "Assuming that I am a single person, I can adopt a child. According to my usual communication with my colleagues, the so-called national defense education has been arranged in kindergartens, and children also have to do a certain degree of military training. To resist this kind of education, as a parent, it takes a lot of effort. , and regardless of the high probability of raising another wolf wolf, it is better not to raise it. " Ms. Tao lamented.  From "Love Disabled " to "House Girl on the Street"    If the reasons for " not getting married, not having children, and not buying a house " can all be attributed to the pressure of the social environment, then for those young people who resolutely choose " not to fall in love " , does this pressure cause them to lose their " love" ? ability " ?   Huang Yicheng believes that the song "Love Disabled " ( Love Disabled ) by Hong Kong's My Little Airport band describes the current situation of young people.  " The song says that she lives in a hopeless society, and she feels that she is disabled in love. She is incapable of loving, just like some disabled people are incapable of hearing and seeing. " Huang Yicheng said, "Because I think that love is always related to hope. When we have no hope for life, we will not have the ability or heart to love others."  My Little Airport later wrote another song, "Hot Girl, Hit the Street". Huang Yicheng, who participated in the "White Paper Movement", said that the song shows that these people who have no requirements for life and love have finally evolved into social youths.  " In fact, I saw a lot of demonstrators on the Urumqi Middle Road in Shanghai on the Internet, and many people found their partners at the demonstration site. This is a very romantic thing. Including in Germany, I also met such (young) people. " Huang Yicheng said, " Because when you are in the white paper movement, you find a hope in life. When you have hope in your life, you will naturally look for love. Because young people, of course, love is very important. promising. "  In Huang Yicheng's view, the " Four No Youth " is actually a kind of " renunciationism " and a kind of " depoliticized " politics. However, he believes that the " four nos " are just a gap for young people during the transition of the times, and it is not sustainable.  "I think it is impossible for the Communist Party to allow young people to survive in this way for a long time. It will definitely use some methods to force young people to be cannon fodder for the ' great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation ' it wants. " Huang Yicheng said.  Unprecedented solidification of society and the struggle of young people  In response to the phenomenon of "four unworthy youths", Tang Jingyuan, a current affairs commentator based in the United States, told this station that the fundamental reason behind this still comes from China's political system.  "The CCP has centralized the entire system, which has led to the intensification of polarization and an unprecedented solidification of social classes, that is, the hereditaryization of the elite class of the powerful class and the official class." Tang Jingyuan said, "This has led to a large number of These grassroots young people from ordinary families with no roots and no background can't rely on their own hard work to change their lives and achieve this kind of rise and change in social class. It brings a direct result, That is, the result of striving and not striving is almost the same, the same.”  Speaking of the future, Huang Yicheng believes that Chinese youths, both at home and abroad, must dare to face the rapidly deteriorating social environment at home, instead of choosing to escape: "It is necessary to face this pain directly, and to fight against that crime and injustice. power to fight. It's a serious business. "   He said that being a " four-no youth " seems to dispel the seriousness of this struggle in a " harmless " way, but this is not the solution to the problem.  For security reasons, Mr. J , Mr. V , Mr. Cheng, and Ms. Tao in this article are all pseudonyms.                Hong Kong refusals ask Innotingham to maintain "sister city" relationship with Ningbo  A number of Hong Kong people’s organizations launched an action to “sever the sister city relationship with the CCP” overseas last year. Recently, the Nottingham City Council in the United Kingdom decided to maintain the sister city relationship with Ningbo. Public voices to establish and maintain such relationships are tantamount to acquiescing to the CCP’s human rights abuses. Some Hong Kong activists said that they will use Nottingham as an example to strengthen their lobbying, hoping to arouse the vigilance of Western governments against the infiltration of the CCP.  On Monday (24th), the Hong Kong people-in-UK organization "Nottingham Stands with Hong Kong" (NSWHK) made a resolution on Nottingham (Nottingham Chinese translation: Nottingham) City Council to maintain the "sister city" relationship with Ningbo He issued a statement expressing his extreme regret, and believed that Nottingham's decision highlighted the excessive reliance of British universities on Chinese students as a source of income. This will not only pose a threat to academic freedom, but also affect local government decision-making and increase the chance of being infiltrated by the CCP.  The statement also pointed out that Nottingham and Ningbo have established a "sister city" relationship for nearly 20 years, but the human rights situation in China has become worse and worse. Although the city council has written to the Chinese government on human rights issues, establishing and maintaining such a relationship is tantamount to acquiescing to the CCP’s human rights violations.  The statement questioned the lack of transparency in the relevant decision-making process of the Nottingham City Council, and did not conduct public inquiries and public consultations. The organization expressed concern about whether the decision was based on the opinions of Nottingham residents. It will continue to follow up the incident and strive to be elected in the city council Review the current resolution after the election.  Spokesperson S of the NSWHK organization told this station that the CCP conducts censorship through exchange programs such as "sister cities". The British local government has been infiltrated by the CCP authorities through economic and educational channels for many years, and the long-term over-reliance on the economy has also led to its loss. The ability to bargain with China, especially on differences such as human rights and democracy, has become weak.  S said: The CCP's "sister cities" are packaged as cultural and economic exchanges, in fact, to strengthen China's political and economic influence in the local area. The West should be cautious when communicating with China, and Western governments should also regularly review existing exchange projects and provide assistance to local governments in cooperation to guard against the CCP’s infiltration in the name of exchanges. It is hoped that the Nottingham case can become a substantive example of the CCP’s economic infiltration, so that the British Parliament can promote the monitoring of urban diplomacy. It is also hoped that local governments will increase transparency so that citizens can participate in such decision-making.  