Deaths by coalition fire in an American airdrop in northwest Syria Deaths by coalition fire in an American airdrop in northwest Syria

Deaths by coalition fire in an American airdrop in northwest Syria

قتلى بنيران التحالف في إنزال جوي أمريكي شمال غربي سوريا استهدفت غارة للتحالف الذي تقوده الولايات المتحدة عبر عملية إنزال جوي، من يشتبه في أنها عناصر تابعة لتنظيم القاعدة الإرهابي في بلدة أطمة في شمالي سوريا، ما أسفر عن سقوط عدة ضحايا من المدنيين.  قال سكان ومصادر عن المعارضة السورية إن غارة للتحالف الذي تقوده الولايات المتحدة استهدفت بعد منتصف ليل الخميس، من يشتبه في أنها عناصر تابع لتنظيم القاعدة الإرهابي في بلدة أطمة في شمال سوريا، عبر عملية إنزال جوي، ما أسفر عن سقوط عدة ضحايا من المدنيين.  وقال أحد السكان إن "ما لا يقلّ عن 12 شخصاً قُتِلوا في الغارة" التي وقعت في منتصف الليل تقريباً في منطقة ذات كثافة سكانية عالية بالقرب من الحدود مع تركيا، حيث يعيش عشرات الآلاف من النازحين السوريين في مخيمات مؤقّتة أو مساكن مكتظة.  وذكرت وسائل إعلام تابعة للمعارضة السورية أنّ قوات الإنزال الجوي انسحبت بالفعل بعد تنفيذها العملية، وأن المروحيات غادرت سماء المنطقة بعد مرور ما يزيد على ساعتين من بدء العملية الأمنية العسكرية.   وأضافت أنّ "الاشتباكات تبعد عن مخيم أطمة للنازحين مسافة تقل عن كيلومتر واحد".  ونقلت مصادر محلية عن السكان أنّ أصوات مكبّرات الصوت الصادرة عن قوات الإنزال طالبت المسلّحين بالاستسلام، وإلّا سيتم تدمير منزل الجهادي المستهدف بالكامل.  ولم ترد تقارير بعد عن مقتل أيّ من عناصر التنظيم، لكن سكاناً قالوا إنهم سمعوا دوي إطلاق كثيف للنيران خلال العملية ما يشير إلى حدوث مقاومة للغارة.  وعلق البنتاغون على العملية قائلاً: "القوات الأميركية الخاصة التابعة للقيادة الأمريكية الوسطى نفذت مساء مهمة خاصة ناجحة لمكافحة الإرهاب في الشمال السوري".  وقال تشارلز ليستر، الزميل والمدير في معهد الشرق الأوسط الذي يتخذ من واشنطن مقراً، إنّه "تحدّث مع سكان قالوا إنّ العملية استمرّت أكثر من ساعتين".  وأضاف: "من الواضح أنهم أرادوا هدفهم، أيّا كان، حيّاً، تبدو هذه أكبر عملية من هذا النوع منذ غارة البغدادي".  وذكر السكان ومصادر المعارضة أن عدة طائرات هليكوبتر هبطت بالقرب من أطمة في محافظة إدلب، آخر جيب كبير تسيطر عليه المعارضة، وسُمِع دويّ انفجارات بالقرب من منزل جهادي أجنبي.  وقال مسؤول من المعارضة، طالباً عدم نشر هويته، إنّ "العنصر الذي يُشتبه في أنّه المستهدَف كان مع أسرته وقت شنّ الغارة".  وقال المسؤول بالمعارضة إنّ "أفراداً من هيئة تحرير الشام، (جماعة المعارضة الرئيسية التي تسيطر على أجزاء من شمال غربي سوريا)، انتشروا بالموقع بعد الغارة".  ولسنوات أطلق الجيش الأمريكي بشكل أساسي طائرات مُسيّرة لقتل كبار عناصر تنظيم القاعدة في شمالي سوريا حيث أصبحت الجماعة نشطة خلال الحرب الدائرة في البلاد منذ أكثر من عشر سنوات.  ويشنّ التحالف بقيادة الولايات المتحدة عمليات تستهدف فلول الخلايا النائمة لتنظيم داعش الإرهابي بوتيرة أكبر في شمال شرق سوريا، الذي تسيطر عليه قوات تابعه لتنظيم YPG/PYD الإرهابي.   Deaths by coalition fire in an American airdrop in northwest Syria  A raid by the US-led coalition targeted, through an airdrop, suspected elements of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda in the town of Atma in northern Syria, which resulted in several civilian casualties.  Residents and sources from the Syrian opposition said that a raid by the US-led coalition targeted, after midnight on Thursday, suspected al-Qaeda terrorist elements in the town of Atma in northern Syria, through an airdrop, which resulted in several civilian casualties.  "At least 12 people were killed in the raid" that took place around midnight in a densely populated area near the border with Turkey, where tens of thousands of displaced Syrians live in makeshift camps or overcrowded housing, one resident said.  Syrian opposition media reported that the airdrop forces had already withdrew after carrying out the operation, and that the helicopters had left the area over two hours after the start of the military security operation.  "The clashes are less than one kilometer away from the Atma camp for the displaced," she added. Local sources quoted residents as saying that the loudspeakers from the landing forces called on the militants to surrender, or else the targeted jihadist's house would be completely destroyed.  There have been no reports yet of the death of any of the organization's operatives, but residents said that they heard heavy gunfire during the operation, indicating that there was resistance to the raid.  The Pentagon commented on the operation, saying: "The US Special Forces of the US Central Command carried out a successful special mission to combat terrorism in northern Syria in the evening."  "He spoke with residents who said the operation lasted more than two hours," said Charles Lister, a fellow and director at the Washington-based Middle East Institute.  He added, "Obviously they wanted their target, whoever it was, alive. This seems to be the largest operation of this kind since the al-Baghdadi raid."  Residents and opposition sources reported that several helicopters landed near Atmeh in Idlib province, the last major rebel-held enclave, and explosions were heard near the home of a foreign jihadist.  An opposition official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that "the suspected target was with his family at the time of the raid."  The opposition official said, "People from Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham, (the main opposition group that controls parts of northwestern Syria), were deployed to the site after the raid."  For years, the US military has primarily launched drones to kill senior al-Qaeda operatives in northern Syria, where the group became active during the country's more than ten-year-old war.  The US-led coalition is carrying out operations targeting the remnants of the sleeper cells of the terrorist organization ISIS with a greater frequency in northeastern Syria, which is controlled by forces affiliated with the terrorist organization YPG/PYD.

