"Tension and anxiety" Pictures published for the first time from inside the White House during the follow-up to the "killing" of Osama bin Laden "Tension and anxiety" Pictures published for the first time from inside the White House during the follow-up to the "killing" of Osama bin Laden

"Tension and anxiety" Pictures published for the first time from inside the White House during the follow-up to the "killing" of Osama bin Laden

"Tension and anxiety" Pictures published for the first time from inside the White House during the follow-up to the "killing" of Osama bin Laden  The Washington Post published new photos that appear for the first time, from inside the White House, documenting the follow-up to the "killing operation" of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in 2011.  The "Washington Post" newspaper stated that it had obtained newly published photos, taken by official photographers from the White House, of important moments inside the White House during the raid on Osama bin Laden's house in 2011.  She indicated that through a Freedom of Information Act request to the former US President Obama's presidential library, she obtained more than 900 photos taken by the official White House photographers on May 1, 2011.  In never-before-seen images, the intensity and drama of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden shows then-President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in the White House Situation Room, tension evident on their faces, as they pressure Secretary of Defense Bob Gates.  Regarding the killing of bin Laden, Nabil Naim Abdel Fattah, the former leader of Islamic Jihad and the former bodyguard of the leader of the "Al Qaeda" organization Osama bin Laden, said that the latter blew himself up to avoid falling into the hands of the men of the American Special Forces unit that stormed his house in Pakistan on May 2, 2011. .  Abdel-Fattah stated that bin Laden had been wearing an explosive belt for the last ten years of his life, stressing that it was impossible for the man to surrender himself to the Americans.  Abdel-Fattah accused US President Barack Obama of lying when he announced that bin Laden had been shot dead by US special forces and buried at sea.  In an interview with "Akhbar Al-Khaleej" newspaper, he indicated that the story of bin Laden's burial at sea is suspicious, stressing that bin Laden's body was torn into pieces, which is what happens to the suicide bomber.  He drew Abdel Fattah, who was not in bin Laden's hideout in Abbottabad at the time that bin Laden was killed, but he heard from a relative of the al-Qaeda leader the details of what happened. He added that the American intelligence planned to capture bin Laden alive, but it made a mistake in its calculations, as he blew himself up with an explosive belt so that the American forces would not arrest him, because he wanted to keep his secrets until death.  On the day of the raid on bin Laden's hideout, John Brennan, the US President's National Security and Counterterrorism Adviser, said that if the American soldiers were convinced that there was no explosive device on Bin Laden's body, they would not have killed him.  The US raid on the home of al-Qaeda leader in Abbottabad, killing 4 people along with bin Laden.  Abdel-Fattah said that Osama bin Laden and the other dead were killed while defending themselves during the attack by American soldiers.  He continued, "They shot at the helicopter that carried the special forces unit. When the Americans killed two of his bodyguards and wounded him in the leg, bin Laden detonated his explosive belt."  Abdel-Fattah expressed his conviction that one of Bin Laden's wives will reveal the truth about his death one day.            The Washington Post: The United States is losing the support of Egypt and many influential countries in its confrontation with Russia  The Washington Post, quoting leaked US documents, revealed that a number of influential countries are taking a non-binding stance and abandoning Washington's support on Ukraine and China, which obstructs US policy.  The US intelligence indicates that some influential countries, including Egypt, India, Pakistan and Brazil, are not inclined to support Washington in the confrontation with Moscow and Beijing. The United States, China and Russia "in an era when America is no longer the undisputed superpower".  According to US intelligence agencies, "influential regional powers tend to stay out" in light of the rivalry between Washington, Moscow and Beijing. Russia is also reported to be "showing its ability to fend off pressure from the West".  And while key US allies in Europe and East Asia have supported Biden's campaign in Ukraine and are offering more weapons in return for giving up Russian energy, Washington has faced resistance elsewhere.  In its article, the newspaper referred to "leaked intelligence information that was not previously disclosed, which also provides new insight into the obstacles Biden faces in securing global support for his efforts."  According to leaked US intelligence reports, Pakistani Foreign Minister Hanna Rabbani Khar said in March that her country "can no longer try to maintain a middle ground between China and the United States," stressing a "true strategic partnership" with China.  The newspaper wrote that one of the leaked materials reveals that before the vote on an anti-Russian resolution at the United Nations, the Pakistani government expected pressure from the West on Islamabad to support the document.  According to the American side, the Pakistani Prime Minister, Shahbaz Sharif, consulted in February with one of his subordinates on the issue of the decision. During the discussion, an aide to Sharif stated that supporting the resolution would interfere with negotiations with Russia on trade and energy issues, and Pakistan ultimately abstained from voting on the resolution.  According to the intelligence documents, New Delhi followed the same policy in February. So, on February 22, the National Security Adviser of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ajit Doval held talks with the Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev.  US intelligence documents say that Doval assured Patrushev of India's support for Russia in various international forums, and that New Delhi is "working" to ensure that the issue of the special military operation does not arise "during the G20 meeting led by India."  It was also said that Doval indicated that India would not "deviate from the principled position it took in the past" and would not support the anti-Russian resolution in the UN General Assembly.  According to the Washington Post, the leaked materials contain a preliminary assessment of Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's proposals to create a "global peace bloc" to reconcile American and Chinese interests and end military actions in Ukraine. The document claims that Russian Foreign Ministry officials supported Lula's plan.  According to US intelligence assessments, contained in the leaked documents, "Egypt is trying to overcome confrontation over Ukraine and fend off requests for military assistance from both Russia and the United States."  The Pentagon is investigating leaked materials describing the state of the Ukrainian forces and the plans of the United States and NATO to strengthen them, and it was alleged that more than a hundred documents could have been leaked on the Internet, and the damages resulting from what happened were estimated to be significant.  The White House declined to confirm the authenticity of the online material, saying it was not yet ready to articulate a theory about how and why the leak was orchestrated.  Moscow does not exclude that there will be deliberate stuffing of disinformation, as Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said, the United States is a party to the conflict and, in fact, is waging a hybrid war against Russia, which may include similar methods.       A house was targeted 5 people were killed in a shooting in the US state of Texas The US authorities announced that 5 people were killed in a shooting that targeted a home in southeastern Texas. ABC News reported that the attacker used a gun in the shooting, and the attacker has not yet been arrested.  On Saturday, the US authorities announced that 5 people were killed as a result of a shooting that targeted a home in southeastern Texas.  And the San Jacinto County Sheriff's Office said early Saturday morning, in a statement, that "four people were announced dead at the scene of the shooting in the town of" Cleveland "of the city of" Houston ", while the fifth died in a hospital," according to the "Associated Press" agency. .  Police were informed of the shooting, which took place 72 km northeast of Houston late Friday night.  No other details about the shooting or casualties were immediately available.  And about the incident, the American "ABC News" network reported that the attacker used a gun to shoot, while the attacker was not arrested.         The US authorities are offering several banks to buy the First Republic Bank  The US authorities asked several financial institutions to submit offers to purchase the assets of the First Republic Bank, which has been suffering from financial problems since mid-March, according to an informed source told AFP.  The source added that it is expected to receive offers from four and six institutions, and the First Republic is under severe pressure since the collapse of two similar banks in early March.  But the bank failed to reach a satisfactory rescue package, and its share, which was already in poor condition, fell after it confirmed on Monday evening that many of its customers withdrew in the first quarter their deposits estimated at more than $100 billion, which prompted the authorities to intervene in the file.   In this context, the agency in charge of guaranteeing bank deposits and the Ministry of Economy reached out in the middle of the week to several banks that might be interested in acquiring the First Republic.  The source explained that the authorities allowed a number of institutions to view more financial information on the First Republic on Friday.  According to many US media outlets, the Deposit Insurance Agency will, in the first stage, manage the bank, whose assets amounted to $233 billion at the end of March, and then the Federal Insurance Agency will quickly sell part or all of the bank's assets to another institution.   According to CNBC, if the deal goes this way, it could be announced as early as Monday.

