The Muslim World League launches 11 initiatives to mobilize international media support for recognition of the State of Palestine The Muslim World League launches 11 initiatives to mobilize international media support for recognition of the State of Palestine

The Muslim World League launches 11 initiatives to mobilize international media support for recognition of the State of Palestine

The Muslim World League launches 11 initiatives to mobilize international media support for recognition of the State of Palestine
The Muslim World League announced on Monday the launch of 11 initiatives to mobilize international media support for the recognition of the State of Palestine.

In details, the Secretary-General of the Muslim World League, Muhammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa, and the Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Hussein Ibrahim Taha, launched the work of the international forum: “Media and the Palestinian Right: Practical steps in building on initiatives to recognize Palestine,” which was organized “via video communication.” In partnership between the Assistant Secretariat for Institutional Communication and the Union of News Agencies of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation countries.

The forum was opened with the participation of news agencies in Islamic countries, international media federations, heads of international news agencies, and an elite group of diplomatic and intellectual figures.

At the conclusion of its work, the Forum issued a number of recommendations, including 11 executive initiatives that enhance Islamic and international media support to defend the rights of the Palestinian people, including the establishment of an interactive media platform specialized in monitoring and documenting the international and popular movement, with regard to commitment to international resolutions related to the Palestinian issue, and publishing periodic reports. documented on this, and intensifying media publication on the initiatives and announcements issued by various countries around the world regarding the recognition of Palestine, and presenting these announcements in a positive light, and launching an electronic blog for media terminology circulating about everything related to the Palestinian issue and the Palestinian people, identifying the misleading terms that are commonly used in narratives. Media towards the Palestinian issue, and the corresponding precise terminology based on international references.

The “Media People for Peace” initiative was also announced, which includes specialists and activists from around the world, to build a comprehensive media strategy that includes events, campaigns and activities that promote the path of peace and a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue.

It is worth noting that Slovenia officially recognized Palestine as an independent and sovereign state on June 4.

This came after  Spain and Ireland, members of the European Union, in addition to Norway,  officially recognized the State of Palestine, with the aim of progressing towards peace in the Middle East, according to the three countries, while  this step angered Tel Aviv .

Israel stated that it hopes that the Slovenian Parliament will reject the government’s recommendation to recognize the State of Palestine, which is considered a “ reward for Hamas ,” according to Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.


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