Deaths by coalition fire in an American airdrop in northwest Syria

A raid by the US-led coalition targeted, through an airdrop, suspected elements of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda in the town of Atma in northern Syria, which resulted in several civilian casualties.

Residents and sources from the Syrian opposition said that a raid by the US-led coalition targeted, after midnight on Thursday, suspected al-Qaeda terrorist elements in the town of Atma in northern Syria, through an airdrop, which resulted in several civilian casualties.

"At least 12 people were killed in the raid" that took place around midnight in a densely populated area near the border with Turkey, where tens of thousands of displaced Syrians live in makeshift camps or overcrowded housing, one resident said.

Syrian opposition media reported that the airdrop forces had already withdrew after carrying out the operation, and that the helicopters had left the area over two hours after the start of the military security operation.

"The clashes are less than one kilometer away from the Atma camp for the displaced," she added.
Local sources quoted residents as saying that the loudspeakers from the landing forces called on the militants to surrender, or else the targeted jihadist's house would be completely destroyed.

There have been no reports yet of the death of any of the organization's operatives, but residents said that they heard heavy gunfire during the operation, indicating that there was resistance to the raid.

The Pentagon commented on the operation, saying: "The US Special Forces of the US Central Command carried out a successful special mission to combat terrorism in northern Syria in the evening."

"He spoke with residents who said the operation lasted more than two hours," said Charles Lister, a fellow and director at the Washington-based Middle East Institute.

He added, "Obviously they wanted their target, whoever it was, alive. This seems to be the largest operation of this kind since the al-Baghdadi raid."

Residents and opposition sources reported that several helicopters landed near Atmeh in Idlib province, the last major rebel-held enclave, and explosions were heard near the home of a foreign jihadist.

An opposition official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that "the suspected target was with his family at the time of the raid."

The opposition official said, "People from Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham, (the main opposition group that controls parts of northwestern Syria), were deployed to the site after the raid."

For years, the US military has primarily launched drones to kill senior al-Qaeda operatives in northern Syria, where the group became active during the country's more than ten-year-old war.

The US-led coalition is carrying out operations targeting the remnants of the sleeper cells of the terrorist organization ISIS with a greater frequency in northeastern Syria, which is controlled by forces affiliated with the terrorist organization YPG/PYD.