The Washington Post published new photos that appear for the first time, from inside the White House, documenting the follow-up to the "killing operation" of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in 2011.

The "Washington Post" newspaper stated that it had obtained newly published photos, taken by official photographers from the White House, of important moments inside the White House during the raid on Osama bin Laden's house in 2011.

She indicated that through a Freedom of Information Act request to the former US President Obama's presidential library, she obtained more than 900 photos taken by the official White House photographers on May 1, 2011.

In never-before-seen images, the intensity and drama of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden shows then-President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in the White House Situation Room, tension evident on their faces, as they pressure Secretary of Defense Bob Gates.

Regarding the killing of bin Laden, Nabil Naim Abdel Fattah, the former leader of Islamic Jihad and the former bodyguard of the leader of the "Al Qaeda" organization Osama bin Laden, said that the latter blew himself up to avoid falling into the hands of the men of the American Special Forces unit that stormed his house in Pakistan on May 2, 2011. .

Abdel-Fattah stated that bin Laden had been wearing an explosive belt for the last ten years of his life, stressing that it was impossible for the man to surrender himself to the Americans.

Abdel-Fattah accused US President Barack Obama of lying when he announced that bin Laden had been shot dead by US special forces and buried at sea.

In an interview with "Akhbar Al-Khaleej" newspaper, he indicated that the story of bin Laden's burial at sea is suspicious, stressing that bin Laden's body was torn into pieces, which is what happens to the suicide bomber.

He drew Abdel Fattah, who was not in bin Laden's hideout in Abbottabad at the time that bin Laden was killed, but he heard from a relative of the al-Qaeda leader the details of what happened. He added that the American intelligence planned to capture bin Laden alive, but it made a mistake in its calculations, as he blew himself up with an explosive belt so that the American forces would not arrest him, because he wanted to keep his secrets until death.

