The Guardian Published for the first time Shocking pictures of torture methods in Guantanamo prison The Guardian Published for the first time Shocking pictures of torture methods in Guantanamo prison

The Guardian Published for the first time Shocking pictures of torture methods in Guantanamo prison

The Guardian Published for the first time Shocking pictures of torture methods in Guantanamo prison  A detainee in the US Guantanamo prison presented dozens of drawings he wrote with his hand about the methods of torture he was subjected to, as part of what was known as the CIA torture program after September 11.  The drawings presented by "Abu Zubaydah", which numbered 40, were the most comprehensive and detailed accounts of the brutal methods he was subjected to at the hands of the American intelligence services, between 2002 and 2006, according to what was reported by the British newspaper "The Guardian " .  This prompted the United Nations to demand his release, stressing that these methods contradict all international laws.  The pictures written by "Abu Zubaydah" and later sent to one of his lawyers, Professor Mark Denbo, showed horrific acts of violence, sexual and ethnic insults, and prolonged psychological terror to which the detainees were subjected.  The aforementioned lawyer, along with his students at the Center for Policy and Research at Seton Hall University School of Law, collected pictures and testimonies of "Zubaydah" in a comprehensive report on torture in this notorious prison, and other secret detention centers of the intelligence.  Denbo said: "Abu Zubaydah is the first victim of the US torture program, after it was approved by the Department of Justice based on facts that the CIA knew were wrong."  The Guantanamo Bay detention center is located in Guantanamo Bay, and it is a notorious prison. The US authorities began using it in the year 2002, in order to imprison suspected terrorists.  The prison is considered an absolute authority for its presence outside the American borders, in the far southeast of Cuba, 90 miles from Florida.  None of the human rights laws apply to him to the extent that Amnesty International says that the American Guantanamo Bay prison represents the barbarism of this era.             US representatives are calling on Biden to take a test to assess his mental abilities or to withdraw from the USA presidential elections  More than 60 deputies from the US Republican Party have signed a letter to President Joe Biden demanding that he take a test to assess his mental abilities, otherwise they urge him to withdraw from the presidential race.  US representatives are calling on Biden to take a test to assess his mental abilities or to withdraw from the presidential electionsPoll: The American majority considers Biden mentally unqualified to run the country "Fox News" said that the letter was signed by 61 Republicans, and it stated: "We invite you to conduct a mental test and publish its results for public opinion, or refrain from trying to re-elect you (as president)."  The letter also indicated that since Biden became president, Republicans have sent three letters with similar requests, but they have all been ignored.  Meanwhile, the deputies clarified in the letter that despite the fact that the US president underwent a physical examination in 2021 and 2023, there is no indication that he was offered any mental tests.  Biden is 80 years old, the oldest president in the history of the United States, and if he runs for office in 2024 and wins, he will be 86 at the end of his term.  The president himself said earlier that he would be honest with American citizens and would announce health problems if he was suffering from them.             US President Joe Biden, We are ready to destroy chemical weapons in the fall  US President Joe Biden announced that the United States is ready to complete the process of destroying its chemical weapons arsenal in the fall of this year.  "We are on our way to completing the destruction of our chemical weapons stockpiles in the fall of this year," said a statement issued by Biden on Friday.  He added, "This is the stage of disarmament, and it responds to the highest standards of transparency and public security."  This comes on the eve of the Fifth Conference of the Observer States of the Chemical Weapons Convention, which will be held in The Hague from 15 to 19 May.  The United States is the last country in the world that has not officially eliminated its chemical weapons arsenal.

A detainee in the US Guantanamo prison presented dozens of drawings he wrote with his hand about the methods of torture he was subjected to, as part of what was known as the CIA torture program after September 11.

The drawings presented by "Abu Zubaydah", which numbered 40, were the most comprehensive and detailed accounts of the brutal methods he was subjected to at the hands of the American intelligence services, between 2002 and 2006, according to what was reported by the British newspaper "The Guardian " .

This prompted the United Nations to demand his release, stressing that these methods contradict all international laws.