In July last year, 19 Hong Kong people's organizations around the world launched the "Global Detwin with China" joint action. K, the spokesperson of the joint action, said in an interview with this station that when they were trying to get the local government to re-examine the "sister cities" relationship, they realized that some cities had deep economic ties with China, which could easily affect decision-making. He pointed out that Nottingham's decision is a vivid case of CCP infiltration, and Hong Kong people will use this as evidence to strengthen lobbying.  K said: Nottingham's decision reflects China's extensive economic influence in the region, and it is not an easy decision to end the "sister city" relationship. However, we believe that this will not be a blow to the current joint operation, but instead provides a practical example of the CCP’s economic penetration. We hope that the local Hong Kong people will also speak out to the candidates about the incident before the local election, hoping to bring the incident to the next government.  Aniessa Andresen, chairman of the "Hong Kong People in Germany Association" who participated in the joint action of "severing the relationship between the sister cities of the CCP", also accepted an interview with this station. She pointed out that the human rights of the Ningbo municipal government are full of bad records, and the cooperation between the West and China should be Stick to the bottom line of human rights.  Aniessa Andresen said: In the past, the Ningbo municipal government used tear gas, clearing the venue, arrests, tear gas, and physical conflicts to disperse the gathered citizens and demolish the crosses of the church on the grounds of "maintaining social order." These are just a few examples of brutal suppression of democracy and religious freedom. Regarding the CCP’s infiltration in the name of university links, police and overseas Chinese service stations, etc., governments of all countries must see clearly that any academic and cultural links and exchanges should not override human rights.  In November last year, Wendy Taylor, member of the Newcastle City Council in the UK, submitted a petition letter from the Hong Kong People's Organization to the council, proposing a motion to sever the "sister city" relationship with Taiyuan, China, which was finally passed. As for the letter of petition submitted to the Nottingham City Council to sever the "sister city" relationship with Ningbo, the city council decided to maintain the relationship a few days ago. Freedom of speech and transparency of information. Speaker Mellen (David Mellen) said that the review process fully communicated with the city's stakeholders and ensured that any current or future international relations in Nottingham are in line with the common principles upheld by the city and its residents.  Nottingham and Ningbo established a sister city relationship in 2005; the University of Nottingham Ningbo was completed in 2006, and Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, attended the inauguration ceremony.  In recent years, local governments in western democracies have terminated their "sister city" relationship with China one after another. In addition to Prague in the Czech Republic, the Swedish city of Gothenburg (Göteborg) has also successively cut seats with Shanghai and other cities. In July 2021, the Dutch city of Arnhem also terminated its "sister city" relationship with Wuhan.           District councils are retained but must not "interfere" with government policy comments: the system has gone back 40 years  Hong Kong Chief Executive Lee Ka-chao said on Tuesday (25th) that the district councils are "worth retaining". The next term will retain certain electoral elements, and there will be "multiple ways" to participate, but the operation must conform to the principle of "those who love the country and love Hong Kong govern Hong Kong". There are rumors in the political circle that the district councils will introduce an indirect election and appointment system, and the number of directly elected seats will also be greatly reduced. Scholars believe that the Hong Kong government's decision to retain the district councils as Hong Kong's "democracy showcase" is expected to "return the district councils to their original form" and set back 40 years.  Hong Kong Chief Executive Lee Ka-chao met with reporters before attending the executive meeting on Tuesday, and he took the initiative to mention that the regional administrative review has come to an end, saying that this review should be "depoliticized." He pointed out that the previous District Council began in 2020. A large number of members violated the functions of the District Council and undermined the interests of Hong Kong. After the oath, only 3 out of 1 District Councilors remained.  Li Jiachao said: The SAR government will not allow the District Council to become a platform for "Hong Kong independence", will not allow them to violate the "Basic Law", and will not allow it to interfere with the government's governance. Paralyzed, these black sheep cannot be allowed to destroy society again. Therefore, we need to prevent these chaotic phenomena that reverse black and white from happening again in the district councils from an institutional perspective.  He believes that the district councils are "worth retaining". Certain electoral elements will be retained in the next term, and there will be "multiple ways" to participate. The seats are similar to the current one, but the operation must conform to the principle of "those who love the country and love Hong Kong govern Hong Kong".  Will District Councils resume appointed or indirectly elected seats? Democratic Party: Worried about affecting public opinion  The Democratic Party held an online press conference on the same day to respond. Chairman Luo Jianxi said that if the district councils resume appointment or indirect election of seats, it will affect the public sentiment and the situation is not ideal. As for whether the Democratic Party will run in the election, the party needs to discuss it before making a decision.  Luo Jianxi said: Space involves a wide range, including seats, election methods, functions, and the degree of participation of citizens. It is difficult to talk about the actual situation in detail, but we will Discuss all over the place. I hope that this system can accommodate different voices and opinions and make the system more perfect.  Commentary: To preserve Hong Kong's "democracy showcase"  Sociologist Zhong Jianhua pointed out to this station on Tuesday that the Hong Kong government's decision to retain the district councils is believed to be to show Hong Kong's "democracy showcase" to the outside world. He pointed out that after the defeat of the establishment faction in the 2019 district council elections, Beijing was determined to overthrow all the electoral arrangements in Hong Kong, so there was a reform to "perfect" the electoral system, and this general direction of "patriots governing Hong Kong" has been legislated It will be applied to district councils, and whether the Democratic Party will run for election will not matter much.  Zhong Jianhua said: Whether the Democratic Party participates in the election has no effect on the credibility of the district council, but I believe that the government will have some space to allow them to run for the election. Whether it is a "democratic vase", it is equivalent to having Di Zhiyuan in the Legislative Council.  Zhong Jianhua pointed out that whether the Democratic Party participates in the election is controversial, and this is their consideration, including participation in the election can preserve regional resources, but it is believed that some supporters will be lost, or the social and political atmosphere will further weaken.  