"Tension and anxiety" Pictures published for the first time from inside the White House during the follow-up to the "killing" of Osama bin Laden  The Washington Post published new photos that appear for the first time, from inside the White House, documenting the follow-up to the "killing operation" of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in 2011.  The "Washington Post" newspaper stated that it had obtained newly published photos, taken by official photographers from the White House, of important moments inside the White House during the raid on Osama bin Laden's house in 2011.  She indicated that through a Freedom of Information Act request to the former US President Obama's presidential library, she obtained more than 900 photos taken by the official White House photographers on May 1, 2011.  In never-before-seen images, the intensity and drama of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden shows then-President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in the White House Situation Room, tension evident on their faces, as they pressure Secretary of Defense Bob Gates.  Regarding the killing of bin Laden, Nabil Naim Abdel Fattah, the former leader of Islamic Jihad and the former bodyguard of the leader of the "Al Qaeda" organization Osama bin Laden, said that the latter blew himself up to avoid falling into the hands of the men of the American Special Forces unit that stormed his house in Pakistan on May 2, 2011. .  Abdel-Fattah stated that bin Laden had been wearing an explosive belt for the last ten years of his life, stressing that it was impossible for the man to surrender himself to the Americans.  Abdel-Fattah accused US President Barack Obama of lying when he announced that bin Laden had been shot dead by US special forces and buried at sea.  In an interview with "Akhbar Al-Khaleej" newspaper, he indicated that the story of bin Laden's burial at sea is suspicious, stressing that bin Laden's body was torn into pieces, which is what happens to the suicide bomber.  He drew Abdel Fattah, who was not in bin Laden's hideout in Abbottabad at the time that bin Laden was killed, but he heard from a relative of the al-Qaeda leader the details of what happened. He added that the American intelligence planned to capture bin Laden alive, but it made a mistake in its calculations, as he blew himself up with an explosive belt so that the American forces would not arrest him, because he wanted to keep his secrets until death.  On the day of the raid on bin Laden's hideout, John Brennan, the US President's National Security and Counterterrorism Adviser, said that if the American soldiers were convinced that there was no explosive device on Bin Laden's body, they would not have killed him.  The US raid on the home of al-Qaeda leader in Abbottabad, killing 4 people along with bin Laden.  Abdel-Fattah said that Osama bin Laden and the other dead were killed while defending themselves during the attack by American soldiers.  He continued, "They shot at the helicopter that carried the special forces unit. When the Americans killed two of his bodyguards and wounded him in the leg, bin Laden detonated his explosive belt."  Abdel-Fattah expressed his conviction that one of Bin Laden's wives will reveal the truth about his death one day.            The Washington Post: The United States is losing the support of Egypt and many influential countries in its confrontation with Russia  The Washington Post, quoting leaked US documents, revealed that a number of influential countries are taking a non-binding stance and abandoning Washington's support on Ukraine and China, which obstructs US policy.  The US intelligence indicates that some influential countries, including Egypt, India, Pakistan and Brazil, are not inclined to support Washington in the confrontation with Moscow and Beijing. The United States, China and Russia "in an era when America is no longer the undisputed superpower".  According to US intelligence agencies, "influential regional powers tend to stay out" in light of the rivalry between Washington, Moscow and Beijing. Russia is also reported to be "showing its ability to fend off pressure from the West".  And while key US allies in Europe and East Asia have supported Biden's campaign in Ukraine and are offering more weapons in return for giving up Russian energy, Washington has faced resistance elsewhere.  In its article, the newspaper referred to "leaked intelligence information that was not previously disclosed, which also provides new insight into the obstacles Biden faces in securing global support for his efforts."  According to leaked US intelligence reports, Pakistani Foreign Minister Hanna Rabbani Khar said in March that her country "can no longer try to maintain a middle ground between China and the United States," stressing a "true strategic partnership" with China.  The newspaper wrote that one of the leaked materials reveals that before the vote on an anti-Russian resolution at the United Nations, the Pakistani government expected pressure from the West on Islamabad to support the document.  According to the American side, the Pakistani Prime Minister, Shahbaz Sharif, consulted in February with one of his subordinates on the issue of the decision. During the discussion, an aide to Sharif stated that supporting the resolution would interfere with negotiations with Russia on trade and energy issues, and Pakistan ultimately abstained from voting on the resolution.  According to the intelligence documents, New Delhi followed the same policy in February. So, on February 22, the National Security Adviser of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ajit Doval held talks with the Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev.  US intelligence documents say that Doval assured Patrushev of India's support for Russia in various international forums, and that New Delhi is "working" to ensure that the issue of the special military operation does not arise "during the G20 meeting led by India."  It was also said that Doval indicated that India would not "deviate from the principled position it took in the past" and would not support the anti-Russian resolution in the UN General Assembly.  According to the Washington Post, the leaked materials contain a preliminary assessment of Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's proposals to create a "global peace bloc" to reconcile American and Chinese interests and end military actions in Ukraine. The document claims that Russian Foreign Ministry officials supported Lula's plan.  According to US intelligence assessments, contained in the leaked documents, "Egypt is trying to overcome confrontation over Ukraine and fend off requests for military assistance from both Russia and the United States."  The Pentagon is investigating leaked materials describing the state of the Ukrainian forces and the plans of the United States and NATO to strengthen them, and it was alleged that more than a hundred documents could have been leaked on the Internet, and the damages resulting from what happened were estimated to be significant.  The White House declined to confirm the authenticity of the online material, saying it was not yet ready to articulate a theory about how and why the leak was orchestrated.  Moscow does not exclude that there will be deliberate stuffing of disinformation, as Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said, the United States is a party to the conflict and, in fact, is waging a hybrid war against Russia, which may include similar methods.       A house was targeted 5 people were killed in a shooting in the US state of Texas The US authorities announced that 5 people were killed in a shooting that targeted a home in southeastern Texas. ABC News reported that the attacker used a gun in the shooting, and the attacker has not yet been arrested.  On Saturday, the US authorities announced that 5 people were killed as a result of a shooting that targeted a home in southeastern Texas.  And the San Jacinto County Sheriff's Office said early Saturday morning, in a statement, that "four people were announced dead at the scene of the shooting in the town of" Cleveland "of the city of" Houston ", while the fifth died in a hospital," according to the "Associated Press" agency. .  Police were informed of the shooting, which took place 72 km northeast of Houston late Friday night.  No other details about the shooting or casualties were immediately available.  And about the incident, the American "ABC News" network reported that the attacker used a gun to shoot, while the attacker was not arrested.         The US authorities are offering several banks to buy the First Republic Bank  The US authorities asked several financial institutions to submit offers to purchase the assets of the First Republic Bank, which has been suffering from financial problems since mid-March, according to an informed source told AFP.  The source added that it is expected to receive offers from four and six institutions, and the First Republic is under severe pressure since the collapse of two similar banks in early March.  But the bank failed to reach a satisfactory rescue package, and its share, which was already in poor condition, fell after it confirmed on Monday evening that many of its customers withdrew in the first quarter their deposits estimated at more than $100 billion, which prompted the authorities to intervene in the file.   In this context, the agency in charge of guaranteeing bank deposits and the Ministry of Economy reached out in the middle of the week to several banks that might be interested in acquiring the First Republic.  The source explained that the authorities allowed a number of institutions to view more financial information on the First Republic on Friday.  According to many US media outlets, the Deposit Insurance Agency will, in the first stage, manage the bank, whose assets amounted to $233 billion at the end of March, and then the Federal Insurance Agency will quickly sell part or all of the bank's assets to another institution.   According to CNBC, if the deal goes this way, it could be announced as early as Monday.