أربيل: وجود "PKK" غير القانوني هو السبب خلف عمليات تركيا العسكرية بالمنطقة صرّح متحدّث باسم الحكومة، عقب اجتماع مجلس الوزراء في حكومة إقليم شمالي العراق، بأنّ "سبب العمليات التركية في المنطقة الوجود غير القانوني لتنظيم PKK الإرهابي".  صرّح المتحدّث باسم حكومة إقليم شمالي العراق جوتيار عادل، بأنّ "عمليات تركيا العسكرية في المنطقة ترجع إلى الوجود غير القانوني لتنظيم PKK الإرهابي".  جاء ذلك في تصريح صحفي الأربعاء، عقب اجتماع مجلس الوزراء في حكومة إقليم شمالي العراق.  وأوضح عادل أنّ تنظيم "PKK" الإرهابي لا يقبل بحكومة وقيادة الإقليم، متسائلاً: "ماذا يفعل PKK في منطقتي سنجار وقنديل؟".  وأضاف أنّ" عمليات تركيا في المنطقة ترجع إلى الوجود غير القانوني لتنظيم PKK الإرهابي فيها".  وأكّد أنّ التنظيم الإرهابي وضع سكان المنطقة في موقف صعب للغاية، مُشيراً إلى أنّ مئات القرى أُخليَت من سكانها وأصبح الناس بلا مأوى.  وذكر أنّ "المنطقة باتت هي المتضررة، وأنّ هدف التنظيم هو إضعاف الإقليم".  يُذكر أنّ "PKK" الإرهابي، يتَّخذ من جبال قنديل شمالي العراق، معقلاً له، وينشط في العديد من المدن والمناطق والأودية، ويشنّ منها هجمات على الداخل التركي.     Erbil: The presence of the illegal "PKK" is the reason behind Turkey's military operations in the region  A government spokesman stated, after the cabinet meeting in the northern Iraqi regional government, that "the reason for the Turkish operations in the region is the illegal presence of the PKK terrorist organization."  "Turkey's military operations in the region are due to the illegal presence of the PKK terrorist organization," said Jutiar Adel, a spokesman for the northern Iraqi regional government.  This came in a press statement on Wednesday, after a meeting of the Council of Ministers in the Northern Regional Government of Iraq.  Adel explained that the "PKK" terrorist organization does not accept the government and leadership of the region, asking: "What is the PKK doing in the Sinjar and Qandil regions?"  He added that "Turkey's operations in the region are due to the illegal presence of the PKK terrorist organization there."  He stressed that the terrorist organization has put the residents of the area in a very difficult situation, noting that hundreds of villages have been evacuated and people have become homeless.  He stated that "the region has become the affected area, and that the organization's goal is to weaken the region."  It is noteworthy that the terrorist "PKK" is based in the Qandil Mountains in northern Iraq, and is active in many cities, regions and valleys, from which it launches attacks on the Turkish interior.

Erbil: The presence of the illegal "PKK" is the reason behind Turkey's military operations in the region

A government spokesman stated, after the cabinet meeting in the northern Iraqi regional government, that "the reason for the Turkish operations in the region is the illegal presence of the PKK terrorist organization."

"Turkey's military operations in the region are due to the illegal presence of the PKK terrorist organization," said Jutiar Adel, a spokesman for the northern Iraqi regional government.

This came in a press statement on Wednesday, after a meeting of the Council of Ministers in the Northern Regional Government of Iraq.

Adel explained that the "PKK" terrorist organization does not accept the government and leadership of the region, asking: "What is the PKK doing in the Sinjar and Qandil regions?"

He added that "Turkey's operations in the region are due to the illegal presence of the PKK terrorist organization there."

He stressed that the terrorist organization has put the residents of the area in a very difficult situation, noting that hundreds of villages have been evacuated and people have become homeless.

He stated that "the region has become the affected area, and that the organization's goal is to weaken the region."

It is noteworthy that the terrorist "PKK" is based in the Qandil Mountains in northern Iraq, and is active in many cities, regions and valleys, from which it launches attacks on the Turkish interior.