The pictures written by "Abu Zubaydah" and later sent to one of his lawyers, Professor Mark Denbo, showed horrific acts of violence, sexual and ethnic insults, and prolonged psychological terror to which the detainees were subjected.
The Guardian Published for the first time Shocking pictures of torture methods in Guantanamo prison  A detainee in the US Guantanamo prison presented dozens of drawings he wrote with his hand about the methods of torture he was subjected to, as part of what was known as the CIA torture program after September 11.  The drawings presented by "Abu Zubaydah", which numbered 40, were the most comprehensive and detailed accounts of the brutal methods he was subjected to at the hands of the American intelligence services, between 2002 and 2006, according to what was reported by the British newspaper "The Guardian " .  This prompted the United Nations to demand his release, stressing that these methods contradict all international laws.  The pictures written by "Abu Zubaydah" and later sent to one of his lawyers, Professor Mark Denbo, showed horrific acts of violence, sexual and ethnic insults, and prolonged psychological terror to which the detainees were subjected.  The aforementioned lawyer, along with his students at the Center for Policy and Research at Seton Hall University School of Law, collected pictures and testimonies of "Zubaydah" in a comprehensive report on torture in this notorious prison, and other secret detention centers of the intelligence.  Denbo said: "Abu Zubaydah is the first victim of the US torture program, after it was approved by the Department of Justice based on facts that the CIA knew were wrong."  The Guantanamo Bay detention center is located in Guantanamo Bay, and it is a notorious prison. The US authorities began using it in the year 2002, in order to imprison suspected terrorists.  The prison is considered an absolute authority for its presence outside the American borders, in the far southeast of Cuba, 90 miles from Florida.  None of the human rights laws apply to him to the extent that Amnesty International says that the American Guantanamo Bay prison represents the barbarism of this era.             US representatives are calling on Biden to take a test to assess his mental abilities or to withdraw from the USA presidential elections  More than 60 deputies from the US Republican Party have signed a letter to President Joe Biden demanding that he take a test to assess his mental abilities, otherwise they urge him to withdraw from the presidential race.  US representatives are calling on Biden to take a test to assess his mental abilities or to withdraw from the presidential electionsPoll: The American majority considers Biden mentally unqualified to run the country "Fox News" said that the letter was signed by 61 Republicans, and it stated: "We invite you to conduct a mental test and publish its results for public opinion, or refrain from trying to re-elect you (as president)."  The letter also indicated that since Biden became president, Republicans have sent three letters with similar requests, but they have all been ignored.  Meanwhile, the deputies clarified in the letter that despite the fact that the US president underwent a physical examination in 2021 and 2023, there is no indication that he was offered any mental tests.  Biden is 80 years old, the oldest president in the history of the United States, and if he runs for office in 2024 and wins, he will be 86 at the end of his term.  The president himself said earlier that he would be honest with American citizens and would announce health problems if he was suffering from them.             US President Joe Biden, We are ready to destroy chemical weapons in the fall  US President Joe Biden announced that the United States is ready to complete the process of destroying its chemical weapons arsenal in the fall of this year.  "We are on our way to completing the destruction of our chemical weapons stockpiles in the fall of this year," said a statement issued by Biden on Friday.  He added, "This is the stage of disarmament, and it responds to the highest standards of transparency and public security."  This comes on the eve of the Fifth Conference of the Observer States of the Chemical Weapons Convention, which will be held in The Hague from 15 to 19 May.  The United States is the last country in the world that has not officially eliminated its chemical weapons arsenal.The Guardian Published for the first time Shocking pictures of torture methods in Guantanamo prison  A detainee in the US Guantanamo prison presented dozens of drawings he wrote with his hand about the methods of torture he was subjected to, as part of what was known as the CIA torture program after September 11.  The drawings presented by "Abu Zubaydah", which numbered 40, were the most comprehensive and detailed accounts of the brutal methods he was subjected to at the hands of the American intelligence services, between 2002 and 2006, according to what was reported by the British newspaper "The Guardian " .  This prompted the United Nations to demand his release, stressing that these methods contradict all international laws.  The pictures written by "Abu Zubaydah" and later sent to one of his lawyers, Professor Mark Denbo, showed horrific acts of violence, sexual and ethnic insults, and prolonged psychological terror to which the detainees were subjected.  The aforementioned lawyer, along with his students at the Center for Policy and Research at Seton Hall University School of Law, collected pictures and testimonies of "Zubaydah" in a comprehensive report on torture in this notorious prison, and other secret detention centers of the intelligence.  Denbo said: "Abu Zubaydah is the first victim of the US torture program, after it was approved by the Department of Justice based on facts that the CIA knew were wrong."  The Guantanamo Bay detention center is located in Guantanamo Bay, and it is a notorious prison. The US authorities began using it in the year 2002, in order to imprison suspected terrorists.  The prison is considered an absolute authority for its presence outside the American borders, in the far southeast of Cuba, 90 miles from Florida.  None of the human rights laws apply to him to the extent that Amnesty International says that the American Guantanamo Bay prison represents the barbarism of this era.             