On the day of the raid on bin Laden's hideout, John Brennan, the US President's National Security and Counterterrorism Adviser, said that if the American soldiers were convinced that there was no explosive device on Bin Laden's body, they would not have killed him.

The US raid on the home of al-Qaeda leader in Abbottabad, killing 4 people along with bin Laden.

Abdel-Fattah said that Osama bin Laden and the other dead were killed while defending themselves during the attack by American soldiers.

"Tension and anxiety" Pictures published for the first time from inside the White House during the follow-up to the "killing" of Osama bin Laden  The Washington Post published new photos that appear for the first time, from inside the White House, documenting the follow-up to the "killing operation" of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in 2011.  The "Washington Post" newspaper stated that it had obtained newly published photos, taken by official photographers from the White House, of important moments inside the White House during the raid on Osama bin Laden's house in 2011.  She indicated that through a Freedom of Information Act request to the former US President Obama's presidential library, she obtained more than 900 photos taken by the official White House photographers on May 1, 2011.  In never-before-seen images, the intensity and drama of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden shows then-President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in the White House Situation Room, tension evident on their faces, as they pressure Secretary of Defense Bob Gates.  Regarding the killing of bin Laden, Nabil Naim Abdel Fattah, the former leader of Islamic Jihad and the former bodyguard of the leader of the "Al Qaeda" organization Osama bin Laden, said that the latter blew himself up to avoid falling into the hands of the men of the American Special Forces unit that stormed his house in Pakistan on May 2, 2011. .  Abdel-Fattah stated that bin Laden had been wearing an explosive belt for the last ten years of his life, stressing that it was impossible for the man to surrender himself to the Americans.  Abdel-Fattah accused US President Barack Obama of lying when he announced that bin Laden had been shot dead by US special forces and buried at sea.  In an interview with "Akhbar Al-Khaleej" newspaper, he indicated that the story of bin Laden's burial at sea is suspicious, stressing that bin Laden's body was torn into pieces, which is what happens to the suicide bomber.  He drew Abdel Fattah, who was not in bin Laden's hideout in Abbottabad at the time that bin Laden was killed, but he heard from a relative of the al-Qaeda leader the details of what happened. He added that the American intelligence planned to capture bin Laden alive, but it made a mistake in its calculations, as he blew himself up with an explosive belt so that the American forces would not arrest him, because he wanted to keep his secrets until death.  On the day of the raid on bin Laden's hideout, John Brennan, the US President's National Security and Counterterrorism Adviser, said that if the American soldiers were convinced that there was no explosive device on Bin Laden's body, they would not have killed him.  The US raid on the home of al-Qaeda leader in Abbottabad, killing 4 people along with bin Laden.  Abdel-Fattah said that Osama bin Laden and the other dead were killed while defending themselves during the attack by American soldiers.  He continued, "They shot at the helicopter that carried the special forces unit. When the Americans killed two of his bodyguards and wounded him in the leg, bin Laden detonated his explosive belt."  Abdel-Fattah expressed his conviction that one of Bin Laden's wives will reveal the truth about his death one day.            The Washington Post: The United States is losing the support of Egypt and many influential countries in its confrontation with Russia  The Washington Post, quoting leaked US documents, revealed that a number of influential countries are taking a non-binding stance and abandoning Washington's support on Ukraine and China, which obstructs US policy.  The US intelligence indicates that some influential countries, including Egypt, India, Pakistan and Brazil, are not inclined to support Washington in the confrontation with Moscow and Beijing. The United States, China and Russia "in an era when America is no longer the undisputed superpower".  According to US intelligence agencies, "influential regional powers tend to stay out" in light of the rivalry between Washington, Moscow and Beijing. Russia is also reported to be "showing its ability to fend off pressure from the West".  And while key US allies in Europe and East Asia have supported Biden's campaign in Ukraine and are offering more weapons in return for giving up Russian energy, Washington has faced resistance elsewhere.  In its article, the newspaper referred to "leaked intelligence information that was not previously disclosed, which also provides new insight into the obstacles Biden faces in securing global support for his efforts."  According to leaked US intelligence reports, Pakistani Foreign Minister Hanna Rabbani Khar said in March that her country "can no longer try to maintain a middle ground between China and the United States," stressing a "true strategic partnership" with China.  