Colon cancer i.e. bowel cancer is making the youth a victim! Learn its causes and initial symptoms

Colon cancer i.e. bowel cancer is making the youth a victim! Learn its causes and initial symptoms... Symptoms of Colon Cancer: This intestine plays an important role in digestion and absorption of water and elimination of toxic substances in the body. Although the exact causes of colon cancer have not been known yet, but youth are falling prey to it, which can be a matter of concern.   Colon Cancer Symptoms: Cancer cases are spreading rapidly all over the world at this time. Now the name of colon cancer has also been included in this. Colon cancer, also known as Colorectal (Colon) Cancer, is actually cancer of the large intestine which occurs in the colon ie large intestine. This intestine plays an important role in digestion and absorption of water and elimination of toxic substances in the body. Although the exact causes of colon cancer have not been known yet, but youth are falling prey to it, which can be a matter of concern.  Causes of Colon Cancer  Most cases of colon cancer are considered genetic. Apart from this, due to rapidly increasing obesity, high consumption of red meat, high consumption of smoking and alcohol, high consumption of sugar and changing habits of defecation, cases of colon cancer can also increase. Due to these reasons, healthy cells in the inner part of the rectum start changing and get out of control, due to this change a tumor is formed in the large intestine which is called colon cancer.  What are the early symptoms of colon cancer?   If colon cancer is detected at an early stage, then 90 percent of patients' lives can be saved, but lack of awareness about the symptoms of colon cancer can be the reason for the deaths due to this. That's why its initial signs and symptoms must be known.   1. Having pain in the stomach again and again. If you are having frequent pain in your stomach, or if you are having stomach cramps, then it should be examined.   2. Weight starts falling suddenly due to illness or medicine. 3. Sometimes defecation comes again and again and sometimes constipation occurs suddenly. 4. There is pain in the rectum while passing stool. 5. The color of stool changes. 6. Bleeding while passing stool is also a sign which should not be ignored. 7. Feels tired and restless.

Symptoms of Colon Cancer: This intestine plays an important role in digestion and absorption of water and elimination of toxic substances in the body. Although the exact causes of colon cancer have not been known yet, but youth are falling prey to it, which can be a matter of concern. 

Colon Cancer Symptoms: Cancer cases are spreading rapidly all over the world at this time. Now the name of colon cancer has also been included in this. Colon cancer, also known as Colorectal (Colon) Cancer, is actually cancer of the large intestine which occurs in the colon ie large intestine. This intestine plays an important role in digestion and absorption of water and elimination of toxic substances in the body. Although the exact causes of colon cancer have not been known yet, but youth are falling prey to it, which can be a matter of concern.

Causes of Colon Cancer 
Most cases of colon cancer are considered genetic. Apart from this, due to rapidly increasing obesity, high consumption of red meat, high consumption of smoking and alcohol, high consumption of sugar and changing habits of defecation, cases of colon cancer can also increase. Due to these reasons, healthy cells in the inner part of the rectum start changing and get out of control, due to this change a tumor is formed in the large intestine which is called colon cancer.

What are the early symptoms of colon cancer? 

If colon cancer is detected at an early stage, then 90 percent of patients' lives can be saved, but lack of awareness about the symptoms of colon cancer can be the reason for the deaths due to this. That's why its initial signs and symptoms must be known.

1. Having pain in the stomach again and again. If you are having frequent pain in your stomach, or if you are having stomach cramps, then it should be examined. 

2. Weight starts falling suddenly due to illness or medicine.
3. Sometimes defecation comes again and again and sometimes constipation occurs suddenly.
4. There is pain in the rectum while passing stool.
5. The color of stool changes.
6. Bleeding while passing stool is also a sign which should not be ignored.
7. Feels tired and restless.


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