Global Warming: Scientists preparing to cool the sun to save the world from catastrophe! Global Warming: Scientists preparing to cool the sun to save the world from catastrophe!

Global Warming: Scientists preparing to cool the sun to save the world from catastrophe!

Global Warming: Scientists preparing to cool the sun to save the world from catastrophe! It is also called Solar Radiation Modification (SRM). Solar geoengineering is as simple and effective as it sounds, there are equal risks associated with it.  The only planet in the solar system on which life is found is now moving towards becoming a hot furnace. Our earth is warming very fast. An example of this is the changing seasonal cycle every year. The winter season in North India is not over yet but the temperature has started showing its color. February, which gives a feeling of sweet cold, has lost its beauty these days with a temperature of 27 degrees. This is happening not only in India but in every part of the world. The weather has changed its mood and now people are seeing the rough form of floods, cyclones, storms, snowfall and scorching heat.  Scientists are now on a different path to prevent the heating earth from becoming a furnace of fire. Efforts to curb rising pollution and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide may not save the world from devastation so soon, but how about if the heat coming from the sun is reduced? This sounds quite easy to hear. This is called solar geoengineering. Research has also started on this. What is solar geoengineering, we tell you in detail.  Scientists around the world are working on technology that will do the sun's heat. It is like a balloon of ash from the volcano preventing the sun's rays from falling on the earth. With this, efforts will be made to allow the heat of the sun's rays to come to the earth in small quantities. The research is based on the theory that with the help of planes and large balloons, sulfur will be sprayed in the layer of the Earth's atmosphere, called the stratosphere, so that it will reflect the sun's rays and less heat will reach the earth from the sun. This will help keep the rising temperature of the earth low. It is being said that this process will be successful in giving results very quickly. Instead of shifting the whole world to an ecosystem with carbon fossil-free fuels.  According to a Reuters report, an NGO called Degrees Initiative has made a lot of progress in this direction and has said to fund close to $ 9 million for research on it. It will include researchers from 15 countries including names like Nigeria, Chile and India. It is also called Solar Radiation Modification (SRM). Through this funding, all types of expenditure will be incurred on this process from computer modeling to study. Solar geoengineering is as simple and effective as it sounds, there are equal risks associated with it.  Solar radiation modification can also affect our climate system, the report said. From monsoon to thunderstorms, summers and biodiversity, everything can be affected. This can make the drought of countries like South Africa more severe. Or else rice and maize production in the Philippines could also be badly affected. Universities like Harvard and Oxford are also busy with this research. There has also been opposition in many parts of the world because on the one hand while this research will reduce global warming, on the other hand it is also likely to have a very deep impact on the climate system.

It is also called Solar Radiation Modification (SRM). Solar geoengineering is as simple and effective as it sounds, there are equal risks associated with it.

The only planet in the solar system on which life is found is now moving towards becoming a hot furnace. Our earth is warming very fast. An example of this is the changing seasonal cycle every year. The winter season in North India is not over yet but the temperature has started showing its color. February, which gives a feeling of sweet cold, has lost its beauty these days with a temperature of 27 degrees. This is happening not only in India but in every part of the world. The weather has changed its mood and now people are seeing the rough form of floods, cyclones, storms, snowfall and scorching heat.

Scientists are now on a different path to prevent the heating earth from becoming a furnace of fire. Efforts to curb rising pollution and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide may not save the world from devastation so soon, but how about if the heat coming from the sun is reduced? This sounds quite easy to hear. This is called solar geoengineering. Research has also started on this. What is solar geoengineering, we tell you in detail.

Scientists around the world are working on technology that will do the sun's heat. It is like a balloon of ash from the volcano preventing the sun's rays from falling on the earth. With this, efforts will be made to allow the heat of the sun's rays to come to the earth in small quantities. The research is based on the theory that with the help of planes and large balloons, sulfur will be sprayed in the layer of the Earth's atmosphere, called the stratosphere, so that it will reflect the sun's rays and less heat will reach the earth from the sun. This will help keep the rising temperature of the earth low. It is being said that this process will be successful in giving results very quickly. Instead of shifting the whole world to an ecosystem with carbon fossil-free fuels.

According to a Reuters report, an NGO called Degrees Initiative has made a lot of progress in this direction and has said to fund close to $ 9 million for research on it. It will include researchers from 15 countries including names like Nigeria, Chile and India. It is also called Solar Radiation Modification (SRM). Through this funding, all types of expenditure will be incurred on this process from computer modeling to study. Solar geoengineering is as simple and effective as it sounds, there are equal risks associated with it.

Solar radiation modification can also affect our climate system, the report said. From monsoon to thunderstorms, summers and biodiversity, everything can be affected. This can make the drought of countries like South Africa more severe. Or else rice and maize production in the Philippines could also be badly affected. Universities like Harvard and Oxford are also busy with this research. There has also been opposition in many parts of the world because on the one hand while this research will reduce global warming, on the other hand it is also likely to have a very deep impact on the climate system.

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