The newspaper wrote that one of the leaked materials reveals that before the vote on an anti-Russian resolution at the United Nations, the Pakistani government expected pressure from the West on Islamabad to support the document.  According to the American side, the Pakistani Prime Minister, Shahbaz Sharif, consulted in February with one of his subordinates on the issue of the decision. During the discussion, an aide to Sharif stated that supporting the resolution would interfere with negotiations with Russia on trade and energy issues, and Pakistan ultimately abstained from voting on the resolution.  According to the intelligence documents, New Delhi followed the same policy in February. So, on February 22, the National Security Adviser of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ajit Doval held talks with the Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev.  US intelligence documents say that Doval assured Patrushev of India's support for Russia in various international forums, and that New Delhi is "working" to ensure that the issue of the special military operation does not arise "during the G20 meeting led by India."  It was also said that Doval indicated that India would not "deviate from the principled position it took in the past" and would not support the anti-Russian resolution in the UN General Assembly.  According to the Washington Post, the leaked materials contain a preliminary assessment of Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's proposals to create a "global peace bloc" to reconcile American and Chinese interests and end military actions in Ukraine. The document claims that Russian Foreign Ministry officials supported Lula's plan.  According to US intelligence assessments, contained in the leaked documents, "Egypt is trying to overcome confrontation over Ukraine and fend off requests for military assistance from both Russia and the United States."  The Pentagon is investigating leaked materials describing the state of the Ukrainian forces and the plans of the United States and NATO to strengthen them, and it was alleged that more than a hundred documents could have been leaked on the Internet, and the damages resulting from what happened were estimated to be significant.  The White House declined to confirm the authenticity of the online material, saying it was not yet ready to articulate a theory about how and why the leak was orchestrated.  Moscow does not exclude that there will be deliberate stuffing of disinformation, as Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said, the United States is a party to the conflict and, in fact, is waging a hybrid war against Russia, which may include similar methods.       A house was targeted 5 people were killed in a shooting in the US state of Texas The US authorities announced that 5 people were killed in a shooting that targeted a home in southeastern Texas. ABC News reported that the attacker used a gun in the shooting, and the attacker has not yet been arrested.  On Saturday, the US authorities announced that 5 people were killed as a result of a shooting that targeted a home in southeastern Texas.  And the San Jacinto County Sheriff's Office said early Saturday morning, in a statement, that "four people were announced dead at the scene of the shooting in the town of" Cleveland "of the city of" Houston ", while the fifth died in a hospital," according to the "Associated Press" agency. .  Police were informed of the shooting, which took place 72 km northeast of Houston late Friday night.  No other details about the shooting or casualties were immediately available.  And about the incident, the American "ABC News" network reported that the attacker used a gun to shoot, while the attacker was not arrested.         The US authorities are offering several banks to buy the First Republic Bank  The US authorities asked several financial institutions to submit offers to purchase the assets of the First Republic Bank, which has been suffering from financial problems since mid-March, according to an informed source told AFP.  The source added that it is expected to receive offers from four and six institutions, and the First Republic is under severe pressure since the collapse of two similar banks in early March.  But the bank failed to reach a satisfactory rescue package, and its share, which was already in poor condition, fell after it confirmed on Monday evening that many of its customers withdrew in the first quarter their deposits estimated at more than $100 billion, which prompted the authorities to intervene in the file.   In this context, the agency in charge of guaranteeing bank deposits and the Ministry of Economy reached out in the middle of the week to several banks that might be interested in acquiring the First Republic.  The source explained that the authorities allowed a number of institutions to view more financial information on the First Republic on Friday.  According to many US media outlets, the Deposit Insurance Agency will, in the first stage, manage the bank, whose assets amounted to $233 billion at the end of March, and then the Federal Insurance Agency will quickly sell part or all of the bank's assets to another institution.   According to CNBC, if the deal goes this way, it could be announced as early as Monday.

