About 360 civilians were killed by airstrikes in four months : Myanmar

About 360 civilians were killed by airstrikes in four months : Myanmar
The New Enlightenment Research Group announced yesterday, May 22, that 359 civilians were killed and 756 injured due to airstrikes by the Military Council Army across the country in the four months from January to April.

He said there were 819 airstrikes in these four months, an average of six airstrikes per day.

The areas where airstrikes were carried out the most were Rakhine State and Sagaing Division, and religious buildings and structures throughout the country. The research group also said that a total of 99 school and hospital buildings were damaged.

The New Enlightenment Research Group said this information was compiled based on statements from grassroots revolution organizations and independent news media.

In the three years of the coup, the highest number of airstrikes by the Military Council Army was in the four months of 2024, and casualties are also increasing, he said.

There has been no response from the military council regarding this statement.

Last April 20, Kayah (Kareni) Province, Loikaw Township, Six civilians, including two children, were killed in an airstrike in Kone Thaywa.

On March 31, Karen State Phapon city Eight civilians, including a monk, were killed in an airstrike on the Shimana Shwe Temple in Ward No. 2.

These are mass deaths due to airstrikes, and now in May there are also cases of mass deaths due to airstrikes.


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