Opinion: Docklands Council to go back to 1982  The outside world has been rumored that the Hong Kong government will reduce the number of directly elected district council seats, or return to the appointment and indirect election system. Zhong Jianhua is not surprised by this, and expects that the district councils will be "returned to their original shape" after the reform, or even worse.  Zhong Jianhua said: The SAR government does not want to spend so many resources to manage each subdivision, but he does not want the subdivisions to become some democratic organizations or individuals to gain sweetness, so the current teaching has been spread for a long time, I think it is all The fact is that the number of directly elected seats will be greatly reduced. Of course, screening will continue to be used to kill some people, so the entire district council will be completely changed. It may not be as good as the first district council election in 1982.  Hong Kong establishment welcomes district council reform  The Hong Kong establishment welcomes the proposed reform of district councils. Zhou Haoting, vice chairman of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong, pointed out that it is not the best way to be elected by the people. He supports the formation of district councils in a pluralistic mode. Not a panacea for all problems. As for the arrangements for the DAB's district council elections, he pointed out that it still needs to be discussed by the executive committee, and it is still too early to say.  Wu Qiubei, president of the Federation of Trade Unions, said that the Federation of Trade Unions will actively participate in the district council elections after the reform, and agrees with Li Jiachao’s statement that the role of district councils as a consulting structure should be continuously optimized, especially for national security. bottom line.  Liu Zhaojia, consultant of the National Association for Hong Kong and Macau Studies, believes that from the perspective of the central government, retaining the district council is helpful to the governance of the SAR, especially strengthening local administration and strengthening the role of the Hong Kong government and regional forces, highlighting the administrative leadership.          China's full implementation of real estate unified registration and real estate tax is coming?  After ten years of preparation, the Chinese government announced on Tuesday that it will fully implement the unified registration of real estate. Does this policy sound the alarm for the subsequent imposition of real estate tax? What impact will it have on the current real estate transaction market?  According to several Chinese media reports, on April 25, Wang Guanghua, Minister of Natural Resources of China, announced at the National Working Conference on Confirmation and Registration of Natural Resources and Real Estate Rights that China will fully implement unified registration of real estate. The official media Xinhua News Agency pointed out that this policy means that after ten years of hard work, the real estate unified registration system covering all land spaces and covering all real property rights is comprehensive Establish.  The Financial Associated Press quoted the analysis of Zhang Dawei, chief analyst of Centaline Real Estate, saying that this policy is an important symbolic event in the transformation of real estate regulation from the previous transaction regulation to the stock regulation, and will have a major impact on the market.  The outside world generally believes that realizing the unified registration of real estate across the country means that it is a step closer to the full implementation of the follow-up real estate tax.  As soon as the above-mentioned policies came out, they sparked heated discussions in Chinese public opinion. Some netizens commented, "Some people are going to panic, and those who should be moistened are going to be moistened." Some netizens said, "Increase is gone, we need to think about the stock"; "Can officials' property announcement be implemented? Don't always stare at ordinary people"; "Will the person who makes the rules tell you how many houses he has?"  Wang Jian, a well-known media person, said in an interview with our station that the policy of unified registration is not a prerequisite for the collection of real estate taxes, but it will have a negative impact on the real estate market and further reduce people’s confidence in transactions: “Originally all property rights in China are registered. system, so is it necessary to conduct a national census to collect real estate taxes? Not so. But anyway, such actions are helpful for collecting real estate taxes, and this judgment is not wrong.”  He believes that this policy will only lead to the sale of properties by people who hold a large number of properties, and will not stimulate the demand for property purchases. This is contrary to the Chinese government's starting point of stimulating the real estate transaction to boost the economy: "(the policy maker) I didn’t think too much about it, and I finished my performance first. The problem with Xi Jinping’s governance is that each department manages its own affairs, and (departments) do not cooperate with each other, and no one comes out to coordinate.”  China's real estate registration has a long history, and the dust finally settled this year. As early as 2007, the "Property Law" promulgated and implemented in China formally proposed a real estate registration system. In 2013, the construction of the real estate registration system was officially launched, and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council decided to establish a unified real estate registration agency. In 2016, China's "Implementation Rules for the Interim Regulations on Real Estate Registration" was promulgated and implemented, marking the full implementation of the policy. In 2018, the real estate information management platform realized nationwide networking.  From proposal to networking to implementation, the large time span shows that there are many obstacles.  Ding Hongbin, associate dean of the Loyola University School of Business, told this station that under China's comprehensive real estate registration policy, vested interests who hold a large number of real estate will face the first risk.  "With such a unified platform, a high degree of information sharing becomes possible. For those with vested interests, unless they are very powerful, they are a bit threatening." He said: "Now if someone wants to know or If you track how many properties, real estate, certain people, certain units own or control, it will be easy to find on this platform.”  He believes that although the policy has created technical conditions for the collection of real estate tax, if China's economy recovers, the possibility of imposing real estate tax or tax at a high rate in the short term will be relatively small.  Late last month, Lou Jiwei, the former Minister of Finance of China, published a review article titled "China's Fiscal System Reform and Future Prospects in the New Era" in the "Comparison" magazine. He pointed out in the article that real estate tax is the most suitable tax type for local taxes, and the pilot should be carried out as soon as possible after the economy returns to normal growth.  Affected by the three-year epidemic, the downward pressure on China's economy has increased, and the land tax revenue of local governments has dropped sharply, causing local finances to fall into a dilemma. The outside world is worried that the introduction of real estate tax may become one of the important measures for governments in various parts of China to fill the fiscal gap.