US representatives are calling on Biden to take a test to assess his mental abilities or to withdraw from the USA presidential elections  More than 60 deputies from the US Republican Party have signed a letter to President Joe Biden demanding that he take a test to assess his mental abilities, otherwise they urge him to withdraw from the presidential race.  US representatives are calling on Biden to take a test to assess his mental abilities or to withdraw from the presidential electionsPoll: The American majority considers Biden mentally unqualified to run the country "Fox News" said that the letter was signed by 61 Republicans, and it stated: "We invite you to conduct a mental test and publish its results for public opinion, or refrain from trying to re-elect you (as president)."  The letter also indicated that since Biden became president, Republicans have sent three letters with similar requests, but they have all been ignored.  Meanwhile, the deputies clarified in the letter that despite the fact that the US president underwent a physical examination in 2021 and 2023, there is no indication that he was offered any mental tests.  Biden is 80 years old, the oldest president in the history of the United States, and if he runs for office in 2024 and wins, he will be 86 at the end of his term.  The president himself said earlier that he would be honest with American citizens and would announce health problems if he was suffering from them.             US President Joe Biden, We are ready to destroy chemical weapons in the fall  US President Joe Biden announced that the United States is ready to complete the process of destroying its chemical weapons arsenal in the fall of this year.  "We are on our way to completing the destruction of our chemical weapons stockpiles in the fall of this year," said a statement issued by Biden on Friday.  He added, "This is the stage of disarmament, and it responds to the highest standards of transparency and public security."  This comes on the eve of the Fifth Conference of the Observer States of the Chemical Weapons Convention, which will be held in The Hague from 15 to 19 May.  The United States is the last country in the world that has not officially eliminated its chemical weapons arsenal.The Guardian Published for the first time Shocking pictures of torture methods in Guantanamo prison  A detainee in the US Guantanamo prison presented dozens of drawings he wrote with his hand about the methods of torture he was subjected to, as part of what was known as the CIA torture program after September 11.  The drawings presented by "Abu Zubaydah", which numbered 40, were the most comprehensive and detailed accounts of the brutal methods he was subjected to at the hands of the American intelligence services, between 2002 and 2006, according to what was reported by the British newspaper "The Guardian " .  This prompted the United Nations to demand his release, stressing that these methods contradict all international laws.  The pictures written by "Abu Zubaydah" and later sent to one of his lawyers, Professor Mark Denbo, showed horrific acts of violence, sexual and ethnic insults, and prolonged psychological terror to which the detainees were subjected.  The aforementioned lawyer, along with his students at the Center for Policy and Research at Seton Hall University School of Law, collected pictures and testimonies of "Zubaydah" in a comprehensive report on torture in this notorious prison, and other secret detention centers of the intelligence.  Denbo said: "Abu Zubaydah is the first victim of the US torture program, after it was approved by the Department of Justice based on facts that the CIA knew were wrong."  The Guantanamo Bay detention center is located in Guantanamo Bay, and it is a notorious prison. The US authorities began using it in the year 2002, in order to imprison suspected terrorists.  The prison is considered an absolute authority for its presence outside the American borders, in the far southeast of Cuba, 90 miles from Florida.  None of the human rights laws apply to him to the extent that Amnesty International says that the American Guantanamo Bay prison represents the barbarism of this era.             US representatives are calling on Biden to take a test to assess his mental abilities or to withdraw from the USA presidential elections  More than 60 deputies from the US Republican Party have signed a letter to President Joe Biden demanding that he take a test to assess his mental abilities, otherwise they urge him to withdraw from the presidential race.  US representatives are calling on Biden to take a test to assess his mental abilities or to withdraw from the presidential electionsPoll: The American majority considers Biden mentally unqualified to run the country "Fox News" said that the letter was signed by 61 Republicans, and it stated: "We invite you to conduct a mental test and publish its results for public opinion, or refrain from trying to re-elect you (as president)."  The letter also indicated that since Biden became president, Republicans have sent three letters with similar requests, but they have all been ignored.  Meanwhile, the deputies clarified in the letter that despite the fact that the US president underwent a physical examination in 2021 and 2023, there is no indication that he was offered any mental tests.  Biden is 80 years old, the oldest president in the history of the United States, and if he runs for office in 2024 and wins, he will be 86 at the end of his term.  The president himself said earlier that he would be honest with American citizens and would announce health problems if he was suffering from them.             US President Joe Biden, We are ready to destroy chemical weapons in the fall  US President Joe Biden announced that the United States is ready to complete the process of destroying its chemical weapons arsenal in the fall of this year.  "We are on our way to completing the destruction of our chemical weapons stockpiles in the fall of this year," said a statement issued by Biden on Friday.  He added, "This is the stage of disarmament, and it responds to the highest standards of transparency and public security."  This comes on the eve of the Fifth Conference of the Observer States of the Chemical Weapons Convention, which will be held in The Hague from 15 to 19 May.  The United States is the last country in the world that has not officially eliminated its chemical weapons arsenal.