He continued, "They shot at the helicopter that carried the special forces unit. When the Americans killed two of his bodyguards and wounded him in the leg, bin Laden detonated his explosive belt."

Abdel-Fattah expressed his conviction that one of Bin Laden's wives will reveal the truth about his death one day.

The Washington Post: The United States is losing the support of Egypt and many influential countries in its confrontation with Russia

The Washington Post, quoting leaked US documents, revealed that a number of influential countries are taking a non-binding stance and abandoning Washington's support on Ukraine and China, which obstructs US policy.

The US intelligence indicates that some influential countries, including Egypt, India, Pakistan and Brazil, are not inclined to support Washington in the confrontation with Moscow and Beijing. The United States, China and Russia "in an era when America is no longer the undisputed superpower".

According to US intelligence agencies, "influential regional powers tend to stay out" in light of the rivalry between Washington, Moscow and Beijing. Russia is also reported to be "showing its ability to fend off pressure from the West".

And while key US allies in Europe and East Asia have supported Biden's campaign in Ukraine and are offering more weapons in return for giving up Russian energy, Washington has faced resistance elsewhere.

In its article, the newspaper referred to "leaked intelligence information that was not previously disclosed, which also provides new insight into the obstacles Biden faces in securing global support for his efforts."

According to leaked US intelligence reports, Pakistani Foreign Minister Hanna Rabbani Khar said in March that her country "can no longer try to maintain a middle ground between China and the United States," stressing a "true strategic partnership" with China.

The newspaper wrote that one of the leaked materials reveals that before the vote on an anti-Russian resolution at the United Nations, the Pakistani government expected pressure from the West on Islamabad to support the document.

According to the American side, the Pakistani Prime Minister, Shahbaz Sharif, consulted in February with one of his subordinates on the issue of the decision. During the discussion, an aide to Sharif stated that supporting the resolution would interfere with negotiations with Russia on trade and energy issues, and Pakistan ultimately abstained from voting on the resolution.

According to the intelligence documents, New Delhi followed the same policy in February. So, on February 22, the National Security Adviser of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ajit Doval held talks with the Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev.

US intelligence documents say that Doval assured Patrushev of India's support for Russia in various international forums, and that New Delhi is "working" to ensure that the issue of the special military operation does not arise "during the G20 meeting led by India."

It was also said that Doval indicated that India would not "deviate from the principled position it took in the past" and would not support the anti-Russian resolution in the UN General Assembly.

According to the Washington Post, the leaked materials contain a preliminary assessment of Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's proposals to create a "global peace bloc" to reconcile American and Chinese interests and end military actions in Ukraine. The document claims that Russian Foreign Ministry officials supported Lula's plan.

According to US intelligence assessments, contained in the leaked documents, "Egypt is trying to overcome confrontation over Ukraine and fend off requests for military assistance from both Russia and the United States."

The Pentagon is investigating leaked materials describing the state of the Ukrainian forces and the plans of the United States and NATO to strengthen them, and it was alleged that more than a hundred documents could have been leaked on the Internet, and the damages resulting from what happened were estimated to be significant.

The White House declined to confirm the authenticity of the online material, saying it was not yet ready to articulate a theory about how and why the leak was orchestrated.

Moscow does not exclude that there will be deliberate stuffing of disinformation, as Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said, the United States is a party to the conflict and, in fact, is waging a hybrid war against Russia, which may include similar methods.