District councils are retained but must not "interfere" with government policy comments: the system has gone back 40 years

Hong Kong Chief Executive Lee Ka-chao said on Tuesday (25th) that the district councils are "worth retaining". The next term will retain certain electoral elements, and there will be "multiple ways" to participate, but the operation must conform to the principle of "those who love the country and love Hong Kong govern Hong Kong". There are rumors in the political circle that the district councils will introduce an indirect election and appointment system, and the number of directly elected seats will also be greatly reduced. Scholars believe that the Hong Kong government's decision to retain the district councils as Hong Kong's "democracy showcase" is expected to "return the district councils to their original form" and set back 40 years.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Lee Ka-chao met with reporters before attending the executive meeting on Tuesday, and he took the initiative to mention that the regional administrative review has come to an end, saying that this review should be "depoliticized." He pointed out that the previous District Council began in 2020. A large number of members violated the functions of the District Council and undermined the interests of Hong Kong. After the oath, only 3 out of 1 District Councilors remained.

Li Jiachao said: The SAR government will not allow the District Council to become a platform for "Hong Kong independence", will not allow them to violate the "Basic Law", and will not allow it to interfere with the government's governance. Paralyzed, these black sheep cannot be allowed to destroy society again. Therefore, we need to prevent these chaotic phenomena that reverse black and white from happening again in the district councils from an institutional perspective.