The Guardian Published for the first time Shocking pictures of torture methods in Guantanamo prison  A detainee in the US Guantanamo prison presented dozens of drawings he wrote with his hand about the methods of torture he was subjected to, as part of what was known as the CIA torture program after September 11.  The drawings presented by "Abu Zubaydah", which numbered 40, were the most comprehensive and detailed accounts of the brutal methods he was subjected to at the hands of the American intelligence services, between 2002 and 2006, according to what was reported by the British newspaper "The Guardian " .  This prompted the United Nations to demand his release, stressing that these methods contradict all international laws.  The pictures written by "Abu Zubaydah" and later sent to one of his lawyers, Professor Mark Denbo, showed horrific acts of violence, sexual and ethnic insults, and prolonged psychological terror to which the detainees were subjected.  The aforementioned lawyer, along with his students at the Center for Policy and Research at Seton Hall University School of Law, collected pictures and testimonies of "Zubaydah" in a comprehensive report on torture in this notorious prison, and other secret detention centers of the intelligence.  Denbo said: "Abu Zubaydah is the first victim of the US torture program, after it was approved by the Department of Justice based on facts that the CIA knew were wrong."  The Guantanamo Bay detention center is located in Guantanamo Bay, and it is a notorious prison. The US authorities began using it in the year 2002, in order to imprison suspected terrorists.  The prison is considered an absolute authority for its presence outside the American borders, in the far southeast of Cuba, 90 miles from Florida.  None of the human rights laws apply to him to the extent that Amnesty International says that the American Guantanamo Bay prison represents the barbarism of this era.             US representatives are calling on Biden to take a test to assess his mental abilities or to withdraw from the USA presidential elections  More than 60 deputies from the US Republican Party have signed a letter to President Joe Biden demanding that he take a test to assess his mental abilities, otherwise they urge him to withdraw from the presidential race.  US representatives are calling on Biden to take a test to assess his mental abilities or to withdraw from the presidential electionsPoll: The American majority considers Biden mentally unqualified to run the country "Fox News" said that the letter was signed by 61 Republicans, and it stated: "We invite you to conduct a mental test and publish its results for public opinion, or refrain from trying to re-elect you (as president)."  The letter also indicated that since Biden became president, Republicans have sent three letters with similar requests, but they have all been ignored.  Meanwhile, the deputies clarified in the letter that despite the fact that the US president underwent a physical examination in 2021 and 2023, there is no indication that he was offered any mental tests.  Biden is 80 years old, the oldest president in the history of the United States, and if he runs for office in 2024 and wins, he will be 86 at the end of his term.  The president himself said earlier that he would be honest with American citizens and would announce health problems if he was suffering from them.             US President Joe Biden, We are ready to destroy chemical weapons in the fall  US President Joe Biden announced that the United States is ready to complete the process of destroying its chemical weapons arsenal in the fall of this year.  "We are on our way to completing the destruction of our chemical weapons stockpiles in the fall of this year," said a statement issued by Biden on Friday.  He added, "This is the stage of disarmament, and it responds to the highest standards of transparency and public security."  This comes on the eve of the Fifth Conference of the Observer States of the Chemical Weapons Convention, which will be held in The Hague from 15 to 19 May.  The United States is the last country in the world that has not officially eliminated its chemical weapons arsenal.The Guardian Published for the first time Shocking pictures of torture methods in Guantanamo prison  A detainee in the US Guantanamo prison presented dozens of drawings he wrote with his hand about the methods of torture he was subjected to, as part of what was known as the CIA torture program after September 11.  The drawings presented by "Abu Zubaydah", which numbered 40, were the most comprehensive and detailed accounts of the brutal methods he was subjected to at the hands of the American intelligence services, between 2002 and 2006, according to what was reported by the British newspaper "The Guardian " .  This prompted the United Nations to demand his release, stressing that these methods contradict all international laws.  The pictures written by "Abu Zubaydah" and later sent to one of his lawyers, Professor Mark Denbo, showed horrific acts of violence, sexual and ethnic insults, and prolonged psychological terror to which the detainees were subjected.  The aforementioned lawyer, along with his students at the Center for Policy and Research at Seton Hall University School of Law, collected pictures and testimonies of "Zubaydah" in a comprehensive report on torture in this notorious prison, and other secret detention centers of the intelligence.  Denbo said: "Abu Zubaydah is the first victim of the US torture program, after it was approved by the Department of Justice based on facts that the CIA knew were wrong."  The Guantanamo Bay detention center is located in Guantanamo Bay, and it is a notorious prison. The US authorities began using it in the year 2002, in order to imprison suspected terrorists.  The prison is considered an absolute authority for its presence outside the American borders, in the far southeast of Cuba, 90 miles from Florida.  None of the human rights laws apply to him to the extent that Amnesty International says that the American Guantanamo Bay prison represents the barbarism of this era.             