"Tension and anxiety" Pictures published for the first time from inside the White House during the follow-up to the "killing" of Osama bin Laden  The Washington Post published new photos that appear for the first time, from inside the White House, documenting the follow-up to the "killing operation" of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in 2011.  The "Washington Post" newspaper stated that it had obtained newly published photos, taken by official photographers from the White House, of important moments inside the White House during the raid on Osama bin Laden's house in 2011.  She indicated that through a Freedom of Information Act request to the former US President Obama's presidential library, she obtained more than 900 photos taken by the official White House photographers on May 1, 2011.  In never-before-seen images, the intensity and drama of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden shows then-President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in the White House Situation Room, tension evident on their faces, as they pressure Secretary of Defense Bob Gates.  Regarding the killing of bin Laden, Nabil Naim Abdel Fattah, the former leader of Islamic Jihad and the former bodyguard of the leader of the "Al Qaeda" organization Osama bin Laden, said that the latter blew himself up to avoid falling into the hands of the men of the American Special Forces unit that stormed his house in Pakistan on May 2, 2011. .  Abdel-Fattah stated that bin Laden had been wearing an explosive belt for the last ten years of his life, stressing that it was impossible for the man to surrender himself to the Americans.  Abdel-Fattah accused US President Barack Obama of lying when he announced that bin Laden had been shot dead by US special forces and buried at sea.  In an interview with "Akhbar Al-Khaleej" newspaper, he indicated that the story of bin Laden's burial at sea is suspicious, stressing that bin Laden's body was torn into pieces, which is what happens to the suicide bomber.  He drew Abdel Fattah, who was not in bin Laden's hideout in Abbottabad at the time that bin Laden was killed, but he heard from a relative of the al-Qaeda leader the details of what happened. He added that the American intelligence planned to capture bin Laden alive, but it made a mistake in its calculations, as he blew himself up with an explosive belt so that the American forces would not arrest him, because he wanted to keep his secrets until death.  On the day of the raid on bin Laden's hideout, John Brennan, the US President's National Security and Counterterrorism Adviser, said that if the American soldiers were convinced that there was no explosive device on Bin Laden's body, they would not have killed him.  The US raid on the home of al-Qaeda leader in Abbottabad, killing 4 people along with bin Laden.  Abdel-Fattah said that Osama bin Laden and the other dead were killed while defending themselves during the attack by American soldiers.  He continued, "They shot at the helicopter that carried the special forces unit. When the Americans killed two of his bodyguards and wounded him in the leg, bin Laden detonated his explosive belt."  Abdel-Fattah expressed his conviction that one of Bin Laden's wives will reveal the truth about his death one day.            The Washington Post: The United States is losing the support of Egypt and many influential countries in its confrontation with Russia  The Washington Post, quoting leaked US documents, revealed that a number of influential countries are taking a non-binding stance and abandoning Washington's support on Ukraine and China, which obstructs US policy.  The US intelligence indicates that some influential countries, including Egypt, India, Pakistan and Brazil, are not inclined to support Washington in the confrontation with Moscow and Beijing. The United States, China and Russia "in an era when America is no longer the undisputed superpower".  According to US intelligence agencies, "influential regional powers tend to stay out" in light of the rivalry between Washington, Moscow and Beijing. Russia is also reported to be "showing its ability to fend off pressure from the West".  And while key US allies in Europe and East Asia have supported Biden's campaign in Ukraine and are offering more weapons in return for giving up Russian energy, Washington has faced resistance elsewhere.  In its article, the newspaper referred to "leaked intelligence information that was not previously disclosed, which also provides new insight into the obstacles Biden faces in securing global support for his efforts."  According to leaked US intelligence reports, Pakistani Foreign Minister Hanna Rabbani Khar said in March that her country "can no longer try to maintain a middle ground between China and the United States," stressing a "true strategic partnership" with China.  The newspaper wrote that one of the leaked materials reveals that before the vote on an anti-Russian resolution at the United Nations, the Pakistani government expected pressure from the West on Islamabad to support the document.  According to the American side, the Pakistani Prime Minister, Shahbaz Sharif, consulted in February with one of his subordinates on the issue of the decision. During the discussion, an aide to Sharif stated that supporting the resolution would interfere with negotiations with Russia on trade and energy issues, and Pakistan ultimately abstained from voting on the resolution.  According to the intelligence documents, New Delhi followed the same policy in February. So, on February 22, the National Security Adviser of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ajit Doval held talks with the Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev.  US intelligence documents say that Doval assured Patrushev of India's support for Russia in various international forums, and that New Delhi is "working" to ensure that the issue of the special military operation does not arise "during the G20 meeting led by India."  It was also said that Doval indicated that India would not "deviate from the principled position it took in the past" and would not support the anti-Russian resolution in the UN General Assembly.  According to the Washington Post, the leaked materials contain a preliminary assessment of Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's proposals to create a "global peace bloc" to reconcile American and Chinese interests and end military actions in Ukraine. The document claims that Russian Foreign Ministry officials supported Lula's plan.  According to US intelligence assessments, contained in the leaked documents, "Egypt is trying to overcome confrontation over Ukraine and fend off requests for military assistance from both Russia and the United States."  The Pentagon is investigating leaked materials describing the state of the Ukrainian forces and the plans of the United States and NATO to strengthen them, and it was alleged that more than a hundred documents could have been leaked on the Internet, and the damages resulting from what happened were estimated to be significant.  The White House declined to confirm the authenticity of the online material, saying it was not yet ready to articulate a theory about how and why the leak was orchestrated.  Moscow does not exclude that there will be deliberate stuffing of disinformation, as Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said, the United States is a party to the conflict and, in fact, is waging a hybrid war against Russia, which may include similar methods.       A house was targeted 5 people were killed in a shooting in the US state of Texas The US authorities announced that 5 people were killed in a shooting that targeted a home in southeastern Texas. ABC News reported that the attacker used a gun in the shooting, and the attacker has not yet been arrested.  On Saturday, the US authorities announced that 5 people were killed as a result of a shooting that targeted a home in southeastern Texas.  And the San Jacinto County Sheriff's Office said early Saturday morning, in a statement, that "four people were announced dead at the scene of the shooting in the town of" Cleveland "of the city of" Houston ", while the fifth died in a hospital," according to the "Associated Press" agency. .  Police were informed of the shooting, which took place 72 km northeast of Houston late Friday night.  No other details about the shooting or casualties were immediately available.  And about the incident, the American "ABC News" network reported that the attacker used a gun to shoot, while the attacker was not arrested.         The US authorities are offering several banks to buy the First Republic Bank  The US authorities asked several financial institutions to submit offers to purchase the assets of the First Republic Bank, which has been suffering from financial problems since mid-March, according to an informed source told AFP.  The source added that it is expected to receive offers from four and six institutions, and the First Republic is under severe pressure since the collapse of two similar banks in early March.  But the bank failed to reach a satisfactory rescue package, and its share, which was already in poor condition, fell after it confirmed on Monday evening that many of its customers withdrew in the first quarter their deposits estimated at more than $100 billion, which prompted the authorities to intervene in the file.   In this context, the agency in charge of guaranteeing bank deposits and the Ministry of Economy reached out in the middle of the week to several banks that might be interested in acquiring the First Republic.  The source explained that the authorities allowed a number of institutions to view more financial information on the First Republic on Friday.  According to many US media outlets, the Deposit Insurance Agency will, in the first stage, manage the bank, whose assets amounted to $233 billion at the end of March, and then the Federal Insurance Agency will quickly sell part or all of the bank's assets to another institution.   According to CNBC, if the deal goes this way, it could be announced as early as Monday.