He believes that the district councils are "worth retaining". Certain electoral elements will be retained in the next term, and there will be "multiple ways" to participate. The seats are similar to the current one, but the operation must conform to the principle of "those who love the country and love Hong Kong govern Hong Kong".

Will District Councils resume appointed or indirectly elected seats? Democratic Party: Worried about affecting public opinion

The Democratic Party held an online press conference on the same day to respond. Chairman Luo Jianxi said that if the district councils resume appointment or indirect election of seats, it will affect the public sentiment and the situation is not ideal. As for whether the Democratic Party will run in the election, the party needs to discuss it before making a decision.

Luo Jianxi said: Space involves a wide range, including seats, election methods, functions, and the degree of participation of citizens. It is difficult to talk about the actual situation in detail, but we will Discuss all over the place. I hope that this system can accommodate different voices and opinions and make the system more perfect.

Commentary: To preserve Hong Kong's "democracy showcase"

Sociologist Zhong Jianhua pointed out to this station on Tuesday that the Hong Kong government's decision to retain the district councils is believed to be to show Hong Kong's "democracy showcase" to the outside world. He pointed out that after the defeat of the establishment faction in the 2019 district council elections, Beijing was determined to overthrow all the electoral arrangements in Hong Kong, so there was a reform to "perfect" the electoral system, and this general direction of "patriots governing Hong Kong" has been legislated It will be applied to district councils, and whether the Democratic Party will run for election will not matter much.

Zhong Jianhua said: Whether the Democratic Party participates in the election has no effect on the credibility of the district council, but I believe that the government will have some space to allow them to run for the election. Whether it is a "democratic vase", it is equivalent to having Di Zhiyuan in the Legislative Council.

Zhong Jianhua pointed out that whether the Democratic Party participates in the election is controversial, and this is their consideration, including participation in the election can preserve regional resources, but it is believed that some supporters will be lost, or the social and political atmosphere will further weaken.

Opinion: Docklands Council to go back to 1982

The outside world has been rumored that the Hong Kong government will reduce the number of directly elected district council seats, or return to the appointment and indirect election system. Zhong Jianhua is not surprised by this, and expects that the district councils will be "returned to their original shape" after the reform, or even worse.

Zhong Jianhua said: The SAR government does not want to spend so many resources to manage each subdivision, but he does not want the subdivisions to become some democratic organizations or individuals to gain sweetness, so the current teaching has been spread for a long time, I think it is all The fact is that the number of directly elected seats will be greatly reduced. Of course, screening will continue to be used to kill some people, so the entire district council will be completely changed. It may not be as good as the first district council election in 1982.

Hong Kong establishment welcomes district council reform

The Hong Kong establishment welcomes the proposed reform of district councils. Zhou Haoting, vice chairman of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong, pointed out that it is not the best way to be elected by the people. He supports the formation of district councils in a pluralistic mode. Not a panacea for all problems. As for the arrangements for the DAB's district council elections, he pointed out that it still needs to be discussed by the executive committee, and it is still too early to say.

Wu Qiubei, president of the Federation of Trade Unions, said that the Federation of Trade Unions will actively participate in the district council elections after the reform, and agrees with Li Jiachao’s statement that the role of district councils as a consulting structure should be continuously optimized, especially for national security. bottom line.