US representatives are calling on Biden to take a test to assess his mental abilities or to withdraw from the USA presidential elections  More than 60 deputies from the US Republican Party have signed a letter to President Joe Biden demanding that he take a test to assess his mental abilities, otherwise they urge him to withdraw from the presidential race.  US representatives are calling on Biden to take a test to assess his mental abilities or to withdraw from the presidential electionsPoll: The American majority considers Biden mentally unqualified to run the country "Fox News" said that the letter was signed by 61 Republicans, and it stated: "We invite you to conduct a mental test and publish its results for public opinion, or refrain from trying to re-elect you (as president)."  The letter also indicated that since Biden became president, Republicans have sent three letters with similar requests, but they have all been ignored.  Meanwhile, the deputies clarified in the letter that despite the fact that the US president underwent a physical examination in 2021 and 2023, there is no indication that he was offered any mental tests.  Biden is 80 years old, the oldest president in the history of the United States, and if he runs for office in 2024 and wins, he will be 86 at the end of his term.  The president himself said earlier that he would be honest with American citizens and would announce health problems if he was suffering from them.             US President Joe Biden, We are ready to destroy chemical weapons in the fall  US President Joe Biden announced that the United States is ready to complete the process of destroying its chemical weapons arsenal in the fall of this year.  "We are on our way to completing the destruction of our chemical weapons stockpiles in the fall of this year," said a statement issued by Biden on Friday.  He added, "This is the stage of disarmament, and it responds to the highest standards of transparency and public security."  This comes on the eve of the Fifth Conference of the Observer States of the Chemical Weapons Convention, which will be held in The Hague from 15 to 19 May.  The United States is the last country in the world that has not officially eliminated its chemical weapons arsenal.The Guardian Published for the first time Shocking pictures of torture methods in Guantanamo prison  A detainee in the US Guantanamo prison presented dozens of drawings he wrote with his hand about the methods of torture he was subjected to, as part of what was known as the CIA torture program after September 11.  The drawings presented by "Abu Zubaydah", which numbered 40, were the most comprehensive and detailed accounts of the brutal methods he was subjected to at the hands of the American intelligence services, between 2002 and 2006, according to what was reported by the British newspaper "The Guardian " .  This prompted the United Nations to demand his release, stressing that these methods contradict all international laws.  The pictures written by "Abu Zubaydah" and later sent to one of his lawyers, Professor Mark Denbo, showed horrific acts of violence, sexual and ethnic insults, and prolonged psychological terror to which the detainees were subjected.  The aforementioned lawyer, along with his students at the Center for Policy and Research at Seton Hall University School of Law, collected pictures and testimonies of "Zubaydah" in a comprehensive report on torture in this notorious prison, and other secret detention centers of the intelligence.  Denbo said: "Abu Zubaydah is the first victim of the US torture program, after it was approved by the Department of Justice based on facts that the CIA knew were wrong."  The Guantanamo Bay detention center is located in Guantanamo Bay, and it is a notorious prison. The US authorities began using it in the year 2002, in order to imprison suspected terrorists.  The prison is considered an absolute authority for its presence outside the American borders, in the far southeast of Cuba, 90 miles from Florida.  None of the human rights laws apply to him to the extent that Amnesty International says that the American Guantanamo Bay prison represents the barbarism of this era.             US representatives are calling on Biden to take a test to assess his mental abilities or to withdraw from the USA presidential elections  More than 60 deputies from the US Republican Party have signed a letter to President Joe Biden demanding that he take a test to assess his mental abilities, otherwise they urge him to withdraw from the presidential race.  US representatives are calling on Biden to take a test to assess his mental abilities or to withdraw from the presidential electionsPoll: The American majority considers Biden mentally unqualified to run the country "Fox News" said that the letter was signed by 61 Republicans, and it stated: "We invite you to conduct a mental test and publish its results for public opinion, or refrain from trying to re-elect you (as president)."  The letter also indicated that since Biden became president, Republicans have sent three letters with similar requests, but they have all been ignored.  Meanwhile, the deputies clarified in the letter that despite the fact that the US president underwent a physical examination in 2021 and 2023, there is no indication that he was offered any mental tests.  Biden is 80 years old, the oldest president in the history of the United States, and if he runs for office in 2024 and wins, he will be 86 at the end of his term.  The president himself said earlier that he would be honest with American citizens and would announce health problems if he was suffering from them.             US President Joe Biden, We are ready to destroy chemical weapons in the fall  US President Joe Biden announced that the United States is ready to complete the process of destroying its chemical weapons arsenal in the fall of this year.  "We are on our way to completing the destruction of our chemical weapons stockpiles in the fall of this year," said a statement issued by Biden on Friday.  He added, "This is the stage of disarmament, and it responds to the highest standards of transparency and public security."  This comes on the eve of the Fifth Conference of the Observer States of the Chemical Weapons Convention, which will be held in The Hague from 15 to 19 May.  The United States is the last country in the world that has not officially eliminated its chemical weapons arsenal.

