Doctor mentions the most attractive people to mosquitoes : Roman Ivanov Doctor mentions the most attractive people to mosquitoes : Roman Ivanov

Doctor mentions the most attractive people to mosquitoes : Roman Ivanov

A female doctor Mariana Gotava reveals the unknown properties of bananas   The New York Post : Study identifies one of the main causes of low quality deep sleep   Doctor mentions the most attractive people to mosquitoes : Roman Ivanov

Roman Ivanov, a specialist in dermatology and venereology at the Gemotest laboratory, said in an interview with the Gazeta.Ru portal that mosquitoes do not bite all people, but those who are more attractive to them than others.

In this case, he explained, mosquitoes are attracted by the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled and the smell of the skin.

He recalled that the process of respiration in which a person inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide, which is captured by the sensitive olfactory receptors of insects. The specialist said that the more carbon dioxide a person exhales, the more mosquitoes are attracted to it, noting that he prefers adults over young people, as well as people who are overweight and pregnant.

In addition, mosquitoes are attracted to sweat, or rather the ammonia and lactic acid in it.

The Russian 360 TV channel mentions that scientists from the American "Johns Hopkins" University conducted an experiment in Zambia, during which they discovered that mosquitoes are attracted to the smell of sweat, as well as the high content of carboxylic acids on the skin. But the scent of eucalyptus (popularly called eucalyptus) repels him.

Meanwhile, ecologist Vadim Marinsky, in an interview with the Russian newspaper "Izvestia", recommended using essential oils to protect yourself from mosquitoes and to prevent them from heading into space.

The New York Post : Study identifies one of the main causes of low quality deep sleep

A new study finds that eating fast food that is full of sugar, saturated fats and processed foods leads to poor sleep quality.
When study participants switched to a healthy diet, their sleep quality improved.

"Both a poor diet and lack of sleep increase the risk of many public health conditions," Jonathan Cedernaes, co-author of the study and assistant professor at Uppsala University in Sweden, said in a press release.

Sleep problems have been linked to an increased risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack and stroke, according to the National Institutes of Health.

"No study has ever looked at what happens if we eat an unhealthy diet and then compares it to sleep quality after the same person eats a healthy diet," Cedernes added.

The researchers randomly asked 15 healthy young volunteers to follow a healthy diet, and an unhealthy diet, for one week. Almost every diet contains the same amount of calories.

Pizza, sugary cereal, meatballs and chocolate chips were the mainstays of the unhealthy diet. The healthy diet included unsweetened yogurt, salmon and vegetables.

An unhealthy diet included nearly twice as much fat as a healthy diet (44% vs. 23%), and almost twice as much sugar as well (17% vs. 9%).

Participants' sleep was measured in a sleep lab using polysomnography, which uses a machine that measures brain waves, oxygen levels in the blood, heart rate, breathing and eye movements, according to the Mayo Clinic.

The results, published in the journal Obesity, showed that the men slept roughly the same amount of time and spent the same amount of time in different stages of sleep, regardless of their diet.

But after eating an unhealthy diet, and during the deep resting sleep phase, the amount of slow-wave sleep activity (commonly referred to as deep sleep and includes the third stage of non-rapid eye movement sleep) decreased in the men's brains.

Slow wave brain activity is one measure of restorative sleep, and insulin sensitivity and growth hormone secretion have been linked to slow wave sleep.

"Interestingly, we saw that deep sleep showed less slow-wave activity when participants ate fast food, compared to consuming healthy foods. Essentially, an unhealthy diet led to less deep sleep," Cedernaes explained.

The study authors pointed out that the study contains a set of limitations, including that all participants are physically active young people who do not suffer from obesity or weight problems, in addition to that the sample included only 15 participants, and this requires further research.

A female doctor Mariana Gotava reveals the unknown properties of bananas

Dr. Mariana Gotova, a Russian nutritionist, announced that eating bananas on a regular basis helps combat bad moods.

In an interview with Gazeta.Ru, she points out that bananas are an important source of dietary fiber and a number of vitamins and mineral elements. But the benefits of bananas do not end there.

She says: “The amino acid tryptophan found in bananas regulates the level of serotonin in the body. That is why this neurotransmitter is called the happiness hormone. Because the lack of this hormone in the body leads to poor sleep, bad mood, and even depression. Therefore, eating bananas regularly helps reduce the risk of these unpleasant consequences.

According to her, bananas are rich in vitamin B6, which helps maintain the health of the nervous system.

She says: "Glucose, fructose and sucrose are natural sugars. After eating bananas, they help you feel full and increase your energy level over a long period. For this very reason, bananas are great to start the day or as a snack before the start of exercise."

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