Liu Zhaojia, consultant of the National Association for Hong Kong and Macau Studies, believes that from the perspective of the central government, retaining the district council is helpful to the governance of the SAR, especially strengthening local administration and strengthening the role of the Hong Kong government and regional forces, highlighting the administrative leadership.

China's full implementation of real estate unified registration and real estate tax is coming?

After ten years of preparation, the Chinese government announced on Tuesday that it will fully implement the unified registration of real estate. Does this policy sound the alarm for the subsequent imposition of real estate tax? What impact will it have on the current real estate transaction market?

According to several Chinese media reports, on April 25, Wang Guanghua, Minister of Natural Resources of China, announced at the National Working Conference on Confirmation and Registration of Natural Resources and Real Estate Rights that China will fully implement unified registration of real estate. The official media Xinhua News Agency pointed out that this policy means that after ten years of hard work, the real estate unified registration system covering all land spaces and covering all real property rights is comprehensive Establish.

The Financial Associated Press quoted the analysis of Zhang Dawei, chief analyst of Centaline Real Estate, saying that this policy is an important symbolic event in the transformation of real estate regulation from the previous transaction regulation to the stock regulation, and will have a major impact on the market.

The outside world generally believes that realizing the unified registration of real estate across the country means that it is a step closer to the full implementation of the follow-up real estate tax.

As soon as the above-mentioned policies came out, they sparked heated discussions in Chinese public opinion. Some netizens commented, "Some people are going to panic, and those who should be moistened are going to be moistened." Some netizens said, "Increase is gone, we need to think about the stock"; "Can officials' property announcement be implemented? Don't always stare at ordinary people"; "Will the person who makes the rules tell you how many houses he has?"

Wang Jian, a well-known media person, said in an interview with our station that the policy of unified registration is not a prerequisite for the collection of real estate taxes, but it will have a negative impact on the real estate market and further reduce people’s confidence in transactions: “Originally all property rights in China are registered. system, so is it necessary to conduct a national census to collect real estate taxes? Not so. But anyway, such actions are helpful for collecting real estate taxes, and this judgment is not wrong.”

He believes that this policy will only lead to the sale of properties by people who hold a large number of properties, and will not stimulate the demand for property purchases. This is contrary to the Chinese government's starting point of stimulating the real estate transaction to boost the economy: "(the policy maker) I didn’t think too much about it, and I finished my performance first. The problem with Xi Jinping’s governance is that each department manages its own affairs, and (departments) do not cooperate with each other, and no one comes out to coordinate.”

China's real estate registration has a long history, and the dust finally settled this year. As early as 2007, the "Property Law" promulgated and implemented in China formally proposed a real estate registration system. In 2013, the construction of the real estate registration system was officially launched, and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council decided to establish a unified real estate registration agency. In 2016, China's "Implementation Rules for the Interim Regulations on Real Estate Registration" was promulgated and implemented, marking the full implementation of the policy. In 2018, the real estate information management platform realized nationwide networking.

From proposal to networking to implementation, the large time span shows that there are many obstacles.

Ding Hongbin, associate dean of the Loyola University School of Business, told this station that under China's comprehensive real estate registration policy, vested interests who hold a large number of real estate will face the first risk.

"With such a unified platform, a high degree of information sharing becomes possible. For those with vested interests, unless they are very powerful, they are a bit threatening." He said: "Now if someone wants to know or If you track how many properties, real estate, certain people, certain units own or control, it will be easy to find on this platform.”

He believes that although the policy has created technical conditions for the collection of real estate tax, if China's economy recovers, the possibility of imposing real estate tax or tax at a high rate in the short term will be relatively small.

Late last month, Lou Jiwei, the former Minister of Finance of China, published a review article titled "China's Fiscal System Reform and Future Prospects in the New Era" in the "Comparison" magazine. He pointed out in the article that real estate tax is the most suitable tax type for local taxes, and the pilot should be carried out as soon as possible after the economy returns to normal growth.

Affected by the three-year epidemic, the downward pressure on China's economy has increased, and the land tax revenue of local governments has dropped sharply, causing local finances to fall into a dilemma. The outside world is worried that the introduction of real estate tax may become one of the important measures for governments in various parts of China to fill the fiscal gap.

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