A house was targeted 5 people were killed in a shooting in the US state of Texas

The US authorities announced that 5 people were killed in a shooting that targeted a home in southeastern Texas. ABC News reported that the attacker used a gun in the shooting, and the attacker has not yet been arrested.

On Saturday, the US authorities announced that 5 people were killed as a result of a shooting that targeted a home in southeastern Texas.

And the San Jacinto County Sheriff's Office said early Saturday morning, in a statement, that "four people were announced dead at the scene of the shooting in the town of" Cleveland "of the city of" Houston ", while the fifth died in a hospital," according to the "Associated Press" agency. .

Police were informed of the shooting, which took place 72 km northeast of Houston late Friday night.

No other details about the shooting or casualties were immediately available.

And about the incident, the American "ABC News" network reported that the attacker used a gun to shoot, while the attacker was not arrested.

The US authorities are offering several banks to buy the First Republic Bank

The US authorities asked several financial institutions to submit offers to purchase the assets of the First Republic Bank, which has been suffering from financial problems since mid-March, according to an informed source told AFP.

The source added that it is expected to receive offers from four and six institutions, and the First Republic is under severe pressure since the collapse of two similar banks in early March.

But the bank failed to reach a satisfactory rescue package, and its share, which was already in poor condition, fell after it confirmed on Monday evening that many of its customers withdrew in the first quarter their deposits estimated at more than $100 billion, which prompted the authorities to intervene in the file. 

In this context, the agency in charge of guaranteeing bank deposits and the Ministry of Economy reached out in the middle of the week to several banks that might be interested in acquiring the First Republic.

The source explained that the authorities allowed a number of institutions to view more financial information on the First Republic on Friday.

According to many US media outlets, the Deposit Insurance Agency will, in the first stage, manage the bank, whose assets amounted to $233 billion at the end of March, and then the Federal Insurance Agency will quickly sell part or all of the bank's assets to another institution. 

According to CNBC, if the deal goes this way, it could be announced as early as Monday.

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