The aforementioned lawyer, along with his students at the Center for Policy and Research at Seton Hall University School of Law, collected pictures and testimonies of "Zubaydah" in a comprehensive report on torture in this notorious prison, and other secret detention centers of the intelligence.

Denbo said: "Abu Zubaydah is the first victim of the US torture program, after it was approved by the Department of Justice based on facts that the CIA knew were wrong."

The Guantanamo Bay detention center is located in Guantanamo Bay, and it is a notorious prison. The US authorities began using it in the year 2002, in order to imprison suspected terrorists.

The prison is considered an absolute authority for its presence outside the American borders, in the far southeast of Cuba, 90 miles from Florida.

None of the human rights laws apply to him to the extent that Amnesty International says that the American Guantanamo Bay prison represents the barbarism of this era.

US representatives are calling on Biden to take a test to assess his mental abilities or to withdraw from the USA presidential elections

More than 60 deputies from the US Republican Party have signed a letter to President Joe Biden demanding that he take a test to assess his mental abilities, otherwise they urge him to withdraw from the presidential race.

US representatives are calling on Biden to take a test to assess his mental abilities or to withdraw from the presidential electionsPoll: The American majority considers Biden mentally unqualified to run the country
"Fox News" said that the letter was signed by 61 Republicans, and it stated: "We invite you to conduct a mental test and publish its results for public opinion, or refrain from trying to re-elect you (as president)."

The letter also indicated that since Biden became president, Republicans have sent three letters with similar requests, but they have all been ignored.

Meanwhile, the deputies clarified in the letter that despite the fact that the US president underwent a physical examination in 2021 and 2023, there is no indication that he was offered any mental tests.

Biden is 80 years old, the oldest president in the history of the United States, and if he runs for office in 2024 and wins, he will be 86 at the end of his term.

The president himself said earlier that he would be honest with American citizens and would announce health problems if he was suffering from them.

US President Joe Biden, We are ready to destroy chemical weapons in the fall

US President Joe Biden announced that the United States is ready to complete the process of destroying its chemical weapons arsenal in the fall of this year.

"We are on our way to completing the destruction of our chemical weapons stockpiles in the fall of this year," said a statement issued by Biden on Friday.

He added, "This is the stage of disarmament, and it responds to the highest standards of transparency and public security."

This comes on the eve of the Fifth Conference of the Observer States of the Chemical Weapons Convention, which will be held in The Hague from 15 to 19 May.

The United States is the last country in the world that has not officially eliminated its chemical weapons arsenal.

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