Juice Proven Effective as Natural Remedy for Urinary Tract Infections

Juice Proven Effective as Natural Remedy for Urinary Tract Infections

A new study has found that drinking lingonberry juice reduces the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) by 54%.

Researchers have long suspected that bilberry contains compounds that help prevent bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract, reducing the risk of infection.

However, the effectiveness of the juice of these small red fruits was confirmed by a statistical analysis, combining the results of 20 studies involving 3,091 participants around the world.

The study's lead researcher, Dr. Christian Morrow, associate professor of biomedical sciences and medicine at Bond University, said the findings could help reduce the use of antibiotics to treat urinary tract infections.

“More than half of women suffer from UTIs, and antibiotics are the treatment most doctors prescribe,” Dr. Morrow added. “With antibiotic resistance on the rise, it is essential to identify effective non-pharmacological interventions. Cranberry juice is an effective and easy intervention to consider for managing UTIs.”

The study, which involved researchers from the University of Oxford and the University of Helsinki, found that tart bilberry juice reduced the need for antibiotics by 59% and significantly reduced symptoms in those with existing urinary tract infections.

The results were published in detail in the journal European Urology Focus.


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