فصيل عراقي يعلن مسؤوليته عن إطلاق 4 مسيّرات على الإمارات قال فصيل عراقي إنه "أطلق 4 طائرات مسيرة على دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة فجر الأربعاء، متوعداً باستمرار توجيه الضربات الموجعة إلى أن ترفع الإمارات يدها عن التدخل في شؤون دول المنطقة وفي مقدمتها اليمن والعراق".  أعلن فصيل عراقي مسؤوليته عن إطلاق 4 طائرات مسيرة على دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة فجر الأربعاء.  جاء ذلك في بيان نشر باسم فصيل (ألوية الوعد الصادق.. أبناء الجزيرة العربية) وتداولته حسابات محسوبة على الفصائل العراقية المقربة من إيران على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي.  وقال البيان: "(وجّه) أبناء الجزيرة العربية فجر اليوم ضربة إلى الإمارات بواسطة 4 طائرات مسيرة استهدفت منشآت حيوية في أبو ظبي".  وتوعد الفصيل بتوجيه ضربات أخرى قائلاً: "ستستمر ألوية الوعد الحق بتوجيه الضربات الموجعة إلى أن ترفع (...) الإمارات يدها عن التدخل في شؤون دول المنطقة وفي مقدمتها اليمن والعراق".  وتابع: "ستكون الضربات القادمة أشد وقعاً وإيلاماً".  وهذا الفصيل غير معروف على مستوى العراق وكان بيانه الصادر الأربعاء يحمل الرقم اثنين.  ويعتقد مراقبون أن الفصائل العراقية المقربة من إيران بينها كتائب حزب الله وعصائب أهل الحق تتخفى وراء هذه الأسماء.  والأربعاء، أعلنت وزارة الدفاع الإمارتية في بيان أنها "اعترضت ودمرت 3 طائرات من دون طيار معادية اخترقت المجال الجوي للدولة فجر اليوم بعيداً عن المناطق المأهولة بالسكان".  وأشارت إلى أنها "على أهبة الاستعداد والجاهزية للتعامل مع أي تهديدات، وأنها تتخذ كافة الإجراءات اللازمة لحماية الدولة من أي اعتداء".  ولم تُسَمِّ الوزارة الجهة المعادية، غير أنها سبق وأن أعلنت فجر الاثنين تدمير صاروخ باليستي أطلقته جماعة الحوثي اليمنية تجاه الإمارات من دون خسائر.   An Iraqi faction claims responsibility for launching 4 drones on the UAE  An Iraqi faction said that it "launched 4 drones at the UAE at dawn on Wednesday, vowing to continue directing painful strikes until the UAE lifts its hand from interfering in the affairs of countries in the region, particularly Yemen and Iraq."  An Iraqi faction claimed responsibility for launching 4 drones on the United Arab Emirates at dawn on Wednesday. This came in a statement published on behalf of the faction (The Al-Waad Al-Sadiq Brigades.. Sons of the Arabian Peninsula) and circulated by accounts affiliated with the Iraqi factions close to Iran on social media.  The statement said: "(The people of the Arabian Peninsula at dawn today directed a strike at the Emirates with 4 drones that targeted vital installations in Abu Dhabi."  The faction vowed to inflict further strikes, saying: "The True Promise Brigades will continue to deliver painful strikes until the UAE lifts its hand from interfering in the affairs of the countries of the region, particularly Yemen and Iraq."  He continued, "The coming strikes will be more severe and painful."  This faction is unknown in Iraq, and its statement issued on Wednesday bears the number two.  Observers believe that the Iraqi factions close to Iran, including Kata'ib Hezbollah and Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, are hiding behind these names.  And on Wednesday, the UAE Ministry of Defense announced in a statement that it "intercepted and destroyed 3 hostile drones that penetrated the country's airspace at dawn today, far from populated areas."  It indicated that it "is ready and ready to deal with any threats, and that it takes all necessary measures to protect the state from any aggression."  The ministry did not name the hostile party, but it had previously announced at dawn on Monday the destruction of a ballistic missile launched by the Yemeni Houthi group towards the UAE without losses.

An Iraqi faction claims responsibility for launching 4 drones on the UAE

An Iraqi faction said that it "launched 4 drones at the UAE at dawn on Wednesday, vowing to continue directing painful strikes until the UAE lifts its hand from interfering in the affairs of countries in the region, particularly Yemen and Iraq."

An Iraqi faction claimed responsibility for launching 4 drones on the United Arab Emirates at dawn on Wednesday.
This came in a statement published on behalf of the faction (The Al-Waad Al-Sadiq Brigades.. Sons of the Arabian Peninsula) and circulated by accounts affiliated with the Iraqi factions close to Iran on social media.

The statement said: "(The people of the Arabian Peninsula at dawn today directed a strike at the Emirates with 4 drones that targeted vital installations in Abu Dhabi."

The faction vowed to inflict further strikes, saying: "The True Promise Brigades will continue to deliver painful strikes until the UAE lifts its hand from interfering in the affairs of the countries of the region, particularly Yemen and Iraq."

He continued, "The coming strikes will be more severe and painful."

This faction is unknown in Iraq, and its statement issued on Wednesday bears the number two.

Observers believe that the Iraqi factions close to Iran, including Kata'ib Hezbollah and Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, are hiding behind these names.

And on Wednesday, the UAE Ministry of Defense announced in a statement that it "intercepted and destroyed 3 hostile drones that penetrated the country's airspace at dawn today, far from populated areas."

It indicated that it "is ready and ready to deal with any threats, and that it takes all necessary measures to protect the state from any aggression."

The ministry did not name the hostile party, but it had previously announced at dawn on Monday the destruction of a ballistic missile launched by the Yemeni Houthi group towards the UAE without losses.

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